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More Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Short Stories Collections)

Page 10

by Scott, Lisa

He pulled back. “Oh, no. I don’t want to go back in there.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He unleashed a wicked grin. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Because of your ex?”

  “Because I can’t get to know you if we’re making polite conversation with the mayor. Or whoever we’re stuck at the table with.”

  “But we haven’t eaten.”

  “I know a few places.” He grabbed her hand and whisked her out of the ballroom, then down the stairs.

  She stepped out into the night air and looked up at him, the wind loosening a few strands of her hair. “Who are you?”

  “I told you, my name’s Toby.”

  “Toby who?” she asked.

  He reached for her hand and kissed it. “Let’s just get to know each other before we give last names or trade resumes.”

  She caught her breath. “Sounds good to me.”

  “Great. Now let’s go eat.” He led her down the street and they looked up at the moon and talked about the joys of spring versus the delightful crispness of fall. They discussed favorite books and places they longed to travel. Diana thought she might be in love even before they got to dinner, wherever that might be.

  He stopped in front of a cart on the corner of the street, steam rolling off the grill and the delicious smell of cooking meat filling the air. “Welcome to my favorite hotdog cart in the whole city.”

  Diana covered her mouth and laughed. “This is definitely an upgrade from whatever they’re serving back at the ball.”

  They each ordered a footlong with everything, and sat on a bench to enjoy their feast. “I remember roasting hotdogs on the beach down on the Cape when I was a kid,” Diana said. “It’s not going to taste right without a few s’mores to follow it up.”

  “I have yet to see a s’more cart downtown. But that would be an interesting venture,” Toby said. “Did you spend your summers on the Cape?”

  She looked down, folding the paper hot dog holder into a neat square. “For a few summers we did.” Until her father had left. Once the divorce finally went through, her father sold the house. “Now whenever I see a bonfire on the beach, I stay away, saying the smoke bothers me. But it’s really so no one will see me crying. The happiest days of my childhood were spent down there, before the divorce.” She looked up at him. “That’s getting too personal for tonight, I suppose.”

  “No, it’s not. I imagine we’ve all been banged up a bit by this point in our lives. And I’m sorry you have, too. Tell you what. We’ll go up to Maine this summer instead, and roast hotdogs and s’mores. The Cape’s too crowded, anyway.”

  “Like I needed more reasons to fall for you,” Diana said.

  Toby stared at her. “So you’re feeling the same thing, too?”

  “Sometimes, if she’s very lucky, a girl knows what she wants.” Damn, if she were one of her clients she would’ve told herself to slow down. Way down.

  He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and brushed his lips across her forehead. “Why haven’t I met you sooner?” He took her hand, and then stood up. “Come. Let’s walk. I need to know more about you. Were you more of a shell collector or sand castle builder at the beach?”

  “Both. I collected shells to decorate my castles.”

  He laughed, and squeezed her hand. “We only went to the Cape a few times. We certainly didn’t have a house there.”

  “I bet we would’ve had fun playing together as kids,” she said, leaning into him.

  “Or maybe I would’ve been awful to you, to hide what I’m sure would’ve been a secret crush. I probably would’ve thrown sand at you and kicked over your castles.”

  “I would’ve seen right through it. I had good instincts even when I was a kid.”

  He laughed, and tightened his grip on her hand. They strolled the streets and talked for hours, then stopped for coffee and talked some more.


  Toby couldn’t sleep when he got home, even though it was three in the morning. It was thrilling to have connected with such a beautiful woman without knowing the most basic things about her. What did she do for a living? Had she ever been married? All he knew was he had to see her again.

  After two more dates without revealing their most basic background information, Toby decided it was time to lay everything on the table. “Let me make you dinner,” he said over the phone. “It’s time we talked.”

  “So, you’re ready for that?” Diana asked, her husky voice over the phone stirring something inside him. “Sounds like a good idea if we’re going to move forward.”

