Basic economic survival, but who is counting?
r ac h e l h ay w i r e
The press is counting. The press is counting hard as each
dark intellectual, weirdo, and total-and-complete-freak
joins what is now considered to be a fascist movement. The
horseshoe begins to close, and a nation rises up in dissent. The fallen aristocrats are killed by the barbarian hordes who haven’t even read Evola or Yockey. D’Annunzio is blamed for Marinetti who is blamed for Mussolini.
Marientti walks into the Futurist Salon and asks the artists
to tell them about their national blackjack and hooker party.
He’s working on a real y cool new art project, and D’Annunzio is leading the charge. “We’ll do it live! The theatre of capitalistic cruelty! We’ll show those guardians!”
Now we’re all in trouble, because the Night of the Silver
Spoons has begun. You never should have suspended that artist for that offensive project. Now they are killing people out there in cold blood, only to be murdered once again.
servants of the changing tide
THE KIDS WHO CALLED you a fag are leading
the Pride marches, and the men who called you a
whore are saving the women.
If you are any type of oppressed minority, you
might as well accept that your oppression has now turned into a majority-cause. You are used for status and profit. You are, quite simply, an object. Your suffering has turned into a gadget that is presented in the name of tolerance and equality. Our
dominant culture seeks to place your trials and tribulations into their latest activist presentation. Once you realize this, what is to be your response? Do you go on marching with your gay and
lesbian comrades who are now heterosexual commercialists?
I say no.
It’s a strange time in history when the few have become the
many, and the many have become the few. Anyone who is not
a straight white male finds their culture, history, and identity being written into an endless supply of victim-literature.
Meanwhile, straight white males find themselves a minority
group, forging an alliance with minority groups they have little to no understanding of.
r ac h e l h ay w i r e
Let us not pretend that people have suddenly “woken up”
and stopped being assholes, bigots, racists, and misogynists. It is actual y the complete and exact opposite. People have fallen asleep like never before. The mass idiocracy now goes by the
name of revolution, and it’s difficult to see that one is “sleeping”
when everything around you flashes freedom and liberation.
What we now have is the mass-mind swimming along with the
current of modernity, which just happens to be to the liberal establishment.
Yet a servant is a servant.
If the movie They Live were to take place today, the obey/
conform signs would be replaced with disobey/revolt signs.
What people don’t seem to realize is that they are doing
exactly what they are told. Since the majority of humans are
natural servants, this leaves them with absolutely no concern, as they continue to dance along to whatever song is popular.
They are “subverting the dominant paradigm” by conforming
to the dominant paradigm of subversion. They are protesting
themselves into a mindless abyss of postmodernism and calling it radical transgression.
I once worked with a guy who said that anyone who
opposed gay marriage should not be associated with the
tech industry. He claimed that anti-progressive views were
alienating to the mainstream. Well isn’t that funny? You know what was alienating to mainstream twenty years ago? Gay marriage. This guy did not care about gay rights, gay marriage, or gay anything. He cared about fitting in. Anything to appease the masses. Just keep on changing your views with the tide, you fucking servant.
When the tide changes, the views of the masses change to
appease one another. It is a political circle-jerk that is based on supposed economic survival. Anyone who does not share the
t h e n ew a rt r i g h t
views of the dominant majority is considered a heretic, a lunatic, a self-hating minority, or a cripple acting against their own self-interest. There is a reason that millionaire celebrities donate their money to starving children in Africa. There is a reason that straight white men are now feminists who go to genderqueer
parties. There is a reason that being a racist or misogynist is seen as intel ectual y courageous by the bleeding edge.
It is not that you are some type of radical because you think that black people are stupid. It is not that you are some type of hero because you think women are inferior to men or that gay
people are disgusting in the bedroom. It is, quite simply, that you are willing to go against the established current of thought.
Post-Leftist intellectuals have aligned with monsters and
thugs. How did this come to be? The rape-revisionists in the
same room as the women who despise the feminist movement.
The religious extremists in the same room as the atheists who despise the trends of atheism. Thousands of people uniting
against the liberal majority, with little to nothing in common.
You can post your ideas to “radical Right” websites, but what if you are Jewish? What if you are Black and you hate Obama
(or even Martin Luther King) due to the integration that was
forced upon your people? You must hate yourself for refusing
to join the Pride march. You must support rape culture because you didn’t join the knitting circle against gender oppression.
You must be a Zionist infiltrator. See the problem here?
The White Nationalist community searches for a collective
identity that has been stripped away by multiculturalism.
