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Joaquin's Saving Grace (Alien Mates Book Five 5)

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by Serena Simpson

  Chapter Four

  Colun stood, mouth slightly open at the scene before him. They were standing on a ledge; there were reports for at least a week that there was something burning on the ledge but when the firefighters came to put out the blaze they couldn’t see it. It could only be seen at night if you were down in the valley. The rumor that was quickly becoming an urban myth made its way back to Newburg, which brought Colun and Victor out to investigate along with Sara and Selma.

  Joaquin was lying along the ledge with his legs over the edge with Grace held tightly in his arms. He burned and then regenerated, Grace continued to burn brightly, happy to have a never ending supply of blood and flesh to burn. He could see their faces through the flames as if they were standing in front of him. The sadness touched him; two lives who wished they had a chance to be so much more. They would stay this way for years maybe longer before they eventually died.

  Colun lifted his hand and pulled at his hair. Sara’s soft hand touched his, bringing him back to the issue at hand.

  “I don’t believe in corporal punishment; it only makes the Arbrin/Matra more determined to do what he was doing. Having said that, I wish Joaquin were three so I could warm his backside and have a what the hell are you doing talk with him.”

  “Why isn’t he dead?” Sara asked Colun as she watched Joaquin.

  “He’ll never die by fire. It’s the gift of his mother’s people, one she passed on to him. I’m betting he didn’t know that before he lay down with Grace. Although I don’t think it would have mattered, I believe she is the one for him.”

  “Why didn’t he take her to the trials?”

  “The trials can be prejudiced just like the rest of us and Joaquin would represent the thing it most hates,” Victor said, drawing a little closer to the burning couple. “Why did it take so long for me to see the truth?”

  “Joaquin is a master of hiding who he is. He had to be to survive when the whole world wanted him dead. Survival of the fittest is what it comes down to. You’re only seeing the truth now because even as he’s burning, he’s revealing himself. After all, what can you do? He’s committed the ultimate sacrifice.”

  “We’re not letting them die.”

  “Selma?” Victor turned to look at her.

  Selma’s body turned to flame, and she floated closer to the couple and began to absorb the raging fire Grace was putting out until the flames were gone. She moved back and slowly took each flame into her body until she was able to return to her normal form.

  Victor walked over and caught her body as it dropped into his arms.

  “Put her in the SUV and then come help me with their bodies.” Colun walked over to the SUV and opened the hatch. Breaking them apart would be deadly for the couple as well as for them.

  Colun and Victor lifted them on the count of three and placed them in the back lying down together. Colun stood and took in the area they chose to die. It reminded him of centuries past with its wild beauty almost looking untouched. He could see why this spot would appeal to Joaquin—a reminder of peace before his life spun out of control.

  He climbed into the back of the SUV and reached over to take Sara’s hand. She kept him steady when everything around him seemed to be turning upside down.

  “What are we going to do with them?” Victor asked as he took the SUV down the rocky path.

  “We’re going to send them to the trials.”

  “That might not be a good idea.”

  “Either you’re king, Victor, or you’re not. It’s time to make up your mind,” Selma said, her voice cutting deep with the truth in her words.

  Colun leaned back against the seat and decided to let her fight this battle.

  “Selma.” Victor's voice held a trace of frustration.

  “Don’t Selma me. We can’t continue to live this way. Your son has no idea that he’s next in line for the throne because his father has yet to ascend to the throne. Cal has no idea of what is truly required of him because you treat him like he’s ten. You brother is several hundred years old. There are Arbrin/Matra across the world waiting for a ruler, and you’re too busy wondering if you're good enough. Listen closely, Victor. You have to be good enough because you’re all they have.”

  The silence in the car was deafening. Finally, Colun allowed a smile to tug at his lips. “What Selma said.”

  Victor found Colun’s eyes in the rearview mirror and gave a small nod of his head, what Selma said. The rest of the ride home happened in silence. Sara’s head was snuggled on Colun’s chest while Selma’s hand was on Victor’s thigh. The couple in the back clung to each other tighter as the world around them prepared to change.

  The rest of the family was sitting on the porch when Victor pulled up in front of the B&B. No one said anything as the hatch was opened to reveal Joaquin and Grace. Gabe and Rylan walked to the back and picked them up together careful not to break them apart.

  “Where do you want them?” Cal asked he was holding the door open for them.

  “Put them in Joaquin’s room,” Selma replied.

  Gabe and Rylan nodded before they entered the foyer.

  “Do you think they’re going to make it?” Taya whispered as each followed their soul-bonded up the stairs.

  “I don’t know, but I have a lot of faith in what Selma can do, and that look on her face says they are going to the trials,” Aviana whispered a reply.

  The bed and breakfast had been quiet since Joaquin and Grace left. The children actually moped around, and Mckayla woke up at nights screaming that she was burning. The happiness the house seemed to exude had gone away. The Arbrin/Matra’s had finally realized they might not know what or who Joaquin was but he was part of the family, and he needed to come home.

