Sans Regret

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Sans Regret Page 16

by Alice Gaynes

  “I’ll take that as your consent,” he said.

  “As if you give me any choice.”

  “You resisted me long enough to make me mad with lust.” He pressed himself against her buttocks so that she could feel his erection. She knew what he could do with his cock now and moisture pooled at her thighs. Her body making itself ready for him. Traitor.

  He moved his hand to the other breast and teased that nipple as well. The flesh seemed to swell and fill his hand. Her body responded to him as it had the night before. Just the thought of taking him inside her and riding his cock sent heat spiraling through her.

  He stroked her ribs next, his fingers traveling in lazy circles over her middle. Gentle but incendiary.

  She stretched. Only the luckiest of women awoke this way every morning. After what she’d lived through, she could give herself this. She’d earned it.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he murmured as his hand moved over her belly. “Some day I want to kiss every inch of it.”

  “That would take some time.”

  “I’m in no hurry.” His hand traveled lower, closer to her sex where she’d grown wet for him. “I could devour you whole. Would you like that?”

  “In the bright light of day?”

  “All the better to watch your skin flush and your nether lips swell with arousal.”

  “I’m sure they don’t do that.” What a lie. They felt swollen now and overly sensitive.

  “I’ll show you some other time,” he said. “Today I think I’ll teach you what my fingers can do while my cock moves inside you.”

  Oh dear heaven what an image. His hardness stretching her while his fingers teased her clit. Yes indeed she’d earned this.

  His hand found its destination finally and squeezed her pussy. She gasped at the touch—so intimate and yet not enough. Still not rubbing where she most wanted it, he slipped a finger inside her.

  “So wet and sweet,” he murmured. “You’re ready.”

  “Are you going to do anything besides talk?”

  He chuckled. “Brazen little thing aren’t you?”

  “Isn’t that what you want?”

  “I want to be inside you.” With that, he lifted her leg and guided it over his hip, spreading her wide. In that position, the head of his member pressed against her pussy. Slowly he guided himself inside her but only for an inch or so. “Is this what you want?”

  “Oh yes.” She could lie but he wouldn’t believe her. Or worse he might believe her and stop. She needed more of him not less. The whole length and girth of his shaft, the tip gliding against her as deep as it could go.

  He pressed farther into her, stretching her to accept more. “Damn but you make me hot.”

  “Don’t stop. Please.”

  “With other women I have some control. With you…” With one thrust he entered her completely. He lay there for a moment, his whole body stiff behind hers. “You drive me mad.”

  She did her best not to tremble but the feelings were too intense. Lying in his arms, impaled on his huge cock, she could finally understand what Abby had tried to tell her for years. Women were sensual creatures with the same appetites men had—maybe even more. Sex with the right man was a drug and she’d already become addicted.

  Then his hand went roaming again through the curls that covered her sex and then to the place that ached for his touch.

  When he stroked her, a whole new set of sensations coursed through her. Liquid fire that raced through her veins to every part of her. She cried out in shock and pleasure.

  “That’s it, my love,” he whispered. “Croon to me.”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Will you spend?”

  “Yes, yes. Oh please.”

  “Then I’ll come with you.” He moved inside her then. Deep, even thrusts as his fingers continued to tease her clit.

  After last night, nothing he could do to her should have surprised her but this was more than she could have imagined. To have his cock plunging into her while he teased her most sensitive spot, drove her past any hope of resisting. Higher and higher, she soared, struggling for breath. She shut her eyes, concentrating her entire being on the pleasure. Aching, burning, throbbing. Almost more than she could bear and yet she couldn’t bear for it to end.

  He went even harder now and faster. His fingers tormented her while his cock seemed to swell until massive. She fought the inevitable, drawing out the pleasure, but finally it took her past endurance. He continued, thrusting and stroking, while the climax built inside her. Higher and tighter.

  “Now, my darling,” he cried. “Come with me.”

  She did. Something deep inside her burst open and her whole body convulsed. Her sex gripped his in a series of contractions and her moans turned to shouts.

  He thrust into her as his own roar built. He held her to him as he went rigid, emptying his seed into her. The moment lasted for several heartbeats as they reached the pinnacle and hung there. When it was finally over, he whimpered and held her limp body against the warmth of his own.

  “You make me wild,” he whispered after a bit. “No other woman has ever ruled my cock as you do.”

  A warmth settled around her heart at his words. She’d planned to make him feel this way of course. But the tenderness went far beyond anything she’d expected. She’d pleased him just as he’d pleased her. It was a victory but a risk as well. He’d won her just as much as she’d won him.

  They lay in silence for a while—the only sounds birdcalls from outside and the ticking of the clock in the sitting room. The morning was near half over and yet, getting up held no appeal. Who would willingly leave such a fine bed with such a fine lover in it?

  The outside world ended that mood though as a pounding started on the door from the sitting room to the hallway.

  “Lord Wortham,” Abby called. She pounded on the door again. “For heaven’s sake, Wortham, wake up.”

  “Damn,” he muttered. “What does she want?”

  “You, I imagine,” Caroline answered.

  “Open this door,” Abby called, knocking again. “It’s important.”

