The New Art Right- a New Reaction for 2018

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The New Art Right- a New Reaction for 2018 Page 4

by Rachel Haywire

  compliance, against any and all forms of Right-wing thought.

  What is Right-wing thought? What is the difference

  between Right-wing and Left-wing thinking? Non-egalitarian

  thinking is considered Right-wing. Individualism. The notion

  of humanity not being “all good” is considered a Right-wing

  thought. Let’s take it as far as fascism. Extreme Right-wing

  fascism. Right-wing thought.

  Once you realize that your thoughts are Right-wing, you

  start to question yourself. If you think like a fascist are you a fascist? Are you a bad person because you don’t believe in

  equality? Is there something wrong with you because you

  understand the brutality of human nature?


  r ac h e l h ay w i r e

  There are few places to discuss the ideas of fascism without

  being labeled as a fascist. The most conservative student groups are focused on appealing to the liberal Disneyland they claim to despise. In order to discover the more interesting areas of Right-wing thought, one would have to search long and hard,

  much like searching for obscure bands that only a small group of people listen to. From egoists to nationalists, non-Leftists with an interest in philosophy and politics find themselves

  isolated from the smart kids’ table.

  The modern intelligentsia would scoff at our lack of

  ideological fashion, so the only solution is for us to build our own institutions entirely. We must teach the new generation

  that all forms of thought are worth discussing. From the

  furthest Left to the furthest Right, the point here is intellectual exploration. A thriving intelligentsia must leave nothing

  taboo and be open to the most challenging areas of both

  philosophical and political discussion. Left-wing thought is simply not chal enging.

  What happened to the idea of intellectual salons? Why not

  start an intellectual salon focusing on Right-wing thought in a non-demonizing light? Book speakers with ideas that interest

  you, and invite everyone you know with an interest in these

  topics. Hold meetings. I went to the H.L. Mencken Conference

  in Baltimore and interacted with an intelligentsia that ventured far outside liberal Disneyland.

  Unfortunately, Mencken Con only happens once a year.

  Meanwhile, the modern intelligentsia holds meetings every single day. What does this mean?

  The dominant intellectual paradigm is dying. While their

  meetings are daily, their thoughts are fading. They provide no excitement to anyone who likes a political thril , a philosophical thrust, or a historical lesson. If we do not replace them, we 51

  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  will be accustomed to the corpse of the modern intelligentsia surrounding us. This is why we must replace them now. It is time to go out there and find other people who want to create these new institutions. We are building a new intelligentsia that has a brain, a new intelligentsia worth thinking for, and yes, a new intelligentsia that is willing to go as far Right as Right can go.

  If we begin a dialogue on fascism, we can understand its

  political impact, and from there we can decide whether we

  are fascists or fascist thinkers or simply liberal hipsters who challenge the status quo . If we don’t know the answer to this simple question, we have no knowledge of our own thoughts.

  Let’s do some basic math before working on entire pages of


  There is no thought police. There is only a new intelligentsia that we must build to stay alive. Without thought, action is not even worth considering. The new institution begins with us.


  part 1v:




  national futurism


  change the nature of man. We are born for blood

  and we are born for war. There is no perfect solution

  or utopia. Whether we are cogs, domesticated

  animals, or free beings, we are still beasts at our core. Regardless of the rules and regulations governing a society, the level of bloodshed neither increases nor decreases. Beast will be man

  will be machine will be war.

  Genocidal regimes have occurred under the rule of

  democracy, as evidenced by the election of brutal rulers such as Adolf Hitler. Humans are too weak to be ruled, but we are

  also too weak to rule ourselves. Individuality, which was once the answer to the trap of collective brutality, is now just another cog in the blood machine. It is here that one is introduced to the nature of hate.

  Welcome to hate.

  It is time to stop dreaming about a perfect society in which

  we all join hands and go to Burning Man. At the same time, we must stop dreaming about a perfect society in which all ethnic groups have distinct cultural and ethnic identities. Society will 55

  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  never be perfect because man is imperfect. The only way to

  have a perfect society, if such a thing even exists, is to change the nature of man.

  So why not change the nature of man? What is there to say

  about the mass slaughterhouse, besides that it is yet another symptom of natural law? That it is entertaining?

  “The circus is entertaining.”

  Real clever, right? Is that the best you can do? Turning

  yourself into a hip social critic who talks about “the entertaining circus?” Aren’t you the hit of the Right-wing party? The party is being shut down and the party wants you to go home. The

  party is no longer inviting you. Sorry, nationalists. You’re just not welcome anymore.

