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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 2 Lost Heroes

Page 16

by Daniel OConnell

  Kitanna gets up screaming, "They’re everywhere!" She begins to claw at her arms ripping her uniform as she acts out in a panic. Mulvey runs and grabs her trying to stop her, but Kitanna Cohen is a former Mossad agent specially trained in all forms of martial arts.

  Mulvey is quickly knocked to the ground, as Kitanna screams, "They’re on board! Where is everyone?"

  Jackson reacts quickly grabbing his weapon, set on stun. He fires, knocking Kitanna unconscious.

  Jackson lowers his head and activates the com, "Qui Shi, the Queen is attacking our people. I had to stun Kitanna. I think you’re going to need to send up a medic for Mulvey. I think she broke a few ribs and maybe his jaw." Jackson pauses as he looks over the bridge crew and says, "Someone grab the portable regenerator, and try and stabilize him."

  One of the bridge crew hastily grabs a portable regenerator and begins working on Mulvey on the bridge.

  Back in med bay, Qui Shi looks down at Carla who is cowering under the stretcher, she asks, "Carla, can you make your symbiot do what it did for us here to protect us?"

  Carla cries, "No Mama Qui Shi, I have to do it in the big empty place, and she's in there."

  Qui Shi lowers her head and says, "Andrew, it's too much for her."

  Suddenly Qui Shi starts seeing shadows move around med bay, and then suddenly she can’t see anyone else. Qui Shi looks all around in total fear, as she tries to figure out what's going on. She says aloud, "I know this isn't real! You can’t fool me."

  The Queen appears and says, "Human cow, you have no idea what is real or not. You’re in my domain now, and I can see you have knowledge that I need. You know what the child can do, and you know how to hurt her. I will make you tell me everything."

  Qui Shi tries to run, as she realizes she is trapped in the psychic world. She screams, "How am I here?"

  The Queen replies, "I brought you here cow. Now tell me what I want, or I will kill your mate."

  Suddenly Jackson appears next to Qui Shi. He reacts shocked, asking, "What is going on? Where am I?"

  The Queen grabs Jackson and begins to squeeze him slowly, crushing him.

  Qui Shi screams, "You vile creature, leave him alone!"

  The Queen throws Jackson's unconscious body aside, and grabs Qui Shi, saying, "Very well cow, I will get the knowledge from you. I will peel the layers of your mind, and learn all you know."

  The Queen grabs Qui Shi, and begins to crush her. She draws her to her mouth, saying, "I will devour you, and all that you know will become part of me. I may however, let your mind live long enough to see me destroy that abomination."

  Qui Shi is in extreme pain, as she is feeling the life being pulled from her. Suddenly, a blue light appears all around, it is Carla. She stands very small in front of the Queen. Qui Shi panicked yells, "Carla, run! Don't try and face her."

  Qui Shi is shocked when she hears the response, "No Mama Qui Shi, I’m a big girl now. I won’t let her hurt anyone, anymore."

  The Queen laughs, saying, "I will destroy you, just as I destroyed your father."

  Carla says again louder, "I said I'm a big girl now! So let Mama Qui Shi go."

  With that, Carla begins to grow to four times the size of the Queen. She surprises the Queen by grabbing the arm that holds Qui Shi, and snapping it in two, making her release Qui Shi. The Queen tries to run away, but Carla doesn't let go, she envelopes the Queen in a blue field and begins to crush the Queen, saying, "You’re not going to hurt anyone anymore."

  The Queen laughs as she begins to die, "We will meet again child, and in my new body, I will be more prepared for you next time, and you will be mine."

  The Queen finally dies as Carla crushes her. Reality is restored, but Qui Shi does not regain consciousness. She is in critical condition. Most of the crew that were enveloped in the Queens grasp are also released. Carla is trembling as she cries holding onto Qui Shi. Jackson who is on the bridge wakes, noticing the rest of the crew waking yells, "All hands attack! Quickly, before they have a chance to recover!" What just happened? The internal clock says it has only been a few seconds, but it feels like it was hours.

  Then Jackson recalls his encounter. He immediately grabs the holocom yelling, "Med bay report! Qui Shi!"

