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The New Art Right- a New Reaction for 2018

Page 6

by Rachel Haywire

  that kind of stuff anymore, unless they have nothing to lose. If you have nothing to lose, you can indulge in negative thoughts whenever you want. When someone is accused of having

  problematic opinions, how many times is it simply that they

  are giving out bad vibes?

  Indulging in negative thoughts is akin to stopping the

  machine, and anyone who stops the machine must be cut off.

  Leftists seeks to weed out anything that is negative or difficult as a political duty. They ban words, phrases, and books because they are negative – I mean fascist, I mean homophobic. Bad

  vibes are bad vibes are bad vibes.


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  Growing up in the occult scene, it seemed like everyone was

  some type of social activist. I was talking to people who outright admitted that they believed in nothing, while simultaneously

  bragging about the social causes that they supported. I should have seen the inherent contradiction right then and there.

  “Belief is a tool that can be used to change reality. There is no right and wrong. Everything is flexible.”

  Fol owed by:

  “It’s real y important that we stop oppression against trans

  people. The way that the trans community is treated is wrong.

  We cannot stand for it.”

  Wait a minute here. If none of these people believed in

  anything, why were they so into social activism? Didn’t they just want to get a leg up in their community? It was all about moving up the food chain, and the more negative somebody was, the

  sooner they were considered to be expressing improper views.

  After al , if you express unpopular views in a positive way

  then nobody seems to mind. It’s about emotions and tonality

  here. You just need to make your views seem cheery, and as

  long as you don’t upset anyone, everything is fine. It’s a game of pleasing the greatest number of people, and anything that you say and do must reflect your desire to make others feel good.

  Leftism is rooted in new age philosophy. These people

  have decided that we are “manifesting negative energy” by

  expressing unpopular opinions. They don’t real y care what our opinions are in the first place, as they are moral relativists who have no true beliefs. They are obsessed with a desire to make everything around them negativity-free.

  You express positive energy and you are a nice liberal. You

  express negative energy and you are a scary conservative. You must express the proper views with the proper energy, because anything else would stop progress in its tracks.


  virtue signaling, cruelty

  signaling, & true evil

  I’M SURE THAT YOU’VE heard of virtue signaling

  by now, unless you’ve been hiding under one of

  those rocks in which you only interact with fellow

  virtue signalers. The term “virtue signaling” is used

  to describe the act of signaling your more-holy-than-thou

  beliefs and social causes. Here are a few examples of virtue


  • “I don’t eat meat because I don’t support the animal


  • “I don’t watch television because I don’t support evil

  corporations controlling the world.”

  Virtue signaling, at its core, is a faux-humanitarian competition to see who can be the most pure, positive, and p(r)etty. We all find virtue signaling to be annoying, but you know what is even more ridiculous? A phenomena that I have coined as thus:

  Cruelty signaling.

  “Look at what a horrible person I am. Admire me for being

  an immoral asshole.”

  Cruelty signaling is new and exciting, unless you’ve spent


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  more than a week in the goth-industrial scene. Cruelty

  signaling is edgy, unless you’ve taken a basic course in

  economics or political science. Cruelty signaling is virtue

  signaling for contrarians who still think that the government cares about their naughty thoughts. To the rest of us, cruelty signaling is infantile and boring. The “good guys” couldn’t walk in our shoes for a day, but we don’t need to broadcast how evil we are to the entire world. The dark triad should stay where it belongs: away from the rest of society in order to better perfect itself.

  When you attack others for virtue signaling, yet broadcast

  signals that are meant to prove how utterly immoral you are,

  you are only a virtue signaler with a skull tattoo. You can earn a weird type of social status akin to winning a prison fight, but you aren’t even in prison, bitch. There is no race to the bottom that is worth participating in, unless you are already at the bottom.

  “You can have it al . My empire of dirt.”

  Trent Reznor was sick of cruelty signaling, as evidenced

  by the lyrics in his early musical career. He realized that his

  “empire of dirt” was as utterly empty as the mundane world

  that he was rebelling against. Basical y, evil is fun until people are trying too hard to be evil. Suddenly you want to join a

  church just to get away from these people. You get sick of every last social engineer bragging to you about their stupid army.