  “Go away,” he shouted.

  “Either open this door or I’m coming in on my own,” Abby yelled back.

  “Oh all right,” he called. ““Give me a moment.”

  He threw back the covers, got out of bed and found his robe on the floor. Abby knocked again and he slid the garment over his shoulders. “I’m coming damn it.”

  He went into the sitting room and Caroline sat up, pulling the covers up to her neck.

  “What in bloody hell is wrong with you?” his voice came from the other room.

  “Caroline,” Abby answered. “I can’t find her anywhere. I think she went out in that storm last night.”

  “Yes she did,” he answered.

  “Oh dear God.”

  “I brought her back inside,” he said. “She’s here.”

  “I must see her,” Abby said.

  “Calm down. She’s fine.”

  “I’ll see that for myself, thank you.” Abby appeared at the bedroom door and stopped dead in her tracks. She spotted Caroline and her eyes grew wide. “Oh…I…I’m sorry.”

  Wortham entered the room and crossed his arms over his chest. One of his eyebrows went up and he gave Abby an insolent smile. “I told you she was fine.”

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I had no idea.” Abby’d gone from surprise into outright stammering. “I was worried.”

  “Isn’t this what you planned?” he asked.

  “No! That is…yes…” Abby’s voice trailed off and her cheeks turned red.

  “The two of you can put your heads together and plot your next steps. I’m going to wash up.” With that he went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

  Abby stopped blushing and a smile spread over her face. “Oh my.”

  Caroline clutched the covers to her chest. “As you can see I’m fine.”

  “You’re more than fine.” Abb
y walked to the bed and sat down on the edge. “You’re positively glowing.”

  “We both planned for this to happen. You shouldn’t be surprised.”

  Abby’s smile turned into a broad grin. “It looks as if my little performance did the trick. What did he do when he found you afterward?”

  “What do you think he did?”

  “He gave you a jolly good tumble,” Abby answered.

  “Tumble, yes. Jolly good, no. We’d pushed him past jolly good.”

  “What a magnificent beast.” Abby did a little shiver of what appeared to be delight. “It must have been something to see.”

  “I didn’t watch.”

  Abby leaned forward, that all-knowing look in her eyes. “And that drove you out into the rain.”

  Caroline shrugged. “I’ve always liked storms.”

  Abby looked around and her gaze settled on the towels Wortham had used to dry Caroline. “After everything you’d put him through, he went out to get you.”

  “And that’s the end of the story.”

  “Oh no. Not by half. That’s where the real story begins, isn’t it?”

  Caroline didn’t answer. How could she explain to someone else a tangle of events she hardly understood herself? The man made no sense and her response to him was even more nonsensical.

  “What did he do when he brought you back here?” Abby asked. Her voice was soft but enough steel lay under her words to show she’d have an answer. An honest answer.

  “He bathed me.” Caroline tipped her head toward the towels. “He dried me with those.”

  “And then he made love to you. Truly made love.”

  She wouldn’t answer that either but just lowered her eyes.

  Abby lifted Caroline’s chin and stared into her eyes. “He did it again just now, didn’t he?”

  “If you must know, yes.”

  “Oh my.” Abby’s voice dropped an octave. “Is he really that good?”

  Caroline bit her lip and nodded.

  Abby fanned herself with her hand. “Oh my, my, my.”

  “Don’t work yourself into a swoon. I’ve seduced him that’s all.”

  “I don’t swoon,” Abby said. “And it looks to me as if you’ve seduced each other. You’ve fallen in love, haven’t you?”

  “Keep your voice down. He’s probably listening at the door.”

  Abby leaned closer. “You have, haven’t you?”

  “He has. At least he says he has.”

  Abby’s expression grew outright beatific at that. “Oh but that’s wonderful.”

  “Exactly as I’d planned.”

  Abby’s smile faltered. “You can’t mean to continue on that path.”

  “Of course. Nothing’s changed.”

  “Oh, Caroline. Love changes everything.”

  “I didn’t say I love him. I’m not sure I know how to love.”

  “You love him. It’s written all over you.”

  “Shhh. He’ll hear.”

  “If you don’t love him, it doesn’t matter what he hears.” Abby put her fists on her hips and scowled. “I started out hating him, just as you did. But I’ve watched him over the time he’s been here. I’ve watched the two of you together. You have a chance at something wonderful. Don’t throw it away.”

  Imagine. A woman in Abby’s profession with a romantic streak. He’d charmed Abby into thinking of him as a rescuing knight. He’d managed the same trick with Caroline, or almost. Thank heaven the sight of a prostitute talking about love had brought Caroline back to reality. Abby could live in a dream world if she wanted. Caroline couldn’t afford to.

  “You haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said,” Abby said.

  “I’ve listened. You aren’t making any sense.”

  “I never thought you pigheaded but it seems you’re determined to make the biggest mistake of your life.” Abby waved a finger under Caroline’s nose. “Well I’m not going to let you do it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wortham wasn’t excessively proud of the way he’d made love to Caroline the first time but she’d incited him to it and he’d made a better job of it later. He didn’t deserve her brother’s scorn. Truth be told, nothing seemed quite right in this family and the bastard had glowered at him all day. By late afternoon he’d had a bellyful of the man’s disapproval. At dinner he damn well wasn’t going to tolerate any more.

