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Eli (Alpha Team Six, book 1)

Page 7

by Rhonda Lott

  "The head again. Fuck." Eli grumbled, moved first to his knees, then with her help into the passenger seat. "I'm going to be a complete imbecile once this is over." He complained, his words a bit slurry.

  Erin kissed the unbloodied side of his face, heart happy he was there and in one piece. She got in and started the engine. Turned to ask Eli where to go. All of her joy flew out the window. He was out again. A glance behind her and she sunk further into her seat. Kennedy was out as well. Great. She was alone in a strange city with her two protectors in la la land. Erin wanted to scream and so she did. She pounded the steering wheel in frustration.

  There was no time for her to freak out any more than that. The Guardians might be right behind Eli. If they were caught with the men out like they were, they would be easy pickings. Erin drove off with no inkling of where she was going. When things got bad at home, she would go to her parents' house and fill up on the love and togetherness that overflowed from her home. Maybe now was as good a time as any to go home.

  Eli might have something to say about her decision. At this juncture, he had no say in what she should or should not do. The trip from New York to Georgia would take a good thirteen to fourteen hours. Given the fact that she had never in her life driven on the open highway before, she guessed it would take her a heck of a lot longer than that. Eli was bound to wake up before they got home, hopefully. She would have to pull over and take care of them, get some pain relievers and more bandages. Erin pulled out her phone and asked for driving directions to Georgia. Siri's clipped British voice on her phone started giving directions. If only she had an app to tell her what the hell to look for when one was being hunted by a mad radical group of assholes then she would be set. No such luck. She would just have to keep her eyes open for killers everywhere, nurse her protectors and pray they don't die on her, and drive through a good chunk of the northeast in some of the most frightening traffic she had ever experienced in her adult life. That’s what you get for leaving home. Erin tried to relax her body and take calming deep breaths. She could do this. What were the chances anything else could possibly go wrong?


  Eli opened his eyes to hazy morning sunlight and a shooting pain that had his stomach clenching. The last thing he remembered was Erin's shocked expression right before he lost consciousness and the soothing warmth of her hands touched his head or forced him to swallow pills.

  What happened to the night? This didn't feel like a dream. Erin must have driven them all night. Alone, at night, in unfamiliar surroundings, with unfriendly possibly all around, she had taken charge. Damn, he felt like shit. He was supposed to be protecting her and at every turn she was saving his ass. Now, he could throw Kennedy in with his sorry ass. The two of them lost to the world while she drove them, where was she headed?

  "Love?" His voice sounded scratchy.

  Erin, swerved out and then back into her lane with a shriek. "You're awake, thank God. How are you feeling? A bullet grazed your temple. You and the grazing of the bullets. I'm just happy to see you up."

  "That explains the headache from hell which would have been much worse if not for you." Eli reached for her hand then noticed her white knuckled grip on the wheel. "Baby, what's wrong?"

  She gave him a sheepish grin. "Busted. This is my first time driving on the highway and my first time driving such a long distance." She told him as she loosened her grip to brush her bangs back.

  Add another stab to his middle from the sharp blade of guilt. "Forgive me love. I brought you with me to protect you and here you are saving my ass once again."

  Erin opened her mouth to say something when, from the back seat Michael Jackson's Beat It started playing on Kennedy's phone. The man jerked straight up in the seat with a howl of pain as his body let him know that his shoulder still had a hole in it.

  "What the hell." He grumbled, then his eye caught Erin. "Sorry Erin." He pulled his phone from his jacket and swiped the screen. Eli ran a hand down Erin's braid and she let out a breath and a shiver. It ate away at his insides when she reacted to his touch that way. She was all southern belle and ladylike, but he knew the sexy wildcat she turned into in the bedroom. His body responded to the memory of all that beautiful brown soft skin spread out like an offering to him a far less than worthy man. Erin was like a breeze that cooled and soothed his soul. He never wanted to work another case again, but what choice did he have. He would do anything to make sure she was safe.

