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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Van Forson

  “It's nothing personal Philippe. You're a great guy. It's just the social order of things. There are many arguments that I could present about cross Type relationships that make for a fascinating conversation. I was just telling Ms Lush - ”

  “ - This isn't debate class. Just answer the question, Max. If Mindy and I were together would that be abominable to you?” Philippe said through gritted teeth.

  “One could argue yes,” Max said, sticking to his principles. “If you're not prepared to listen to what I have to say, then it would be illogical to keep up the discussion.”

  Philippe’s fist curled into a ball.

  Max cowered.

  “Don’t do it!” Cindy called out in horror.

  Philippe threw an almighty punch purposely landing his fist on the wall, instead of Max’s face. The wall smashed as if it were hit by a bulldozer. Instinctively his grip tightened on Mindy.

  “You’re hurting me, Philippe,” Mindy whispered frightened by his temper. She had never seen him act this way before.

  “Sorry Minds,” Philippe said immediately releasing her.

  He was instantly remorseful, the last thing in the world he would ever want to do was hurt Mindy.

  Ms Lush stormed into the room, “What is going on here? What happened to my bespoke Diamonique wall?”

  The room fell silent. Nobody made an attempt to answer. Mindy and Cindy turned to stare at Philippe. He hunched his shoulders feeling awful.

  “I think you should leave now,” Max said apportioning blame.

  Philippe's face muscles trembled. He couldn't imagine his precious first date with Mindy would end up like this.

  “It’s not up to you Max!” Philippe barked, then turned and spoke more softly, “Mindy, do you want me to go?”

  Mindy looked from Philippe to a wide-eyed Cindy, to a disapproving Max to her angry mother and fled from the room.

  “Mindy - ” Philippe started after her.

  “Leave her be!” Ms Lush commanded, angrily. “I should have known better than to let a Tachion into my house, no matter what your sob story is. I've always said Tachions are dangerous.”

  Philippe cowered as every word from Ms Lush's mouth felt like it was ripping away a part of his soul.

  “Security, I need your assistance.” She radioed on the intercom.

  “I apologise ma’am; my parents will foot the bill for any damage I've caused.”

  “Yes they certainly will, and you can tell them that I said you must stay away from my daughters. Your Type is not welcome in this house.”

  “Mother!” Cindy squeaked. “That is just so-oo out of order; you can’t say that.”

  Two state of the art platinum Guardians marched into the room and seized Philippe. He could have overpowered them easily if he wanted to, but he didn’t struggle. The sensation of his two hearts breaking made him feel powerless.

  “I’m so-oo sorry Philippe. So sorry,” Cindy said.

  Ms Lush didn’t share her daughter's sentiments and commanded the Guardians,

  “Take him out via the back door. I don’t want the neighbours to see.”

  Mindy bounded out of her house, down the steps and ran straight into Brad who had just gotten out of his cruiser.

  “Whoa, there little lady. Where’s the fire.”

  “It's worse than that,” Mindy gulped, “Max said that if Philippe and I kissed it would be wrong because he’s a Tachion and Philippe got so-oo mad -”

  “You kissed Philippe?” Brad said, more upset by the prospect that Mindy had kissed someone other than him, rather than the fact that it might have been a Tachion.

  “Is that so wrong?” Mindy asked desperately.

  Brad’s brawn for a brain whirled into action. Philippe had outdone him on so many occasions recently where Mindy was concerned, and he had to get back on level pegging.

  “Yeah, it’s wrong. All Code Types frown on that sort of behaviour.” Brad lied, pulling Mindy close. “I mean what would Madeline Stone, and the Pretties think if you dated someone like Philippe?” Brad snorted as if the very idea was ridiculous. “I mean come on.”

  "Why are you being so mean? I thought you and Philippe were good friends."

  “We are. Big P is awesome, but he's not right for you. You’re so gorgeous Minds. I mean you're a ten out of ten. The cream of the crop.” Brad whispered into her ear. “You need someone in your league. A Gold Star Code Type to match you. Bring out the best in you. Perhaps a superior athletic being. Hey, that’s someone like me.”

