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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Van Forson

  “Jet has done crazy things before, but this takes the biscuit. What are we going to do?”

  “We?” Exclaimed Max, “There isn’t a we. You are going to inform your parents of Jet’s escapade, and I am going back to sleep.” Max took off his spectacles and returned to a horizontal sleeping position.

  I didn’t bother to control the whine in my voice like I might have done if it were another of my friends, “Max, you know how overprotective my parents are. If they find out about this, my dad will ground us for life!"

  Max sat up and put his spectacles back on, pushing them up the bridge of his nose, like he always did when he was thinking.

  “Kid, I can not get involved in the pursuit of your younger sibling, it’s just not a logical course of action. Why has Jet gone to UC anyway?”

  Max took his spectacles off again and laid down as if getting ready for a bedtime story. I looked at the counter clock impatiently before answering.

  “He’s trying to get to the bottom of why the Harlequin came to me in the schoolyard. Last night we had a major family discussion about it. Ma was crying, Jet was being annoying, Dad got upset. There was even talk of getting us CTT’d!

  Max quickly sat up and put his spectacles back on acknowledging the seriousness of the situation.

  “Not the dreaded Code Type Test! From my research, I believe it's an unbearably painful process. Your father is a legend in the scientific community; he could probably carry out the procedure at home.”

  “Exactly! How would you like me to come into school on Monday and be regened like some lifeless zombie?” I crossed my eyes and pulled a silly expression, before flopping onto his bed.

  Max smirked at Kid’s dramatics. But he knew she was right. Her father could easily request a Code Type Test, and if something in her genetic makeup was askew, her father could authorise for Kid to be Re-engineered, regened for short. It was a process where the person was never quite as they used to be. They looked and sounded the same, but were someone entirely different on the inside. Max was so fond of Kid he wouldn't like it at all if that happened to her. But he couldn’t afford to let his emotion rule his mind, and he never did, he wasn’t genetically constructed that way.

  “Aside from the punishment your parents could administer if they found out about Jet's escapade, going to Underground City is not logical. It is a forbidden, frightful territory. You've seen the news and heard all of the stories. That tyrant, The Res, runs the city with the rule that lawlessness is the law. How could we possibly go there?"

  I nodded. There were daily news reports on the screens about how terrible UC was. The Res was a sworn enemy of the Upper Worlds, his intrigue even more sinister due to his identity never being revealed. And even though no one on the Upper Worlds knew what he looked like, everyone was in firm agreement that he was truly terrifying.

  “We’re not even permitted to the Outer Limits. How on earth are we going to find Jet? We wouldn’t know where to start. If you ask your Nan to call your parents and take care of this situation, instead of trying to sort it out yourself, I think that would be a very pertinent course of action.” Max finished his logical argument and took his spectacles off.

  “Yeah I know Max, you’re the genius. I wouldn’t even know how to get past the PGs. I don’t know what I was thinking.” I conceded.

  The PGs were the Portal Guardians, mainly Code Type enforcers who guarded the portals to UC making sure no one entered or exited. Some of the elite Top Set at FB would boast about having gone to UC to try and stack up cool points. But we all knew such braggadocious claims were a lie. The truth was, the PGs would never let teenagers pass to UC. I had no idea how Jet and Skye could have wangled their way in.

  “On the other hand, a counter argument, hypothetically speaking of course, is that you may not be able to get past the PGs, but your friends might.” Max said slowly putting his specs back on and pushing them up the bridge of his nose. “Did you call Mindy and Cindy?”

  “Why would I call them?”

  I was surprised that he even mentioned the Twins. I couldn’t imagine their daintiness anywhere near UC.

  “Everyone at school seems to do exactly what they ask of them. Everyone emulates the way they look, dress and talk,” Max chose his words carefully. “Perhaps they could be useful in influencing the PGs decision to let you into UC.”

  My face twisted into a knot as I thought that through.

  “No, I could never - ”

  “- Do you want to get Jet or not?” Max cut me off.

