There is No Alternative

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There is No Alternative Page 35

by Claire Berlinski


  Able Archer


  Afghanistan: Soviet invasion of Soviet withdrawal from United States and



  American Constitution


  Andropov, Yuri

  Argentina: communications of coup in Falkland Islands ownership by Falklands War popularity in General Belgrano and navy of surrender of. See also Falklands War

  Armament: in Europe Gorbachev, M., on Soviet Union Thatcher, M., on United States. See also Disarmament; Exocet missile; Nuclear arms; Satan missile

  “Arthur Scargill Walks on Water,”

  Ascension Island


  Atlantic Conveyor

  Attractiveness, Thatcher’s

  Graham, A., on

  Hoskyns, J., on Kinnock

  on Mitterand on




  Bank of England

  BBC News

  BBC World Service

  Belgrano. See General Belgrano

  Benn, Anthony

  Berlin Wall

  Berlinski, Claire

  Big Bang

  bin Laden, Osama


  Blair, Tony: on EEC Iraq War and legacy of Thatcherism on Walker on at World Economic Forum Yorkshire miners on

  BNP. See British National Party

  Bordeaux, Michael


  Brezhnev, Leonid

  Britain agriculture in Central Intelligence Agency on economy of in EEC Europe and Falkland Islands ownership by foreign policy of

  Britain (continued): Germany and Gorbachev, M., on Grantham identity of investments in Iran and Kissinger on Libyan embassy in navy of Paris and Post Office of postwar census in power of in sixties stagflation in strikes in subsidies in trains in underclass in unemployment in United States and. See also Birmingham; British Disease; London; Orgreave, South Yorkshire; Yorkshire

  British Disease

  British National Party (BNP)

  British Nationality Act

  Brize Norton Air Force base

  Brown, Gordon

  Bruges, Belgium

  Brussels, Belgium

  Bush, George: Ingham on State of the Union speech by Thatcher, M., and Walker on

  Callaghan, James “Jim,”

  Capitalism: miners and Scargill on

  Carlton Club

  Carter, Jimmy

  Castro, Fidel

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): on Britain, United States relationship with on Soviet Union, United States relationship with

  Centre for Policy Studies

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Charisma Hoskyns, J., on Hoskyns, M., on Kinnock on

  Chequers: Gorbachev, M., meeting at Sovietologists’ meeting at

  Chernenko, Konstantin

  Chiang Kai-shek

  China: democracy in mining in

  Chirac, Jacques

  Churchill Room

  Churchill, Winston: Hitler assessment by Howard on Howe on perception of Thatcher, M., on

  Civil Contingencies Unit

  Clark, Alan: affairs of on Class War on Gow on Thatcher, M., downfall


  Clause 4

  Clement, Tony

  Clinton, Bill

  Clinton, Hillary

  Coal. See Miners; Mining

  Coal and Electricity Generating Board

  Coal strike, 1984 end of government preparation for Lawson’s mine openings during miners’ dissent from miners’ impoverishment in mining after pit closures after police in Scargill’s Soviet Union tours during Soviet Union support of stockpiling for timing of violence in Walker’s alternative to. See also Flying pickets; National Coal Board; National Union of Mineworkers; Nottinghamshire; Orgreave, South Yorkshire; Scargill, Arthur “King Arthur”

  Cold War: end of Powell, Charles, on Reagan on SDI and Thatcher, M., on Thatcher, M., Soviet visit and in United States

  College of Europe at Bruges

  Committee to Celebrate the October Revolution

  Common Market

  Communist Party of Great Britain

  Community Charge. See Poll tax

  Congress of Europe

  Conservative Group for Europe

  Conservative Manifesto, 1979

  Conservative Party: communications strategy of on EEC membership free-market economics proposal of Howe’s resignation from Kinnock on on miners research department of Thatcher, M.’s resignation from Thatcher, M.’s unpopularity in women and. See also Conservative Manifesto, 1979

  Constitution: American European of Iraq


  Contract law

  Council houses



  Currency: British European Soviet

  Delors, Jacques

  Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS)

  d’Estaing, Valéry Giscard

  Disarmament: Gorbachev, M., proposal for Labour Party demands for Thatcher, M., on


  “Dress to Kill” (Izzard)

  Dublin European Council

  Eastern Europe destabilization of Soviet missiles in

  Economics: of Britain contractionary free-market Keynesian Kinnock on Labour Party of Scargill of Socialism of Soviet Union specialization in supply-side of Thatcher, M. of Thatcherism of United States

  Economists: Hoskyns, J., on Howe on inflation and Keynesian on money measurement on readjustment period Thatcher, M., criticism by


  El Salvador

  Electrician’s union

  Electricity industry

  Emergency, state of

  Employment Act (1982)


  Energy: coal alternatives globalization of mining importance for state of emergency on subsidization of. See also Oil; Walker, Peter


  Europe: armament in Britain and Howe on. See also Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Italy; Madrid; Netherlands

  European Commission

  European Constitution: referendums on rejection of

  European Economic Community (EEC) Blair on Britain in Chirac and Conservative Party on Delors and Germany in Kinnock on Labour Party on Mitterand and Powell, Charles, on subsidies in Thatcher, M., on