  Before Mindy could say another word, Brad kissed her.

  “That was amazing,” he smiled victoriously.

  Mindy smiled back, but only because that was the only expression her face could genetically pull.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Brad said ushering Mindy into his cruiser.

  She looked back at her house and saw Philippe being ejected by security. Then a strange feeling she had never felt before overwhelmed her. A tickle fell from her eye. She touched her cheek and felt that it was wet. It was something she had never experienced before. A solitary tear rolled down her face.


  It was after dark, and all was quiet in Commania. The Saps were sleeping on the feather down beds, small wisps of smoke burned out from the campfires, and the animals frolicked in the front yards in wooden pens.

  Sal, Jet, Skye and I were lounging in long pieces of materials tied between trees that the Saps called hammocks. The night was warm and peaceful as we gazed up at the twinkling stars.

  “Ahh. This is the life.” Jet said.

  I wanted to agree with him, but my eyes felt so heavy I could barely keep them open.

  All of a sudden I was in a vivid green field heading towards a fresh pasture, my friends surrounded me as I bid them farewell.

  “Don’t leave me, Kid.” Jet begged, holding my hand.

  “I can’t stay.”

  “We need you,” Skye rasped.

  “You two both know you only need each other.”

  “What will we, like, do without you?” The Twins asked linking my arms.

  “You’ll all be fine, just please stick together.”

  “Why would you want to leave us?” Philippe asked hugging me gently.

  “This is just the way it has to be.”

  “Why? What have you seen yo?” Wain asked.

  “How it all ends.”

  “But this is just the beginning,” Sal said.

  “It is for you. You have a bright future.”

  “What about me?” Brad flashed a dazzler.

  “If you play fairly, you’ll always be a winner, so never cheat, or you'll lose badly.”

  “You can’t go, you can’t leave me,” Max said betraying that he had deeper feelings for me than just friendship.

  “I have to go now. Please let me be.”

  One by one my friends slowly released their grip and allowed me to escape to freedom. I elevated into the air, carefree, soaring high into the sky.

  Suddenly someone tackled me to the ground.

  “Let me go.” I wailed.

  But the assailant gripped me and wouldn’t let me leave. I turned to see who was trapping me. Surely my eyes deceived me.

  “I never thought you of all people would do this to me.” I wept. “I never imagined that you would betray me.”

  “Keziah. Keziah. Keziah.”

  I opened my eyes to see Sal, Jet, Skye and a stranger, a very handsome Sap, peering over me.

  “What? What did I miss?” I said, wiping the drool from my mouth.

  “I think you were having a nightmare.” The handsome Sap with dark brown hair and bright green eyes smiled holding out his hand.

  “Here, let me help you. I’m Deschanel.”

  “You Saps sure do have some funny names.” Jet chuckled.

  I gave him a sharp look then turned back to Deschanel. He was quite possibly the best-looking person I had ever seen in my life.

  “I’m Keziah, but you already know that becaus
e you were calling my name, but everyone calls me Kid for short because Keziah is a long name, well not that long just a bit long.” I rambled.

  Deschanel smiled.

  Sal rolled her eyes, “Shall we get going to this Kismet thing or whatever?”

  “Yes, let’s go and join the rest in Kimetic.” Deschanel corrected her gently, leading the way.

  “What is this Kimetic thing all about?” I whispered to Sal not wanting to sound ignorant in front of Deschanel.

  “I don’t know.” Sal shrugged, “All I know is that the whole of Commania is into it.”

  We followed Deschanel from the sleeping quarters, past a row of wooden houses, to a clearing.

  “This place is so peaceful,” I said as we walked through the star lit village.

  “I just want to explore.” Jet bounced.

  “Me too,” Skye agreed.

  “Jet, you’re not going anywhere, you stay with me,” I instructed, grabbing him roughly by his t-shirt.

  Deschanel looked at me puzzled by my sharp attitude.

  “He is his own person, has his own mind, as long as he’s not hurting anyone else why can’t Jet do what he feels?”

  “Because he’s always getting into trouble, and he wasn’t even meant to be here, and he’ll probably run off and get lost."

