Sans Regret
Page 18
“You’re so damn big, you know,” she said softly. “You make me feel helpless.”
“You’re anything but that. I’ve never met anyone else—man or woman—who exercised control the way you do.”
“I don’t.”
“You control yourself and your brother. You control Abby most of the time. You have complete control over me.”
She laughed as if she’d never heard anything so ridiculous. “No one could control you.”
“Are you sure?”
She rolled onto her back and looked at him.
“Would you like to control me?” he asked. “Do anything you want to me?”
Her eyes narrowed. “What are you suggesting?”
“If I’m not mistaken, that couch has restraints at the corners.”
“You’d let me tie you down?”
“Why not?” He shrugged. “It might be fun.”
“You have an odd idea of fun.”
“Are you afraid?”
She stiffened. “Of course not.”
“Well then?”
She slid out of bed and walked to the couch. He got a good view of her buttocks as she moved. Firm and rounded, they were enough to make a grown man beg. When she turned, he could gaze at her hips and breasts. Soft flesh of generous proportions. Every inch of her shouted woman, especially the mound between her legs and the curling hairs that adorned it. Later on he’d run his hands and mouth over every part of her. He’d sink his cock into her wetness. Right now he’d surrender to her whims in order to win her trust.
He stood and let her study his body. She focused briefly on his cock where it stood, fully engorged, straight out from his body. She’d taken it inside her a few times now and had to know he’d never use it to hurt her. After a moment her gaze traveled over his belly to his chest and then up to his face.
Was she judging him or merely curious? Would she find him wanting in some way? Would his size frighten her? He couldn’t tell but could only stand and let her take in his every detail.
Finally she smiled and he let out the breath he’d been holding.
“You’re satisfied, I take it,” he said.
“Can a man be beautiful?”
“I hope I am to you.”
She gave him a wicked smile. “Get on the couch.”
“As my lady commands.” He obeyed, walking to the couch and stretching out on the cushions. She circled him and fastened first his ankles and then his wrists with the restraints. Silky and smooth against his skin, they held him securely enough that he could hardly move. He lay closer to the hearth here and the fire warmed his skin to the point of feeling hot on one side.
She stepped back and studied him. “How do you know I won’t use the whips or knives?”
“I don’t.” The idea had occurred to him but she did love him whether she’d admit it or not. Her husband hadn’t perverted her as badly as she thought he had either. She’d admit that too before he was done with her.
“Men are so proud of their rods,” she said. “I could do terrible damage to yours.”
“You won’t. You enjoy it too much.”
“You’re right, but I will master it.” She walked to him and gripped his shaft with her fingers. Her touch always set him off. Lying here, unable to resist anything she cared to do to him only made the contact even more intense.
She stroked his length. “No matter what I do, you won’t climax until I give you permission.”
“You can beg if you want. In fact I hope you will.”
He could beg right now while her fingers worked the length of his cock and her thumb toyed with the tip. She made him as randy as a schoolboy and it wouldn’t take much more to push him to the breaking point.
“Shouldn’t I do something to give you pleasure?” he asked. Perhaps if he could get her to think about her own body, she’d let go of his aching rod and he could gain control over his arousal.
It worked. She released his cock, raised her hands to her breasts and squeezed them. The flesh seemed to swell above her palms, making an erotic image he’d never get out of his brain.
“These are so sensitive.” She circled the nipples with her thumbs. “Especially here.”
“They want my mouth.” God only knew his mouth wanted them.
“I think you’re right.”
She bent and lifted one breast to his face. He took the peak into his mouth and sucked. The nipple hardened against his tongue and her breath caught with surprise and pleasure.
“You do that so well,” she crooned.
To answer with words, he’d have to remove his lips from her breast, so he answered with his caress, instead. He sucked harder, pulling her deeper into his mouth.
“Oh yes, that’s good,” she cried. “Do the other.”
He released her breast and she gave him the second one. He’d started this as a way to build her trust and out of some curiosity of his own. He hadn’t expected to discover it so damn exciting. Her total control had freed her to express her own wanton nature and nothing provoked his own lust more than a woman who wanted him. Then too she’d ordered him not to climax. With all the perversity of the human body, his craved nothing more than to erupt into orgasm, sending a spray of semen over her, the couch and anything else nearby. He would beg before she’d finished with him. Pray God she’d grant permission, because he would come with or without it.
She moaned as he continued sucking her breast and using his tongue to push the nipple against the roof of his mouth. She’d started doing something else. He couldn’t see what but her body moved. Not much but definite, rhythmic movement.
“I’ve grown so hot between my legs,” she whispered.
Sweet heaven, was she touching herself? He moved his mouth from her breast. “Let me see.”
The movement stopped. “I’m in control, remember?”
“Then don’t let me see. I don’t want to watch.” The biggest lie he’d ever told but the Almighty would forgive him.
“Then I order you to watch.” She stood beside the couch, her legs parted, and placed her hand over her sex. When she parted her lips and stroked herself, her whole body trembled.
