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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Van Forson

  “Well. It’s not like they had much of a choice.” Mindy defended Kid and Jet, wriggling free of Brad’s grip.

  Since she had agreed to make it official and Brad was now her boyfriend, he hugged her at every given opportunity. It made Mindy’s skin crawl, but no one would understand that if she told them. The likes of Madeleine Stone would have given their left arm to be Brad’s girl.

  “But I would have figured out a way, somewhere safe for Kid and Jet to go. I’d never let her down, and she chose to hide out with them, the Tachions.” Max said.

  He was particularly upset because Kid had kissed him before she left. He was happy she had done so but logically couldn’t work her out. Did she have romantic feelings for him? She knew his stance, he wasn’t even going to think about dating until after graduating from college, but Kid had sent his world into a tailspin. And now she was gone.

  “And to think we had to find out about our best friend’s whereabouts from that freaky little Tachion, like she’s better than us,” Brad said, playing with Mindy’s hair.

  “Don’t say that,” Cindy said, “Skye was just relaying what Kid had asked her to tell us.”

  “Yeah.” Sal agreed, annoyed at Brad and Mindy’s loved up behaviour at a time of such trouble. “Don’t call her Tachion like that.”

  “Like what?” Max asked.

  Sal didn’t like the heat. She felt as if Max had been looking at her suspiciously all day. She knew how close he and Kid were. She could only hope that Kid had stuck to her word and not told him that she Capsed.

  “Like, horribly -” Sal trailed off, uncharacteristically meekly.

  “You weren’t there Sal, Philippe completely lost control of himself and flipped out. Wain is openly vocal about his involvement with the TL and Skye has no comprehension of her fearsome powers, which she’s not afraid to use. That scares me. They could turn on us at any moment.” Max said.

  “Yeah. It's not like we can't be friends with Tachions, but let’s just keep the inner circle of the crew pure, just us Code Types. Who’s with me?” Brad said as if giving a halftime pep talk to the football team.

  Mindy nodded to keep up her pretence of adoring Brad.

  Cindy nodded to mirror her sister, like she always did.

  Max nodded reluctantly as he deduced which way the vote was going and logically he wanted to keep in line with the majority.

  Sal nodded not wanting to be the odd one out.

  “And what about Kid?” Cindy asked.

  Charged up with everyone agreeing with him Brad carried on the fighting talk, “She’s chosen which side of the fence she wants to be on, and it’s not here with us.”

  Max nodded woefully, “You’re right, I suppose she has.”

  Everyone grew silent. The divide in the crew deepened.


  “Ow!” I grumbled in pain as a sensation shot through my entire body as I turned over on the thin mattress on the cold concrete floor.

  My eyes hurt so much even blinking felt like a chore. I slowly attempted to adjust my vision to the dimly lit room.

  Across the way, lay Jet. His eyes were shut, his neck crooked and his tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth.

  “Jet, Jet,” I called out hoarsely.

  He didn’t move. I stumbled to my feet and felt the imprint of the hot pins which had been stuck into the pores of my skin. I staggered forward to my brother.

  “Jet!” I screamed.

  “What?” He mumbled, wiping his dry mouth.

  “Thank goodness.” I cried, “I thought you were…” I trailed off. I didn’t want to entertain the dark imaginings that swept through my mind.

  I gently wiped the grazes on my brother’s forehead with my fingertips. The CTT process had been an excruciating ordeal. Tiny metal probes had been placed down the nail bed of each one of our fingers and toenails. The probe was attached to a unit, which sent a laser through the pores into the body, blasting nanotechnology gatherers into the stem cells to collect our DNA. The pain was so immense that I had blacked out after the third wave of volts rocked through my body.

  Jet and I had gotten through this traumatic experience together. We looked at each other in silent acknowledgement of each other’s bravery.

  A crack appeared in the door, and a bright artificial light filled the room. I shielded my painful eyes and saw two hands push the heavy door open. Wain entered the room carrying a tray of food in his third hand.

