Book Read Free

Business and Pleasure

Page 13

by Jinni James

  He just knocked the breath right out of me. I am speechless. Utterly speechless.

  “You don’t have to say anything right now, but I would like to talk to you about something. I have thought about this all day. How would you feel about us living together? It doesn’t have to be right this minute. Maybe it can be something we can ease into…like, maybe you spend a week here, and I can spend a week at your place, but I would like for you to consider this. After what happened, I just can’t imagine my life without you.”

  Oh my God! He’s asking me to move in with him! What do I say? Do I want to? What am I saying? Of course I want to. But what if it’s too soon? I sit quietly, thinking things over, and I’m sure my silence is making him crazy. But what do you say in these situations when you just need a little space?

  “Alex, I love you, and I love the idea of living with you, but this is all taking me by surprise. Could you give me just a few days to process this, please? I need to go back to work. I need to go back home with Becca and just…think. Would you mind if I had a little time to consider your question?”

  Alex sighs, and then brushes my cheek with the back of his hand. “Take your time. I don’t like the idea of you being away from me at all right now, so you know how much our being apart from each other is going to bother me. But I will do my best to respect your request, as long as you take Bryan with you, and you make sure you keep in touch with me. I do not like the idea of my girlfriend being out there on her own, when there’s a man out there trying to kill her.”

  Girlfriend? Did he just say girlfriend?

  “Elizabeth? Why are you smiling? I tell you how being away from you is going to bother me, and how there’s a man out there who wants to kill you, and you’re smiling?”

  I have to giggle. “I’m sorry. That’s just the first time I have ever heard you call me your girlfriend.”

  Alex laughs, too. “Out of everything I said, that’s what you focused on?”

  “Well, yes…of course.” I grin. I know I’m acting like a silly, young girl, but I feel young, and despite all my fears, I also feel a little carefree at the moment. Alex has a way of doing that…making me forget all my troubles. At least, for a little while.

  He laughs some more and pulls me into his arms. “Of course you’re my girlfriend, Elizabeth. You’ve been my girlfriend for quite some time. I call you that all the time, just not to your face.”

  We both start laughing. I cannot help but love this man. From this moment on, my heart belongs to him.

  “I love you, Elizabeth. If you need a few days, that’s fine, but like I said, I want you to stay in touch, and if you go anywhere, I want you to take Bryan with you. Okay?”

  “Yes, dear.”

  I give him a wink as he stands and crosses the room to his walk-in closet. When he comes back, he has my laptop in hand.

  “Here’s your computer. Go back to work tomorrow. And be safe.”

  “Thank you, Alex.”

  He places my laptop in its bag, and then strips off his clothes.

  “Now, before you leave me tomorrow, I am going to take care of you in my own way.”

  My breath catches in my throat as he climbs on top of me, and for the next several hours, he drives me crazy with desire.

  Chapter Ten

  I don’t believe I have ever been so happy to be back at work, sitting at my desk with my laptop that Alex finally handed over after holding it hostage and wearing my favorite dark blue Armani pant suit. Only one thing seems off today, and that’s Natalie. So far, she’s come in twice to check with me about my schedule, and to see if I’m really staying. She acts as if she hopes I’ll feel ill and leave, or something, which doesn’t make sense. Maybe I’m reading too much into her behavior. I mean, I was away from the office for a few days, and that’s not like me at all. Everyone keeps staring, mainly at my arm. No one can believe Bob would do something like this. I totally understand how they feel. A few weeks ago, I would have never thought he could do something like this, either. But now, I realize he’s a completely different man than the one we all knew. He was always an ass, but no one ever thought he was dangerous or evil, and we sure as hell didn’t think he was a murderer. None of what’s happened lately makes a lot of sense. All this, just because he wanted control of Hamilton, but why? Why would Bob want this little publishing house? And what did he think he’d accomplish by joining Neo Corp?

  Round and round my thoughts swirl, until I shake my head in exasperation.

  “Knock it off, Elizabeth. You have work to do.” I need to focus.