  Another Doctor quickly responds, "General, she's in critical condition. We have very little brain activity. We're doing everything we can."

  Mulvey beaten, and badly hurt approaches Jackson and says, "I'll take over sir, trust me."

  Jackson looks up, as he takes a heavy breath, saying, "Don't disappoint me."

  Mulvey, still suffering from the beating he took from Kitanna’s delusional state takes the chair, as Jackson rushes to med bay. He orders, "Commander Meyers, bring us with in firing range. All guns prepare to fire on my mark."

  He opens a com to the fleet, "All ships, engage at once, leave nothing alive."

  The T-Challa are in total shock as their Queen has just died. They uncloak, and begin to raise shields, as hundreds of Earth fighters charge in, unloading thousands of torpedoes into their remaining fleet. Mulvey and the assault force fire a massive barrage of heavy and medium plasma charges, followed closely by hundreds of torpedoes. The battle carries on for almost an hour, as both sides take damage, but in the end the T-Challa are no match for the superior Earth and Paladonian ships. Gaul and his shock troops are able to plant bombs all through the T-Challa fleet, destroying the last Super Dreadnought.

  Kitanna having regained conciseness earlier, reports, "We have hundreds of Light Cruisers escaping sir, and we have our fighters in pursuit. The gateway they used against us earlier has finally destroyed itself."

  Mulvey replies, "Recall all our ships, we need to find that last gateway."

  Kitanna replies, "Yes Captain, we have lost seven additional ships while the Paladonian's have lost four. We still have all our remaining Super Carriers, and damage control is in full swing, and proceeding quickly, especially with those repair drones assisting."

  Mulvey says, "Get me Gaul on the com."

  A moment passes, as Gaul's image appears, saying, "Good job Mulvey, I'm impressed."

  Mulvey says, "Not concerned with your opinions Mister Gaul. I need a status report of the Paladonian fleet, and its ability to help us track down this last gateway."

  Gaul grumbles under his breath says, "Captain Mulvey, I do not work for you. I help you at my own discretion, so don't think that you can order me to do anything."

  Mulvey smirks answering, "Good chest pounding, now can you give me your status or not?"

  Gaul smiles and says, "We're ready to go, as soon as you are Captain Mulvey."

  Kitanna says, "Captain Mulvey, we still have energy flashes all around the fleet, and we have destroyed at least five Light Cruisers attempting to sneak back into the fleet. I would suggest we maintain our shields, at least until we can be sure it is safe to lower them."

  Gaul concerned replies, "We have several ships with heavy shield damage. So I'm suggesting we connect some of these ships and increase shield protection, as well as damage control."

  Mulvey calmly replies, "And we risk losing two ships, instead of one Mister Gaul." Mulvey pauses as he considers the situation. After a few moments he says, "Ok Mister Gaul, lets link up the fleet while we make repairs."

  Klaus looks over smiling in surprise at Mulvey’s orders.

  For several hours, the fleet continues with extensive repairs, as the support fighters continue on tight formation of blanket patrols. Searching for any cloaked T-Challa ships.

  In med bay, Jackson sits with Qui Shi and Carla, as they continually monitor her vitals. She is scarcely clinging on to life, just barely.

  Carla continually takes Jackson into her mind, but all they can see and hear are echoes, and fading images.

  Mulvey maintains control of the fleet, as Jackson remains oblivious of everything else.

  After four days, most ship repairs are completed, as the fleet starts out anew to search for the last gateway.

  The Yinglo
ng finally reports in, with the Whitefeather fleet in support formation, each giving their status and updating the fleet of their arrival.

  Jackson finally leaves med bay, after four days straight.

  As he leaves, he is met by Klaus who stops him and says, "General Jackson, we made contact with the Yinglong, Tess's brother Kalen is demanding to speak with you at once."

  Jackson leans back against the wall just outside med bay and asks, "Klaus, why are you here to tell me this? With everything in the last four days why is that the most important thing to discuss?"

  Klaus sighs replying, "Well, it appears that Val stole one of their ships. He may be headed out to one of the Paladonian home worlds."