  If you are truly evil, you don’t share it with the world. The worst (or best, depending on where you are standing) people

  do not share their cruelty with wider society. They are not

  the trol s on 4chan or the assholes on Twitter. They are the

  utterly assimilated social actors who are publicly subscribing to the modern views that get them the most likes. They are

  the virtue signalers who do not appear to be virtue signaling.


  r ac h e l h ay w i r e

  They are, as I have put it, the Patrick Bateman’s pretending to be Mother Theresa’s. They will never broadcast their cruelty to you, because that would blow their cover. After al , the cruelest thing you can be is a faux-humanist. There is nothing more

  dark and evil than being a capable vil ain who pretends to be a hopeless Disney princess.

  Being the only Sith Lord in a room can be alienating, but

  when people are flaunting their Sith Lord credentials you kind of just want to punch them out. Their broadcasted lack of

  morality is neither edgy or groundbreaking. To signal cruelty is to display yourself as desperate to fit in with the bad guys. It is to virtue signal for the other team. It is to out yourself as prey to the truly evil, and there is nothing cruel or virtuous about that.


  an open letter to the underworld

  LET’S JUST BE HONEST here. I think it’s time we

  had a heart to heart. There is so much stigma against

  emotion now, and I’m not willing to go along with

  it. There real y aren’t that many of us left, and we’ve

  all been hating on each other since the beginning of time.

  Underground cult leaders and self hating gods with nobody to

  talk to, cursed with a knowledge that separates us from the rest of the world. Yet we rip each other apart, time and time again, in an endless battle among those of us who have opened up

  this forbidden box of knowledge.

  They say that there can be only one, but right now we are

  drowning in this utter and complete depravity. I don’t want to be the worst person in room, manipulating people beneath me

  while pretending to sympathize with their petty struggles. I

  don’t want to go after anyone like me who comes along, simply because I wish to be the only one. I don’t want to slay my own kind so I can rule over the stupid humans. I don’t want to

  be a part of this war for even another second. Perhaps
it will continue for eternity, but I still believe that we should fight it.



  r ac h e l h ay w i r e

  This may sound like-total y-gay to you, but whatever, you

  know? I want to be in a room full of people who know what

  this is like, and I don’t want to compete to see who can be

  the biggest asshole. Why does it seem like intense people are doomed to hate each other? To compete for the pawns. To hunt

  down anyone who shares this knowledge. To slay our own,

  all to eliminate the parts of ourselves that we dislike. To hide and obscure archaic knowledge that isn’t even that difficult to obtain anymore.

  Has something sacred been violated? Have the tricks of the

  masters been passed down to the scene kids? Have the tricks

  of the scene kids been passed down to the new generation of

  startup activists? Have the tricks of the startup activists been passed down to the trendy journalists? Things decay and things degrade and this is humanity. Yet must we real y round each

  other up like this?

  I’m holding up a giant mirror to the underworld, and

  I’m here to say that you aren’t my enemy. You’re just like me, and we are only fighting amongst ourselves. We are basical y

  reflections of one another. I’m sorry that you see those bad

  parts of yourself in me, but it’s not my problem anymore.

  Batman killed his own. Professor X did the same. Yet somehow

  these were the heroes, and anyone who remained true to their

  tribe was cast off as a vil ain.

  I’ve been guilty too. I’ve seen myself in others who I’ve

  attacked. I’ve resented them for knowing the same things that I did. I’ve resented them for putting on their human masks. I’ve resented them for pandering to the idiots, yet I now face this from the other end. There is always going to be someone who

  views you like you view someone else. There is always going to be someone above you and someone below you.


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  We need to remember that we are trapped in hell

  together. I find no value in competing for pawns as material

  possessions. I don’t want to own a bunch of idiots who can’t

  think for themselves. I don’t want to be known for my legion of sycophants. No, I want to be known for my knowledge and for

  my accomplishments. I want to exist here, in this underworld

  we inhabit, without worrying about others like me wishing to

  plot my demise. In the end, we are the same.