  The only way to stop this decay, this death of everything

  called life, this birth of dumb and dumber, is to ful y alter the DNA of our entire species. I will call this, for the sake of engagement, National Futurism.

  National Futurism is not about eugenics in the sense that it

  weeds people out. National Futurism weeds people in. Scientists are starting to realize that Hitler’s idea of an Aryan master race is genetics for the pre-school crowd. It is now time for us to graduate with honors. Why create blue eyes where you can

  create humans with open eyes? Humans who are not slaves to the herd, who are not cheerleaders of the majority, and who are not servants of equality.

  “Humans who are not slaves? That would stop us from

  being human!”

  This is exactly the point of National Futurism. I do not

  want us to remain as festering maggots, dining on the corpse

  of the lowest human genome, and calling it a grand opera. We

  could create a Nietzschean superman, thinking beyond skin

  and eye color, toward a leadership and power of the divine


  r ac h e l h ay w i r e

  self. Literal y hacking into the nation’s genetic composition, we could breed individuals who are not corrupted by the clique of individualism. A higher race of non-slaves.

  Now, to speak of tyrannical systems in PC culture,

  and how to combat them in an age of postmodern irony.

  Multiculturalism is not a problem because it imports

  unfamiliar customs and traditions into dying breeds which

  need resurrection. Multiculturalism is a problem because most people are too obedient to develop their own heritage, their

  own cultures, or their own identities. They allow other cultures to define them because they themselves are the lower race, the homo inferior, the cattle club at the VIP lounge. Egalitarianism is similar to multiculturalism in this sense, because it selects for the most basic subservience of collectivist groupthink.

  With a more evolved race of humans, all borders will

p; become more powerful, both in a national and internal sense.

  We will be able to create millions of new nations, based on

  everything from ethnicity to anti-ethnicity to philosophy

  to counter-philosophy. All-white or all-otherkin, these will

  become nations of our own. A nation of aristocrats of the

  soul. A nation of Tumblr tots. At this point, immigration will become a non-issue. We will gain better control of ourselves

  and our internal limits, using our brains to defy the very fabric of modern existence. Creating our own borders, we will stop

  allowing ourselves to be kind to a hostile world. This could go as far as curing liberalism. Kingdoms of higher humans will

  reign above the circus that is oh-so-entertaining. As National Futurists, we seek an end to the human race in its current

  form. Through ful y rebooting the species, man can become

  more than a factory of domesticated animals. Every nation

  can become distinct, existing without the homo inferior in its genetic playground. The vision of National Futurism is

  to transcend the human species entirely. Human nature is a


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  problem, and we must fix it in order to transcend our petty

  hate machine.


  the homo futura

  CALLING TO THE PSYCHIC street warriors and

  youth of the counter-revolution.

  You are a new prototype and you have known

  this your entire life. Baseline humans have

  cowered against you since the beginning of time because you

  were an individual who refused to act on the stage of society.

  You realized that you were not like those around you whose

  eyes had been nailed shut. Your eyes, on the other hand,

  were open. What you saw was difficult at first, and led you to stages of self-hatred and destruction. Eventual y you broke

  through the cycle and charged forth as a God. Either that or

  as a Monster. Now you live in the future and realize there are few Gods or Monsters left, but still must endure the vainest of gadget worshiping and digital popularity contests. Conscious

  awareness may lead to evolution, but not in a biological sense.

  Technology leads to evolution but does it lead to conscious

  awareness? The modern-day idiocracy is perhaps justification

  to suggest not.

  Society is a charade that is put on by the Lowest Common

  Denominator combined with Triumph of the Weak. It is, in

  essence, the masses gathering into mindless flocks to enhance 59

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  their own self- interests for the common good. It has become

  a survival mechanism to run to the herd and adapt its specific tendencies to advance oneself. As long as “the robots save us al ,” people won’t need to look at the real world with open eyes.

  This type of thought has killed Western civilization with an axe and disguised it as an upgrade. Biology convinces two different prototypes that they are a part of the same mechanism. The

  homo sapiens includes all of us, right? Yet what does this new human type have in common with the human species besides

  simple biology?

  You are a part of the second human race.

  The homo futura. The homo superior. You refuse to claim you are the same as the people around you simply because

  you are part of the same species. The definition of the word

  “species” does not account for mental or behavioral differences that define you and who you are. When you walk down the

  street, it appears to you that “the humans” are playing a useless game. You may have questioned this game and been social y

  ostracized for doing so, or even locked up, put away, burned at the stake, protested en masse, or written out of history. Yet the question still remains.