Meanwhile, anyone who is not a White Nationalist or a mass-minded servant searches for an identity that is anything but
collectivist. The battlefield is expanding in a way that makes die-hard traditionalists cringe. Why is that kid with tattoos speaking out against Cultural Marxism? Why is that working
class construction worker defending capitalism?
r ac h e l h ay w i r e
What did you expect? “Click here to see naked zombie
girls support human rights.” If you didn’t want individualists hanging out at your nationalist gatherings, you shouldn’t have sat on your asses as you enjoyed the decline. These are your own ruins and this is your own decay. You refused to partake in an actual reaction, and were content with being a loser in the political economy. Go ahead and talk about how your
movement has turned into a vehicle for the enemy. Maybe it
has. Maybe your roots are being destroyed by a bunch of pissed off contrarian whores.
Yet when it comes down to it, the enemy is the servant. As
any true intellectual knows, it is the servants of the changing tide who must fal . The masters will destroy the servants. The
“talent” of appeasing the majority will be turned into an object of disdain. These people can count their days and they can
count their blessings. They will stop leading the Pride marches soon. Their time will come.
part 1ii:
the simulation
fightin’ words
do not despair! You think it’s game over. You’re
losing hope. You just can’t ride that tiger anymore,
and your entire movement has been infiltrated by
hipsters and libertar
ians. This is more than the death of the West—this is the death of your personal achievements. What
in the dying world are you going to do when someone named
Rachel fucking Haywire is writing for the alternative Right?
I’m here to tell you that it’s not over yet. In fact, the battle has only begun. Cheer up, cynical white man! Let me hand
you a lollipop against liberalism! The counter-revolt is now as trendy as Williamsburg and this is not a bad thing. The Internet is full of neoreaction, and tonight we go to war.
10 tips for a successful counter-revolution
1. Learn to speak like the enemy. Get into their groove. Twist and turn their catchphrases around. Make top 10 lists.
Go to popular conferences and act like you support the
t h e n ew a rt r i g h t
latest cause. Go to their elite parties and make yourself
a part of the furniture. Might is Left, and it is your
job to make it right again. You cannot do this without
understanding the Left.
2. Rewrite the narrative. Downplay the achievements of
PC culture. Instead of crying about how liberals are oppressing you, make it clear that liberals are being
oppressed. Oppress liberals. Highlight the achievements
of non-PC writers, entrepreneurs, and professors. Instead
of feeling like a victim because the new establishment =
the United States of Social Causes, declare that the new
establishment is on its way out. Make it so. Stomp out the new establishment. Use neoreactionary populists to
your advantage. Be a winner, not a whiner.
3. Marginalize, marginalize, marginalize. You may be marginalized for your politics, but if all marginalized
people were suddenly put into a room, the size of the
crowd would be much larger than the key players of the
United States of Social Causes. As for the un-washed
masses, it is easy to get them to switch rooms. All you
need is charisma and intelligence. Confine the United
States of Social Causes to a small area of irrelevance.
4. Accept that the Right-wing is the proletariat. You may hate the term proletariat but it certainly applies here.
The Communists were successful in overthrowing the
upper class. The result equals you at the bottom. Do
you want to be The Golden Dawn or The Golden Yawn?
Fight back! Drag your rulers down by the heels of
their cruelty-free boots and declare yourself monarch.
5. Match your social status to your warrior status. You may be a warrior of the highest order, but that doesn’t
r ac h e l h ay w i r e
mean the nice lady at the store thinks you’re anything
but a homophobic faggot. The nice lady at the store is
trè s Untermensch, but you need her for your master plan. Engage her in small talk about the latest trend.
She will remember you when she is down on her luck
and begging for a gun. The nice lady at the store is your
friend. Make friends. Lots of them.
6. Become the elite. Capitalism is as capitalism does. The reason people in this culture would rather buy t-shirts
referencing social memes than historical artifacts and/
or esoteric literature, is that the Right-wing currently
sucks at capitalism and web design. Study the
neoreactionaries who are making websites that rival the
dominant current. Control the media. Don’t be afraid of
looking Jewish. Sel , sel , sell!
7. Confront white people on their lack of awareness. The only people who truly advocate equality are white liberals.
Blame the white man for hating the white man. Blame
the white man for having no cultural or ethnic identity.
No other culture hates white people like the culture of
white people. Look in the mirror and realize that your
brothers and sisters have a sickness. No amount of crime
in the ghetto will stop the white man from protesting
you. Don‘t be afraid to fight the white that is wrong.