  Jackson stands thinking to himself. Val was going to die, and this may be his only way to survive. So what does Tess's brother want to complain about, a little fighter?

  Jackson shakes his head and says, "Sorry my old friend, tell the bastard I don't have time to talk to him today, comeback next year."

  Klaus smiles replying, "Well Jacks, I kind of already did that's why I'm here."

  Jackson confused asks, "Klaus, you Ok? Because you know, you are like family to me. You never need to explain yourself to me?"

  Klaus smiles responding, "Mulvey made me acting first officer, which made me remember when we first started out together, and well sir. I have always thought of our original crew as family too, but there aren't too many of us left."

  Jackson puts his arm around Klaus. He says as they walk back to the bridge, "Klaus no matter what happens we will always have each other, and don't count out the rest of our old crew son. We have a knack of coming out of impossible situations."

  The two continue back to the bridge. Once they return, Mulvey stands up and salutes the General, saying, "General, sir, we are operating currently within ninety percent of our full capacity, damage control teams are still finishing up minor repairs."

  Jackson stops, he looks over at Kitanna, saying, "Sorry Kitanna for having to shoot you earlier."

  Kitanna embarrassed replies, "It's Ok sir."

  Jackson smiles and looks back to Mulvey and says, "Captain, I have only one thing to say to you about your performance so far."

  Mulvey swallows, as he prepares to receive another dress down from Jackson.

  Jackson says as he wraps his arm around Mulvey, "First off Captain you can call me Jacks from now on, and secondly good job Captain, good job indeed."

  Mulvey in total shock starts to smile, as he releases a deep breath of relief, saying, "Thank you General.... I mean Jacks.” Mulvey does his best to hide his injuries as he has yet to go to med bay to have his injuries looked at.

  Jackson smiles back, saying, "I need to talk to Earth in my ready room, open a channel to Secretary-General Chan Immediately."

  Klaus quietly walks up to Mulvey and says, "Captain, I suggest you go down and lay down in a cellular regenerator for a few hours."

  Mulvey smirks and says, "Yeah, I think I will Commander. The bridge is yours."

  Jackson takes the lift to his quarters where he is greeted with an open holocom channel of his Father-in-law, Wu lei Chan.

  Chan very concerned speaks, "Son how is my daughter?"

  Jackson sits down. He puts his hands over his face, as he rubs the exhaustion from his face, saying, "I'm sorry father there is no change. Carla has done all she can trying everything she knows to help her recover from that psychic assault from the T-Challa Queen, but there is just too much physical damage to her mind sir. The ships cellular regenerators just aren't good enough to repair that kind of intricate damage."

  Chan somberly replies, asking, "What about the Paladonian's, surely they must have superior equipment to heal her?"

  Jackson, exhausted says, "Chan, there is one device that they have. It could possibly do it, but it’s unfortunately held on the most isolated moon of their people, and they have no interaction with the rest of the Paladonian's. Nevertheless, Father, Val may have already gone there. I'm hoping if they allow him entry, that they may allow me to bring Qui Shi there as well."

  Chan sighs, saying, "Son, the rest of the assembly is going to vote on having the main fleet return at once, to better prepare for the possible assault from this T-Challa gateway."

  Jackson upset replies, "Father, I'm sorry, but you're going to need to make them understand that is a big mistake. Currently they only have one gateway left, and we are close enough to detect any open gateway energy, provided they try to open it. But if we head back to Earth.” Jackson sighs as he concludes his rant, “We will only allow them to rebuild their forces yet again, and everything we have done up till now will be for nothing. The lives of all those that died, would have been for nothing."

  Chan sighs and replies, "Son, I may be able to convince some of the others, but we have lost so many ships. The others are so fearful, and they act in such a manner. Unfortunately, reasoning will not work with them."

  Jackson says, "Chan, you can tell the council I will refuse to abide by any order, that countermands my standing orders, to destroy that last gateway."

  Chan sadly answers, "The loyalty of your crew and the other Captains to you is unquestionable son, but you are not Caleb. Even if you succeed, you will never command anything again."

  Jackson smiles replying, "Not a concern to me father, so long as I do the right thing."