What a sight she made, standing there backlit by the fire. She might have been Venus herself or a siren sent to drive him mad. His cock throbbed, eager to push her hand aside and bury itself inside her.
Her eyes closed halfway as she slid a finger into her pussy and then used it to stroke her clit. She gasped. “I should make you kiss this too.”
Ye gods, he’d give his soul to do exactly that. “No, please.”
“I will. You’ll suck on it until I say you may stop.”
He lay back and waited while she climbed onto the couch. After reaching a leg over him, she scrambled upward until her pussy hovered only inches from his face. The perfume of a highly aroused woman washed over his face as she lowered her pussy to his mouth.
Heaven surely lay between her legs. If he couldn’t put his poor cock here, at least his mouth would enjoy the bliss. And perhaps if he drove her wild enough, she’d beg him to couple with her. His lips found her clitoris and he took it into his mouth.
“Oh God,” she cried. “Yes that. Please.”
If his hands were free, he could place his palms over her buttocks and bring her hard against his face to finish her quickly. Tied up, he could only press upward and continue teasing with his lips and tongue. He did that until she squirmed against him, her moans of delight building.
“I’m going to—” she gasped. “I can’t fight it.”
Yes! Sweet victory. She’d end his misery now. She’d release him and let him toss her onto her back and thrust his cock into her until they both climaxed.
She moved, all right. She climbed off him but she made no motion toward the restraints. Instead she sat on the edge of the couch taking deep, shuddering breaths.
“You think you’re so clever,” she said. “You thought you’d make me lose control.”
“No. Honestly.” Merciful heaven, what new torment had she planned for him?
“I’m going to give you the same treatment and see if you can survive it.”
Same treatment? Bloody hell, he was ready to come right now. If she put her mouth on his cock, she’d end him.
She looked down into his face. “Beg if you want but don’t come until I tell you to.”
He groaned and pulled against the restraints. He’d never manage to pull free, of course, but pain might distract him from the orgasm about to slip from his control. The silk dug into the flesh of his wrists and ankles and he strained even harder as he took deep, measured breaths.
None of it helped though. She bent and put her mouth over the tip of his cock and he bellowed in frustration. No man could withstand this and yet he didn’t dare empty his lust into her mouth. Not only because she’d ordered him not to but because other men had done it out of cruelty. Somehow he had to keep himself from doing that, only how? He was only human after all.
She continued her assault, sliding her lips along his shaft and then taking it back into her mouth. With each movement, she took a little more until she’d sheathed much of him with wet heat. Her cunt felt much the same when he frigged her and his body responded. His testicles tightened, preparing for orgasm, and still she sucked. Harder and faster. Enough!
“Can’t take more,” he said.
Still she didn’t stop.
“Please!” he shouted. Maybe that would convince her she had to stop.
“You win,” he said. “Dear God you win. Just stop.”
With his last nerve about to snap, he clenched his eyes shut. His whole body shook with the effort it took not to scream.
Finally she released him. Still trembling, he stared at her and gasped for breath. In a few moves, she joined him on the couch and swung her leg over him again. Only this time, she grasped his cock and guided herself onto it. Slowly she took all of him inside her and closed her own eyes with pleasure.
“Yes, I see,” she whispered. “This is how you felt.”
“Still feel. I can’t fight it, Carolyn. I need to come.”
“Only a moment or two longer. I promise.” Sitting straight up as she was, she could reach to her sex and stroke her clitoris. As she did it, her breathing grew loud and ragged. “Oh yes, only a moment.”
Tethered as he was, he could only manage short thrusts but he did what he could for her pleasure as much as his own.
She gripped him, her muscles clenching all around the length of his cock. He’d satisfied more than a few women in his day and this one wouldn’t last long before her own orgasm. He’d climax with her if she gave her permission or not. Once the contractions began, he’d have no choice.
“You’re going to come,” he said.
“Oh yes. Yessss.”
“Let me come with you.”
Thank God. He only had to last a bit more. Only as long as it took for his cock and her fingers to set her off. He could do it. He could…hang…on.
Her gasps turned to whimpers and then to cries. She continued stroking herself faster, as her voice rose.
Staining against the restraints, he thrust his hips up over and over. “Now!”
“Yes.” She shuddered and then her pussy burst into spasms. She shrieked as she came and he followed her into oblivion. Semen shot out of him into her depths. He shouted too as the climax reached a white-hot intensity. Her climax, his, theirs. Their universe of lust and love. Too sweet to be real and too powerful to be denied.
Finally she lay against his chest, gasping as peace settled over them. In the end, all was silent except for the crackling of the flames and the beating of their hearts.
They lay that way—still joined together—until she sighed and sat up. “I’ll untie you.”“
When she rose, his limp cock slipped out of her. The separation might have saddened him but they were still locked in here and he’d make love to her many more times before they left. He watched her working at the ties. When she was done, he sat at the edge of the couch and rubbed his wrists. As hard as he’d pulled, even soft silk had chafed. She sat beside him and stared into the fire.
