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Naked Canvas (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

Page 6

by Grey, Sadie

  We sat like that for a while. The only sound in the studio was the scratching of charcoal on paper. I was filled with a burning curiosity, not just about what his current drawing looked like, but also about what other kinds of art Dominic would create today. When I was his subject for fifteen minutes, he had created a captivating sketch of me. It was an image that gave me insight into who I was and what kind of person I wanted to be. I could only imagine what sort of masterpieces he might unveil after twenty-four hours.

  When I had finished my coffee, I set the mug down. It made an empty, hollow sound on the tabletop.

  “Finished?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “Great. Now that you’re warmed up. I have something for you.”

  He walked to a screened off part of the loft and came back holding a paper shopping bag from a store I’d never heard of. Inside was a shiny black leather thing.

  “Here, put this on.”

  I took it from him and held it out in front of me. It was a leather corset. Bright silver buckles jingled as I turned it this way and that, trying to get a handle on the thing.

  “I’ve never worn something like this,” I said as I peered at it, trying to figure out how to put it on.

  “That’s fine,” he said. “I’ll help you.”

  He took the corset from me and leaned in close. My body tensed.

  “Relax,” he said. “Hold up your hair.”

  I gathered my dark locks into a makeshift pony tail. He slipped a strap over my head and rested it along the back of my neck. He unfolded the corset like wings and slipped it around my torso.

  “Wait,” I said. “It seems too small.”

  “Well, it’s supposed to be tight.”

  “No, I mean, it won’t even cover my breasts.”

  He grinned. “It’s not supposed to.”

  I swallowed hard as he strapped the thing around me. He pulled tightly as he fastened the buckles, and I hissed in pain.

  “Is that too tight?” he asked gently, the concern evident in his voice.

  I took a deep breath, testing the grip of it. “No, I think that’s okay.”

  “Here, sit down. Then you’ll know if I need to loosen it.”

  I sat in the chair by the table. “No, it’s fine.”

  He continued to buckle the straps on the front of the corset. His hands moved smoothly, as if he had done this before. They tugged and tested and adjusted. His knuckles brushed against the bottoms of my breasts as he arranged the top strap, sending a shiver through my body.

  No man had ever dressed me before, and I had to admit, it was kind of a turn on.

  Once the buckles were settled in place, I was surprised to find that the garment didn’t hurt at all. It was like a firm hug over my body, from just under my breasts to just above my waist.

  It held my back up straight and pushed my breasts out. It actually relieved some of the tension in my back since the corset was doing all the work of holding me up. I found that I rather liked the feeling.

  He reached into the bag and handed me a black silk thong and a pair of thigh high stockings.

  “These too,” he said.

  The corset restricted my movement a little, but I was able to slip the panties and stockings on without too much trouble. The panties felt good against my skin and I was relieved to be covered up at least a little bit.

  Finally, he reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of black stiletto heels.

  “So, do you just have this kind of stuff lying around?” I asked.

  He smiled mischievously. “Actually, I made Cavanaugh buy them yesterday.”

  Laughter bubbled up from within me. “You’re kidding?”

  He chuckled. “Oh no. I’m quite serious.”

  “That’s so mean,” I said, unable to stifle my giggling. “Poor Cavanaugh.”

  I pictured the old driver browsing through the aisles of a sex shop, and another fit of laughter swept over me.

  “Yeah, he looked pretty shaken up when he got back. I gave him today off as an apology. Okay, now follow me.”

  My laughter evaporated as he took my hand and walked me over to a full length mirror leaning against the wall.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  I barely recognized myself. I stood tall and straight. My breasts displayed themselves proudly on my chest. The corset was slimming. It accentuated the curve of my breasts and the shape of my hips, giving me a stunning hourglass figure. I spun around on the five inch heels and looked at myself over my shoulder. My ass looked amazing. I had never looked or felt this sexy in my entire life.

  “Quite the transformation, isn’t it?” he asked.

  “It really is.”

  I noticed him in the mirror staring at my body. He seemed transformed as well. He stood up straighter. His shoulders pulled back and his eyes had taken on an intensity I had never seen before. He was quite the intimidating figure.

  He stepped in front of me. Even in these heels, he towered over me. His cool blue eyes stared into mine with a stern expression.

  “Now your session truly begins. From here on out, you will address me as ‘sir.’”


  He slapped me lightly across the top of my breast. The blow stung but didn’t really hurt. It sent a ripple of sensation through my body.