  Chan lowers his head, and replies, "Son, I will do everything in my power to get you the support you need."

  Jackson stands up and says, "Thank you father."

  The com closes as Jackson sits back down looking out at the stars. He sits, staring and wonders to himself. Caleb, I don't know where you are old friend, but I swear to god. I will never give you a hard time again when it comes to command decisions.... Damn I miss you.



  A few days earlier on board the Yinglong, a bridge officer announces, "Captain Liu, we have main guns online, and most of the shield emitters are repaired, but we still have several hull breaches."

  Captain Liu sits in his command chair. He looks out over the bridge, saying, "Get me Mister Arao on the com. Let’s see what he can do to accelerate our repairs. We need to get back to the main fleet now."

  After several minutes, another officer report’s, "Captain, we are unable to locate Mister Arao anywhere onboard the ship sir, and that Paladonian support fighter, is also missing."

  Captain Liu surprised orders, "Get me that Paladonian Tess, now."

  After a brief moment, Tess appears on the com, asking, "Yes Captain, what do you need?"

  Captain Liu asks, "What have you done with Mister Arao?"

  Tess confused asks, "What do you mean? We haven't done anything with him."

  Liu concerned replies, "He is not on our ship, and your support fighter is missing as well. We are obviously aware that he is the only one that could possibly override all our security protocols to allow the ship to leave the hangar bay without detection. We can only assume he has left in your ship."

  Tess quickly realizes what is happening. She immediately runs to the sensor station of her brother’s Flagship, and says, "He's almost out of shift range. He's heading to Paladonian space."

  Kalen overhearing this says, "Tess no! It’s much too far to shift, and if he has his shield up, you won’t be able to shift back, you'll die."

  Tess doesn't say a word. She looks at her brother, and shifts from the bridge, and out of sight.

  Kalen is visible angered as he yells to Liu, "Captain, if anything happens to my sister! I don't care if Caleb can power down the entire Paladonian system! I will find a way to destroy your people!"

  While on Cavalier, Tess successfully shifts onto the ship. Almost unconscious, she collapses on the deck. Val, looks over his shoulder nonchalantly, and says, "Very foolish of you Tess White. You risked a lot, for what maybe a one way trip."

  Tess coughs violently, and then throws up on the deck floor. She tries to regain her composure, as she angrily re
plies, "Val, I know you’re almost like a damn machine, but can you at least act like you care. I almost died to help you."

  Val unconcerned replies, "Tess, as much as wish I could, I can’t feel anything, I am unable to do so, and that is why I need to do this."

  Tess now exhausted leans back, sitting on the deck against the hull and replies, "So just what is your plan? Because the First Ones aren't going to allow you to enter their shield, and you can be sure the Tof and the Rooke’s, will be looking for you."

  Val replies, "That is not an issue. I'm fully aware of the shields operation."

  Tess curious asks, "You think you can shutdown the First Ones shield?"

  Val glances over at Tess, and goes back to piloting the ship.

  Four days pass, as Val has not slept. Tess has been unable to do anything, but access basic ship functions, as Val has limited her ability to do anything on the ship.

  Val finally speaks, "The Earth and Paladonian fleets have killed the T-Challa Queen, and destroyed her fleet."

  Tess sighs, saying, "Well it's nice, but meaningless. The Queen created a new Queen, last year."

  Val looking perplexed asks, "How do you know this?"

  Tess replies, "We have information on the T-Challa using specially designed probes, they are no larger than an insect."

  Val still surprised asks, "I have no knowledge of this type of technology? How is it you came across such a device?"

  Tess replies, "Its First One technology, I'm not really sure of its origin."

  Val no longer interested goes back to the controls. Tess now frustrated says, "Val, enough with this emotionless bullshit, talk to me. You have made it so I can’t access anything, communication, navigation, nothing, why?"

  Val replies, "To prevent you from attempting to stop me from reaching the moon of the First Ones."

  Tess replies, "Well Val, I want to help you, not hurt you. More important Val, you should know that some of the Paladonian forces will be there, and they will try and stop you."

  Val answers, "Yes, I know. I intercepted the transmission your brother Kalen sent out."


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