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Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice)

Page 7

by Vaughn, Violet

  It’s completely inappropriate, but I snicker. I quickly cover my mouth. “I’m sorry.”

  His grin gets bigger. “Don’t be.”

  “Is she going to be okay?” I peer past him and see Casey help the girl step into her jeans. Megan is on the other side of her and holds an arm to keep her balanced.

  “Probably, she’s kind of known for this sort of behavior.”

  A giggle is about to burst out of me. “That had to have been cold.” My body shakes with suppressed laughter.

  Kaleb’s eyes are bright, and he tilts his head at me. “You’re not supposed to laugh at this. You’re supposed to wonder why some girl is waiting naked for me in my car.” Casey and Megan walk Tara across the street.

  “Oh, right. So? Why is some naked woman waiting for you in your car?” I don’t know what’s come over me because he’s correct, I should be horrified. I can’t control myself, and giggle. I notice the girls open a door between two shops and assume Tara must live above one.

  Jason knocks on the window, and Kaleb lowers it. He sees me laughing. “You know, some guys give their girls flowers or chocolate. But Kaleb? He surprises them with naked women.” He starts to laugh.

  Nick sticks his head in the window. “You’ve got to find a better place for your extra key. A girl could get frostbite climbing under your car in her birthday suit.”

  Now, nobody contains laughter. When we see Casey and Megan make their way back over we do our best to stop. Kaleb and I get out of Jason’s truck.

  Megan says, “That girl’s a piece of work. She never seems to learn.” She shakes her head.

  Kaleb opens the passenger door to his car for me. I’m hesitant to get in, and it must be apparent on my face because Casey says, “Want a bleach wipe for the seat?” She giggles, and that makes us all laugh again.

  A million stars are in the sky, and they shine down on us as Kaleb drives me home. We ride in silence, and the reality of the evening sets in. What kind of girl gets naked in her ex-boyfriend’s car and waits for him? They must’ve had a wild sexual relationship. One I don’t know how to give.

  And what kind of girl goes to such extremes? One who is still very much in love with Kaleb, that’s what kind. I steal a quick glance at him. Does he still love her? Did he find that hot?

  My stomach clenches. I’m in over my head here. I am so not a Tara and can’t even begin to compete. The floodlight in my driveway illuminates Kaleb’s face as we pull in. His profile is strong, and his lips are full. Those lips do things to me that make my knees weak. And obviously they do the same for Tara. So much for him being a dork.

  We’ve barely spoken, and it freaks me out a little. The wooden steps to my apartment vibrate with our footsteps as we climb up. I turn the key in my lock, and the metal bolt slides with a hollow sound. When we step inside, Kaleb shuts the door and leans against it.

  “I don’t think I should stay for long. It’s been an intense night.” Damn it. He still loves her. He lifts my chin with a finger and kisses me. But he’s kissing me? Our lips nip at each other, and I’m so confused. My hand presses on his chest, and his heartbeat is faint against my palm. Our kiss lacks passion and desire. Of course it does. How do I compete with naked?

  “Thank you. I had a—an interesting time.” I flash a smile, but it’s fake. It was an odd night, and I wonder if he’s confused about his feelings for Tara and me.

  The look in his eyes seems worried. Like he’s afraid he’ll hurt me. My heart aches a little, thinking we’re over. I was falling for this guy.

  “Good-night, Lori.” He leaves, and I slowly turn the lock and deadbolts. I move toward the kitchen, look down at the house key in my hand, and swallow the dread back down.

  Chapter 13

  I stomp into the locker room in a bad mood. It’s already been one of those days. First I spilled tea all over myself and had to change my clothes. Then I managed to drop my keys on my way down the stairs, and they fell in a snow bank, which meant I had to dig for them.

  While I’m still here in time to ski before work, I don’t have anyone to ski with. Last night’s good-bye loops in my head. He still loves her. I’m convinced Kaleb will pick Tara over me, and that’s probably what makes this day suck so bad. I twirl my locker combination but keep going past a number. Damn it!

  Finally getting the lock to work, I yank the door open, and it slams against the other lockers. The noise sounds good. But when it bounces back to hit me, it hurts. Frustrated tears spring to my eyes.