  Yes, I’m happy to be back at work, but having Bryan sitting right outside my door is a little odd. I’d invite him to sit in the office with me, but then I’d feel obligated to talk to him and would never get any work done. Besides, Natalie is out there; hopefully, she’s keeping him company—in between her strange visits to see how I’m feeling every thirty minutes or so.

  A quiet knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. Speaking of strange visits…

  “Yes, Natalie, come on in.”

  “Ms. Hamilton? Would you like a latte?” she asks, peering around the half-open door.

  I know she means well, but I can’t work with her coming in and out constantly. I’m tempted to tell her no, and to ask her to please, please stop checking up on me, but then again, a latte sure does sound good right now.

  “Yes, actually, I think I would. Thank you.”

  She nods. “You’re welcome, Ms. Hamilton.”

  “But Natalie? You don’t have to keep checking on me. I’m fine, my arm is fine, and I’m really busy. Keep Bryan company, won’t you?” There…maybe she’ll take the not-so-subtle hint and leave me alone for a few hours.

  “Yes, Ms. Hamilton.”

  She eases the door closed, as I return my attention to the manuscript I pulled up when I arrived this morning, but a moment later, my computer dings, announcing the arrival of yet another email. My irritation at the interruption vanishes immediately when I see Alex is named as the sender. Heart racing, I open the email.

  Good morning, Ms. Hamilton.

  I hope you slept well and are enjoying your first day back at work. I still don’t like it, but I respect your wishes. Have you thought anymore about our arrangement? I’m not trying to push you; I’m just excited. I know you’re going to say yes…I just have to wait on you to decide to tell me.

  Have a beautiful day, my love.


  I am never going to get any work done today, am I? I decide to send him a quick response, and then I can hopefully get to work.

  Good morning, Mr. Preston.

  I did sleep very well, thanks to you, and I’ve been enjoying my first couple hours back in the office. I haven’t had a chance to really think about your proposal; I’ve been too busy today. You think you know me so well, but I can be full of surprises. Just give me a couple days. I’ve never lived with a man before, so I really need to put some thought into this… I promise I’ll let you know as soon as I decide, so please don’t push me.

  You have a wonderful day, as well.


  I almost forgot about his whole ‘let’s live together’ thing. What is he thinking? Is he doing this because he really wants to live with me, or he is afraid to leave me alone, and this is some kind of control thing? The thought of seeing him every morning and every night does set off butterflies in my stomach. I can think of worse people to wake up to every morning, that’s for sure.

  Here I go again…allowing my thoughts to get the best of me. I need to focus on my damn work. I return my attention to the manuscript, but the computer dings again—another email—at the same time someone knocks on my door.

  That’s it. I give up… I flop back in my chair, defeated by the constant interruptions.

  “Yes,” I say softly, uncaring if I’m heard.

  Natalie walks in with the latte. “Sorry to disturb you, Ms. Hamilton. Here’s your coffee.”

  “It’s okay. I’m just trying to
work, and I keep getting distracted. But thank you for the latte.”

  She nods again, and then walks back out, leaving me alone once again. But for how long? I stare out through the glass side panels that flank my office door, and watch as Natalie takes a seat behind her desk and start up a conversation with Bryan. Good. At least I don’t have to feel guilty over leaving Alex’s security guy out there by himself. Speaking of Alex…

  I turn my attention to the latest email.


  I know you haven’t had enough time yet. That’s okay. Take as much time as you need…as long as you end up saying yes.  I know we will be great together. I can fall asleep with you in my arms every night and wake up to look into your beautiful eyes every morning. I can’t help but feel excited about the idea. Now, get back to work, and we’ll talk later. Give Becca my best tonight when you see her.

  With all my love.

  ~Mr. Slightly Pushy

  He’s right, of course; I want to say yes. I just don’t know if I should say yes right now. What if we’re rushing things? Either way, I don’t have time to think about this. I have to get to work, and I’m having a hard enough time concentrating with my arm still being sore. I had to take the sling off, because there was no way I could type while I had it on, but now I’m paying for not having the added support I need.