  “We are going to move forward. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  Diana gave him her address and made plans to meet him in the lobby.

  How had he wasted so much time with so many wrong women? He closed his eyes, smiling. She’s the one. I know it.


  I can’t get into a serious relationship right now, she said to herself. Research for the book had to come first. Hard to do when she’s dating a great guy while her task was meant to be dating losers. What was she supposed to do? She didn’t have enough for the book, and this past week with Toby—well, she just couldn’t include Toby in the book. There had to be a solution. Maybe Toby could help her figure it out.

  She slipped into one of her conservative outfits, relieved she no longer had to wear skirts and shirts that left her perpetually chilly, and hurried down to the lobby. Would her heart ever stop pounding?

  Toby was there, right on time. He rushed over to the elevator and barely gave her chance to step off before he was kissing her, far longer than she usually allowed in public. He nudged his nose against her ear. “I can’t wait to get to know everything about you,” he whispered, his breath warm and inviting.

  She slid her arms around his. “Me, too. I have so many questions for you.”

  He led her outside to a waiting Mercedes limo. She paused. “You didn’t have to arrange this.”

  He suppressed a grin. “I didn’t. This is my car and driver.”

  “Oh.” She blinked and finally ducked into the car when Toby placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her along.

  They sat down and the car zoomed away. “I wasn’t expecting this. Who are you?” she asked.

  “Toby Carter.”

  She blinked. “One of those Carters?” He was one of her old client Aubrey’s brothers.

  “Yes, one of those Carters. Maybe you understand now why I didn’t want to tell you at first.”

  She looked out the window and twisted her hands in her lap. “It was horrible that the press made such a big deal of the inheritance your mother left when she died.”

  “Mom left some of the money to a charity, and hoping to get more publicity for their cause, they released the story about the teacher who had secretly stashed away a fortune.” He sighed. “Despite what you might think, it hasn’t been easy.” He reached for her hand. “Does that change anything for you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Good.” He smiled and kissed the side of her head. “And what about you, Diana? Tell me about you.”

  She hadn’t even thought of where to begin. She laughed. “I feel like we’re on our first date again.”

  He grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “They’ve all felt like first dates.”

  “I know.” Closing her eyes, she sighed. He was perfect. She’d been right. “Well, let’s see, what can I tell you about me. I’m Diana Hart, and until recently, I was a relationship therapist.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. And now?”

  “I’m writing books. Relationship books.”

  “Not about me, I hope.” He chuckled.

  She shook her head. “No. In fact, I’ve been purposely dating the wrong men to write about the disastrous results.”

  He leaned back. “And I’m one of those men?”

  She laughed. “Absolutely not. Your brother was, though. That’s where you know me from. Dina from the The Brownstone?”<
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  He slapped his thigh. “You picked my brother, Eric, over me.”

  She bit her lip, thinking. “And my brother, too.”


  She shook her head. “Never mind. You don’t want to know. I also saw you one night out on the sidewalk. Both times I wanted to talk with you. But I couldn’t.”

  “Because of the book,” Toby said, with a hardness in his voice.

  “That’s right.”

  Toby ran his hand through his hair. “Are you going to stop working on the book now that we’ve met?”

  She paused. “I don’t think I can. I signed a contract. I need to finish the proposal.”

  “Contracts can be broken.”

  “But it’s my new career. I’ve got to do something now that I’ve quit therapy.”

  Toby slumped back and sighed. “Of course I was attracted to you. I seem to gravitate toward women who are hyper-focused on their career.”

  She put a hand on her hip. “I’m hardly hyper-focused.”

  “You’re purposely dating men you don’t like so you can write about it.”

  It didn’t sound pretty when he put it that way. “I’d think you’d appreciate a woman who wants to make her own way.”

  He softened his voice. “Diana, I want someone who thinks I’m more important than a job. I’ve never been something more than an accessory or a trophy to anyone. I want to be someone’s everything. Is that so much to ask?”