  “I brought you some nourishment,” he offered softly with a tight-lipped smile. “Good to see you’re finally up.”

  Wain walked gingerly towards us and placed the tray gently on the ground.

  “How was the test yo?” Wain asked not knowing what else to say.

  “It was great! Go Tachion Liberation!” Jet spat sarcastically as he turned his back on Wain.

  This time I didn’t excuse his rude behaviour, it was justified.

  I rose to my feet and returned to my mattress.

  “Ow, ow, ow!” I moaned as each step I took sent pain rocketing through me.

  I flopped onto the bed and beckoned for Wain to join me. He sat next to me looking more shocked than usual.

  “It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced,” I said in a rough voice that didn’t sound like my own, “the pain was immense. I didn’t think we would survive it.”

  “Well, you did. One advantage of the test is that it destroyed your routers. The Authorities will never be able to find you.” Wain offered. “And also, no further harm will come to you while you’re here.”

  “How can you be so sure?” I asked, the loud fuzzing noise of the CTT still ringing in my ears. “The TL might turn on us at any moment.”

  “They won’t. The results are in.” Wain said tapping on an old style hand held computer. “You two are officially not Code Types.”

  “Given half the chance we could have told you that.” Jet snapped.

  “We’re Human. The Res told us that in UC.” I told Wain. “I did try to explain - ”

  Wain cut me off, “Yes indeed you are! Your genealogy is so advanced, in a throwback kinda way. It’s a scientific wonder!”

  “So what does it mean?” Jet asked as he sat up with the greatest of difficulty.

  Wain cleared his throat, “You two can harness whatever specialist area you choose. There is no end to your potentiality. On a larger scale, I am now totally convinced that you are here for some special reason. The Prophecy must be true. On a smaller scale, you have the allegiance of the TL. The Movement will protect you until the ends of the earth.”

  With that news, the whirling pain in my head began to ease. Jet half smiled and laid back, his head cradled in his hands.

  “Maybe now we’ll have time to kick back and figure a way out -” Jet began.

  Wain rose to his feet and glided to the door, “I’m afraid not; you have a visitor.”

  Jet and I looked at each other, again on high alert. I sat up rigidly expecting the worst. Wain opened the door and beckoned. Quick steps approached the room.

  “Who is it?” I hissed.

  Before Wain could answer, Sal entered the room. Her lips were pursed, her face wrought. She didn’t waste time with niceties.

  “Kid, the word on the street is the crew have been arrested by the Authorities. Max, Brad, Mindy and Cindy, alongside your parents are in custody. And you are big news. Look!”

  Sal projected a news pod. The digital readout showed a breaking story with an image of me in high school with the by-line, Most Wanted. The story went on to say that alongside The Res; I was the singular most dangerous person known to the Upper Worlds.

  “Oh my days,” I was dumbstruck. “All of this because of me?”

  Jet jumped across the room to get a closer look.

  “What about Skye?” He panicked.

  “I think she’s alright, no word of her being implicated,” Sal said.

  “And I got a psychic call last night from Philippe,” Wain said. “That boy is working his powers yo.
The Authorities haven’t got him yet, some of the TL are hiding him in Zero.”

  “They’re hauling us all in. The Authorities are coming, and they won’t stop till they get you.” Sal cracked her knuckles loudly.

  The news story about me was as big as you could get. Now, I had the Authorities after me, the Tachions torturing me and what felt like the world against me.

  “Woah!” Jet said as the news report showed an image of his face.

  “Also on the run is Keziah’s brother, thirteen-year-old Jet Saint Monrova. The Monrova siblings are agents of terror, enemies of the state and a danger to your personal safety…” The newscaster reported.

  The News on TEN was a distortion of the truth. But the citizens of the Upper Worlds would believe it. I had put everyone I loved in grave danger for what exactly? To save the world? Get real Kid! The Prophecy, or whatever was going on here, was nothing more than raggedy bits of information given to me by strange strangers from weird worlds. And I had trusted them.

