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Sinful Illusions

Page 9

by Morgan James

  I hated myself for begging, hated myself for wanting him. But my body ached for release, an unrequited desire coursing through me.

  I watched as he rose up on his knees and worked his zipper down with one hand. I reached out to aid him with the hand not tethered to the bed, but he moved the vibrator back to my clit, and I sucked in a breath, grabbing onto the comforter for support as another bolt of ecstasy swept over me. “Fox!”

  He pushed his pants down over his narrow hips, and a pair of dark boxers followed. I licked my lips at the sight of him springing free from the soft material. I could feel his eyes on my face, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his swollen cock, a bead of moisture clinging to the tip.

  I knew it was wrong; I was depraved for even thinking it. But the vibrator suddenly wasn’t enough. I needed him inside me, filling me, taking me, stretching every inch of me. “Fox, please…” My voice broke on the words.

  “Tell me, angel,” he commanded as he fucked me with the vibrator. “Tell me how much you want me.”

  My words came breathlessly as he brought me to a feverish pitch. “I want you.”

  His hand stroked up and down his cock, his movements mirroring the vibrator sinking into me then retreating. My stomach muscles tightened with my impending release, and I thrust my hips upward, pushing myself toward the sensation of the vibrator’s pulses.

  Just when I was almost there, Fox changed tempo, and I let out a growl of frustration as my orgasm slipped away again. “Fox!”

  He laughed, his hand moving up and down his length. “Oh, sweet angel. I don’t think so.”


  “No.” He gave a little shake of his head as he traced my outer lips with the wand. “You were very, very bad this evening. You deliberately disobeyed me, and for that, you need to be punished.”

  I was already shaking my head, readying to agree to nearly anything as long as he would continue to touch me. “I promise, I won’t—”

  “You’re right, you won’t,” he parroted back to me. “You will never pull something like that again.”

  The vibrator moved back to my clit, and my mouth pulled into a grimace as I threw my head back at the exquisite pleasure shooting through me once more. It lasted only a few seconds, then it was gone again. Tears spilled over my cheeks, and I pleaded with him. “Please, Fox. I can’t—I can’t handle anymore… I need to come!”

  He immediately pulled it away, and I wanted to howl as it left me suspended on the precipice of orgasm once more. Above me, Fox laughed. “You want to come, angel?”

  I hated myself for begging, but my body buzzed with need like a live wire. “Please, Fox. Please, yes!”

  “Too bad. You don’t get to come tonight.”

  “What?” Stunned, I went completely still. Surely I hadn’t heard correctly. My eyes jumped to his. “You can’t—”

  “I can do anything I like,” he said with a smirk as he touched the wand to my clit again, making my hips buck in response. Just as quickly, he removed it. “You, however, may not.”

  Over and over he brought me to the edge, then left me there until I screamed in fury and unfulfillment. Fox worked himself with his hand until he finally came with a ragged groan, spilling his seed over my stomach. I couldn’t bear to look at him as he climbed off the bed and left the room, leaving me sticky with his desire, naked and alone on the huge bed. The door to his adjoining room snapped closed with a soft click, and I knew he wasn’t coming back.

  I felt dirty. Used. I’d never felt this way in my entire life. I hated him, but I hated myself more for begging for my release. My body still pulsed with pleasure and need, and a sob ripped free from my throat. Tears soaked my pillow as I lay curled into a ball in the empty dark room, self-loathing curling around me and settling into my bones.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Eva didn’t come out of her room all day. Although I’d seen her first thing this morning when I released her from her bonds, she’d ignored me completely. Feigning sleep, she’d kept herself covered, head turned away from me. She’d stiffened when I pulled the cuffs away, so I knew she was awake. Feeling a little guilty myself, I’d stayed quiet and left her to deal with the emotions raging inside her.