  Why do people partake in this daily ritual of staged


  Initial y, you may feel an intense sense of alienation and

  loneliness, but soon this almost enhanced desperation turns

  into a higher craving that enables you to devour everything

  around you. This is you becoming aware, when that very force

  begins to take charge inside of you.

  To identify with someone simply because they are human

  is to swim within the tide of the homo inferior. You exist as the homo futura, and are part of a new mental elite. What you must come to terms with is that your breed is literal y dying.


  r ac h e l h ay w i r e

  Yet this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It enables you to find the Gods and Monsters who are still alive, and make the homo

  inferior suffer for killing you off. This is what I call the Dying New Breed.

  People made the mistake of identifying superiority

  based on physicals traits as opposed to higher values. Their

  superficial hierarchy games are egalitarian in that they review people based on the same factors, refusing to look at superior mental abilities and taboo levels of awareness. The homo

  futura must fight against the way hierarchy has been defined, or run the risk of playing by the rules of the homo inferior and its cheerleading squad of bygone Gods and Monsters.

  Running away from their own knowledge, they decided that

  the idiocracy was merely their plaything and that other homo futura could not be involved in their conquests. Some of them were world leaders who existed only to kill off their own, in hopes that the screams of their people would be silenced once and for al .

  What we’re left with now is the need to redefine “the few”

  in order to go against the base models of species fetishism.

  The homo inferior is not able to access this knowledge, so there is no real need to hide it from them in the first place. To the homo inferior, it simply isn’t there.

  What is the meaning of humanity in an age where

  conscious submission is rewarded? When the Dying New

  Breed feels like it is stomping on corpses just to stay alive, you might be tempted to wish that you were more human-like. It is common for a higher type to want to be more like

  a lower type, especial y in an era where the lower type is

  systematical y killing off the higher one. Perhaps I give them too much credit, but I digress. Whether they are aware of

  their actions or not, their way of living makes them feel (often violently) threatened by anything or anyone who challenges


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  their baseline herd instinct.

  As the homo futura, you don’t have to sit back and attempt to win over the homo inferior. Your goal should be to literal y create a new nation and leave the old species behind.


  dictator island

  RIDE ON OVER TO Dictator Island. You can be as

  tyrannical as you want to be. Some even say that

  you don’t get judged for your judgment, but maybe

  that was just the propaganda ministers talking. You

  can ride on over to Dictator Island, but you might not want to divulge that to anybody with whom you wish to stay on good

  terms. You’ll want to say that it’s some type of satire, because exploring the dictator mindset can get you killed these days. Or even worse, you may end up apologizing!

  This sickening society is suffering into submission.

  Eliminate them al , seriously. That’s what we do here on

  Dictator Island. We exterminate the weak, and when I say weak I mean subservient to the herd mindset. This slavery mindset

  is killing the new psychic race. Wake from your slumber. It’s time to stop claiming that cowardice is a virtue. It’s time to stop claiming that the good guy always wins.

  It’s so nice to see you here on Dictator Island. The haters are the norm and the norm is the hate and we love you. We love

  you here on Dictator Island. We could burn down the others

  but it’s far too late. They burn more than Babylon and Babylon is laughing in comparison to this decay.


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  So I built this sanctuary here on Dictator Island for us to

  talk among ourselves. We have a nice little cave here, and I want you to enter it knowing that everyone you’re about to meet is as disgusted with this modern era as you are.

  You’re falling over the edge here. You’re so far Right and so far so good, right? Good is bad and beautiful is hideous and

  we live in this world of aesthetic dyslexia. When you hear

  something that would disgust most people, yet enjoy hearing

  it, you are accepting your role as a dictator. When people are horrified by something that you take pleasure in viewing or

  interacting with, you are committing the highest artistic crime of the thought academy.

  Tonight we stand proud. We kill each other and eat each

  other because we are cannibals of the soul and mind. Most

  people are afraid of us, but over here on Dictator Island nobody quivers at our presence. We are animals and we are predators

  and tonight we shine. We dine on one another, but it’s only

  because we want you to like us. Actual y, that’s not true, but the many will say that it is, so we might as well let them be servants. After al , they aren’t dictators like us.

  Yet what does it mean to be dictators such as we? To face

  a lifetime of loneliness, simply for thinking in a certain way?

  How many of us actual y have armies? On Dictator Island, all

  of us do. We can grow our troops from the latest technologies.

  We’ll never have to deal with another insect condemning us for our greatness.

  The only rule here is that you can’t talk about The Empress.

  She got real mad one day, and decided that Dictator Island


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