Nuts About You: A Testicular Cancer Anthology
Page 46
It’s like she’s doing it to stay in charge of things and for some reason, I’m okay with her taking lead on how she wants to handle stuff. Like now, she’s out of the pickup and shoves Elmo and a set of keys into my hands.
“Can you open the door so I can get the stuff?” Yeah, she makes it sound like a question but there’s no room for defying her.
For a dude who’s only known the biker life, a small home with a white picket fence should be terrifying. Yet the feeling that overcomes me is clearly the complete opposite; it’s like coming home. There’s a small yard that seems to go all the way around the house and it’s all grass. One glance and I can already picture Elmo running around, happily chasing a ball. I’m the one throwing that fucking ball, of course.
The second I turn the key and swing the door open, the intense smell of Maud surrounds me. Vanilla, jasmine…yeah, like I said…coming home.
Maud walks straight past me. “Can you grab the other shit I couldn’t carry in one go? Oh, and you can put Elmo down, I’ve locked the gate so there’s nowhere he can run off to.”
I put the pup down before I make my way to the back of the pickup. Grabbing the last few things, I turn to see Elmo running toward me. Or at least he’s giving it a good try. Ears flopping, it looks like he’s jumping mountains to get to me.
We were glad the vet said he was okay, a little underweight but we got some special food to put some meat on his bones. The little pup now has a clean bill of health and a cool red collar with a nametag that says in bold letters Elmo. The fucking thing has both of our cell numbers on the back.
“Come on, Elmo…get your butt inside.” It takes some effort to turn but then he’s back to jumping mountains to get to me. His tongue is lolling out of his mouth, he’s fucking adorable.
“So, everything went okay? Those kids try to steal anything today?…You shouldn’t call them out on it, Eugene…I’m serious, they’re just a little troubled. You know how Maci and I have a silent agreement.” Her eyes meet mine and clearly she’s talking to the old dude from the store. “Okay, well, next time I’ll be there too. We’ll handle it…Fine, I will. Bye Eugene.”
She puts her cell away and shrugs her shoulders. “I had to make sure everything went okay.”
“What’s that about some kids you mentioned?” Probably nothing she couldn’t handle, but I’m a protective dick so I need to know.
Shrugging her shoulders again, she clearly brushes me off. “Oh, nothing. Some neighborhood kids stirring trouble. Just a handful, but you know how boys are…they get together, have nothing to do around here so they gang up and throw some apples around or steal melons and run off. I cut them some slack last time but when Eugene is at the store they try to steal more on the grounds knowing that they can outrun him. He called them out on it but that just makes it worse. I know their sister, Maci. They’re good people in a tight spot. That’s all it is, really…like I said, kid stuff.”
Elmo barks and jumps up, clearly wanting our attention. Reaching down, I scoop him up and step closer to Maud. Placing my palm on her right cheek to cup her face.
“When they get out of line with this shit, you call me, clear?” I give her a firm look to make sure she understands.
There’s a slight nod and I can tell by the look in her eyes she’s being honest. That right there is enough. Feeling Elmo stir, I lean in and place a kiss on his head, quickly dodging his tongue when he tries to slobber all over my face.
There’s a slight mumble of words so it takes my brain a second to process. “Can Mommy have one of those too?”
Did she really? My gaze returns to hers and yeah, those pink cheeks tell me she most definitely just threw that out.
I let the hand that was still cupping her face slide to the back of her neck where I dig into those flaming curls and wrap them around my fist. Pulling her head back, I lower my lips to hers. Just before impact, I tighten my fingers and a little gasp leaves her mouth before I slam down.
My tongue slides in and I’m addicted the moment I taste her. I’ve kissed before but, shit... That doesn't compare to the intense pleasure that courses through my veins. Kissing is all about getting in the mood, the switch that flips to ‘let’s get it on’. But this? Fuck. It’s like getting plugged into an energy source that will light you up for years to come.
We both pull back at the same time when there’s a third tongue slipping into the mix that’s very large and very wet. Dammit, great fucking timing there, Elmo.