  "I'm proud of how many new situations you are handling with ease. Believe me when I tell you that I would never have pushed you out on the open road without experience. You've driven all night and nursed the two of us." Eli placed his hand on the back of her neck, massaging her tight muscles. "Every day you amaze me."

  She gave him what he needed. That bright Erin smile, the one that lit up her brown eyes. "I am pretty amazing, right? It just goes to show, what a girl can accomplish when she puts her mind to it. It was nerve wracking at first, but now I'm a pro."

  "So, where are we headed pro?" He asked.

  "Home. I didn't know where else to go." She glanced his way. Her eyes daring him to complain.

  Eli nodded to reassure her. Georgia. Coincidentally she was taking them right where they needed to be, right where Pope was at that very moment. Eli schooled his features and stared at the road. He didn't want to tell Erin his suspicions about her family. It wasn't a far gone conclusion that Pope was planning on doing something to her family. Eli just had that gut feeling. The feeling that kept him alive throughout his military career and his days as an agent.

  Kennedy finished his call, with effort he sat forward and placed his hand on Erin's shoulder. "Thank you for patching me up and getting us out of there."

  Erin placed her hand over Kennedy's. "Of course. You were messing up the back seat." She teased.

  Kennedy had better move his damn hand, was all Eli could think. He gave his teammate a pointed look and Kennedy lifted both hands in the "Don't kill me" gesture.

  "That was Jackson, it seems that when he couldn't reach either of us, he called Erin. The team hopped a private jet, thanks to Romero, and they will meet us in Wayland."

  Eli grinned. Jayce Romero had more money than God. He had a falling out with his wealthy family and joined the service. "Good, we have to make a plan ASAP."

  "I thought you would be put out that I decided to head home. I mean this might put a dent in your plans. Wayland is not New York. How can you possibly track Pope from there?" She worked her bottom lip and looked his way.

  Eli was close to telling her that Pope was in Wayland, but he didn't know that for sure and he didn't need to worry her for nothing.

  "You're our savior, pretty lady." Kennedy chimed in. "I for one would let you drive me anywhere you want."

  "I for one will black the hell out of your eye if you don't knock that shit out right now." Eli warned.

  Kennedy and Erin just laughed.

  Erin pulled over at a rest stop, they all got out and stretched their legs. Even though his head wasn't pounding, it still pained him to move around too much. He cast a glance at a directional sign that showed Wayland one hundred and fifty miles ahead. That feeling in his gut intensified. In less than two hundred miles Erin would be back in her safe place, her home. Would Pope be there? Would she loose the people she loved because of him? The urge to strap her in the car and drive away. Go anywhere but Wayland Georgia.


  The place was amazing. Eli's house stood on acres of land. Most of it was forested but a pristine white fence surrounded a huge pasture. Erin had to suck in her breath when they rolled down the long driveway to the two story newly constructed house. She did a double take at the beautiful home and then back at Eli.

  Kennedy gave a long whistled, gawking. "Damn, lead dog. This place is huge."

  "WTF? Why were you living in that old barn if you had a place like this only a few minutes out of town?" Erin asked.

  Eli got out of the car, jogged around to
her side and pulled her out. "I was hiding, remember. My life was unsettled and Alpha Team was being hunted the guardians. Didn't want to them here, love. This is where I plan to truly retire here, live out the rest of my life."

  "You are too young to talk about retiring." She gave him a sideways glance.

  "Ha, I'm putting all the dangerous work behind me. I'm going to be that country boy I told you about. Write a couple of books a year, maybe get a few horses, and raise a few kids, right here." He told her. The mention of her being in that picture went unsaid, but she knew he was thinking it.

  As a matter of fact, she could see herself here. She could start a vegetable garden out back and play with their kids in the large backyard while Eli worked on his manuscripts. The sound of another car pulling into the driveway broke her out of her fantasy. A dark green SUV and a Jeep came to a stop behind the car and the remaining members of Eli's team climbed out. They all looked, travel weary and disheveled.