  “No, I won’t run away.” Jet protested. “I like it here.”

  “Trust him,” Deschanel said easily. “If Jet lets you down, he lets himself down, and if he doesn’t care, he will feel the consequences. Either way, it’s on Jet, not you.”

  I didn’t even need to think about it, Deschanel was right, and he had made it all sound so simple.

  “Well go then.” I released Jet from my grip. “But the two of you stick together and be careful,” I warned.

  Jet straightened his collar, “Thanks, Deschanel,” he said before bounding off with Skye.

  Deschanel smiled at me instantly alleviating my fears.

  “Your brother will be fine. Let us continue on our way.”

  Sal looked at Deschanel and was about to crack her knuckles but then stopped.

  In the clearing, the Saps were sitting with their eyes closed. They were grouped in small circles and sung a soft HUUU sound.

  “What are they doing?” I whispered.

  “That’s it. That’s Kimetic.” Deschanel said. “They’re in contemplation, purifying their energy fields and getting in touch with their inner selves.”

  “And that’s what you want us to do?” Sal asked, screwing up her face.

  “If you want to you’d be most welcome to join us, but there's no pressure,” Deschanel said.

  I thought the Saps looked rather odd.

  “I think I’ll sit this one out,” I said taking a seat underneath an oak tree.

  “Whenever you’re ready Kid.” Deschanel smiled. “And what about you Sal?”

  I expected Sal to be having none of this strange behaviour either so was utterly surprised, and a little bit jealous, when she took Deschanel's hand, and he led her off to join one of the smaller Kimetic circles.

  I sat under the tree and watched them in their group. Deschanel began swaying calmly, and Sal mirrored his movements moving in perfect unison.

  “What is this hocus pocus?” I said bitterly.

  The circles continued to chant peacefully. There was a big turn out; it looked as if the whole of Commania was into this Kimetic.

  I kept staring at the group and from where I was seated, it looked as if Sal was glowing a green colour, but it couldn’t be. I rubbed my eyes. I was obviously tired, and the nap hadn’t driven the snoozy feelings away.

  I heard the wood of his cane scrapping the ground before I saw him. Dr Stoneway stood in front of me.

  “Ahhh. It's so nice to look up at the stars and listen to the wind rustle through the trees, isn’t it?”

  I scrunched up my face, “What? Why?”

  “Because sometimes it’s nice just to be.” Dr Stoneway smiled.

  “Be what?” I asked.


  I shook my head; these earthy Types were such strange people.

  “Not going to take part and join in with Kimetic, young Keziah?” Dr Stoneway asked taking a seat next to me.

  “Nah, not my thing,” I said flippantly.

  “Aha. Not into trying new things then?” He asked.

  “I’m just here to get the mission and go,” I said full of self-importance.

  “Right, right. Sure, sure. And what mission would that be?” Dr Stoneway asked.

  “The one you’re going to give me. I thought you knew all about The Prophecy?"

  “Aha, well let’s see now.” Dr Stoneway said tapping his cane on the floor, “I’m not going to give you a mission.”

  “But Lady Zono said that I'd find the second eye at Commania with you.”

  “Yes, ahem, that’s quite correct. Zono is a stupendously spectacular woman, magnificent indeed.” He said, taking off his glasses and breathing hot air onto them and then wiping them with the material of his cloak before returning them to his face. Every movement was slow, deliberate.

  “But, I thought - ”

  “You thought wrong.” He cut me off. “I’m not going to assign anything to you as I cannot give you something you already have.”

  “What? So, if you’re not going to help me, what am I doing here?”

  “Aah aah ahhh.” Dr Stoneway waggled his finger. “I never said I wasn’t going to help you. I haven’t lived all of this time, for many, many sunrises and sunsets, to meet you and not assist you.”

  “So start assisting,” I said folding my arms.

  “Well ok, if you insist that I assist, I insist that you assist yourself with Kimetic.”

  I looked towards the circular groups of Saps whose buzzing circles were now levitating a metre from the ground.

  “Whoa! How are they doing that?”

  “You can do anything when you know your true self.” Dr Stoneway said with a glint in his eye.