“Right. Let’s feed the beast.” She states.
Yeah, let me lock up the dog first so I can slide my zipper down and whip out said beast and shove it deep inside…dammit focus. The fact that she’s sucking on her bottom lip while looking at me with heated eyes isn’t helping one goddamned bit.
Her eyes glance down to where my dick is tenting my pants. “Food. I meant food. For Elmo. And us. I’m gonna…”
Yeah, clearly not the only one with their head in the gutter. She rushes to the kitchen while I put Elmo down. The little man rushes after her.
I let my eyes roam around the living room. Such a difference from what I’m used to. I mean my own room at the compound is more like a square box that only contains a bathroom, a bed, a dresser, a chair and a fucking TV.
But this? There’s an L shaped couch that screams sit here, put your feet up and relax. A large ottoman in front of the couch to do just that. Lots of pillows for extra comfort. Most of the colors used around here are warm, earth tones varying from dark to light.
A small dining room table made from dark wood, sits with four chairs around it. There are a few paintings on the wall that don’t make any sense to me. Other than a few interesting stripes here and there that might look like…yeah, no. I’m not gonna dig a hole for myself to contemplate the meaning with my wicked mind, because a shrink would have a field day with that one.
“Like what you see?” Maud’s voice fills the air from behind me. Making me spin to look into those green eyes of hers that matches the shirt she’s wearing.
“Now I do.” I mumble while her cheeks turn pink.
“Lasagna will be done in about twenty minutes.” She glances back toward the kitchen. “Do you want a beer, or something else?”
Fuck. You know what I want? I want to trade all my demons for one hell of an angel who sparks life with one hint of her smile. Yeah…sounds pretty fucking happily ever after to me. That’s exactly what I want and need right now, and for eternity.
“I’d love one.” I smile back and give her a wink that pinks up her face some more. Dammit that looks hot with those freckles, makes them stand out.
I follow her back into the kitchen where Elmo is eating in a corner, a bowl of water right next to him. It’s like I walked straight into some kind of farm kitchen or something. I mean, I can’t explain it other than that. The sink is shaped as two large marble shaped boxes next to each other that flows into the counter.
The tiny walls between the dark brown, wooden cabinets are covered with all different colors of tiles. Only the equipment is high-tech. Meaning the lasagna is cooking in one fine looking oven.
It’s the kind of kitchen where you have your kids standing on a chair to bake cookies together while you fight who gets to lick the spoon. While I, of course, already ate half the cookie dough. Yeah…that kind of kitchen.
She walks to the fridge and grabs a beer, pops the cap and tips the bottle up to take a large swig. Damn. Ever since I’ve met her it’s like every single detail about her flares shit up inside me. Although I want to jump her bones, I really think this has to go fucking slow. Just to build shit up right.
Her lips leave the bottle and instead of grabbing me a new one, she just holds out the one she was drinking from. That right there…perfect. I take the bottle and finish it in a few swallows before I place it on the counter. Crowding her against the fridge, I pick up where we left earlier; with me, dominating her mouth.
Chapter Four
My boots are right next to the couch
and my feet are up on the ottoman, right next to hers. She’s curled underneath my arm, flush against me while Elmo is sprawled over both of our laps. All of us have a full belly. Maud makes a mean lasagna and after doing the dishes, we walked around the block with Elmo.
After that, I suggested we’d watch a movie. Letting her pick one was a mistake because she grabbed The Fifth Element. Bruce Willis plays the role of Korben Dallas. That fucking smile on her face right before she pronounced that fucker’s name the way Leeloo says it. Then it sounds exactly the way you write mine. Hardening my dick in the process…spilling my name like that. She needs to be dragged over my knee so I could spank that tight ass.
Instead I bit my cheek to prevent from doing so, and not to burst out laughing. Eventually we settled on having a Die Hard marathon. Obviously, we both seem to like Bruce Willis. I could watch this movie a hundred times, probably have already. This is also the reason why I’m watching Maud instead of the TV.
