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Heart in Waiting (Heart's Intent Book 5)

Page 8

by Dawn Brower

  Reese didn’t know why she acted the way she had. She shouldn’t be jealous of a woman whose world was falling apart around her, yet she couldn’t squash the ugly emotion from brewing inside of her. If she had a daughter in the same predicament, she’d have done more than pass out from the shock of it. She’d have screamed at the world for the injustice of it all.

  She didn’t blame Paige for giving in to her grief, but she hated that Dane was there to help her pick up the pieces from it. He tended to have a knight-in-shining-armor complex—like he had to save everyone even though that was unreasonable. Paige had been a part of his life for a very long time. It made sense he’d want to help her. They had a very close relationship, and she doubted it stopped at friendship. Well, maybe they had a friends-with-benefits kind of thing going on. They were too familiar with each other for her to believe they were strictly platonic.

  “Reese,” Dane called after her. She stopped, turned around, and waited for him.

  She doubted she’d be able to get away with ignoring him twice in the space of a couple of hours. They’d been spending a lot of time together because of Nolan’s escape. The more time they spent together, the more she was starting to understand him. Dane leaned toward brooding and kept to himself for the most part. He wasn’t the type to open up and share his feelings; at the same time, he did look as if like he felt far more than he let on. She wished she could figure him out, but he didn’t seem to want to share too much with her. She wasn’t Paige and never would be.

  “What do you want?” She glared up at him. “I have work to do?”

  “I’m sure you do,” he answered. “But not before we talk about a few things.”

  “I didn’t realize there was anything we needed to discuss. You’re my shadow while I’m at home, but I don’t need you while I’m working.”

  She was starting to need him far more than she liked. He did make her feel safe, and she wanted to beg him to stay with her always. Nolan had seemed to be more interested in Claire then her. After she’d heard what happened she’d been glad he hadn’t been obsessed with her. But what if she’d been wrong? What if he did decide she was worth his psychotic attention? What would she do if he came after her in the same way he had Claire? Her sister was far braver than her. Claire could handle anything. Reese would fall apart if she had to deal with a serial killer holding her hostage. She’d already be dead and buried...

  “Do you have so little regard for your safety? I told you to wait for me, but you think you’re above everything and everyone. Why am I fighting to keep you safe when you won’t do it for yourself?” Dane’s blue eyes were as cold as ice as he stared at her. She shivered as she met his gaze. He kept talking, not giving her a chance to interrupt. “From now on, you’re going to do everything I say. Otherwise, why should I bother?”

  No... She screamed that over and over in her head. He couldn’t leave her by herself. Carter had installed a security system, but it wasn’t enough. Why did she keep doing stupid things? “Fine,” Reese agreed. “Is that all?”

  “Not even close,” Dane gritted out. “We need to discuss this fundraiser thing.”

  She lifted a brow. “I thought that was all settled. What else do we need to possibly discuss?”

  “The particulars for picking you up. Do I need anything other than a suit?”

  She turned and started to walk away. “Come with me detective. I have rounds to do, and you’re making me behind schedule. We can talk as we move.” She couldn’t look him in the face any longer. Reese was afraid he’d see more than she wanted him to. The more time she spent with him, the more she admired him. He was a good person, and she hated that she never saw it before. Now that she’d come to see him for who he was, she couldn’t believe she’d thought he could have hurt Halie. She still thought he might be her father, but perhaps he was unaware of that fact.

  When Paige was feeling more herself, she’d quiz her about Halie’s father. They’d need as much information as they could for her medical file anyway, and maybe her curiosity would do her in one day. She was a horrible person, and she’d accepted that about herself a long time ago. Why not use that to her advantage.

  Dane fell into step beside her. “So, about this thing. What exactly is it?”

  “A fundraiser....” What else did he want to know? “You know—dinner, dancing, opening your checkbook for a good cause.”

  “You mean supplying funds for your current research project. How is that a good cause?”

  Reese sighed. “Because my research will help save children’s lives. Like little Halie Morris. I’m working with Dr. Foster on studying Leukemia and better ways of treating it. Some kids aren’t as lucky as Halie, and it’s often caught too late to do anything about it.”

  “Ah,” he said. “I’m sorry I doubted the veracity of your intentions. That does sound like a good cause.”