  The room was crowded with all the family in his room.

  “What now? How do they get to the trials?” Paige asked looking around the room.

  Two forms materialized by the bed, Nicholas Dare and Damon A’rouck.

  They ignored the pleasantries of saying hi and began to examine the couple.

  “They’re dying,” Nicolas said straightening up.

  “Faster than you thought,” Damon said to Colun. “They have maybe a week at the longest.

  “They may only have a day,” Nicolas added.

  Nicolas and Damon walked over to stand in front of Victor. Victor was a big male but faced with the Created he looked like a child. That’s when he realized he still had years to mature. He turned to look at Colun; he reminded him of the Created, mature and ready for the world.

  If their planet still existed, Victor would not have to step up to the throne so soon. He would have time to mature fully before it was his time to lead. It wasn’t going to happen like that for him, ever. Now he had a decision to make. If he sent them to the trials it would be an executive decision, a decision only a king could make. Then he would have to start planning to ascend the throne.

  If he let them die, then he could put off being king for years maybe centuries. He remembered how Paige invited Joaquin into the house; he tried to stop her, but it was too late. Maybe he had always known that Joaquin would change their lives and challenge every preconceived notion they grew up with. All he had to do was let them die.

  His people loved him. They would forgive him. Who would he let die next? Would they wonder that because he would? Would letting them die be the coward’s way out? How could he ever look at himself in the mirror again or look into his son's eyes and tell him what was right and what was wrong? How would he love his soul-bonded with needless blood on his hands?

  He took a deep breath then backed up three steps. Colun came to stand with Nicolas and Damon. Victor went to one knee before them and placed his hand over his heart. He heard his son say daddy, but he would explain it all to him later.

  One of the first lessons his father taught him was that if a king never learned to bow, then he would never learn to lead. That to be in charge meant one was wise enough to listen. He stood having picked th
ree of the greatest males he knew to help him.

  “By the order of Victor Savon the XVIII the soon to ascend king of the Arbrin/Matra’s and all mates. Joaquin and his prospective soul-bonded are to be given the right to the trials.”

  The air darkened in the room, thunder and lightning shot from corner to corner demanding everyone stand still or be struck down. A voice rolled through the room angrily. Then the light came back to the room.

  “As it is ordered so it shall be,” the voice declared before all the foreign energy in the room was gone.

  Every eye turned to look at Victor waiting for him to say something, do something. How would two unconsciousness people make their way to the trials?

  “A guide has been provided for the trials they will make it there in time,” Damon told them.

  “We’ll come check on them later,” Nicolas said, and they disappeared like they had never been there in the first place.

  Victor opened his arms and Vick ran into them. Selma came over to wrap her arms around both of them. Life was changing, but it was time for a change.


  Joaquin opened his eyes, couldn’t he at least die in peace. Was that asking too much from whoever controlled the universe?

  “You would die when all I ever asked was that you live well?”

  That voice, his mother’s voice pierced him in his heart. He jumped to his feet to look around, in the corner sat the image of his mother. His mind told him it was a trick, but it didn’t matter. He missed her.

  “How are you pretending to be my mother?”

  “She granted me the use of her form as did your father.” The female changed into Joaquin’s father bringing back memories of everything he missed growing up.

  “You’re not real, go away. This is a death dream.”

  “You are not dying although you may before the day is over. I will not be going away because I would never dishonor your parents in that fashion.”

  “Dishonor them? They died, left me to face this world alone. They came together although they knew it was forbidden for them to intermix.”

  “You sound like them.”


  “The purist, the righteous who care about people as a whole or so they say, but couldn’t give a damn about what happens to the individual. Live well as long as you live under the noose I have placed around your neck. Your parents should have had a chance at love, the same chance you want with Grace. The purist would say kill her, she is not worth going after.”

  Joaquin tried to go after the male standing before him but couldn’t move.

  “Who are you?” he demanded.

  His shape changed again, and he looked like Joaquin’s mother. “You can call me Voyager. You are going to love this journey.”

  Chapter Five

  Voyager turned on her heel and walked away leaving Joaquin no choice but to follow. He knew where he was; he was in his mind. That was one place he tried to avoid, in here were the memories that had the power to bring him to his knees if he let them.

  Seeing his mother’s form, although he knew it wasn’t her, was already stirring up memories. He remembered how she used to pick him up when he was smaller and cover his faces with kisses because no baby boy should have to do without kisses. Those were the words she would whisper when she was tickling him. She always found a reason to touch him, hug him and tell him words of praise.

  He always thought it was ironic that the first things he missed about his mom when she was gone were things that he thought of as un-expectant. He missed the sound of her voice. He missed looking at her, and he missed the feel of her hands on him reminding him that she loved him. It wasn’t until she was gone that he realized he never understood that little things like a touch of a hand over a warm brow were the big things in life. The things that mattered most.

  “Why couldn’t she be here? Is there a way I can go see her?” Joaquin jumped in feet first with questions about his mother.