  “You will address me as ‘sir.’ Or Mr. Bell, if you prefer. If you fail to do this, you will be punished.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He slapped my other breast, harder this time. I shivered.

  “You promised to do as I say without question. Correct?”

  “Yes,” I said and he raised his hand again. “Sir,” I quickly added.

  “Much better.”

  “But I didn’t know I was signing up for this.”

  He tapped a finger against his full lips. “Fine. If you want to back out, this is your chance. You can forego the money and we’ll go our separate ways. But if you stay, it’s of your own free will. And you will stick to the agreement.”

  “But you promised me there’d be no sex.”

  “You and I will not have sex. You have my word. But this is not sex.” He gestured at my outfit. “You promised to pose for me. You promised to do whatever I say. This is about control. I am in control. You are not. It’s that simple.”

  His voice echoed throughout the studio. The steely command of it made my flesh tighten into goose bumps. My head started to spin at the sudden shift in mood.

  “Yes or no?” he asked.

  I chewed my lip and thought about it.

  “Yes or no? Answer me now.”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Excellent.” He put his hands behind his back and paced around me in a circle like a predator circling his prey. “Today you work for me. I have a very specific plan about how the rest of the day will go. Therefore, I expect strict obedience. Any resistance will be met with punishment. From here on out, there will be no more questions. You will not speak unless you have my permission. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He continued to circle around me, examining my body as he did so.

  “It is your job to obey. You will surrender your will to me. The sooner you understand that, the more enjoyable this experience will be. As of now, your free will is gone. You are mine. Utterly and completely. You will pose for me. You will do what I tell you. And you will call me ‘sir.’ Is that understood?”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The easygoing artist I had come to know had disappeared. He had been replaced with a man of authority. A man of strength and command. Despite myself, I found him even sexier than I had before, and I found myself eager to please him.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now I have one last accessory to add to your outfit.” He slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a delicate silver chain with two little clamps at the end. Panic shuddered through me.

p; He placed his hand on my breast and rolled my nipple between his fingers until it hardened to a point. With his other hand, he positioned the open clamp over my hard bud and released it. I gasped.

  It hurt, but not as much as I had expected. The real surprise was the sensation that seemed to travel straight down from my nipple to the place between my legs. My breast felt like it was tipped with delicious fire. It was like a raw nerve and every little movement caused the chain to tug, sending waves of sensation from the tip of my breast to the rest of my body.

  He grabbed my other breast but he did not need to call this one to attention. My nipple was hard as a pebble. He placed the clamp on me, and I groaned with pleasure. I couldn’t remember ever making a sound quite like that before. The delicious mix of pain and pleasure was like nothing I had ever experienced.

  Just the weight of the delicate chain hanging freely between my breasts sent bolts of electricity into me. I took a deep breath to bring myself under control. It ended up having the opposite effect. My chest expanded and caused the chain to jiggle just a bit, and I could feel myself getting wet beneath the sheer black silk of my thong.

  Dominic tilted my chin up with his finger and I opened my eyes. For a while there, I had forgotten he was even in the room.

  “Now we’re ready to begin.”

  My mind reeled. If we hadn’t even started, I couldn’t imagine what was coming next.

  His finger traced down from my chin to my neck to between my breasts, burning a line of hot fire over my skin. He hooked his finger under the chain and pulled gently. I had no choice but to lean forward to ease the sensations assaulting me. He began to walk away from me and I followed as he led me along by my breasts.

  We had only walked across the length of the room, but when we stopped, I was panting and trembling as if I had run a mile. We stood by the window in a corner of the room where a black sheet hung fastened against the wall. A camera sat facing the sheet on a tripod. In front of that sat something that looked like a saddle.

  He stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, angling me towards the window. Just the feel of his hands made me shiver. My entire body felt like a live wire.

  “Look,” he said. “What do you see?”

  I looked out the window and down at the street. Cars cruised by. People walked along, alone and in groups.

  “It looks like a normal day, sir.” My voice was breathless and unsteady.

  “Exactly. Everyone is going about their normal, everyday lives. Normal makes them numb. They trudge forward in their narrow ruts, never veering from their routines. For us, the day is alive. Today we are living instead of just existing.”

  He turned me around in front of him so that I faced the saddle.

  “I want you to sit on that.”

  The request seemed normal enough. I made my way over to it and sat side saddle on it. An uncomfortable ridge in the center of the seat pressed against my butt.

