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The Vault Box Set

Page 12

by Summers, Eden

  “You’re not as heartless as you want us all to believe.”

  He laughed without humor. “Think what you like, sweetheart. But I assure you, I’m only looking out for myself.”

  Then he was gone, leaving Shay to shrink under the weight of her thoughts.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leo was pacing. Well, in reality he was sitting at the empty Vault bar, rubbing his forehead, wishing away his headache. But in his mind, he was climbing the walls. He couldn’t stop. He was mentally exhausted, his body not equipped to handle this relationship bullshit.

  Why did fucking someone on a regular basis have to be so complicated? He released a bark of laughter. If only this thing with Shay was mere fucking. But no, he had to go and get his emotions involved. He had to fall for her.

  The last four days had been a nightmare. He’d sequestered himself in the back office, thinking the distance from the bar would make it easier for him to stay away. And it had been…until he’d remembered all the video feeds from the club could be accessed from his laptop. Then his working week had been shot to hell.

  He’d watched her. For hours.

  When the call for the private party had come through, he’d jumped at the opportunity to get away from his computer. Then he’d spent every hour downstairs wishing he was back behind his desk. Nothing took his mind off Shay, and now Saturday night had arrived, he wasn’t sure how it would end.

  A click sounded behind him, and he tilted his head to better hear the door opening from the main staircase. His heart beat in a crescendo, building with force until his chest pounded. He listened for the footfalls, hoping to hear the soft steps of Shay. He even held his breath, until the thudded stride informed him it wasn’t the person he wanted.

  “She’s not here yet?” Brute asked.

  Leo sighed and ran a hand down his face. “No. She’s still got time though.”

  Last week, she’d said she’d arrive early, yet the seconds were ticking by. It was only forty-five minutes before guests would start to arrive.

  Brute slid onto the stool beside him and stared straight ahead. “Don’t hold your breath, buddy.”

  “Why?” Leo turned. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “She snapped last night and took her anger out on one of the customers. I ended up sending her home early.”

  “Why wasn’t I told?” He tried unsuccessfully to curb the steel in his tone.

  “You were busy down here…which she didn’t appreciate either.”

  Leo turned back to the bar, slowly counting the liquor bottles to stop himself from snapping. “You told her where I was?”

  “Was I meant to lie?”

  He lowered his head into his hands and sighed. “No. I just…” Should’ve been the one to tell her. “I want to see her.” I need her to show up.

  Christ. He had to shuffle on the stool to make sure he still had a dick between his thighs. He’d never cared this much for a woman. Not outside the bedroom, anyway.

  “Look, man, I know you want this to work out, and so do I, but she doesn’t have a clue about what to expect down here. I don’t think she’s even contemplated T.J. or my involvement.”

  “We were meant to be taking things slow. I didn’t want to scare her off.”

  “Well, she’ll be fucking frightened once she sees me naked. Ain’t no woman gonna forget a package that big in a hurry.”

  Leo shook his head and grinned. “Too bad you don’t know what to do with it.”

  “Sounds like jealousy, bro.” Brute wiggled his fingers in Leo’s ponytail.

  “Fuck off.” He slapped the hand away with a chuckle, yet the humor faded as fast as it arrived. His buddy was trying his best to cheer him up, and Leo appreciated it, only he’d been stuck in this sullen mood all week. Now time was running out, and his gut told him Shay wasn’t going to show.

  “I know I’ve been tough on you about this,” Brute murmured into the quiet. “But I like Shay.”

  The hair on Leo’s neck stiffened. His friend didn’t admit to feelings. Ever. He didn’t share or express affection. His admiration of women was only ever shown in the way his gaze raked their body, or how he went to great efforts to bring them pleasure. No words were ever spoken, because then they could be held against him.

  “Stop bristling, lover boy. I’m not after your woman. I just wanted to keep an eye out for her. You strutted around the restaurant on Tuesday with your dick leading the way. I was hoping the days apart would give you both time to think clearly.”

