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Something Amazing

Page 4

by M. Clarke

  “See you inside,” Jax said. Guilty as charged, I couldn’t stop myself from watching his tight ass shake with his steps.

  “Four.” The man pointed at me, breaking me out of my stare. Oh! That was me. I walked to the helicopter and glanced up at the huge twirling propellers before I got in. The man helped me with the seatbelt and handed me headphones. After he gave the pilot a thumbs up, he closed the door.

  Holy cow! I was going to really do this. Although my nerves were calm and steady a second ago, I suddenly felt my blood pressure shoot up. And sitting this close to Jax wasn’t helping either. Staring out the window, I heard the propellers spin faster than before.

  “Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Michael, your pilot,” I heard his voice introducing himself through the headphones. “Don’t worry about a thing, I have my license or they wouldn’t have hired me,” he snorted, and continued. “And this tank you’re on has been my baby for the past ten years. So sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  Stacey looked at me, looking concerned. “You okay?”

  I didn’t want her to worry about me so I nodded. Then I was reminded that I had forgotten to take what I call a chill pill when Hendrix asked, “Did you take something?”

  “I forgot.” The truth was, I hadn’t forgotten. I wasn’t going to join them, but changed my mind at the last minute.

  A soft touch on my shoulder made me turn to Jax. He tilted my headphone a bit so I could hear him. “You’ll be fine,” he said sweetly. “I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He peeled away my hand—which was tightly holding on to my camera on my lap—and after putting my hand between the palms of his hands, he placed it back on my camera. “Relax.” Under any other circumstances I wouldn’t have let him, but his tender words and actions touched my heart so I couldn’t resist. I needed this.

  “Okay.” I nodded with a smile, which grew when I saw those cute dimples.

  When the helicopter started to ascend, I looked out the window. “Here we go.” Michael sounded excited.

  My stomach dropped a little bit…and even more when the helicopter soared up. I counted to ten, maybe more. I’d lost count when I saw the beauty beneath me and butterflies started to dance inside my stomach. Seeing the ocean, the green plush land, and everything that had now become nothing but miniature figurines had me absolutely in awe. And to think I’d almost bailed out; it would have been a big shame for me.

  When I peered up just a little bit, I could see my reflection—I looked happy and relaxed—but I wasn’t the only one I could see. Jax was gazing out my window. In fact, I thought he was looking at my reflection. For a brief moment before I turned away shyly, our eyes met through the sunlight. Knowing that he was watching me, I hid my smile. It even boosted my ego…then the blonde entered my mind.

  After about ten minutes with Michael talking away—I couldn’t hear what he was saying since I was too busy taking pictures—we headed to the north part of the island where a mini version of the Grand Canyon was located. The brown, yellow, and orange colors made the canyon stand out. It stretched for miles until we flew past the waterfalls.

  “There it is,” Jax said, pointing and slightly pushing against my shoulder when he leaned into me. “That’s the famous waterfall in the Jurassic Park movie.”

  “Really?” Our eyes locked and his lips were a breath away from mine. When his eyes shifted down to my lips as he bit his bottom lip, I quivered, wanting to do the same to his lips with my teeth.

  “Down below is the famous Jurassic Park movie waterfall,” Michael announced, repeating what Jax had said and breaking me out of my impish thoughts.

  “See. I never lie. I only speak the truth.” Jax nudged his shoulder to mine.

  “Sure,” I opposed, dragging out the word before aiming my camera to click away.

  We were halfway around the island when I suddenly started to feel hot. Sweat trickled along my forehead and some on my back. Although the air conditioner blasted, either the sun aimed at the right angle was making me feel this way, or something was wrong with me. I began to realize it was me when my stomach rumbled, and I started to feel queasy. Not only that, I yawned like crazy. My mouth was dry, and I felt like a lump was in my throat. Then, an ugly aching sensation coursed through my body. I had this strong urge to close my eyes, and I needed to vomit. Oh great! This was not how I had envisioned this day turning out.

  “Are you okay?” Jax asked, placing his hand over mine, which was on my forehead.