  “Hey. I swear I didn’t do it.” Kaleb’s voice reaches me before I see him.

  My stomach flips. Why are you here? To tell me what I already know? That it’s over? I glare at him because I don’t want to hear it. I get it. I freak out about moving past second base, and Tara waits for you naked. You don’t have to spell it out for me. I know I should be civil and let him tell me, but I can’t. My pride won’t let me cry in front of him over this. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep the tears from falling.

  Kaleb speaks before I am able to choke out words. He says, “Okay, maybe I did.” Sadness clouds his eyes as he shakes his head a little. He says, “I’m sorry.” He turns and leaves before I can say anything. I should call after him. But I’m not sure anything nice would come out of my mouth.

  I sink to the bench and let the tears fall. I like Kaleb and his rejection hurts. I’m not good at this. At twenty-one, I’ve never had a normal relationship. This dating stuff is hard. Darn it. I sniff and get up to go to the ladies’ room.

  The back door slams shut just as I leave my aisle. I guess it was Kaleb going out to snowboard, and my stomach clenches. I resist the urge to run after him and beg him to pick me.

  Once inside the bathroom, it’s all girl. Only ten females in the locker room of almost one hundred, this is our oasis. Deodorant, lotion, tampons, and various toiletries line the counter. They lend to a pleasant odor instead of the dank septic smell one would expect.

  I splash cold water on my face to relieve my puffy eyes. I dab some lotion on my cheeks and pull myself together. Time to grow up and deal. I stand taller and walk back to my locker, ready to face a new day.

  * * *

  Working with children turns my mood around quickly. They love to have fun, and by the end of the ski day, I’m my usual self.

  When I get to my locker, Casey asks, “Any more naked surprises last night?” Her eyes sparkle with a hint of laughter.

  I smile at her joke. “No.” But the thought of Kaleb tweaks at my emotions, bringing me down again.

  “Hey, why the sad face?” Casey touches my arm when my head drops to avoid her gaze. “Whoa. You didn’t fight with Kaleb about last night, did you?”

  “No,” I say. “I don’t fight.”

  “Okay, good. Because he was horrified about Tara being naked in his car. You know that, right?”

  Was he? A slice of hope slides before me. “How long were they together?” I ask.

  “A couple of months.” She stops undressing and focuses her intense eyes on me. “They were never anything serious. Tara is so not Kaleb’s type. She’s loud, overbearing, and ‘out there’ with her sexuality. Kaleb’s too sweet for that.”

  I relax. “Do you think he loved her?”

  “What?” She snickers. “No, most definitely not. I think he spent most of his time tolerating her.” She gets up to put her ski pants in her locker. “Tara needs attention, and last night was her drunken attempt at getting laid to feel attractive. Poor Kaleb was what she thought of as an easy mark.”

  My heart soars. But then it lands with a thump when I recall the way I acted this morning. I should apologize. “I need to find him,” I say.

  I pad quickly over to his aisle. I swallow to settle my nerves and approach him. He looks at me with trepidation, and I say, “Hi.”

  “Hi.” The Velcro of his bootstrap lets out a rip as he opens it to release the tongue.

  “I’m sorry I was so mean this morning.” I shrug my shoulders. “I was having a bad
day.” I straddle the bench next to where he sits. His musky smell tickles my nose.

  “Was it about last night?” He yanks a foot out of his boot with a small grunt.

  “Yup. I was feeling jealous.” I give him a sheepish grin.

  He turns and straddles the bench to face me. “I should have explained things to you. I’m sorry.”

  “I should have asked,” I say.

  “Tara and I did date for a while. But it wasn’t a good relationship.” I melt in his gaze, and he says, “She means nothing to me.” He runs a hand over his face. “Finding her like that was not something that impressed me.” He looks at me for a moment. “But you, you impress me.” He tips my chin up with his finger.

  My lips turn up in a small smile, and I reach for his hand. It’s hot against my cold one. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  His eyes warm to me. “Don’t forget I’m a stupid guy sometimes. It’s okay to ask me things.”

  “And I’m a stupid girl sometimes. It’s okay to ask me things, too.”