  Leo released a painful breath. “My thoughts are as clear as they’re gonna get, so can you let me take it from here now?”

  “Sure thing.” Brute slid from the stool. “I didn’t push the issue about the non-disclosure during the week. So I’ll bring it down later in the hopes she turns up.”

  Leo nodded, not convinced she would. “Thanks.”

  “Keep your head up.” Brute began to walk from the main room. “You look like a pussy when you mope.”

  * * *

  Shay had been standing in the dim light above the back entrance to Vault of Sin for over ten minutes. She wasn’t going to back out. Getting in the car to drive here had been the hard part. Only she wasn’t entirely sure how to convince her finger to ring the bell on the control panel beside the door.

  “This is work,” she muttered to herself. “Nothing more.”

  Delusional much?

  She may still be pissed off. Still angry as fuck at holding the weaker hand in whatever sexed-up game they were playing. But she was here for Leo. Plain and simple. Her cloying feelings for him were too strong to ignore.

  No matter how many times she contemplated the worst-case-scenario outcome—the loss of her job, the hit to her confidence and the possible risk of utter humiliation—her heart continued to thump in a yearning beat. She needed Leo, and she was here to take a chance on any possible future with him. No matter how freakishly scary it was.

  “Now you just have to press the goddamn button.” She raised a shaky hand, held her breath and rammed her fingertip into the bell.

  She ignored the small camera panel above the button and lowered her gaze to the shiny black heels she wore. Inwardly, she cursed herself for getting dressed up for tonight’s shift. Her bartender uniform consisted of a Shot of Sin tank, which she currently wore. But instead of the three-quarter casual pants or jeans she normally donned, she was wearing a fucking skirt and her finest underwear. It had taken a truckload of chocolate to pull the lacy shit up her legs, and even more to clasp the Wonderbra behind her back. And she’d done it for him—the guy who’d ignored her all week.

  The thick, steel-plated door creaked open, making her heart stop, and Leo came into view in his black pristine pants and another freshly ironed shirt. His lips were a thin line, lacking emotion, yet his eyes blazed with something she didn’t want to determine. If he was angry she was a little late, he would have to deal with it.

  He stood in silence, his gaze slowly raking her from head to toe and back again. Memories of last weekend heated her cheeks and she dulled the sudden spark of arousal with annoyance.

  “Nice to see you again,” she spoke over the lump in her throat.

  His jaw stiffened, his nostrils flared, and right when she thought he was about to put her in her place, he grabbed her wrist and yanked her inside, pushing her against the wall as he slammed the door shut with his fist.


  He cut off her protest with his lips, devouring her mouth, claiming her before the darkened staircase. After a week without him, she couldn’t maintain her anger. Her defenses crumpled, and she clung to him, kissing him back with equal fervor. His tongue entered her mouth, sliding against hers, drawing a moan from her throat.

  This was what she wanted. Leo. Nothing else. No complications or expectations. Just him and her, together, enjoying one another. Then reality overcame her hormones and she remembered the distance he placed between them after every time they were intimate. She whimpered
as she mustered the strength to nudge him away.

  “Don’t.” She touched her lips with the tips of her fingers to stop them tingling.

  “Shay.” He reached for her with anguish etched across his features.

  “You’ve been ignoring me.”

  He sighed and ran a rough hand through his hair, loosening the ponytail. “I told you, I was giving you time. And I owed it to T.J. and Brute to take this seriously. A lot is at stake.”

  “And what was I owed?” She’d never sounded so fragile, her voice had never been so weak, yet she couldn’t strengthen her tone.

  “The time to make up your own mind without me clouding your judgment.” He leaned against the opposite wall, his focus never leaving hers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You were hurting me all week.”

  “That wasn’t deliberate. I’ve fucking missed you, Shay.” He pushed from the wall and bridged the distance between them to rest his pelvis against hers. “If you knew how hard this week has been for me, you wouldn’t still be shooting daggers my way.”