  “Airsick,” I managed to mutter the word and moan.

  “Here.” Jax extended his arm behind me and took my camera with his other hand. “I’ll take good care of this. Put your head on my shoulder and close your eyes. I’ll hold on to this vomit bag for you.” Then he leaned in closer so only I could hear. “You might not want to moan again. You’re turning me on.”

  I couldn’t help but smile and did as I was told, because at that moment I had no choice. The last thing I wanted to do was throw up in front of my friends. This was utterly embarrassing, but I couldn’t complain. Secretly I was enjoying being in Jax’s arms and having him take care of me.

  “I feel so bad. Is she okay?” I heard Stacey ask. “I don’t think I feel good either.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got this,” Jax said, sounding like he meant every word.

  “Okay, thanks. So sorry, Rachel.”

  With my eyes closed and still in Jax’s arms, I raised my hand to let her know I had heard her. I couldn’t talk; I was too afraid to even move.

  Opening my eyes just enough to peer through them without being caught, I saw Jax’s smooth cheek and the stubble along his strong jawline. I wanted to lick, nibble, and caress every inch of that sexy thing. Feeling nauseous again, I closed my eyes and enjoyed Jax’s idle circular caress on my arm. His touch was warm, shooting electrical tingles down my arm, spreading to every nerve and muscle in my body. For whatever reason he was touching me that way, I didn’t mind. It was helping me relax. In fact, I thought I was falling asleep.

  Chapter 6


  A slight thump is what I felt first. I knew we had landed, and I couldn’t have been more elated. I also knew I’d taken a nap when I had no recollection of what I saw after the Jurassic waterfall. That was quite embarrassing; however, I would do anything to not throw up in front of my friends, even if it meant having to be in Jax’s arms.

  “Are you okay to walk, or do you want me to carry you?” Jax asked.

  “I think I can walk,” I groaned. Lifting my head off Jax’s shoulder, I felt the earth tilt underneath me. Jax strapped my camera around his shoulder, helped me out of my seat, and supported me as we headed inside. It seemed Stacey had a case of airsickness as well. Appearing pale and drained, she stood there like a zombie. Given my dilemma, I probably looked just like her.

  “Oh,” Stacey moaned. “I’m never going on that thing again.”

  “I’ll take care of you,” Hendrix said, handing her a cup of water, then he drank some, too.

  I wanted to tell her “I told you so” but couldn’t. I was too afraid to open my mouth for fear that the only thing that would come out was what I ate for breakfast.

  “Drink this.” Jax handed me a cup of water. “This should help a bit.”

  “Thanks,” I said and chugged it down. The cold water was refreshing, but it only helped for a second.

  Having the urge to vomit come back again, and losing my muscle control, I searched for a place to sit. “I need to sit down, Jax. I really don’t feel good.” I was on the verge of tears. Poor Jax. He had to take care of me because Stacey couldn’t.

  “Okay, but let me do this first.” Jax guided me several steps away from the crowd coming in. Placing a hand behind the back of my neck, he tilted my head back so that I was forced to look at him. “I’m going to put this towel they provided on your head.”

  I nodded as I stared into his eyes. His irises reminded me of a starburst, but darker. Under the indoor light setting, his eyes
appeared lighter. Regardless, they were mesmerizing, and I couldn’t look away.

  “It’s going to be very cold. Brace yourself.”

  I heard his warning, but I didn’t believe him. How cold could it be? How wrong I was. When Jax placed the towel on my forehead, I gasped sharply and deeply. Then my breaths came out with small multiple flutters, skipping beats, matching the tempo of my heart.

  As my body trembled from the cold, my hands went straight to his tank top, and I yanked him toward me. My heart pounded faster from the drastic temperature change and the idea of his chest on mine. Being this close to him and the position we were in, to me, my gasp sounded more like an orgasm.

  Jax’s eyes darkened, and I could tell the sound that had escaped my mouth affected him. When his grip on me tightened, I heard a soft growl, then he broke his piercing gaze from my eyes. For a second there, it felt like he’d entered me and we were fucking.