  He raises my palm to his lips and kisses it, and I think, But I might not answer.

  Chapter 14

  Heather catches up to me as I walk to the locker room from the Kids’ Castle. “Hey, wait up,” she calls. I slow down, and she falls in step with me. “Eliza and I are headed to Tony’s for a beer. Want to join us?”

  “Sure.” I’ve told Kaleb I would pick up pizza for the guys at the shop tonight, but a beer with the girls first sounds like fun. Happiness embraces me because friends are finding me. I need more than just a boyfriend to be normal.

  “Invite Casey and Megan too if you see them.”

  “Will do.”

  She jogs down the metal steps in her ski boots as if she wears sneakers. The sound is melodious until I follow and add my clunky beat. She holds the door open for me and says, “I’ll meet you by the door in ten?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” My skis clatter when I drop them in the wooden rack. Kaleb’s snowboard drips with wet snow, and I guess he might still be here.

  I probably don’t have time, but I go to his aisle anyway. His locker clangs as he slams the door shut. I slither under his arm while he connects his lock and say, “Hi.”

  His face lights up. “Hi.” His voice is suggestive, and I know I made the right decision.

  I fiddle with the button on his flannel shirt. The plastic is slippery between my fingers. “There’s something I need.” I tilt my head and look up at him under my eyelashes.

  He places both of his hands above my head on the lockers as he leans down close to my face. His musky scent drifts to my nose. “Really? What might that be?”

  His sultry voice radiates though me. I pull his head down and touch my lips to his. I nibble on his lower lip and suck it gently. His tongue slides into my mouth, and I let out a tiny noise. I know we’re doing the PDA thing, and I should be horrified at myself, but I’m not.

  He pulls away and brushes my cheek with the back of his hand. “Nice.”

  “Uh-huh.” I scamper away with a mischievous look on my face.

  I’m still flustered when I get to my locker. Casey is there, and she hits my arm lightly. “You must have just seen Kaleb.”

  “Yup.” I hug myself. “Heather, Eliza and I are going to Tony’s for a beer. Want to come?”

  “Yeah. That sounds fun. Let me grab Megan. I’m sure she’d like to come, too. Nick is working almost every night this week.” She says, “I guess Kaleb must be, too.”

  “He is. It’s crazy at the shop right now.” My bare feet grip the wood of the bench as I step up to place my ski boots on top of the lockers and put what looks like a vacuum tube in each one. Air blows out of the tube to help dry the inside of the boot. It’s a great thing considering how awful a wet boot feels. It also explains why our locker room smells like hundreds of stinky feet. I crinkle my nose at the odor as it’s called to the front of my mind.

  Megan comes around the corner and sits down on the bench with a sigh. Her bag falls to the floor with a thud.

  I ask, “Long day?” I notice Casey walk down the aisle toward the other end and snuggle up to Jason.

  “Yeah, but it was a good one. I had level eights, and they kept me busy.” Level eights are about the most advanced skiers you can get for a lesson. Megan is a level nine, and I’m about a seven. I’m sure she worked hard.

  Megan calls out to Casey, “I don’t suppose you could stop playing kissy-face and get your butt ready?”

  I snort but then think about what Kaleb and I were just doing. Casey twirls toward us and shrugs her shoulders. “Can’t help it. He’s irresistible.” She pats Jason on the bottom, and he shakes his head at her.

  He looks over at us. “You two take care of her. She can be trouble.”

  Megan answers, “Don’t I know it. I’ll do what I can.”

  She flips her hair at Jason, and he chortles. “Have fun, ladies.”

  The three of us leave Jason and go meet Heather and Eliza. Eliza teaches kids with me, but I haven’t spent much time with her. As we approach, I watch her pull her waist-length brown hair back as if she’s making a ponytail, and she brings it to the front.

  Eliza speaks. “I was just telling Heather we should park in the shuttle lot. I think the streets will be packed since it’s a holiday week.”

  “I think you’re right.” Megan links arms with her. “I feel like we never ski together anymore. Where’ve you been hiding this year?”

  Heather holds the door open for us and sings out, “She’s got a new love.”