  Erin found herself between big burly bodies as they all pushed inside the house. Honey brown hard wood ran throughout the downstairs, to the right of the doorway was a spacious living area with enormous floor to ceiling windows. The beauty of the surrounding woods seemed to flow into the room, giving the living room a tree house feel. There were a couple of sectionals and arm chairs all facing, a massive stone fireplace. Erin fell in love instantly. Eli's office stood to the left of the door, neat bookshelves lined the wall, full of books. Across from the entry way was a wide stairway leading to the second story.

  "Grab a beer or whatever you want." Eli told the men, gesturing to the kitchen. He took her hand. "Would you like to rest a bit?"

  "God, yes." Erin smiled. A thoughtful man.

  "You can rest, take a shower then come back down. The guys and I have to make plans. I know you're a part of that as well, but you're exhausted from driving. We can catch you up later." He said as they walked the stairs.

  Eli ushered her into the bedroom. Erin was exhausted for sure. She gazed longingly at the big bed, it looked soft and inviting. At that moment, her mind was occupied with other thought to think about getting in the bed.

  She would have asked him to take her to her apartment if he didn't have the meeting. She needed to see Brandy and her folks. She hadn't even called Brandy everyday as she promised. They would all be worried sick. Eli would insist that she wait until he could take her to see her family. Erin couldn't wait. Since entering Georgia, she'd been trying to reach her parents and sister, but they weren't answering.

  "I'll just rest then. You can fill me in on stuff later." She said, hating to lie to him.

  Eli pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His taste exploded within her, minty, cool, and hers. When he made to pull away, she pressed in for more. Her fingers gripped his neck and his hair, holding him where she needed him. Guilt and desire clashed in her.

  He groaned and stepped back. "You make it hard for me to leave. Be in that bed when I get done and I'll eat your pussy for an hour." He swatted her bottom, gave her another hard kiss, then left.

  Erin listened to the sound of his boots descending the stairs. Happy pussy or a happy family, Erin sighed. What a girl was willing to give up for the ones she loved.

  Erin gave the bedroom, which was spacious and done up in tranquil blue walls and tan accents, a brief sorrowful once over, She would not be there when Eli returned. With a twist of her hand the door soundlessly opened. Deep male voices drifted up from the office. Now was her chance. The keys to the Ford in her pocket, Erin quickly and silently moved down the stairs. In seconds she was behind the wheel and the house was in her rearview. The entire drive to Brandy's apartment, Erin tried to get in touch with her sister. The phone kept sending her to voicemail.

  Erin burst through the apartment door ready to give her sister shit for not picking up. She came to an abrupt halt at the empty space. Brandy couldn't be at the Diner. It was Sunday and they were closed on the Lord's Day as was any self-respecting southern establishment. Then where the hell was she. Erin searched the place and found a few of her sister's clothes missing. In the kitchen, she found a note. "Gone Fishing."

  Erin crumpled the note and with a closed mouth scream of frustration and threw it in the trash. Brandy was a nature fanatic and Gone Fishing was their code for going to the family cabin for some R&R. Her sister was probably hiking or some such nonsense. Brandy would get back to her once she got back to the cabin where there was better reception.

  A sense of relief filtered through her as she made her way to her parents' house. Some nonsense, more than likely, was keeping them from answering her calls. Nonchalantly, Erin used her key and entered their family home. The sun was setting and it didn't strike her strange, at first that the lights were all off. Her mother religiously turned on the living room lamps at dusk. One step into the dark silent house and the cold fingers of dread slithered down her spine. A dark shadow ghosted across the kitchen doorway. The man didn't look in her direction so intent on rummaging through the kitchen drawers.

  Frozen in place, her mind picturing her mom and dad tied up or worse somewhere in the house. What to do? Should she leave, call the cops? Before her tortured mind could come up with a plan, a strong arm wrapped around her belly and a hand covered her mouth muting her frightened screams.


  The moment Eli noticed Erin was not in his the house, felt the greatest jolt of terror he'd ever experienced in his life. Then his cell phone chimed in a call from an unknown number. His body went from shock and worry into blind fury. Pope had called him directly. Erin's family was being held hostage and would be exchanged for the team. His five men were locked and loaded ready to meet the mad man and his goon's head on. Eli had to force them to cool their heels. Pope had to have every road scoped out and his soldiers at the ready. The last thing they wanted to do was to put Erin's folks in more danger.