  “No. Sit correctly. Straddle it.”

  I shifted a leg over the side of it and jumped. The ridge pressed directly into my wet slit through the silk thong. I adjusted myself over it, enjoying the feel of it pushing into me. I fought the wild urge to grind my hips into it.

  Dominic stepped in front of me. “Lean forward.”

  My hands gripped the front edge of the saddle to steady me. I leaned my body forward even though the tightness of the corset made it difficult. The position made the soft ridge of the saddle press into my clit. I bit my lip to keep from moaning.

  I looked up and realized my face was just inches away from the bulge in his slacks.

  “Give me your hands,” he said.

  I held them out in front of me, putting more pressure on the ridge between my legs. I could no longer hold back and a soft moan escaped my lips.

  Dominic’s face remained expressionless but I thought I could detect a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. He produced a silk scarf from his pocket and wrapped it deftly around my wrists. I flexed my wrists against it, hating the feeling of being trapped, but it didn’t budge. The material was soft but it bound my wrists together firmly.

  He picked up a black nylon cord from the floor and wrapped it between the silk restraints. He tied the cord through a notch on the saddle so that my hands were now held flush against it. My body was tilted forward so that my ass stuck up behind me and my breasts hung in front of me, still being teased by the maddening weight of the delicate chain.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Like what, sir?”

  “The feeling of being bound? Be honest.”

  I shook my head. Despite the pleasure coursing through my body, the fact that I couldn’t move made me restless like a caged animal. “Not really.”

  He held up a finger and smiled. “That’s because you hate not being in control.”

  “You keep saying that. But I never feel like I’m in control of anything, sir.”

  He put his hands behind his back and began pacing around me in a circle again. He looked like a college professor giving a lecture.

  “But you want to be,” he continued. “You want to be in control all the time. And that’s why you fall to pieces when things don’t go the way you expect them to.”

  “I do not—” My words were cut off by a stinging slap against my bare ass. I could feel the burning imprint of his palm against my skin. The blow caused me to wiggle against the saddle ridge. An exquisite tingling bloomed between my legs.

  “I didn’t say you could speak.” He continued to pace around me. “Now the problem with your need for control is that when it comes to passion, there’s no such thing as control. Passion is, by its very nature, chaotic. Unpredictable. Uncontrollable. Which is why you feel the need to run away from it. Unless you learn how to surrender your control, you’ll never find the passion that you seek. Do you understand?”

  “I’m not sure, sir.”

  He nodded. “That’s alright. You’ll understand in a moment.”

  Chapter 9

  He picked up a remote control from beside the saddle and stepped behind the camera which was pointed directly at me.

  “I’m going to take some photographs now. Before you say anything, let me assure you that no one else will ever see these photos. I will never tell anyone about anything that happens here today and neither will you. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I can tell you’re enjoying this. Parts of this anyway. Am I right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Pleasure is an important part of this lesson. I want to teach you the meaning of surrender, and I want to capture the sweet agony on your face when I do.”

  The word “pleasure” echoed in my brain. It had been building in me since he had fastened the clamps to my nipples. Now the ridge pressing between my legs was driving me mad. If he wanted to pleasure me, he had the green light. I wanted to tell him that, but he had not asked me to speak and I did not want to ruin the moment by upsetting him. If I wanted him to continue, I would have to remain obedient.

  “Let’s begin,” he said.

  He pressed a switch on the remote control in his hand. The ridge on the saddle began to vibrate between my legs. I cried out in surprise. I had no idea the thing could move. My body responded immediately. The slow burn of my arousal erupted in a fiery blaze.

  Lights flashed around me as Dominic took photographs, but I was only vaguely aware of the external world. Every part of my being was consumed with the insistent hum between my legs that sent wave after wave of ecstasy through me.

  The vibrations shivered all the way through my body, causing my breasts to shake and the chain to pluck at my nipples with delicious sensation. A deep quavering moan started in my core and erupted past my lips. My head dipped forward and I began to pant.

  A stern voice cut through the loud hum.

  “Look at me! I want to see your face.”

  I lifted my head and my eyes fluttered open. I stared into his savage blue eyes that shimmer
ed with passion. When I groaned, I groaned for him. And when I came, I wanted to come for him.

  I ground my hips into the ridge. The silk of the thong was soaked through so that it barely felt like I was wearing panties at all. My breath hitched in my chest. My moaning pitched to shrill shrieks. I couldn’t catch my breath enough to moan.


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