  A flush of embarrassment crept up my neck at the memory of last night. I couldn’t believe I’d left her the way I had, still partially bound and covered in come. It was fucked up, even for me. I’d meant to punish her by withholding her pleasure, but I’d never meant to take it that far. The moment I’d seen her naked and begging for release as I brought her to the edge of bliss over and over, it’d pushed me beyond reason. The sexual tension between us was palpable, and I hadn’t jerked off for days. At the time, overwhelmed by desire and need, it had seemed like a good idea. I’d regretted it almost the moment I climbed off the bed.

  I’d retreated to my room, desperately needing space and time to think. Though our rooms were connected by a single door, it was the longest trip I’d made in my life. I’d stopped and turned back a dozen times only to force myself to keep moving again. I’d had to fight the urge to go back to her, clean her up, take care of her. I fucking hated leaving her that way, but it was something I had to do.

  It was clear she didn’t truly understand what we were doing. She’d been raised to be polite and perfect, always reserved. She was too headstrong, too stubborn, and if I gave in too easily, she would never understand her body’s true needs. There was nothing I wanted more than to help guide her through her conflicting emotions, but it was something Eva had to deal with on her own. No matter how much it hurt both of us, she had to learn her lesson. She would need more work—a lot more work. But damn, she would be worth it.

  Thinking of breaking her in made me hard. I loved that look in her eyes when she ran that pretty mouth. I wanted to strip her down, take that sassy, feisty inner strength and mold her into the woman I knew she could be. I had a whole plan for her—no sex until she’d hit all of the milestones, proving she was adapting, that she wanted this as much as I did. She was going to have to beg for my cock.

  Admittedly, things had gone a little too far last night. I’d meant to tease her a little, humiliate her. But the moment I saw her flawless skin on display, her wet pussy gleaming for me, I hadn’t been able to control the heat that stole over me. Against my rules and better judgement, I’d almost taken her. I’d wanted to fuck her and never stop. Thank God I caught myself when I had. Me coming on her was a degradation, and a bonus punishment. I knew it was fucking with her head, but she deserved it.

  It was dinnertime before I had a chance to seek her out. Without knocking, I threw open the door to Eva’s room. She sat on the bed, nose buried in a book, and her head snapped my way, eyes wide. As soon as she realized it was me, she turned her face back to the pages in front of her. Irritation bubbled to the surface as I strode toward her.

  I stopped only inches away, giving her no choice but to look at me. “Carmen told me you haven’t eaten all day.”

  Those pretty green eyes lifted, reluctantly meeting mine. “Carmen?”

  “My cook.”

  She nodded but didn’t say a word, only redirected her gaze to the words on the page. Irritation turned to anger, and I ripped the book from her hands before tossing it on the nightstand with a flick of my wrist. “What the hell did I tell you about that?”

  She quirked a brow. “I’m not allowed to read, either?”

  Ah. And we were back to the cool aloofness she exuded so well. “Not the damn book.” I glared down at her. “Stop fucking starving yourself. You need to eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “You’re going to eat.”

  “No, thank you.”

  I reached out and grabbed her chin, turning her face to mine. “Food or my cock. Which is it going to be?”

  Something flashed in her eyes but was gone just as quickly as it’d come. “Food. At least it won’t leave me high and dry.”

  I swiped my tongue over my te
eth, unsure whether I wanted to laugh at her insult or choke the life out of her. “You’ve been thinking about my cock?”

  “Why would I do that?” Her eyes sparkled with challenge. “From what I’ve seen, it’s not worth my time.”

  I gave my head a slow shake. “That mouth, angel, I swear to God. One of these days—”

  My words were interrupted by a knock on the door, and I speared her with a hard look before moving away. I accepted the tray that Xavier passed through the doorway, then returned to the bed and took a seat next to Eva. A sense of déjà vu swept over me, and I held the plate in my lap. “You’re going to eat every single bite.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, master.”

  “Close. You can call me Fox. Or, since we’re in the bedroom, you may want to practice calling me sir.”

  She huffed a little laugh. “Yeah, sure.”

  “I’m sorry.” I cocked my head toward her. “Did you say ‘yeah, sure’ or ‘yes, sir’? I couldn’t quite tell.”