  He rolled into the older part of Wayland. The neighborhood was not far off the main drag and made up of older squat bungalow style houses. The manicured lawns flowed one into the other. Kennedy's procured, rusty red ford, was sitting in front of a yellow house with dark windows. Erin was in there. At least he hoped she was inside and not snatched by The Guardians. If that was the case, Pope would have been more than happy to let him know. She was safe and sound in that house. He told himself that over and over as he pulled his revolver and moved to the front window. Fuck, he couldn't see a damn thing. Without hesitation he pushed open the cracked front door.

  She stood in the entryway, still as a statue, not even noticing his entrance. A body moved across the opening of the kitchen. He wrapped his arm around her, and put a hand over her mouth. Erin sucked in a breath, twisting her body wildly. She fought his hold. Her elbow connecting into his right side at the same time, her boot came back and into his shin.

  Eli pulled her in tighter to his chest and whispered, "Be still, it's me."

  Erin froze, then turned and wrapped herself around him. She let him go quickly and pointed towards the kitchen, her eyes wide. She must be thinking that something tragic had happened to her mom and dad. She would be right. They weren't in the house, but they were in a hell of a lot of trouble. Not for long, that was the silent promise he made to himself and to Erin.

  Reversing their position, Eli pinned her to the wall. He held up his hand, showing her he meant for her to stay where she was, then cautiously approached the kitchen. Obviously this guy had been left behind on the off chance the Erin would come home. He was sitting at the kitchen table, extremely close cut blond head down, cell phone in hand, causal as you please, surfing the web. This was almost too easy.

  As Eli's body tensed to rush into the kitchen, when another man entered through the back door. This guy was bigger, loaded to the teeth with weapons, his face shadowed by the baseball cap. Eli flattened himself against the wall. Two against one was a bit trickier, but he could handle them. Hopefully, no one else was outside. Eli took a step into the room. He shot the newcomer center mass, then turned his
gun on the goon at the table.

  The chair screeched as slacker jumped to his feet. The wild look in the man's eyes told Eli that the dude wasn't a trained hit man, just a lackey left behind to wait in hopes of getting Erin.

  "Don't shoot." He cried, inching backwards towards the door.

  "Don’t make me." Eli moved to the downed body and kicked his weapons away, on the off chance big guy wasn't dead. Right then, he didn't have time to check for signs of life. Before Eli could instruct him to put his hands behind his back, slacker Nazi rushed him. Air wheezed out when the man landed a punch to his gut that almost sent him to his knees. Eli spun plowing one fist into the man's ribs at the same time hooking his other hand around his neck, holding slacker in place. A few more punches to the midsection, slacker went limp. Eli used the butt of his gun on his temple and slacker was out cold, Eli dropped him.

  Erin appeared in the doorway. Eli opened his mouth to tell her to stay back when the once dead male jumped up and grabbed her by her thick braid and pulled her in front of him a blade in his bloody fist.

  "Toss the gun or I'll stick the bitch." The goon threatened.

  Eli's choices were bad and worse. He could try for a head shot, but couldn't with Erin in the way. Eli tossed his weapon, it skidded across the tiles with a sickening scraping sound. The big guy was obviously hurting. He held his hand loosely at Erin's middle and the hand holding the knife to her throat dripped with blood.

  "Ok, what now buddy? You know that I can't let you take her to Pope. The asshole is going to jail for kidnapping and more. Let her go and I'll make sure you don't spend the rest of your life in jail with him." Eli talked as he inched himself closer to the man, essentially blocking the back door.

  "For a smart FBI agent, you're pretty damn dumb. Pope wants you and the dicks you work with to suffer for getting him kicked out of the bureau but he's not the one that has a hard on to kill you." Big guy cackled a dry laugh. "The man behind all this isn't about turning the screws on you, hell no, he wants you six feet under and this pretty morsel will be under him tonight, screaming."


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