  I looked up at him; his bespectacled face had taken on an odd look. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but something about his usual unassuming demeanour had changed.

  “Of course I want to get Jet. I wouldn’t have come to you otherwise. It’s just that - ”

  “Your friend Philippe would be good too,” Max interrupted again, “his super strength would certainly be an advantage in a hostile environment. Captain Brad as well. I'm sure his athleticism could come in handy if you were serious about venturing into the unknown.”

  “Oh yeah, why don’t I invite Sal to join the party and everyone else on my speed dial.” I joked.

  Max pushed the bridge of his spectacles, “I have no idea what her Type or talent is, but she seems pretty unconventional, she might be good for something.”

  I glared at Max. “Is this your inappropriate attempt to make new friends, my friends, at the expense of my brother's safety?”

  “The only one of your friends that I have any interest in conversing with in a social setting would be the one who lives in Sub Zero. What's his name? Wain. You should definitely call him if you’re committed to this expedition. The working of his incredible two brains has always fascinated me."

  I narrowed my eyes at Max, why was he making this about him?

  “And, Wain's first-hand knowledge of the Outer Limits would be useful in plotting the way to UC and back,” Max added, clawing back his argument.

  I got the sweats just thinking about having all of my friends together in one place. They were all so different. How would I buffer the conversations, how could I be normal around everyone who knew a different side to me? I couldn’t be as cynical as I was around Sal, the Twins would just not get it. If I started acting girly, Sal would roll her eyes. I couldn’t be as dismissive of the Code Types superiority complex as I was around Wain, Brad would surely take offence. I couldn’t be as profound about life, the universe and everything as I was with Philippe, as no one else would understand the deep stuff. And I couldn’t be as goofy as I was with Max. That would freak everyone out.

  Max cleared his throat to get my attention, “So what do you think about the alternate theories I’ve presented?”

  “Ma would never let us out of her sight again, and dad would have us CTT’d for sure if they ever found out that Jet had gone to UC.”

  “Then you know what to do,” Max said with a twinkle in his eye.

  That’s when it dawned on me. Max was looking at me as if I was a walking talking science project. He pushed his specs up his nose slowly.

  “Why so helpful all of a sudden? What’s in it for you?” I asked.

  “You probably won't even get passed the PGs, but if you miraculously make it into UC it would be the most interesting species study I’ve ever conducted. My analysis of alternative environmental conditions with the first-hand contact from differing variables lacks a field trip.”

  “So you’re doing this for science?” I asked dryly.

  “What other reason is there?” Max asked.

  “I don’t know Max, our friendship, how much you care for me.” I joked.

  Max's cheeks flushed red, “Well that is a variable I have also taken into consideration.”

  Now it was my turn to blush. I knew Max had a soft spot for me.

  “I'm surprised you came to me for help,” Max admitted.

  “You’re the first person I thought of.”

  “Oh.” Max looked bashful. "I don't often see you
; now you have your new friends.”

  “I haven't replaced you, Max,” I said gently sitting beside him. “I’ve just grown up a bit and hang out with people my own age now.”

  “Yes of course. The Top Set.” Max adjusted his specs. "Logically you'd want to be in the company of those exciting people. In any case, I've been keeping myself busy. There's always lots to do, to evaluate, to hypothesise," he said gesturing to the half-finished, long equation written across his wall, "I'm still trying to figure that one out."

  “You’re right; my friends are ace. But after the Harlequin who knows if they’ll even want to know me anymore, let alone go with me to UC!”

  Max shrugged, “Why would anyone blame you for the rogue intruder? I don’t know what precisely occurred as I was observing all variables from approximately twenty feet away but I believe the perpetrator was on a mission of confusion and destruction. The Harlequin didn’t single you out. You were an innocent bystander in the commotion.”

  I was about to tell Max that the Harlequin had spoken directly to me, but then quickly decided against it.