  With a sigh, I decide I’ll just do as much as I can, and when I start hurting too much, I’ll head home. Hopefully, there won’t be many more interruptions between now and then.


  I actually manage to work for the remainder of the day, with only a few emails and texts from Alex to break my concentration. He seems so worried and genuinely concerned, I can’t get angry with him. And honestly? I have to admit I kind of like all the attention.

  My phone vibrates its way across the desktop, telling me I just received another text. This time, though, it’s from Becca.

  Are you on your way home?

  I glance at my wristwatch, and my eyes widen. Wow, its four o’clock already. I suppose I should wrap things up for the day. And now that I think about it, I am ready for a relaxing night at home. I send her a quick reply.

  Yes. About to walk out the door. See you soon.

  I put the sling back on my arm, gather up my purse and laptop bag, and head out. As I enter the reception area, I find Bryan and Natalie still sitting together, talking away like they’re best friends. The minute Natalie sees me, she leaps to her feet.

  “Are you leaving for the day, Ms. Hamilton?”

  Bryan’s expression is bleak, almost as if he’s disappointed at the prospect of us leaving.

  “Yes, Natalie, I am. Have a nice evening.”

  “You too. Oh, by the way, isn’t Becca’s graduation coming up?”

  Oh, shit. I completely forgot. Becca’s graduation is this Thursday evening. She and I will have to celebrate.

  “As a matter of fact, it is. Thanks for reminding me. With everything going on lately, I totally forgot. Some sister I am, huh? I’m lucky to have you around to help me keep things straight.”

  “No problem. Just doing my job. See you tomorrow.” Natalie smiles and nods at both Bryan and me.

  Bryan’s answering smile is a little shy, and I wonder if maybe the man is falling for my assistant.

  “I’ll lead the way,” he says, “and make sure the coast is clear.”

  I follow him out to his Mercedes ML420, which, of course, is black with darkly tinted windows. He checks inside the vehicle, then takes my laptop bag and purse and helps me climb inside. Personally, I feel like he’s taking this whole bodyguard thing a bit too far. I mean, what are the chances of finding Bob hiding out in Bryan’s car? The man is an ass, but he isn’t stupid.

  As we pull out of the parking garage and head toward my apartment, a sense of peace comes over me. I miss my sister, and I definitely miss being able to relax. I love staying at Alex’s place, but it’s not the same, because it’s not mine. Not yet, anyway. If Alex has his way, I’ll be moved in by the weekend. I still wonder what he’s thinking. Maybe I can talk it over with Becca and see what she thinks.

  Before I know it, we’re pulling up at my building. As he’d done during the ride home, Bryan remains silent. Did he talk himself out with Natalie, or is he just thinking? Or, maybe this is how he is with all the people he’s assigned to protect—the strong, silent type. Seems a little strange that he’d gab up a storm with my assistant, but hardly say two words to me the entire time we’re alone together. Maybe he doesn’t like me? I decide to wait and see how he acts around Becca. Then again, even if he’s talkative with her, I still won’t know why he treats me differently, and call me anal, but this is a puzzle I’ll need to resolve, at some point, anyway.

  When we arrive at my apartment, Bryan goes inside before me. He probably wants a chance to scope out the place before I enter, but I’m not waiting around out in the hallway. Instead, I walk in right behind him and plop down on the couch, while he does his little search of the place. I’m sure my lack of care ticks him off, but I’m tired. Exhausted, actually. I close my eyes, and I’m just drifting off, when the sound of Becca screaming bloody murder breaks the silence. I leap to my feet and run toward her room, and as I near the doorway, Bryan comes rushing out, nearly bowling me over. What the…? I take a moment to glance at his retreating back, but Becca’s still screaming, so I turn and step inside her room.