  I let out another gasp when he placed another cold towel on my neck and another one on my chest. Thank goodness I had a dark T-shirt on. His eyes came back to mine as he cleared his throat. “Sorry about the cold. It felt good, didn’t it?”

  It did feel good, but it was only a temporary relief. My body was still limp and the taste of acid remained in my mouth. Being sick like this before, I knew only sleep would help me get over it. Overcome and dazed by what I had just been through, I had no words. I attempted to nod…I thought I did. Finally, I parted my lips to breathe one word. “Yes.”

  Jax’s grin grew wicked and playful. Leaning closer, he whispered, “I can make you feel better.” Then I felt his warm breath brush the side of my neck.

  His words seeped inside my ear hot and smooth, shooting temptation through every part of me. I was utterly screwed. The vision of us like this was going to be on my mind and in my dreams. Suddenly, I let out a small yelp. My butt cheeks squeezed together and I trembled from the water dripping down the middle of my cleavage. Jax had squeezed a section of the towel. That bastard, he did it on purpose! However, as I drowned into his hold, I realized I enjoyed it.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked teasingly, letting out a soft chuckle. “I can lick that for you.”

  I wanted to tell him yes. What was I thinking? Before I could say a word, he placed his arms around me.

  “Let’s go home. I’m taking you to bed.”

  I knew he meant it in a caring way, but those words sounded way too hot to me even in my condition, and the images of what he would do to me flashed in my mind.

  “Where’s Stacey?” I asked groggily, slipping under the covers on my bed. Feeling the strong urge to sleep, I didn’t bother to change my damp T-shirt. Hendrix had driven our rental car, and I’d gotten into Jax’s car. Stacey should have been home by now, unless they got lost, but I hardly doubted that.

  “Hendrix took Stacey to our place. Can I get you anything?”

  “Why?” Jax had been so kind and thoughtful; I didn’t mean to snap at him. “I mean…I’m sorry. Thank you.” Already being half asleep, I didn’t know what I was saying. I should have stopped talking, but I continued rambling nonsense. I thought I even dozed off for a bit. “I should take you out to dinner or something…it was beautiful. I love waterfalls…Jurassic Park. Helicopters…terrible. Feel so sick. Towel so cold. And…Jax….” I let out a long sigh, the kind of sigh that shows you like someone. “Hot…I …like.”

  The last thing I recall was a voice letting me know there was a water bottle on the table. It sounded like Jax’s voice, but surely it wasn’t. I was sure I was talking to Stacey.


  Seeing Rachel was fast asleep, I decided to close her door to give her privacy. I planted myself on the couch and flipped through the television channels. Thinking about what Rachel had been through today made me feel like shit. I’d never seen anyone get that sick before, and therefore didn’t believe her when she’d said it might happen. Now I wished I had. It was awful to see her that way, but a part of me enjoyed taking care of her. She’d had to let her guard down, letting me see the most vulnerable part of her.

  I knew the first time I’d laid eyes on her that she wasn’t the type of women I usually had one-night stands with, but I wanted her to be. Seeing her in that cute floral sundress drove me crazy. Her dress was definitely what I called a tease dress. It allowed me to see the tips of her cleavage but not enough, and hugged her tightly on her fine ass and flowed outward. It was an easy access kind of dress. The dress you can slip your hands under, and didn’t require much effort to remove.

  I assumed I knew what type of person she was, and I had to be careful, especially since she was Matthew’s future sister-in-law. Matthew and I were more of acquaintances; however, Hendrix was Matthew’s friend. In fact, Hendrix was asked to be one of the groomsmen. Regardless, Hendrix would have my ass if I did something to piss him off, or hurt Rachel. I didn’t see any problem with being friends and hanging out. After all, she was going to be leaving in seven days.

  I had to admit, she was reeling me in with her kindness and her feisty attitude. She was definitely not fake or shallow. At first, it had started off as a challenge, but I felt like we’d been friends for a long time. I had missed her the day after we met, which was really unusual for me since we hadn’t even fucked. Hell, I never missed any of my one-night stands before, so this was all new to me.