  “I’ve got to hand myself in,” I said.

  “No way Kid! You can’t do that.”

  “Read the headlines Jet. This isn’t a childish game. I’m big news, and this has gotten way out of control.”

  “You’re the real deal yo. The tests prove it.”

  “You can’t give up now; we’ve come this far.”

  “Enough.” I held up my hands for silence, my head pounded.

  I closed my eyes to ease the pain. I had to end this here; it’s wasn’t fun anymore. I didn’t want any of my friends hurt. Because of me, they were in prison. Here, in a dusty spare room of the TL headquarters, I was powerless. And if on a small scale I couldn’t even help my friends, how was I meant to save the world?

  I realised the room was silent and opened my eyes to see Jet, Wain and Sal staring at me.

  “No one knows you’re here, yet.” Sal tried to sound upbeat.

  “We, the Tachions, will protect you.” Wain said.

  “We can do this sis. We can make the difference. We are the difference.” Jet rose shakily to his feet in steely determination. “We must fulfil The Prophecy.”

  “If I don’t surrender what about the rest of the crew? Their safety is more important than mine.”

  “Look, their parents are all powerful players on the Upper Worlds. I’m sure things will work out fine for them. It always does for their Type.”

  “Wain’s right,” Sal said. “Aside from their parents, they’re all Gold Star Code Types on their own merits. The cream of the crop. They won’t be senselessly fuzzed or regened. Their valued DNA affords them that privilege.”

  “I know you’re right but we still have to formulate a plan to get the crew off the hook.” I sprang into action.

  “Wain, I’ll need you to use your telepathic powers. Tap into their brainwaves, track them, do whatever it takes to assure me that they are well. Then go to the Authorities and clear their name.”

  Wain nodded, “Whatever you say, I’m down with it.”

  “And keep yourself safe too.”

  “Always yo.”

  Next, I turned to Sal, “Please find Skye. I’m going to need both of your help to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”

  “Whatever you need, I’m here for you.” Sal cracked her knuckles.


  It was time for me to take control and embrace the endless possibilities of my Human potential. The Prophecy and saving the world would have to wait because my nearest and dearest came first.

  They make the laws,

  Which reign over the dominion,

  But certain rules need to be broken,

  In my humble opinion.

  Fourteen: Lock Down

  “I’m certain this is a childish prank. Nothing more than a dare or a silly game that’s gotten out of hand.” Bibi said walking down the glass corridor.

  His explanation was met with silence from his esteemed colleagues. He knew most of the White Coats who surrounded him. They were from Techno Corp where he worked as a head researcher of biotech.

  Along the hallway were four glass cubicles, which were tinted so you couldn’t see from the inside out. Isolated in each cell was Mindy, Cindy, Brad and Max.

  Mindy had the broadest smile on her face but visibly shook with fear. Bibi stopped to look at her.

  “She’s no good,” Mr Moogs, the leader of the group of White Coats, finally spoke, “we’ve got all we can from the Lush Twins. They're unable to string a coherent sentence together.”

  Bibi and The White Coats walked passed Cindy’s cubicle but didn't stop. Cindy was rocking from side to side. A smile transfixed on her face.

  “Exactly the same as her sister, naturally.” Mr Moogs said.

  Bibi and the White Coats approached Brad’s cubicle. He paced around the small steel table in the room like a caged animal.

  “He won’t give her up to us. None of them will tell us where she is. Brad, however, did fill us in on Keziah’s Tachion friends that have evaded capture, Philippe and Wain, he said they’re dangerous. They’re being hauled in as we speak.”

  Bibi nodded in concurrence, but he had never known either Philippe or Wain to be a problem. Philippe was a gentle soul and Wain polite and courteous, despite his upbringing in Sub Zero.

  “What about him?” Bibi pointed to Max in the last cubicle. “He must have some information; he’s my daughter’s closest friend.”

  “Is that so?” Mr Moogs said surprised. “Maxwell Schneider has been the most resilient, refuses to talk at all. And as long as we don't get any answers on the whereabouts of your offspring, you will all remain imprisoned.”