  “I don’t understand the complexities of social groupings, especially the social hierarchy you’re climbing. So, I have no idea how your friends will react. But if your brother is in danger and your friends could help, I'm sure they would. Hypothetically speaking of course.”

  “And what if this wasn’t hypothetical, what if we now were speaking practically?” I asked.

  “Well to turn this theorising into action, you have one immediate problem.” Max took off his specs one last time before making his final point. “As soon as your bionic babysitter gets wind of what’s happening she’ll report it to your parents. How are you going to get around that one?” Max rested his spectacles, and his case, triumphantly.

  “Well, that’s where you come in.” I smiled cheekily.

  “I really must insist - ” Max protested.

  “No, you mustn’t.” I placed his specs back on his face. We had wasted enough time talking.

  “Get dressed and meet me at mine.”

  I powered up the rocket sneaks, darted out of Max’s bedroom window and flew across the yard, to my house. I had an urgent call to make to my seven closest friends that would test the mettle of our friendship.

  Be careful of the company you keep.

  For what they sow is what you reap.

  Four: The Crew

  Back in my bedroom, I made my distress call. I synched in each one of my friends, and they holographically appeared before me.

  “No-oo Kid!” The Twins squealed. “You can’t see us without our make-up on!”

  They were sitting in identical pink bedrooms, in different wings of their mansion house. Even first thing in the morning they looked flawless.

  “Like, I mean no one sees us – ”Mindy began,

  “- Au naturel” Cindy ended.

  To my relief, the Twins were their usual mega friendly selves, totally unfazed by the Harlequin at school. My dad had been right, only in our household had we blown the entire thing out of proportion. Once the Orbs and the Officials gave you the all clear, your slate was wiped completely clean. Upper Worldians readily fell in line with whatever the state told them.

  “What time do you call this?” Sal grumped from underneath her bedcovers. “It’s too early in the AM for a social call.”

  Her red mane was a fuzzy ball. Gone was her Eee Cee clothing that exuded toughness. Before she shrouded up, Sal looked soft, even - dare I say – fragile.

  A shirtless Brad, who was already up and working out, smiled a dazzler, “Are you calling because you wanna join me for a quick sweat session?” He asked mid one-handed press up.

  “Oh, Braddy.” The Twins cooed shielding their eyes from his well-toned physique.

  Philippe, who was also genetically engineered for extreme workouts, curled a two-ton dumbbell, the weight of a car, in each hand. He was far less self-absorbed than Brad and realised my call was not a social one.

  “What’s the matter, Kid?” Philippe asked sensing something was wrong.

  “It’s Jet. He’s run away to UC.”

  “What?” Wain, who had a massive heart-shaped cranium indicating the formation of his two brains, piped in panicked, “That place is dangerous yo! Even us Tachions don’t go down there.”

  Wain always looked and sounded startled even when he was calm, but on this occasion, he had a good reason to be alarmed.

  “I know,” I moaned. “I need all of your help to get him back home safely, and there’s no time to waste.”

  “Ok!” Wain jumped on his hoverboard, “I’m on my way,” he synched out.

  I was happy Wain was willing to help without question. He lived way out in Sub Zero, and I needed him here fast.

  “Jeez! Who was that guy? He looks like my dogs armpit.” Brad chortled tactlessly.

  “You’re such a bonehead.” Sal snapped, surfacing from her bed and cracking her knuckles.

  “What did I say?” Brad asked flashing a dazzler, unaware of his insensitivity.

  Sal gave Brad a cutting side-eyed look. Although also annoyed at him, the Twins fluttered their eyelashes and smiled at Brad. They had a range of smiles from little pouty ones to wide bright ones, but to frown was out of the question.

  “One day the freaks will inherit the earth,” Philippe dryly quoted the Tachion mantra. He didn’t take offence to Brad’s Code Type superiority complex. He was used to it.

  “Oh yeah? Well, Tachions can bring it any day, because we all know that Code Types rule!” Brad goaded Philippe.