  Holy shit. For a moment, I’m not sure I can trust my eyes. Is that really my little sister, kneeling on the bed, obviously naked behind that comforter she’s holding up in front of her? And even more unbelievable, is there really a strange man standing just inside Becca’s walk-in closet, his back toward me as he frantically struggles to pull up his boxers? I blink a few times, but the scene before me doesn’t change in any substantial way…although, the man does manage to pull up his underwear and cover his ass.

  “What the hell is going on?” Becca wraps the comforter around herself and climbs off the bed. The look on her face speaks volumes, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so angry. “Who is that ogre of a macho man contestant that just walked into my room without bothering to knock or even announce himself? Seriously, Lizzy…what the hell!”

  I cough lightly to cover for my laughter, but my sister knows me too well.

  “This is not funny, Lizzy! Do you see me smiling, here? No, you don’t.”

  “I’m sorry, Becca. Alex was worried about me going back to work and wanted his security guard to watch over me today. Let’s just say Bryan is very good at his job. I’m sure he didn’t even think about you being home, and I forgot to tell him.” I hurry to explain, hoping to defuse the situation and dampen Becca’s anger. I’ve been looking forward to seeing her again and spending some time with her, and I hate to start off with her being so angry with me.

  “What do you mean, you went back to work?”

  I look toward the man as he steps out of the closet, finally disclosing his identity, and my heart skips a beat. Oh my God!

  “Mark?” I fight to wrap my mind around the fact I practically just caught my little sister having sex with Mark, of all people. “What’s going on?”

  He slips his t-shirt on over his head, and then walks toward me, his hands up before him in a placating gesture, as if he expects I might hit him or something. As if. I’m just confused, that’s all. Confused, and wanting someone—him or her—to explain. They’re lovers, obviously, but for how long? And is there more to it than sex? Are they in love with one another? And if they are, do I care?

  “We’ll talk about this in a minute, but what do you mean, you went back to work? Don’t you know how dangerous it is for you to be out and about right now? What if Bob were to show up at your office and start blowing people away? It happens, you know.”

  “Yes, it does, but not with Bob. At least, I don’t think he’s got that in him. He’s more coward than criminal, so I really don’t think he’s going to show up to my office. He’s not going to be hiding
in a car, waiting on me to climb inside, and he’s not going to be lurking around in my apartment. Cowards run. Cowards hide. Especially when they know they’re being hunted. He’d be an idiot to stick around. I mean, seriously…Bob is a smart man. He knows better.”

  Despite what I believe is my rational explanation and reasoning, Mark still looks pissed.

  “He may be smart, but his aim sucks. You should not only be grateful for that, but you also shouldn’t push your luck. Coward or not, if you’re wrong, and he’s still hanging around waiting for an opportunity to take another shot at you, next time, he might not miss.”

  Becca walks up to Mark and puts her arm around his waist. “Maybe you should go, so Lizzy and I can talk, okay?”

  Mark places a kiss on her cheek, and then the two of them look into one another’s eyes. For a moment, I get the impression they’ve forgotten I’m in the room, but then Mark looks toward me and smiles.

  “This isn’t what you think, Lizzy. Talk to Becca.” He gives Becca one last kiss on the cheek, nods at me, and then walks out the door, leaving Becca and I alone, at last.

  Overcome by a wave of dizziness, I place my hand to my forehead and sink down on the bed.

  “Lizzy? Are you okay?” Becca crosses the room to put a hand on my shoulder.

  The fogginess passes, and I feel a little steadier, so I look up and smile. “Yes, I’m fine. I think I’ve overdone it a little today, that’s all. I’ve been on my feet more today than I was over the last four days, combined. I’m sure I’ll feel better, once I get some rest.”

  “Are you sure?” Becca asks, a frown marring her beautiful face.

  “Yes. I’m sure. But Lord, what a day.” I sigh, and then pull myself together and get to my feet. “Okay…why don’t you find some clothes, and I’ll go downstairs and make sure Bryan hasn’t been traumatized by what he saw when he opened your bedroom door. Then, once you’re dressed, you can come downstairs, and we can talk.”


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