  She perched on the edge of her seat and looked out the window. “It’s scary. That’s what my mom had with my dad. He was her everything, and it just crumbled apart leaving me and my mom with a hell of a lot of pieces to pick up. I grew up learning to depend on myself. A man would just be…”

  “Something extra.” He nodded. “I know. It’s why every relationship of mine has ended.”

  Diana smoothed her hands down her skirt and took a deep breath. “I guess we were smart keeping all these details to ourselves for a few dates.”

  Toby’s sigh was far too long and sad. “I’ve been in too many relationships that involved me, the woman and her career. I can’t do it again.”

  “Are you saying if I finish this book, we can’t be together?”

  “How could we? You’re writing about dating disasters. How can you do that if we’re a couple? You can’t go cruising around bars anymore.”

  Neither of them spoke for a few minutes, until she quietly said, “Toby, I think you should take me home. It’s good that we got this out in the open now. It would just hurt more a few months down the road when things get more serious.”

  “You’re right.” He paused, drumming his fingers on the seat. “Actually, you know what? No. I don’t agree. I think you should take a chance on me.”

  “Toby, let’s just keep it casual for a while.”

  “That won’t work. Let me know if you change your mind, Diana. I am ready to be a fantastic, fun, attentive boyfriend. No one’s ever given me the chance to be those things. I’ve got the money. I can take care of you.”

  “Toby, I’ve always supported myself. If things don’t work out, then where does that leave me?”

  “It’ll work out. I have a feeling.”

  “I can’t stake my future on a feeling. My father left when I was two. I barely remember him. I’ve seen him maybe a dozen times after that. I’ve counseled hundreds of women who’ve given up everything for a man, only to be left with nothing but regrets. It is very important for me to be independent, Toby. I can’t count on anyone but myself. I wish you understood that my work is important to me, not just for the paycheck.”

  “But I’m not important. Or not important enough.”


  “Not enough anyway.”

  “I think you should take me home.”

  He wouldn’t look at her. “I think you’re right.”


  Diana went home and cried. This was perfect stuff for the book, all this heartbreak and angst. But Toby wasn’t Mr. Wrong. He was right in so many ways. Except for wanting to come before your career.

  She thought over what that really meant. He wanted to be the most important thing to a woman. Was that so bad? Either way, her book proposal was stuck on chapter ten. She emailed her agent and told her she needed more time.


  For two weeks, Toby tried to forget her, the woman happier with a hotdog from a street vendor than a five-course dinner at a charity ball. Maybe somebody else like her was out there. Unlikely, he thought. But he accepted his brother’s invitation to meet him out. Maybe Eric would remember something about Diana—or Dina—that could help him convince her to give this thing a chance.

  At the bar, Toby did his best to describe her to Eric. “Lovely brown, wavy hair. Although it may have been straight that night.”

  Eric snapped his fingers. “The chick with the cobra tattoo on her neck.”

  “Uh, no. Definitely not her. You don’t remember anything about a woman you spent three hours talking with?”

  “Dude, I was—”

  “Drunk, I know.”

  “Dad died when I was eight. No need to fill in for him now, Bro.”

  A beautiful voice interrupted their conversation. “Do you remember me now, Eric?”

  Toby spun around and saw Diana standing there smiling.

  Eric scrunched his eyebrows. “No, I don’t.”

  She frowned. “Lots of eye shadow. Shorter skirt.”

  “I remember you,” said Eric’s friend Emily. “You were going to get him a barf bag during your trip overseas.”

  “Oh, where did you go?” Toby asked.

  Diana gave Toby a look.

  “Ah. You weren’t going anywhere, were you?” Toby asked.

  “What?” Eric asked.

  Emily patted his cheek. “She was trying to get away from you.”


  Diana turned up her hands. “I could never keep up with your partying.”

  Eric puffed out his chest. “Damn right.”

  Sliding off her barstool, Emily pulled Eric away. “She’s not interested in you. Come on, leave them alone.” He followed her to the back of the bar like a sulking toddler.