“That was really quite amazing,” she said after a moment.
“Did you enjoy it?”
“You know I did.”
“I didn’t only mean the sex,” he said.
She turned to look at him. “Then what?”
“The control.”
She looked back into the fire. “Yes.”
“It’s nothing to feel bad about. I gave you my permission.”
She steepled her fingers together and placed them against her lips. He knew her well enough now to see that she was troubled. He’d brought her down here so that he could have her to himself but he’d also hoped to force her to confront herself—and to confront the fact that she loved him. Could she have reached a threshold to herself already? If so could he help her over it?
“Tell me what’s going through your mind,” he said. “Right now.”
“How could you do that?”
“Do what?”
She looked at him again. “How could you surrender to me after all I’ve done to you?”
“I trust you.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
Oh hell, it probably didn’t, especially to her. Who had she ever been able to trust? Her own family had sold her into prostitution. Prostitution for her husband but prostitution just the same. Her brother might have meant well but he hadn’t prevented her degradation. Who knew what her idiotic sister had thought? Then her husband had abused her and had allowed his friends to do the same. Even Abby had tricked her and locked her in here.
She watched him as he considered his next words. He’d better make them the right ones.
“I trusted you because I know you now,” he said. “You’re a gentle person. You wouldn’t hurt me.”
“You’re daft.”
“You could have hurt me badly.” He gestured at the knives that hung on the wall. “With those.”
“And miss your lovemaking?”
“I imagine you could have found a way to hurt any number of your husband’s friends if you’d wanted to.” He stopped a moment to let that thought penetrate into her brain. “You probably could have murdered him. Instead you endured it all.”
“Murder’s so messy. I didn’t want to stain the furniture.”
She smiled. She still wouldn’t accept a compliment from him but his attempts no longer made her bristle. She also seemed more comfortable with him and had made no effort to cover her nakedness. If she hadn’t destroyed him so completely with that orgasm, he’d make love to her all over again. It wouldn’t take much to make him ready but for now, he’d enjoy her company instead. That and her smile.
“Well,” she said. “Now that you’ve determined I’m such a decent sort, you can let me out of here.”
“Ah no. I think I’ll enjoy your indecency a bit longer.”
She raised her arms over her head and stretched. The action brought her breasts upward, the light of the fire dancing on her skin. She seemed a magical creature and indeed she’d cast a spell over him.
She yawned. “I feel as if I could sleep for days.”
“I don’t think we’ll let that happen.”
“No I don’t suppose we will.”
He rose and offered her his hand. “For now let me take you back to bed.”
* * * * *
Caroline awoke hours later surrounded by Wortham’s warmth. Delightful. She might as well start purring too. He’d turned her into such a creature of her senses. Impossible, but as much as he’d given her, she wanted more. Well he’d had the audacity to take her prisoner, he could take responsibility for what he’d made of her.
She reached over and found his cock. Flaccid like this, it wasn’t very large but she could fix that.
She touched him gently. She’d never intentionally ar
oused a man before. No wonder men seemed obsessed with their rods. It was really a fascinating thing. Even under light stimulation, Wortham’s thickened and lengthened as she ran her fingers along it.
“Did you find something interesting?” he murmured.
She looked into his face. His eyes were still closed but a smile curled his lips.
“I thought you were asleep,” she said.
“I was. Then my dream turned erotic and I awoke to discover why.”
“Were you dreaming about me?” A stupid question really, for some perverse reason, the answer mattered.
“Who else would I dream about?”
His words gave her the oddest feeling, as if she’d taken too much brandy. A warmth settled around her heart and she couldn’t help but smile. She’d never have believed him weeks or even days ago. Now in the tiny universe he’d created, she could let herself hope. He’d said more than once he loved her. Could he be telling the truth? Did she love him back?
“You’re good at that.” He sighed. “Very good.”
Indeed his cock had grown to full length and hardness. She could hardly get her fingers around it at the base. She squeezed him gently and stroked the shaft and he seemed to swell even further against her hand.
“Let me get you ready,” he said.
“I am ready.”
He slipped his hand between her legs. She’d already grown wet for him and his fingers trailed moisture over her thighs.
“By God you are ready,” he said. “Open for me.”
She spread her legs wide and he placed himself between them. With his eyes open and gazing into her face, he smiled as he slid easily into her.
“So sweet.” He dipped his head and kissed her briefly. “This is where I belong.”
“Oh yes.”
He started moving and she wrapped her legs around him to welcome him. She looked into his face the whole time, learning every feature of his face and how passion played over them as they coupled. A hazy, out-of-focus look entered his eyes as the lids drooped. His lips parted and his breath became labored. He’d propped himself up on his elbows to spare her his weight and the muscles of his arms bunched. All in all, he made the perfect picture of the male in full rut and yet, he wasn’t rutting. He was loving her with his body.