  European Exchange Rate Mechanism

  European Union Berlinski on financial aid from Thatcher, M., on


  “Evil Empire” (Reagan)

  Exclusion zone

  Exocet missile

  Expansionary policy

  Fabian Society

  Falkland Islands land mines in oil in ownership of

  Falklands War Argentinean communications in Argentinean popularity of Argentinean surrender British naval response to East Falkland battle in effects of Mitterand on peace plan for Powell, Charles, on Reagan’s response to ships sunk in start of Thatcher, M., on United Nations response to United States response to

  FCO. See Foreign and Commonwealth Office

  Female roles Boudicea diva flirt housewife matron shrew

  Financial aid: from Britain from European Union Lewis on for miners Thatcher, M., on

  Fiscal policy

  Flying pickets: Ingham on interview with in Nottinghamshire pay of at Saltley coke depot Scargill on

  Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

  Foreign exchange controls

  Fountainebleau Summit

  France Britain and European Constitution rejection in Paris Socialism in Thatcher, M., on

  Free-market economics Conservative Party campaign for Thatcher, M., on in Thatcherism

  Friedman, Milton article by Joseph and unemployment fix of

  Frost, David

  Galtieri, Leopoldo arrest of Haig and strategy of on Thatcher, M.

  Gandhi, Indira

  Gandhi, Sonia

  Gates, Robert

er in politics. See also Female roles; Women

  General Belgrano


  Germany: Britain and in EEC Socialism in Thatcher, M., and. See also West Germany

  Goose Green

  Gorbachev, Mikhail on armament Brezhnev letter to on Britain Chequers meeting of disarmament proposal of election of on food prices Howe on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signing by Kinnock on Kremlin meeting of Powell, Charles, on Reagan and at Reykjavik summit role in ending Cold War Scargill on on Solidarity movement Thatcher, M., and

  Graham, Andrew on inflation on money supply on privatization Wilson and

  Grantham, Britain

  Great Depression

  Greenham Common


  Guevara, Che

  Hahn, Frank

  Haig, Alexander: on Galtieri peace plan endorsement by Thatcher, M., meeting with

  von Hayek, Friedrich

  Healey, Denis

  Heath, Edward “Ted”: free-market campaign of Scargill and on Thatcher, M., election on Thatcher, M., resignation U-turns by

  Henderson, Nicholas

  Hennessy, Peter

  Herald of Free Enterprise

  Heseltine, Michael

  Hitler, Adolph

  HMS Sheffield

  Hobbes, Thomas


  Hong Kong

  Hoskyns Group

  Hoskyns, John: on British Disease communication strategy of Conservative Party on economists Ingham on on Iraq on Islamic extremism on Labour Party on miners on mining resignation of on Rumsfeld on Scargill on Socialism “Stepping Stones” by on stockpiling on Thatcher, M., attractiveness on Thatcher, M., charisma on Thatcher, M., courage on Thatcher, M., humor on Thatcher, M., leadership style on Thatcher, M., Reagan friendship with on United States on Whitelaw wife of wiring diagram of

  Hoskyns, Miranda: on British Disease husband of on Thatcher, M., charisma on Thatcher, M., conservatism on Thatcher, M., courage

  Hoskyns, Miranda (continued): on Thatcher, M., humor on Thatcher, M., leadership style on Thatcher, M., women and


  Howarth, Alan

  Howe, Geoffrey on Churchill demotion of on economists on Europe on Gorbachev, M. on Healey Healey on Lawson on Powell, Charles, on resignation of on Soviet Union Thatcher, M., on

  Hungary: elections in invasion of

  Hussein, Saddam

  Ilford Conservative Club


  “Implementing Our Strategy” (Patten)

  Income: inequality in per capita rise in tax



  Inflation: in 1989 economists and Graham on Lawson on lowering of Phillips Curve and price and Thatcher, M., on unemployment and. See also Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment

  Ingham, Bernard on British extremism on British Left on Bush on flying pickets on Hoskyns, J. on Iraq on Islamic extremism political start of on Scargill on Thatcher, M., class challenge of on Thatcher, M.’s honesty on Thatcher, M.’s infirmity on Thatcher, M.’s upbringing on Thatcherism upbringing of on Walker

  Institute of Directors

  Interest rates

  Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

  International Money Fund


  Interviews: coal miner Soviet Thatcher, M., on Lawson


  IRA bombing

  Iran: Britain and Powell, Charles, on United States hostages in

  Iraq Blair and constitution of Hoskyns, J., on Ingham on Thatcher, M., and Walker on

  Iron Curtain

  “Iron Lady,”

  Islamic extremism: Hoskyns, J., on Ingham on oil and secular perception of Thatcher, M., and Walker on

  Islas Malvinas. See Falkland Islands



  Izzard, Eddie


  Jaruzelski, Wojciech

  Johnson, William Samuel

  Joseph, Keith “Mad Monk,” Friedman and as mentor on Socialism speech on eugenics Upminster speech of