  Toby faced Diana. “What are you doing here? More research for your book?”

  “No. I’m meeting my brother here. We had a…” She paused. “A pretty big misunderstanding.”

  “So did you and I,” Toby said.

  “It wasn’t a misunderstanding. I think we both made ourselves rather clear.”

  “But I was wrong. I’m sorry.” He took her hand in his. “I never should have suggested you stop writing the book for me. I think it’s great that you’ve got something you love. I just want to be sure you’d be able to love me as much, too.”

  She sat down next to him and put her purse on the bar. “I’m not so sure I love writing. At least not the book on finding Mr. Wrong. I cancelled the second book deal.”

  He set his hand on her knee. “You didn’t have to do that for me.”

  “I didn’t do it for you. I did it for me. It was consuming my life and making me do things I didn’t want to do. Like say goodbye to you.”

  He reached for his drink and took a sip. “What are you going to do now? Go back to therapy?”

  “I’m not sure. But I want to make sure I get my priorities right this time. My mother always insisted I be independent, so I’ve focused on my career. Even though I’ve dreamed of the family I never had growing up, I never wanted to need anyone. Other people can let you down. So instead, I spent years helping other people find love. I’ve never found it myself.”

  “Me neither. Until recently.” He grinned at her.

  Diana set her hand on his arm. “Is it too late for us?”

  “It sounds like perfect timing. We can figure out your new life together.”

  She looped her arms around his neck, teasing the hair above his collar. “I was convinced someone like you was wrong for me.”

  “Then give me as lon
g as it takes to prove otherwise.” He pulled her in for a kiss.

  Eric walked back over and snorted. “And I’m the public embarrassment.”

  Emily grabbed his hand and yanked him away. “Let’s go sit down. Far away, in back.” She dragged him away.

  “How about we make a deal,” Toby suggested.

  Diana’s eyes widened. “Nothing on paper, right?”

  He laughed. “No. What kind of guy would do that?”

  “The kind of guys I’ve been seeing.”

  Toby leaned forward to kiss her. “Not anymore.” He was delighted with the passionate kiss he got back.

  A man standing nearby interrupted them. “You never want me to have sex again, do you? No man needs to see his sister sucking face in public like that.” The guy rubbed his eyes.

  Diana looked up into the man’s pale face. “Matt, you really need to grow up sometime before you hit middle age. Toby, this is my brother Matt. Matt is upset because he and I ended up going on a blind date together.”

  Toby’s eyebrows shot up. “You really did go all out for that book, didn’t you?”

  Matt stared off at the mermaid mural on the wall. “I thought I was well enough to come out again.” Matt closed his eyes and shook his head like a wet dog drying off. “I think I’ll be going now.” He turned and left.

  Diana watched him go. “Well, I’ve got at least one potential patient if need be.”

  Toby took her in his arms. “No, I’m going to keep you busy showing you how much I love you.” She nestled her head against his shoulder.

  “Just promise me one thing,” she said.

  He nodded. “Anything.”

  “Don’t ever buy me edible panties.”

  “I don’t want to know why, do I?”

  “No. No, you do not. Wait, what was the deal we’re making?”

  “To always put each other first,” Toby said.

  Diana held out her hand. “Let’s shake on it.”

  Instead, he slid his hand behind her neck and pulled her to him until they were lip to lip. “Let’s kiss on it, instead.”

  I Know Who You Kissed Last Night

  by Lisa Scott

  Emily rolled over on the couch and groaned as the sunlight streamed through the window. Two cats and a dog leapt off of her when she sat up. Sleeping over at her best friend Eric’s apartment was never comfortable, but she’d been too upset over what had happened last night to make it home; and he’d been too drunk to leave alone. Again. So, she’d crashed on his couch. Sleeping in his guest room would’ve been asking for trouble. What if he wandered into the wrong room and the wrong bed after a middle-of-the-night bathroom trip? No, the couch was much safer.


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