  There was no holding back now. She had become my craving, the one that would have no remedy, the one that was going to give me my first heartbreak if I let it get that far. Even realizing this, I had to know her, had to have her, and I had no control. I was utterly screwed.

  There was a level of comfortableness that was just there. Maybe it was her spunky personality…or her smile that captured my attention every time I saw her…or her beautiful hazel eyes…or her pouty full lips that I wanted to suck…or the way her hair fell on her face seductively from the wind…or her petite frame…or…just maybe, a part of me was falling for her. Nah! Jackson Clark was here to have fun. No serious relationship for me. Not after the last disaster.

  When dinnertime came around, Rachel hadn’t come out of her room yet, so I decided to check on her. She had tossed her body sideways, halfway out of the covers. A part of me wanted to wake her up so she could eat, but I also knew that when someone was that sick, they’d rather just sleep then eat. I didn’t know what to do, so I closed the door, called room service, and ordered dinner for Rachel and me. I thought again about waking her up, but decided not to. After eating dinner and flipping through channels, I fell asleep on the couch.

  Chapter 7


  It was morning, I was sure of it. As I yawned and stretched my body, thoughts of yesterday came rushing to the forefront of my mind. Was I in my own bed? Check. Did I have clothes on? Check. Did I throw up? Nope. My camera? It was safely on the dresser. Thank God! Seeing a water bottle on the nightstand, I opened it and gulped it down; it felt so good. I didn’t know why, but I suddenly froze when Jax popped into my head. My thoughts were broken when I heard someone in the kitchen.

  I swung the door opened and headed to the kitchen. “Stacey?”

  “Good morning. You feeling better?” Jax greeted cheerfully with that sexy smirk that shot crazy tingles through me. Then he rubbed the back of his neck and looked away shyly. That was a first. The bold, confident Jax blushed? Then I found out why.


  Hearing Rachel’s voice made my heart skip a beat. Turning away from the eggs I was cooking, my excitement rose to another level when I saw what she was wearing. Holy fuck! With disheveled hair covering half of her face, she looked shocked to see me. She had taken off her shorts and changed her T-shirt to a white tank, forming the frame of her breasts and the curve of her waist. Seeing her hardened nipples poking through did not help my dick straining against my pants. She was absolutely freakin’ gorgeous, even with last night’s make-up on…not that she’d had much on.

  It took a few seconds to gather myself. I thought I even bl
ushed, and that was a first for me. “Good morning. You feeling better?” Unable to help myself, because every time I was around her she gave me that unsettling feeling in my gut, I think I gave her a dorky grin. When she gave me that angelic sexy smile, I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away. It was too much for me to handle, especially seeing her in G-string panties. She had no idea what she was doing to me.

  “Where’s Stacey?” Rachel raked her hair back in confusion and slightly turned, glancing to the television with the volume turned down low. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwo’Ole was playing.

  She froze, seeming to be lost in the music the same way that song always affected me. From that moment on, every time I heard that song, it would remind me of her and her being half naked. She seemed captivated by the music…until she looked down and slowly turned back to me with wide eyes. One word was mouthed by those kissable lips. “Fuck.” Hearing that dirty word come out of that innocent face took me to another level.

  “Jax!” She called my name briskly as if I were to be blamed, at the same time crossing her arms over her chest. Her mouth was open and her eyes grew even wider, coming to the realization of what she was wearing. Running back to her bedroom door, I watched her tight, cute ass jiggle as she cried out. “I can’t believe you didn’t say anything.”

  Seeing her embarrassed and acting all cute, I couldn’t contain my boisterous laughter. Rachel practically being naked was the best start to a morning I’d had in a long time. I didn’t initiate anything. It just happened.

  Feeling guilty, I knocked on her door. “Rachel, I’m sorry. Come out and eat breakfast. I made us some omelets. And I cut some mangos. I know you’re hungry.”

  “Go away.”

  I heard her rummage through the dressers. She must have been changing. “I’m not going to go away. You’re acting like a child. I didn’t see anything.” Maybe I shouldn’t have said the latter.


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