  “Not as long as you are alive,” his father answered. Voyagers form switched.

  I’ll be dead soon, he thought. Then I’ll seek out my family; I miss them.

  “Are we going to the trials?” It just hit him that this trip felt familiar like the trip he took with Colun not too long ago.

  “Finally figured it, did you?”

  Joaquin bit his lip he wanted to pound into the form of his father until he was bloody. He gave up his life leaving Joaquin and his mom alone after he told them that he loved him. He guessed he had some father issues.

  “Why is it black in here?”

  “You are in mourning.”


  Voyager stopped turning to look at Joaquin. “You are in mourning; you have been ever since you received the news of your fathers passing. When your mother died you had no use for memories of love or kindness, so you shut down and simply began to survive.”

  “You’re lying, I felt something for Grace.”

  “Did you?” Voyagers' hand shot out catching him in the heart.

  Joaquin staggered and fell to his knees, and his emotions, his love for his mother overwhelmed him.

  “Did you feel anything like that for Grace or was it some lukewarm shadow of what love should be. If that is what you felt for your mother, what should the feeling be for your prospective soul-bond?

  Joaquin clawed his way back to his feet and ignored Voyager.

  “I will not go away simply because you do not acknowledge me and my words will not go away either. You either want a life, a chance, or you do not. The good thing is I am not here to make you choose a certain path. Choose destruction, why should I care?”

  They walked into a thick barrier it was like pushing themselves through tar.

  “Where are we?”

  “The barrier between your mind and Grace’s.”

  Joaquin looked back at his mind; it was still dark and he couldn’t make out anything.

  “I cannot force you to face your past, Joaquin. Yes, I can force you but I will not. Sometimes we can only find healing when we are willing to do the work that is needed.”

  They pulled through the tar-like substance to find themselves in a vastly different place. Here there was light spilling everywhere; the walls painted with bright, welcoming colors. There were even some murals on the wall. Joaquin found a recent one; it was of him. He’d been sitting on the porch; he remembered that day and that outfit. He thought he was being watched but couldn’t see anyone.

  Grace had been watching him, and she caught his look perfectly in her mural.

  Random fires burned along the corridor.

  “Her gift is trying to turn into a curse and take her body over.”

  “Why do you call it a gift?”

  Joaquin was walking towards the mural of him; he couldn’t help himself. The last person who cared about him was his mother, and now this, Grace cared even if she didn’t know it.

  “A friend of mine, his restaurant would have burned to the ground if not for Grace. She went into his kitchen and took control of the flames bending them to her will. You should have seen her she was magnificent. She has a gift.”

  Voyager nodded. “Let us go find the female with the gift.”

  They left the mural behind as they walked blindly down different corridors until a small voice reached them.

  “As long as I hide here no one will get hurt. I can play jacks as long as I want, forever maybe.”

  “Can I join you?”

  Grace looked up into the face of a beautiful female. She had silver hair that flowed down her back like a sleek waterfall and silver eyes that reminded her of Joaquin. She was tall and willowy. The world would bow at her feet if she ever chose to model.

  “Please, have a seat.” Grace indicated the floor across from her with an outstretched hand.

  “How did you get here?” Grace asked as she turned over the brightly colored Jacks and ball to her guest.

  “I came looking for you.”

br />   The woman threw the jacks and began to move around bouncing the ball and picking up jacks.

  “I used to play this game a lot when I was a child. My mom would play with me, and sometimes we would convince my dad to play. He always said that his hands were too big for this game, you needed nimble fingers and small hands.”

  “This game didn’t exist when Joaquin was a child, but I’ve learned to play it since then, I love it.”

  “Why did you come looking for me?”

  “Because I wanted to meet the female that may become my son’s soul-bonded and I wanted to warn you.”

  “Warn me?”

  “Joaquin has lived a hard life. He knows all about love, but he’s pushed it so far down it won’t be easy to get to, but it will be worth the effort. I’m cheering for both of you to make it, and when the time is right, tell him that I love him, I always have.”

  The female disappeared before two males rounded the corner.

  “Grace.” Joaquin walked over to her, helping her to stand so that he could look at her.

  “What were you doing?”

  “I was playing Jacks; I used to play it all the time as a child.”

  “They didn’t have that game when I was little.”

  Grace nodded, it was so surreal; she had just met his mother but now was not the time to tell him that.

  “This is Voyager.” Joaquin introduced the male with him. “He looks like my dad, but he isn’t.”

  “Hi Voyager, I’m Grace.”

  “It is nice to meet you, Grace.”

  “Do you know where I am? The last thing I remember is lying down in Joaquin’s arms and burning.”

  “You are going to the trials.”


  Voyager turned to look at Joaquin before walking off.

  “One side of my family tree believes in going to something called the trials; that’s how we are married. You take your prospective soul-bond with you. Someone who you believe you are meant to be with forever and the trials judge you. It tests you; it determines if you are meant to be together.”


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