  She glared at me, her body practically trembling with rage. “I said—”

  She opened her mouth wide to enunciate the word, and I shoved a piece of bread inside. “Do something useful with your mouth for once and put something in it.”

  Her expression morphed from furious to surprised then back to angry, but she chewed it anyway, shooting daggers my way all the while. I held up another bite of food, and she eyed it before raising a brow. “I can feed myself.”

  “Perhaps.” I lifted a shoulder. “But I want to.”

  She looked as confused as I felt when the words came out, and she took a bite without arguing for once. Thank God. We continued that way for several long minutes until she shook her head. “I’m full.”

  I set the fork on the plate and moved it to the side. “You need to eat more.”

  She shrugged and threw a challenging look my way. “Being kept prisoner doesn’t exactly fuel one’s appetite.”

  “Well, you’d better get used to it, angel. You’re mine until I say otherwise.”

  The look she sent me was so full of loathing I was surprised I didn’t perish on the spot. “I’ll never be yours.”

  I clenched my molars together. “You’re already mine. One of these days I’m going to fuck that smart mouth of yours.”

  “You can go fuck yourself.” Her cheeks blazed brightly with color, sparks shooting from her eyes. “You—”

  The word trailed off in a gasp as I yanked her over my lap, face down. She slapped her hands on the ground to keep herself from falling as I forced her forward until her ass was pointed to the ceiling. “I warned you, angel.”

  She let out a yelp as I landed a hard smack on the right cheek.

  “Fox! I—”

  I ripped another slap across the left cheek, and her body jolted under the force of it.

  She let out a growl of fury and twisted so she could throw an angry glare my way. “Some man you are, abusing women and—”

  “Don’t make the mistake of confusing discipline for abuse,” I cautioned. “If you break the rules, Eva, you must be prepared to deal with the consequences.”

  “What rules?” she spat. “The ones you seem to make up on a whim?”

  Goddamn it, why did she have to be so difficult? “My house, my rules, angel.”

  The material of her leggings was thin, but I wanted to feel her flesh beneath mine, see the bright pink blooming over her skin. I slid my hand under the waistband of her pants and, despite her protests, worked the fabric down her thighs until her ass was bared to me. I kneaded the right cheek roughly before smacking it again, several times in quick succession.

  Goddamn, her ass was so smackable. I fucking loved the way it bounced and colored under my touch, and I set about with a volley of sharp slaps that drew ragged breaths from her lungs as she writhed beneath me. My hand stung, but I kept it up until I’d counted to twenty.

  Afterward, she lay limply over me, her body twitching occasionally as she fought to control her ragged breathing. One hand swiped at the tears coursing down her face, but she kept her gaze firmly forward, avoiding me completely as I maneuvered her to her feet. I had a distinct feeling that the tears weren’t those of pain; no, Eva was ashamed—of her actions, of her reaction to me and the things we’d done. Though she detested the punishment, the idea of being spanked turned her on.

  I was treading a fine line between trying to correct her actions while simultaneously awakening her to her body’s needs. Push too much, and I would lose her; be too lenient, and she would walk all over me. As much as I despised punishing her, she needed a taste of what would happen if she continued to defy me. I liked her fiery and independent, but only one of us could call the shots, and it was damn well going to be me.

  Hooking my fingers in the material of her pants, I shoved them down to her ankles. “Step out.”

  Avoiding my gaze completely, she lifted one leg, pointed her toes, and allowed me to slip the fabric over her foot. I repeated the action on the other leg, then slapped her ass one last time for good measure. “Go stand in the corner.”

  Chin to her chest, she moved gingerly across the room. Beneath the hem of her short-sleeved shirt, her bottom and upper thighs glowed bright red, and the sight shot a spark of heat straight to my groin. Goddamn. Everything about her turned me on.

  Nose to the corner, she stood there, one hip cocked to the side. Clearly I hadn’t spanked all of the attitude out of her. Time to fix that. “Spread those legs, angel. Hands on your head.”