  “I am a lead scientist at the Institute. This lunacy has gone too far.” Bibi cried outraged.

  The mass of White Coats turned sharply to air their disapproval.

  Bibi lowered his voice to a less confrontational octave, “My wife can’t take the sleep deprivation. We don’t know who or what has made our children display such deviant behaviour.”

  “You have failed in your parenting duties to prepare them as full grown Upper Worldians.” Mr Moogs said spitefully.

  “It’s my wife,” Bibi sighed, “she’s a Compassionate Type; she wouldn't allow for our children to be Code Type tested. Keziah may have a defective gene. If she needs to be modified, I will override my wife and sign all consent for regeneration. Jet idolises his sister – he has probably just been dragged along by her.”

  “Very well. But what if modification fails and the only answer is termination?”

  Bibi was astounded by such fierce talk.

  “Well, I hope it won’t have to come to that. I can regen my children, rewire their brains to think and do whatever you want them to.” Bibi tried to sound casual, but he was panicking. “I don't think a childish prank of hacking into the state broadcasting system warrants such a harsh sentence.”

  “Your offspring have proven that they cannot be trusted to fall in line with the laws of the Upper World. What if total annihilation is the only answer? Would you be with us or against us?” Mr Moogs asked vengefully.

  Bibi shook his head sorrowfully, “I hope it never comes to that, but if it does you have my permission, permission to annihilate them,” he whispered barely audibly. “The will of the state must be upheld,” Bibi said, quoting the constitution like the dutiful citizen he was.

  “Correct answer, Dr Monrova. Thumbprint this agreement of consent for termination and you and your wife will be released effective immediately.”

  A White Coat pushed an electronic declaration towards Bibi.

  Bibi slowly raised his thumb, hesitating for a moment, before leaving an imprint on the screen.

  “Good, very good.” Mr Moogs said contentedly.

  He turned to face the cubicle in which Max sat very still, staring into space.

  “Now before you leave, you have one last duty. Talk to the boy, maybe you can get something out of him.”


  “Stop that!” The Guardi
an instructed Wain and Philippe as they rode shackled like convicts in the Authoritarian van. “We can detect your brainwave patterns and know you are communicating telepathically. Any more of that illegal activity and you will be annihilated on the spot.”

  Wain and Philippe took the guard’s threat very seriously. This particular model of Guardian was known to be particularly ruthless. And in any case, Wain had communicated to Philippe all that he needed to know.

  Their capture was inevitable, and now they had to work with the plan Kid had set. She had given them a script of what to tell the Authorities to exonerate her friends. Now that Wain had informed Philippe of what Kid’s wishes were, they both knew what they had to do.


  “This is not a game Maxwell,” Bibi hissed, “we’re dealing with extremist behaviour here. The Authorities deem this as a major threat. You’re lucky you weren’t all annihilated.”

  Max kept his head bowed but peered through his brown fringe at the man he revered most in the world, Dr Bibi Monrova. Not only because it was his best friend’s father, but also because he was a well-respected, visionary biochemist whose discoveries were heralded.

  When the White Coats interrogated him, he dared not utter a word. Even though Kid had sided with the Tachions, he would never betray her friendship. But now it was not that easy. His hero, was putting pressure on him and Max’s logical brain ticked over time.

  “Kid is unwell. She requires modification if she is to survive. Your silence and misguided loyalty are not helping her.”

  Max stared over his specs, chewing the insides of his cheeks, willing his brain to stop screaming what he knew was the obvious, logical thing to do.

  “What person in their right mind would re-configure The Eye Network signal with the message of ‘Free your mind’? Tampering with official state property is forbidden. Kid could receive years in exile because of such a prank, or worse.”

  Bibi wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and sat to look Max directly in the eye. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar. Why wouldn’t the boy talk? He was behaving way out of his Code Type status. Had this been him twenty years ago he would have confessed immediately.


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