8. Leave the house. Get out there and interact with other counter-revolutionaries. It’s no longer a secret that PC
culture is a thorn in the side of America. It’s time for an
open dialogue among educated non-academics. Instead
of staying at home and expressing your disgust for
modernity on 4chan, express your disgust for modernity at your local bar or university. You will find that many
others agree with you, even if you need to whisper in a
small corner. The whispers will soon turn into screams.
t h e n ew a rt r i g h t
This is a war, and you are not the only soldier on the
9. Don‘t put down your sword. Remember that you are doing this in the name of virtue, merit, and restoration.
Some people say to enjoy the decline, but why not grab
the decline by the throat and show it how ugly it truly
is? The ship may be sinking (okay, let’s be honest, it’s
already sunk), but you can construct another, eminently
seaworthy boat. Raise your sword tonight. Raise it
higher than ever before. It’s time for you to sail some
new waters.
10. Embrace your will to power. If you’re one of those people who thinks that power is an evil tool reserved for the
United States of Social Causes, you are no better than
the social activists who ask you to sign their petitions.
You are under the boot of faux-egalitarianism. Quit
being so oppressed. Power can be yours if you want it.
Go out there and take it.
Original y published at
the game
“If you show resistance it is because you are weak.”
administration and social activism becoming a
ticket to the status parade, it is now easy to view
any sort of resistance toward oppression as a tool
of the establishment. It is hard to imagine a world in which
the ghetto wants “the State” to patrol their neighborhood, let alone a world in which a drug addict wants help from a fancy
substance abuse counselor. Lacking the individual experience
that gives a resistance life, we now have what amounts to a
The extreme Left, jaded and disgusted with its suffering
becoming a commodity, has turned Right. The conservative
center, in an effort to move up the social ladder, has turned Left.
Society is dyslexic. It seems like white people have suddenly become aware of their basic tribal identity, yet other ethnic groups have been aware of theirs for centuries. Realizing that the democratic majority cannot speak for their struggles, we
now find solace in social cliques that only exist on the Internet.
“Far-Right extremist groups” are sweeping the nation with fear, 47
t h e n ew a rt r i g h t
but unable to sweep their own floors without being publicized.
Hardcore conservatives are protesting the NSA, and terrorists are being idolized like serial killers. Welcome to the revolution.
“I think I’m gonna go Right because I am sick of being gay.”
When novelty-seekers begin to call themselves reactionaries,
we have reached a specific turning point in history. Whether
this is a good or a bad thing is irrelevant, as we can no longer pretend like our chants agains
t oppression are being used to
stop man from killing man.
“Always side with the winner of the game, and you too will
be-come a winner.”
When we show that we are struggling we make ourselves
vulnerable. It is best to act like nothing is wrong, no matter what is happening to us. To a man this is logic, but to a woman this is Stockholm Syndrome. We are accused of falling into the victim narrative, and shunned if we do not speak out against
injustice as kidnapped victims of the patriarchy.
When people say that Ayn Rand was only famous for her
tits, they were partial y correct. Few people have heard of
Ragnar Redbeard or Ludovici, but their views are far more anti-humanist than those of Rand. Yet Atlas Shrugged is denounced as evil for the principal reason that it was written by someone with “Stockholm Syndrome.” Is this feminism or is it misogyny?
Is there real y much of a difference? Don’t be racist.
If people cannot imagine anything more evil than
opportunistic capitalism being promoted by a woman, they clearly are unfit in the department of imagination. Nothing,
to these favorable citizens, is worse than a woman calling human beings parasites. Human beings, still not quite parasites (parasites know what they are feeding on), cannot deal with
their own kind. This is why Might is Right has gone unnoticed for centuries. It exposes human nature for what it actual y is.
r ac h e l h ay w i r e
When we think of the law of the jungle we think of Might is Right, but most people think of Atlas Shrugged.
If you show resistance it is not because you are weak. It only appears that way because the administration of resistance has turned us into docile creatures. You can rise up without being a liberal establishment tool. If you always side with the winner, you are probably a loser who doesn’t know how to play. That is the game for you, and it’s time to break the rules.
the new institution
THE ESTABLISHMENTS THAT claim to represent
the cutting edge of thought are the leftover
remnants of a dying intelligentsia. If the modern
intelligentsia were actual y intelligent, willing to
take intellectual risks, and interested in challenging the status quo, it would not be trapped in a liberal Disneyland. We have no use for the current avant-garde or its freethinking elite in its latest incarnation. These areas of political and philosophical subcultures are, without any question surrounding this
The New Art Right- a New Reaction for 2018 Page 3