  Megan says, “No way.”

  “Way. And he’s a hottie,” says Heather.

  “Tell me about him, Eliza.” Megan leans into her, and they sway a bit.

  “There’s not much to tell. He’s a local. Teaches at the high school and…” She giggles. “He’s pretty hot.”

  Heather says, “See? Smitten.”

  “Speaking of smitten.” Eliza pulls Heather next to her and links her arm as well. “How’s the corporate guy?”

  Megan leans her head in front of Eliza. “Corporate guy?”

  Eliza answers in a singsong voice. “Requested private lesson, buys her fancy wine and roses. I think he might be the one.”

  Heather snorts. “I wouldn’t go that far, but he’s quite romantic.”

  We’re at Megan’s car, and she pulls away from Eliza. “I want to hear all about it. Whichever one of you gets to Tony’s first, grab us a table.” We splinter off and get in our vehicles.

  Tony’s is a block away from the shuttle parking lot. I walk quickly in the chill, and steam and warmth wafts toward me as I open the door of the restaurant. Known for its pizza, the faint smell of garlic is in the air. It’s starting to fill up with people, and children run around. I wonder if I’ll see any of my students.

  I notice Megan first, and I walk over to the table. The noise level is just loud enough that we need to speak up to be heard. Water is already in glasses sweating with moisture. “Hey, guys.” I say and peel off my jacket as I slide on to a stool. I take a long drink of the water and let the cold liquid quench my thirst. Moments later Casey joins us, and a pitcher of beer arrives.

  “Whew, parking is definitely tight.” Casey’s zipper snicks down, and she takes off her coat. Heather grabs the pitcher and begins to pour. She tilts the glass, and I watch as a minimal amount of foam forms on the frosted mug. She hands it to me.

  “Nice pour, thanks.” The mug is cold in my hand, and I’ll bet the beer will be even colder. I take a drink, and iciness chills my tongue. The hoppy flavor is stronger than I’ve ever tasted. “What kind of beer is this?”

  “It’s a pale ale from the Brewery,” says Heather. She takes a sip of hers and sighs.

  Eliza takes a drink too and says, “Ah, that tastes great.” She leans forward. “Did you guys hear about Nate and Seth’s mission?” Her eyes twinkle with mischief.

  Heather answers, “Oh God, what are those two up to now?”

  Eliza’s face da
nces with delight, and I suspect this will be a good story. “You know how bad the locker smells in the morning? They’re convinced one instructor has super stinky feet.”

  I make a face as I think about it, and Eliza continues. “They have a plan to find out who it is. Every night they’ll remove one pair of boots from the air vents until they figure it out.” She sits back with a grin.

  I look at Casey’s face and see she’s flushed. I smile and recall a conversation I overheard. Jason teased her about the odor of her shoes.

  Megan has a smirk on her face when she speaks. “Fascinating.” She hits Casey on the arm. “Don’t you think, Case?”

  Casey glares at her, and Megan starts to laugh. I join in because I think Casey is the culprit.

  Heather exclaims, “No! It’s you?”

  Casey puts her face in her hands and peeks through her fingers. “Maybe?”

  Heather and Eliza start to laugh, too. Heather recovers and says, “Oh that’s rich. They won’t find out for a long time. They’ll never suspect you.”

  I ask, “Are they that bad?”

  Megan says, “Go ahead, smell them.”

  I look at Casey and she shrugs her shoulders. “Want me to take off a boot for you to smell? You might pass out.” She giggles.

  Eliza wipes her eyes. “I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. Don’t any of you breathe a word to anybody about this.” She pats Casey’s hand. “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe for weeks to come.” She falls into another bout of laughter.

  We continue to laugh over our beers as I hear funny stories about other instructors. Eliza and Heather have taught for a few years, and the way they talk about the job makes me think I’m lucky this is what I do. I sit back and watch—I do have a group of friends. This new normal is pretty great.

  Chapter 15

  Tony’s pizza is hot in my hands, and I dodge the crowd as I walk to The Bike Shop. Christmas week is busy and town bustles with activity. Light snow covers everything with a thin layer and reminds me of gingerbread houses.


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