  “You set the distance rule, so you kinda deserve it.” She softened her stare and gave him a weak smile. “Look, I know this will never be a conservative relationship. I’ve spent days coming to terms with that. But I’m here aren’t I?” She wriggled out from underneath him and took the first few steps backward, needing space to remain clearheaded.

  “They want you to sign a non-disclosure.” He spoke as if it was the end of the world, waiting for her to become offended.

  “Of course.”

  He narrowed his gaze and followed her. “You’re unpredictable, you know that?”

  She slid farther along the wall, sensing the heat radiating off him. “I aim to please.”

  His predatory focus honed in on her eyes as he closed in on her, leaning her into the cold plaster. “And you deliberately wore a skirt to tempt me, didn’t you?”

  Yes. “No. Not at all.”

  He laughed softly against her neck. “You’re a seductress.” He pulled back and rested his head against hers. “If you walk away, I’ll respect your wishes. I won’t chase you. But as long as you’re here, I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you.”

  She sucked in a breath at his raw possession. She itched to run her fingers under his shirt, to grind against the hardness in his pants. But the slightest touch would spark a fire she couldn’t sate, and she didn’t need to lose focus now. Not when she was meant to be working. “You need to increase your bipolar meds.”

  The side of his lips quirked as he pressed his erection into her abdomen. “You need to tame that sassy mouth.”

  “Or maybe you need to do it for me.” She bit her lip, wishing she hadn’t taunted him. “Come on. You need to show me around.” This was going to be a tough night if she was the one who had to push away his advances. All week it had been the opposite, and she had no clue which dynamic she preferred. Chasing a gorgeous man was common sense. Pushing him away was plain idiocy.

  She ducked under his arm and continued down the hall, around the corner and came out at the side of the bar. The empty room seemed different in the harsh fluorescent light and the scent of sex no longer permeated the air.

  Leo groaned behind her and followed her into the open space. “Fine. But just so you know, I plan on following you home again tonight.”

  Shay kept her back to him, hiding her smile.

  “We’ll start over here.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and then turned to follow him into the first room along the side wall. She remembered it from last Saturday. The one with the large bed center stage.

  Leo flicked on the light switch, and the tiny bulbs above the focal point twinkled to life. “My favorite room.”

  She remembered the threesome from last week with vivid clarity. The way the men had caressed the woman with loving affection. Shay could still see them on the mattress, their legs tangled, their smiles bright.

  “You obviously already know about the bathrooms.” He strode forward, pushed open the ladies door and reached inside to flick on the lights. Then he did the same with the males. “We’ve got cleaners who change the linens and restock supplies. If you ever work down here again, all you have to do is adjust all the lighting. But either myself, T.J. or Brute will always be down here to help.” He strode past her to click on the bedside-table lamps.

  “And what’s your role down here,” she asked.

  He paused as he opened a drawer, and glanced over his shoulder. “Supervisor. Confidant. Sometimes instigator. Our role is to make sure everyone is comfortable and that no issues arise.” He raised a brow, waiting for her response.

  Instead of voicing her opinion, she nodded and focused on the items in the drawer.

  “The bedside tables are filled with necessities, too—restraints, vibrators, lube. Condoms are used on the toys for hygiene reasons, but they’re also sterilized after every party.”

  Shay winced and withheld a shudder.

  He slammed the drawer shut and walked to her. “Come on. You don’t need to see the rest. I’ll help you set up behind the bar before everyone arrives.” He grabbed her hand in a gentle grip and led her back into the main room. He rubbed his thumb along her skin as they walked in silence, and her heart galloped at the simple gesture from a man more accustomed to sexual moves than sweet ones.

  “You still good with this?” He flicked off the fluorescent light beside the entrance to the bar and turning on the mood lighting.

  “I’m good.” Her voice was too chipper, too unrealistic.

  He slowed to a stop, turned to face her and backed her into the counter behind the bar. His lips tilted, his eyes dancing in the darkness. “You’re shitting yourself.”