My phone starts to buzz and I don’t even have to look because I already know who it is. My Prez, Xerox. I sent him a text before we went to the vet letting him know that I would be out for the rest of the day and would swing by the compound tomorrow.
Pulling my cell out of my pocket, I answer on the third ring. “Prez.”
“Are you that comfy inside a fresh cunt that yer spending the night? Ya might wanna give me her number, because that shit has never happened before. Makes me want to tap that one too, because you not returning home tells me this one might be laced with gold or something.”
“Your dick ain’t comin’ near my Old Lady, Xerox.” Those fucking words that I barked into the phone just now slipped right out without even thinking about it.
I don’t give a shit if he’s my Prez, or my friend since we were fucking teenagers, I ain’t sharing Maud. Not now, not fucking ever.
“Wait, what? Fuck. Did you say those magical words, brother? That an official claim?” Xerox, my Prez’s voice is filled with awe.
All of the guys in our MC have a different view on life and bump heads from time to time. In this? Old Ladies shit? Clearly when you feel it deep down in your gut, it’s as real as it will ever be. A claim is for life and we always follow through.
Wicked Throttle is basically known for our claims and all of us are aware of that fact. Well…if you want to believe the few silver members that hang around the clubhouse. Some still have their Old Lady and some have passed away, leaving them to live the rest of their lives alone. A Wicked Throttle heart connects only once, and beats solely for that woman.
Maybe that’s the reason why no one of this generation has staked a claim yet. Kind of making a point that it’s bullshit, this legend of love and claiming at first sight. Hell, some might even fear it. You know…having your dick locked, and the only key that fits is that one and only pussy. Well, now I know for sure. It’s real. And no, I have no fucking fear, I’m embracing that shit.
“Yeah.” I look down at green eyes that are clouded with questions. “Maud is my Old Lady. That’s an official claim, brother.”
Maud gasps and hits me on the chest, making Elmo rouse from his sleep and bark in the air as if he’s defending us against an army knocking on our door.
“I am not old. I’m twenty-nine, dammit.” She glares at me. “How old are you, anyway?”
She scoops Elmo up and pets him while he snuggles against her.
Ignoring Xerox, who’s laughing his ass off on the other side of the phone, I answer Maud. “Thirty-four. And with Old Lady I’m not stating that you’re old, I’m making a claim that you’re mine, as in my woman.”
Her pretty little mouth turns into a perfect zero, dragging my eyes over to shoot images in my head I really don’t want while I’m still on the phone with my Prez.
“I’m gonna see you tomorrow, man. I’m bringing her to the party on Friday so you can meet her. Talk later.” I don’t give him time to reply because I hit the end call button as soon as the words leave my mouth.
“So, I’m yours, huh?” There’s a satisfied grin on her face.
Leaning in, my hand covers hers while we stroke Elmo, together. “That’s right. Mine. I’m staying the night, but there’s one thing you need to know.”
She tilts her head. “And that would be?”
“We ain’t gonna fuck tonight.”
The grin slides right off her face, making me chuckle because, damn…feels good to know she was kinda counting on it.
“I said not tonight, babe. Because up until now…when I met a chick my dick likes, the fucker would take over and I’d be fucking within the hour. The way you make me feel, my whole fucking body…the connection we have is different. So, no, I ain’t gonna fuck you the same day we meet. But we will be, soon.” Very damn soon seeing I’m bound to blow if I keep stalling.
“So, with what you just said…I should be thankful your cock didn’t fill me up when we walked into my store, huh?”
Oh, for the love of God. “Keep talking that way and I’ll strip you naked and tie you to the dining room table and wait until it’s midnight to bury myself deep.”
And now she’s checking her watch. Fuck. Me.
“I’m gonna walk Elmo one more time, then we’re retiring to the bedroom to get some shut eye.” And hope to hell the night goes by within a blink of an eye.
Maud stands up and puts Elmo on the ground. She strolls into the kitchen, only to come back out, holding one single damn key.
“Guess you know how one of these works.” She states as I wrap my hand around hers and give a little pull so she stumbles right into me.