  KAL. See Korean Airlines Flight 007

  Keynesian economics

  Kinnock, Neil on Conservative Party on economics on EEC on Gorbachev, M. on Grenada Labour Party changes due to loyalties of no confidence motion of on Orgreave riots on pit closures Powell, Charles, on Prime Minister’s Questions and Reagan and on Scargill Sheridan on on stockpiling on Sweden on Thatcher, M., attractiveness on Thatcher, M., charisma on Thatcher, M., class challenges Thatcher, M., conflict with on Thatcher, M., downfall on Thatcher, M., Kremlin meeting on Thatcher, M., matron role Thatcher, M., on on Thatcher, M., Reagan friendship with

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kohl, Helmut

  Korean Airlines Flight (KAL) 007 Scargill on Thatcher, M., on

  Kuril Islands

  Labour aristocracy

  Labour Party: Clause 4 of disarmament demands of economic changes by on EEC membership Hoskyns, J., on Kinnock’s changes in Reagan and strike support by Thatcher, M., on Thatcher, M, Soviet Union diplomacy and Trade unions link with. See also Fabian Society; New Labour

  “The Lady’s Not for Turning” (Thatcher)

  Lawson, Nigel: on Howe on inflation inflation and on Powell, Charles resignation threat of on Scargill on Socialism on Soviet Union on Thatcher, M. Thatcher, M., on on Thatcher, M., Reagan friendship with on Thatcherism “Thoughts on the Coming Battle” by

  Leadership, style of

  Lenin, Vladimir

  Leviathan (Hobbes)

  Lewis, Brian: on development schemes on industry change on Orgreave on Scargill on Scargill’s Soviet Union tour on Thatcher, M. upbringing of on Yorkshire



  Lockerbie, Scotland



  Macmillan, Harold

  MAD. See Mutual Assured Destruction


  Major, John

  Manufacturing industry: competitiveness of jobs in reduction of service industry replacement of

  “Margaret Thatcher Talking about Sinking the Belgrano,”


  Marshall, Walter

  Marxism: appeal of of Scargill Thatcher, M., on



  Menace in Europe (Berlinski)

  MI5. See Military Intelligence, Section 5


  Military Intelligence, Section 5 (MI5)

  Miners: in 1981, 208; capitalism to coal strike dissent of as communists Conservative Party on financial aid for Hoskyns, J., on impoverishment of, in coal strike interviews with OPEC and Scargill loyalty of Walker on work ethic of in Yorkshire

  Miners’ Federation of Great Britain

  Mining: after coal strike in Britain in China conditions in cost of dependency culture from energy importance of history of Hoskyns, J., on Lawson’s proposal for nationalization of new pit closure in privatization of safety in Socialism and stockpiling and subsidization of union politics with in United States under Wilson. See also Employment Act (1982); Midlands; Nottinghamshire; Yorkshire

  Ministry of Defense

  “Misc. 101,”

  Mitterand, François: at EEC summit on Falklands War on Thatcher, M., attractiveness of

  Monetarism application of success of Thatcher, M., and in Thatcherism

  Monetary aggregates

  Monetary policy in Thatcherism


  Money supply Graham on measurement of

  Monopolies and Mergers Commission

  Mulroney, Brian

  Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) Thatcher, M., on

  NAIRU. See Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment


  National Coal Board: founding of MacGregor at pit closures by strike response of

  National Security Agency

  National Security Council

  National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) founding of MI5 in at Or
greave riots Scargill’s rise in strike ending by Walker’s proposal to. See also Union of Democratic Mineworkers


  Natural gas



  New Labour


  Nicholas II (Czar)

  Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Britain in Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty and

  North Vietnam

  Northern Ireland

  “This Is Not the Time to Be Mealy-Mouthed: Intervention Is Destroying Us” (Joseph)

  Nott, John

  Nottinghamshire: flying pickets in mine closure at strike refusal of union politics in

  Nuclear arms: demonstrations against Gorbachev, M., on of Soviet Union Soviet Union scare with in United States

  Nuclear winter

  Oil: in Falkland Islands Islamic extremism and mining and in Soviet Union

  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

  Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  Orgreave, South Yorkshire: flying pickets at Kinnock on Lewis on NUM at police at rioting at Scargill at

  Orwell, George


  Oxford, England

  Pall Mall

  “La Pasionaria of Middle Class Privilege,”

  Perón, Eva

  Persian Gulf

  Phillips Curve

  Pit closures: after coal strike Kinnock on by National Coal Board Scargill on strikes and under Thatcher, M. under Wilson


  Poland free elections in Thatcher, M., visit to. See also Solidarity movement

  Police: brutality of in coal strike at Orgreave


  Poll tax

  Port Stanley

  Post Office

  Powell, Charles: background of on Bruges speech on Chirac on Cold War on EEC on Falklands War on Fountainebleu Summit on Gorbachev, M., meetings on Howe on Iran on Kinnock Lawson on power of on Socialism on strike on Thatcher, M., downfall on Thatcher, M., ‘87 election on Thatcher, M., German antipathy of on Thatcher, M., popularity on Thatcher, M., Reagan friendship with on Thatcher, M., Soviet interview on trade unions


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