  The choreographed whirling would have taken years of practice. It wasn’t for me. I shook my head.

  “I’m ok here thanks.”

  Dr Stoneway smiled and nodded once, “I’ve lived a long time on this Earth plane, and I’m far too long in the tooth to help those who won’t help themselves.”

  “I don’t know how to help myself or what to do. I haven’t exactly been given instructions you know. Some Urbanite dressed as a Harlequin turns up at my school, tells me I have to act quickly. I follow my troublesome brother to UC. I meet The Res, the world’s most dangerous man, he tells me I’m pivotal in some Prophecy, people honour me, I go back to school and work experience, and I’m back to being treated like a nobody. I relatively shut down TEN, a witch gives me a map, and I wind up here. No other citizen on the Upper Worlds would have done any of that for fear of being fuzzed. If that’s not helping myself, then what is?” I said, crossly.

  “Aha! That’s right, the road of the Soul Survivor is the path less travelled; you have to find your footing, blaze a trail for others to follow behind you. Always be an innovator, be bold, try new things.”

  “What, like Kimetic?” I scoffed. “I don’t think I can get into it. Maybe it’s because I’m Human, certain things do not appeal to me.”

  “Aha yes, Humans.” Dr Stoneway shook his head, “I remember the last ones. Their arrogance, ignorance and fear led to them justifying their actions in despising many things, mostly each other. Too scared to embrace one another for fear of being hurt or rejected. They covered it up well enough though. Made themselves believe someone else was always wrong and they were always right. No matter what they did, no matter the cost, they lived for being right. Even if that meant their ultimate destruction, which it did, they died, in their own minds, being right! Not happy, not at peace, not with love, but right. Keek keek kee.” Dr Stoneway chuckled heartily unable to contain his own laughter.

  I didn’t see anything at all funny in what he was saying. I eyed him d
eadpan as he continued.

  “Humans had the capacity for so many positive actions; it’s such a pity that they fed the negative ones.”

  “But The Res said by being Human I was special.” I blurted out.

  “Yes, yes you are. Don't get me wrong; for all of their trouble and their strife Humans were beautiful beings. Extraordinary works of art. As a Human, you’re far superior to any other walk of life. Not that the Code Types would let you believe it. Contrary to popular belief Code Types are far from perfect. They are as flawed as the Tachions and all of the other life forms they berate and subjugate. Take your friends for instance.”

  “What do you know about my friends?”

  “A lot actually. I’ve studied The Prophecy in detail for many, many moons. Mindy and Cindy are Code Type AE – Aesthetically Beautiful. But aesthetics are often vain and airheaded. Ain’t got much going on up here in the noggin.” Dr Stoneway said tapping the side of his forehead.

  “Then there’s Brad, he’s Code Type SA – Superior Athleticism; a marvellous athlete for sure, but they are usually conceited egomaniacs. Then there’s Max. His Code Type is IE, Intellectual and Scientific, a Brainiac. They usually can't sway from logic. No matter how hard they try, they always fall in line and stick to the rules, paradoxically even when the rules don’t make any sense.”

  For all of his hundreds of years studying The Prophecy, Dr Stoneway wasn’t even a master of it. Here he was criticising all of my Code Type friends, and he hadn’t even mentioned Sal, who he had met. He couldn’t be that well versed in The Prophecy. I didn’t have to listen to him.

  “You have no right to bad mouth my friends. Without them, I wouldn’t have gotten this far, and made it here.”

  “Aha, good, good, so good. I’m so glad you realise that. I was just giving an example. Apologies if I upset you and you took my words to heart. But that’s what makes you so wonderfully Human, your heart. You can unlock any one of your abilities, bring them into being and excel in them. But with passion comes emotion, and the emotion is a distraction that you will have to learn to conquer.”

  I was agitated to the maximum. Dr Stoneway was giving me a lecture that I didn’t want to hear. My ma was always going on about respecting my elders, and he was probably the oldest man alive, but I didn't ask for his advice, I only wanted my mission. Dr Stoneway carried on talking unperturbed by my sulky face.


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