  I bit back a smile as she slowly followed my directions, tension and defiance evident in every line of her posture. I could practically hear her unspoken words, silently screaming at me, calling me every name in the book. This was the worst for her—the shame, the humiliation. But she had to learn her place in my house. She pushed me further and harder than any woman I’d ever known.

  I waited several minutes, until I thought she’d had enough, before calling to her. “Come here, angel.”

  Eyes pinned on the wall behind me, she strode forward, stopping a foot from me. I stared up at her pretty face, set in a mutinous expression. “Anything you would like to say?”

  She shook her head, and I bit back a laugh. So stubborn. “Do you know why I punished you?”

  Her eyes flashed as they finally met mine. “Because you’re an arrogant, overbearing narcissist who—”

  I shot one arm out, wrapping my fingers around her throat and dragging her closer, right between my knees. I moved the other hand to cup her pussy. Liquid seeped over my fingers, and I felt her flinch as I rubbed her folds. “Keep it up, and I will fuck you into next week.”

  She glared up at me. “You’d get off on hurting me, wouldn’t you?”

  I had her flat on her back before she could finish, and her words trailed off on a squeak of surprise as I pinned her wrists to the mattress next to her head. “What do you get off on, angel?”

  She blinked as if she didn’t understand the question, then lifted her chin. “Not alpha males who think they control everything and everyone around them.”

  A slow smile spread over my face. “You know what I think?” Her chest rose and fell, drawing my attention to her breasts. I dipped my head and kissed the swell of one. “I think you like it when I take control.”

  There was a long pause as she searched for words, then—“You can take your control and shove it—”

  I crashed my lips to hers, stealing the remainder of her insult. For a moment, she was too stunned to react. Then, as if finally realizing I was kissing her, she flew into action. Her teeth snapped at my lips, and I bit her lower lip in turn.

  She pulled her head back with a little whimper of pain, but I wasn’t about to let her go that easily. I claimed her mouth again in a brutal kiss. I widened my mouth, forcing her lips to open beneath mine, and I swept my tongue over hers. A shudder racked her body, then, as if giving herself over to me, she threw herself into the kiss. Her tongue tangled with mine as she kissed me back fervently.
  I transferred her wrists to one hand and trailed my fingers down her arm, over her chest until I cupped a full breast in my palm. I groped her roughly through the material of her shirt, but it wasn’t enough. I yanked the hem up and delved under the cup of her bra, eliciting a tiny whimper of need from her. She arched into my touch as I took the tight bud of her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and rolled it until she tore her mouth from mine, gasping and breathless.

  I lowered my head and took the peak in my mouth, loving the way her skin tasted as the flavor exploded over my tastebuds. I let go of her wrists completely, and her hands curled around the back of my head, holding me close to her chest. With my other hand, I worked the other breast free, then went to work teasing and tweaking that side as she let out little moans of pleasure.

  I could feel the heat from her core through the material of my pants, and I lifted my body off hers just enough to work my hand between us. I cupped her hard, and her hips bucked under my touch. Eva struggled to sit up, and I pulled the shirt off over her head before shoving her back to the bed.

  A quick flick of a button had my fly loose, and I shoved my pants down my thighs until I was free of the material. I loomed over her and took her mouth in another hard kiss. Her legs automatically wound around my hips, and fire swept over my skin as my cock brushed her hot folds. She wrapped her arms around my neck, but I grabbed her wrists and shoved her down again. Grabbing her hips, I flipped her onto her stomach and yanked her to her hands and knees so her pretty ass, still a soft pink from her punishment, was right in line with my hips.

  I swept my fingers through her folds, and a feral smile broke over my face when I found her dripping wet, glistening with arousal. She clenched her thighs together as if to prevent me from exploring, and I used one knee to shove them apart again. I thrust my fingers deep inside her, listening to her wanton cries as I fucked her with my hand.

  Her body moved with each plunge of my fingers, trying to force them deeper, topping from the bottom. That would never work. Gripping her hip with my free hand, I pulled my fingers free and delivered a stinging slap to her ass. She let out a little shriek, and I roughly massaged the blooming red spot.


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