  They were sporting teammates at FB, and their competitive friendship was both on and off the field.

  “Whatever, Captain.” Philippe dismissed Brad with a smirk, but the muscles rippling in his face betrayed his emotion. “You know whatever you need us to do Kid, we've got you.”

  “Affirmative. I deduced that you would want to assist Kid with her perilous pursuit.” Max said scuttling around his room, shoving various tech into an oversized backpack. “I suggest you all bring provisions for this expedition.”

  “The King of the Neeks speaks.” Brad chuckled.

  He was annoying everyone. Sal rolled her eyes. Philippe’s muscles flexed. The Twins smiled sweetly.

  “At your service.” Max nodded, acknowledging the derogatory title that I suspected he was secretly fond of. Max liked to be in charge, so being the king of anything was probably a good thing in his book.

  I'd had enough of Brad's showboating. This was a serious matter and nothing to joke about.

  “How quickly can you get to mine?” I asked urgently.

  Philippe answered for the whole group, “We’ll fly to yours at the speed of light.”


  “I’m glad you made it here first Wain.” I high fived him as he walked in through the back door.

  “No worries. I dodged the Orbs and flew down as quickly as I could.” Wain said slapping his three palms in quick succession into my hand.

  Wain is like a brother to me. We had known each other since we were babies. Wain was raised in the orphanage that my ma facilitates in the Tachion community, Sub Zero. Ma is well respected there and campaigns tirelessly for Tachions to have the essential species rights, like an education, nourishing food, adequate clothing and shelter. Wain’s mother was an activist for the Tachion Liberation movement, the TL. They hold rallies calling for an end to what they believe is the tyranny of the Authorities on their community. Wain’s mother was fuzzed by the Guardians when he was four years old, so Ma took him under her wing. I once caught my parents arguing over Wain. Ma wanted to adopt him, but dad wouldn’t allow it. She cried for months over that one.

  “I'm so worried. Can you believe Jet would do such a stupid thing?” I said ushering Wain into the house.

  I checked the house monitor. Nan was upstairs in my room diligently folding all of my clothes that I had deliberately emptied out of my wardrobe and onto the floor to keep her occupied.

  “I can a
ctually,” Wain chuckled. “Jet’s a live one. Is Skye with him?”

  “Yep, but just because they have each other, it doesn’t mean they’re safe. I could really do with your help.”

  “Whatever you need, I'm here for you,” Wain said wide-eyed.

  “I hate to ask, but can you please pull The Face. We need to get out of here fast, and I need to shutdown Auto Nan first.”

  “Your parents still make your Nanny look after you?” Wain asked in disbelief.

  “I know!” I cringed “My parents still treat us like babies.”

  Wain shook his head, “Code Types are weird, yo.”

  A soft knock on the back door interrupted us. It was Max dressed in a self-designed camouflage jumpsuit and a huge backpack bursting at the seams with homemade gadgets.

  Wain noted his garments,“ I didn’t know we had to come in fancy dress.”

  “Neither did I,” I said dryly.

  “Affirmative.” Max nodded.

  I grimaced slightly. I hoped he would dial down that kind of talk around the rest of the crew.

  “If I must, against my better judgement I might add, venture into dangerous pastures unknown the best thing I can do is be fully prepared for this once in a lifetime fact-finding opportunity,” Max stated matter-of-factly.

  “Naturally.” Wain marvelled. To the mainstream, he was considered odd, but by his account, Code Types were the strange ones.

  “And Wain, it is an honour to be undertaking this study of you. I...I mean with you.” Max said as he grabbed each one of Wain's three hands and shook them vigorously.

  “So back to business,” I whispered.

  “Wain, you pull The Face to disorientate Auto Nan. Max, you shut her down, then I’ll erase my home security data, and we head to UC. Get Jet and Skye and head home without my parents ever knowing a thing.”

  “Disabling Auto Nan is no problem,” Max said confidently. “The rest of your scheme is somewhat simplistic and will require a more thought out plan.”


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