“Yeah, babe. Thanks.” I grumble right before I bite down on her bottom lip, making her hiss and giving me the opening I needed to slide my tongue right in.
She moans into my mouth and I’m only seconds away from pushing her against the wall and taking her right here. The only thing that stops us is Elmo’s whine. We break the kiss and see him dart from left to right. Thanks for the cock-block, little man. It’s the perfect reminder for the promise I made her not to fuck her tonight.
“Gotta go handle some little dude stuff. Get ready for bed.” I throw out before I scoop up Elmo and head out of the house.
It’s weird how you can bond within such a short time. Not only to Maud, but this little white fucker who’s running circles like a race horse and the second a car backfires he runs straight toward me with his tail between his legs. Safety, comfort, a rock to climb on so you don’t drown in a flood.
“Are you done for the night, Mo?” His paws dig in my shoulders as he washes my face.
Yeah, we’re good. Strolling back to Maud’s place, I mentally plot how I can move in with her. Within an acceptable timeframe without freaking her out or pushing her, that is. Using the key she gave me for the first time warms my chest.
That’s a fucking nice first step right there. Happy to say she’s the one who took it, because she could just as easily have given me her keyring to use instead. So now I have the way into her house on my keychain and I’m positive I’ve already gained a way into her heart, as she conveniently snatched up mine.
When I walk into the kitchen, I see Maud’s already placed a warm water bottle in Elmo’s kennel. He strolls inside and turns around a few times in a circle before he lays down and lets out a deep sigh. Closing the kennel, I hit the lights and walk off to find the bedroom.
A small ray of light coming from upstairs indicates that I will find what I need up there. When I reach the top of the stairs, it’s a perfect guide to the bedroom. There’s no sound, seems like this whole street is sound asleep. Standing in the doorway, I see Maud snuggled underneath the blanket with her eyes closed.
Yeah, I know it’s kinda late and with her running her own store, I’m sure she wakes up early so she must be exhausted. Again, my heart tugs because she gave me, a rough biker dude she’s known for less than a day, a key to her house. And she gave it with the knowledge that she could go to sleep, knowing deep down I wouldn’t harm her.
I make fast work of stripping down naked and slip into the bathroom to wash up. There’s a new toothbrush near the sink along with a towel. Damn fine and thoughtful woman I tell ya. Finishing up, I make my way toward the bed and take a moment to enjoy the vision of those red flaming corkscrews draped all over the pillow.
There’s a chant going through my head that sets a rhythm. ‘Mine’. Fucking lucky I got my arm stuck in that drain today to save that pup. Karma, right? One who does good gets good in return. Fuck, yeah.
The mattress dips as I slide underneath the covers. Maud turns in her sleep and finds my heat to snuggle close. One of her legs tangles with mine, it’s then I realize she’s naked. Her fucking tits are pressing against me and let me tell you something; it’s a beautiful thing.
You know what’s not beautiful? The taste of blood in my mouth, from biting my cheek to keep from blowing my load. Holy fucking shit. This is going to be one very long night.
Chapter Five
Maud’s arm slides down and my whole body freezes. It’s a contradiction. Please go down some more, wrap your hand around my dick and…dammit, stay above my waist, dammit. See? Like I said, contra-fucking-DICKtion.
Her lips touch my chest and she feathers kisses up while she moves her body to press flush against me. My head is still tilted back and my eyes are squeezed shut. Oh, yeah…I haven’t slept one damn second because all I want to do is bury myself deep.
Why? Why did I have to throw out that one insane statement about not fucking on the same day we meet? Oh, yeah…because all I want for the rest of my life is to do just that. She’s the one, so I can damn well…okay, that’s it. The feel of her soft pussy against my steel pipe, sorry…no other way to describe a hard on that’s been like that for hours, is marking the limit.
“Condom or bare?” I hiss those three words through my teeth. I open my eyes and tilt my head to see her face. “I’m clean and always wrap up, but right now…I want you. Nothing unnatural in between us. Get me?”