  She rolled her eyes at his attempt to put her at ease. “Well, not literally.”

  “There’s the sass I was looking for.”

  “I thought you wanted me to leash my sassiness?” She raised a brow in defiance.

  He leaned closer, licking his bottom lip. “It’s endearing in an annoying sort of way.”

  “I could say the same about you.”

  His grin continued to grow as he bridged the distance between them and brushed his mouth against hers. “That fucking perfume is driving me wild.”

  Score one to Calvin Klein.

  His lips were forceful as his tongue entered her mouth. He played with her, coaxing her into murmurs of lust, making her clench her thighs together. He grasped her hips, lifted her onto the counter beside the beer taps and spread her knees apart. Then he slid his hands up her thighs, under her skirt and lowered her lace G-string.

  It was too much. Too quick. Lust suffused her veins. Heat invaded her limbs.

  “Leo.” She pulled back to brace her hands on the cool counter top as she sucked in ragged breaths.

  “We’re alone.” He bent to untangle the underwear now at her feet and threw them onto the bar. “No one will walk in.”

  He lowered his zipper and raised her blood pressure at the same time. She peered down at the enthusiasm tenting his boxers and bit her lip. He was impressive. More than impressive. He was orgasmic. And she was already wet for him, the tingling sensation between her thighs growing with every second.

  “Come here.” He grabbed her ass, pulling her to hover on the counter edge. He riffled through his pocket and pulled out a condom.

  “Do you always have those on standby?”

  “I will when I’m around you.”

  “Good answer.” She watched him sheath himself, all that delicious male cock covered in dark blue and ready for her.

  “Fast and hard, Shay. You ready?” He inched her off the bar, holding her in mid-air.

  A grin tilted her lips. She loved the way he took charge. “Uh huh.”

  She clung to his shoulders and stifled a moan when he sunk home, just the way he promised. Quick and harsh. Needy and determined. Her core stretched around him with the slightest pleasure-filled ache.

  It was forceful
loving. Or fucking. She didn’t know the difference, but he drove into her with powerful thrusts, the veins in his neck protruding, the muscles under her hands tightening.

  He fucked her against the bar, consuming her with his efficiency, each movement hitting the exact spot necessary to nudge her pleasure into uncharted territory. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the empty room, followed by her commands for more and his mindless groans. She wrapped her legs around his hips, demanding more, pulling him deeper until her throat went dry and her breasts ached to be touched.

  “Fuck. You feel…” He closed his eyes and his nostrils flared as he panted.

  Was he equally mindless? It didn’t seem possible. He was experienced. Controlled. In contrast, she’d never had sex in a public place. Had only ever been touched by him in a storeroom.

  The thought of being caught sent a wicked thrill down her spine, along each nerve, to throb in her pussy. This was all new. All pure fulfillment. She didn’t want to let him go. Couldn’t contemplate the thought of this ending. Yet, her core began to pulse with a building storm she’d never experienced so quickly.

  “Holy shit.” She was going to come and she’d barely kissed the man.

  “You with me?” He opened his eyes, resting his head against hers as he continued to grind into her.

  “God, yes.” She was close enough to see black spots in her vision.

  He leaned her against the bar, a hand grasping the back of her neck, his other arm holding her close. He started to move in rhythm. Thrust after deep-seated thrust, until she was digging her nails into his flesh, her mouth begging to be kissed.

  He fulfilled her wish, taking her lips with harsh pressure, making her chest fire into a ball of uncontainable lust. She began to cry out in climax and he growled in response, following her over the edge.

  Her back fought with the bar, her thighs clenched around his waist, her heart beat in a frantic pace of love, lust and fascination. Every part of her was consumed with him. Tuned to him. Hooked to only him.

  The heavy slapping sounds lessened, the pounding rhythm died into a gentle embrace. She leaned back, meeting his stare and wondered how it had taken them so long to find something so natural.


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