  I know you may disagree with this letter I’ve written to you, but I want my message to be received throughout the depths

  of this forbidden space. Sometimes you’ve just gotta come out and say it, you know? I’m done with this underworld drama. I

  will not continue to fight my own.



  toward a dark bohemia

  “Exterminate all rational thought.” -Wil iam S. Burroughs

  “You must create your life, as you‘d create a work of art. It‘s necessary that the life of an intel ectual be artwork with him as the subject. True superiority is all here. At all costs, you must preserve liberty, to the point of intoxication.” - D‘Annunzio


  deafening blow. It is the sound of

  a watered-down enlightenment

  philosophy. The sound of reason is the sound of the center

  asserting its temporary domination, yet is only at the extremes that a real metaphysical dialogue can occur. Reason is a prison for the plastic whores who are terrified of your aura. Reason peddlers wish to ship off the gods to the factory. Reason is the opiate of the masses, yet somehow it remains a preferred tool of control among the dying elite. Reason is a materialist prison for the weak and uninspired.

  Bohemia has been ravaged by the scholars of the

  reasonmarketplace, who water down the most passionate


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  aspects of the Faustian/Promethean resurrection we have only

  begun to explore.

  It is not Right against Left or Good against Evil. It is Us

  against Them. We breathe the fire of a new metapolitical

  current as the reason peddlers moan about conspiracy

  theorists in trailer parks. They wish to put out the fire in

  order to sedate the energy of universe itself. These are

  utilitarian peasants without a soul to explore, yet some of

  them are billionaires. In their desperate attempt to save

  the world from its original essence, they defile natural law

  with their global catfights.

  The darkest aspects of Bohemia are now considered

  to be outright fascism, yet it is the New Art Right that

  must construct a greater society in the ashes of this

  transvaluation. Corpses of a dead era feeding on each

  other like maggots in a parking lot; waiting to get the next

  space. The corpse picks the peddlers of the hottest idea

  trends at midnight. Just another initiative for the board. Is is rational enough?

  Bohemia as an escape fantasy or Bohemia as a utopian

  ideal, one stops to think about the possibilities of an

  empire of the mind. A insurrectionary exploration of that

  which could be; Dark Bohemia is an occult Temporary

  Autonomous Zone. The New Art Right creates a spiritual

  revolt of art, music, philosophy, literature, theatre, film,

  poetry, and live performances. This is Dark Bohemia at

  work, and the purge is now being reversed. 89!

  To devise a Dark Bohemia one must first remove the

  lettering of the utilitarian reason factory. It may be difficult 90

  r ac h e l h ay w i r e

  not to speak in their factory language, but eventual y you

  take off your rational mask and begin viewing yourself as a

  living work of art.

  From the beginning, the ideal of Bohemia was a fight

  against the reason peddlers.

  Those who hide in the corners of the thrones are now

  getting a taste of the outer realms. They seek a new hell

  to play inside, in which one is given a license to explore

  their nightmares though creative and irrational means. A

  reactionary decadence of both pleasure and hatred; the

  union of egoists create a monarchy of the spiritual realm.

  The Kali Yuga becomes self aware in a quest to discover the

  meaning of the universe in a state of the purge reversing.

  The gods rise from the margins and join each other in

  this occult realm as a new era greats those who are willing

  to enter Dark Bohemia without fear. The Age of Aquarius

  is (reverse) culture jamming with a stronger energy, and

  Dark Bohemia beautiful y mirrors this revolution in

  ecstasy and wonder. The vikings of the mind and spirit

  confront one another in a union so extreme that the 99%

  can no longer survive.

  The New Art Right is the vanguard through which

  Dark Bohemia is able to form. The aristocratic minority

  take its places in the towers once again. Dark Bohemia

  is the kingdom we create for ourselves in this dulled

  and domesticated multiplex known as the progressive

  enlightenment. Dark Bohemia is what happens when the

  psychic imperium takes back the long night.


  t h e n ew a rt r i g h t

  Reason is dead. Long live the Dark Bohemia. Long live the New Reaction. Long live the New Art Right!





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