  He set aside his claret, leaned back in his chair and glowered right back at Robert Durant. “All right let’s have it.”

  The man’s eyebrow rose. “It?”

  “You’ve been looking daggers at me all day. Explain yourself.”

  Caroline cleared her throat. “Abby maybe you’d better leave us alone.”

  “Not on your life.” The redhead chuckled. “I’d like to see Robert explain himself too.”

  Durant glowered at her too. He might have been the bloody prince consort with all his disapproval. At least a prostitute filled a useful function in society.

  Caroline folded her napkin and set it next to her plate. “Don’t goad them on, Abby.”

  “I don’t think they need goading.” Abby lifted her glass toward Wortham in a toast. “Do you?”

  The woman was clearly enjoying herself, perhaps at Durant’s expense. She had the upper hand there, as Durant squirmed every time she came into the room.

  Until this morning, she’d joined in their plan for revenge against him—revenge for something he hadn’t done. Ever since she’d seen Caroline in his bed, Abby’d come around. Most likely she’d noticed how satisfied Caroline looked and decided he wasn’t such a bad sort after all. Whatever the reason, he’d take her help if offered. She might just be offering it now.

  “You’re full of scorn aren’t you, Durant?” he asked. “None of us meet your standards do we?”

  The man’s eyes narrowed. “The upper classes make their own rules. Only we common folk have to have a shred of decency.”

  Abby laughed—a very unladylike hoot.

  “I’m indecent, am I?” Wortham said.

  “You’ve bedded both my sisters now haven’t you?”

  “Robert!” Caroline said.

  The man looked over at his sister. “Don’t tell me he didn’t frig you last night.”

  “Not only last night but this morning as well,” Wortham said.

  “Oh dear God.” Caroline looked up at the ceiling in exasperation.

  “I ought to take you outside and thrash you,” Durant said.

  “I invite you to try. You’re younger than I am but I’m bigger. And then you’re so much more decent.”

  “That caps it.” Durant rose from his seat almost knocking the chair over and walked around the table. By the time he got to Wortham he’d also risen and stared down at him.

  Durant stuck his nose up into Wortham’s face. “Let’s step outside.”

  “Happy to oblige.”

  Caroline stepped between them, pushing them apart. “Stop it both of you.”

  “I never should have agreed to help you with this bastard,” Durant said. “I should have shot him when he seduced Cecily. Now he’s done the same to you.”

  “I never knew your precious Cecily or whatever her name is,” Wortham said.

  Durant raised his fist. “For God’s sake, listen to him.”

  “It’s the truth.” He tried to push Caroline aside but she stood her ground. “I only met her that once in your father’s sitting room.”


  “And as to this sister, she’d been a married woman. No lost virtue there. And may I remind you she kidnapped me not the other way around.”

  “Good now,” Caroline said. “We’ve had that all out. Let’s sit back down.”

  “Listen to how he talks about you,” Durant said.

  “It’s true isn’t it?” Abby tossed in from where she sat enjoying herself thoroughly from the looks of her.

  “She brought me here—with your help I might add—so that she could provoke me in the most
salacious ways she could think of.” He glared at Caroline. “Admit it.”

  “Are you calling my sister a harlot?” Durant demanded.

  “If she’s a harlot it’s your family’s doing not mine,” he said.

  “Very well, I’m a harlot,” she said. “Now let’s all sit…back…down.”

  “Caroline I’m sorry. That didn’t come out right.” Damn his quick temper and even quicker tongue. He loved her and she had to know it. He’d make this up to her.

  Abby appeared at Caroline’s side and put a hand on her arm. “Why don’t we harlots go find some brandy and let these two have at it? Maybe they’ll pummel each other into a bloody mess. Won’t that be fun?”

  “Brandy it is,” Caroline answered. “I don’t care what they do.”

  The two women left the room. Durant glared at Wortham a bit more before the wind went out of him and he sank into the nearest chair. “By God I wish I had thrashed you.”

  “You wouldn’t be the first. Only this time I’m in the right. I’m in love with your sister, you ass. Surely even you can see that.”

  “You have an odd way of showing love.”

  “I don’t think you’re in any position to criticize.”

  Durant’s head snapped up. “What in hell does that mean?”

  “Your whole family seems like a nest of vipers. Cecily appears to have made up stories about me. I have no idea to what end.”

  “She doesn’t lie.”

  “Your parents sold Caroline into sexual bondage with an old lecher.”

  Anger flashed in Durant’s eyes again. “They couldn’t know what he was like.”

  “They knew he was old. They knew she didn’t fancy him. She was a quiet, sensitive girl. She deserved better.”

  “You didn’t know her then.”

  “And then there’s you.” Wortham rested a fist on the table and leaned toward Durant. “Where were you all the years she was married?”

  Durant twisted in his seat and avoided eye contact. Clearly he’d asked himself the same question.

  “You fancy yourself her champion now,” Wortham continued. “Where were you when she really needed you?”


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