  Reese stopped and turned to face him again. She placed her hands on her hips and glared up at him. “Why ,because you have a face to go with the problem now? How would you feel if you didn’t know a little girl in need of this life saving research? Would you still feel obligated to help, or is this because Halie Morris is sick and you feel something for her? Maybe it isn’t that at all—maybe you’re picturing her mama instead.”

  “What is this about?” Dane appeared befuddled. “Do you have something against Paige?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Reese scoffed. “I know next to nothing about her; however, I think you do.”

  “Is this back to you thinking Halie is my daughter?” He shook his head. “I assure you, that isn’t even remotely possible.”

  “She looks a damn near perfect replica of you,” Reese insisted. “How can you not see the resemblance?”

  He shrugged. “Because she’s not mine. If she was, do you think I’d have left her side at all since the accident? I’m not like my father, and I’ll never abandon a child of my own.”

  She nodded and then started walking again. He probably didn’t know he was Halie’s father then. She’d definitely talk to Paige later. Dane would be devastated when he found out, but he had a right to know. It grated on her nerves that Paige could have kept that from him. Why had he never thought to question her himself? If they had that close of a relationship, surely he would have asked at some point? He was a detective after all, and isn’t that what they did—uncover truths?

  “No,” she agreed. “You’re not the type to desert a child you helped create. I don’t doubt that for a second.” She didn’t have any qualms about distrusting Paige though... Reese decided it was time to change the subject. “Tonight will be fine. Carter is picking me up to take me home. You can come pick me up at seven, and we can head over to the hotel where the benefit is being held. Carter will then leave to retrieve Olivia.”

  “That much I knew,” he replied. “I don’t know why this whole thing is making me nervous.”

  “Have you never been to a fundraiser before?”

  “Nothing as fancy as this...” He ran his hand through his hair. “I suppose I’ll survive.”

  He was almost adorable in his uncomfortableness. No, that wasn’t quite the right word. Dane could easily be compared to a handsome devil. He would make any female stop and take a second look. She had liked him after their first encounter, but hadn’t ever considered dating him. It had been a long time since they’d met. He’d been sweet then, and she’d felt sorry for him. They’d danced at his high school prom even though she’d come with a different date. That night had been magical for her, but he’d had a hard time.

  He hadn’t been joking about being picked on in high school. She’d witnessed it first hand, and now he had to walk into the lion’s den again. The same people he went to school with and had tortured him at prom would be at that fundraiser. They were all rich snobs, but their money would help pay her research bills. She didn’t blame him for not wanting to go. In his place, she’d want to stay home too. Hell, she’d probably curl up in a ball with a pint of chocola
te marshmallow ice cream instead. That sounded heavenly in comparison...

  “At least it should be better than the prom,” she offered. “You’re not the same boy they all picked on.”

  He groaned. “I hadn’t even considered that.” Dane sighed. “You’re right though. It will be different because at least I’ll have a date this time. Even if it is a duty more than something fun. They don’t need to know that.”

  “It’ll be our secret.” She laughed. Part of her wished it was a real date though. Something told her that when Dane loved, he did it completely and without apology. Reese wanted that, and she couldn’t help the envy sprouting inside of her. He’d looked at Paige with such tenderness, and that was where her jealousy had stemmed from. It was mean of her to be petty though. Dane wasn’t hers and never had been. “You protect me, and I’ll return the favor.”

  “I don’t need you standing in front of me. I can take care of myself and have for years. Let them make their snide comments; it doesn’t matter to me.”

  She didn’t believe him. He carried around that pain still and would probably be sensitive about it for the rest of his life. How could a person walk away from that and not be scarred? She had her own wounds she licked every day, and they weren’t nearly as bad as what he’d faced. They made him feel worthless on a daily basis. That kind of bullying could ruin a person, yet Dane had used it as the catalyst to make him strive to be more. She admired that side of him.

  “If you say so,” she said then smiled. “Deep inside, you’re a softy, aren’t you? I saw you with Halie. She had you wrapped around her little finger.”

  “I thought you were going to protect my secrets.”

  “Tonight,” she reminded him. “Until then, everything is fair game.”

  He laughed. “You don’t play fair.”

  His whole face lit up when he was happy. He had forgotten about the stress that would present itself later on that day. For now, he seemed content, and she’d done that for him. She didn’t realize something as simple as teasing would or could make someone feel something resembling joy. “Why would I?” she taunted him. “You make it so easy not to.”

  They stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared at each other. For several heartbeats the worlds stopped around them. It was just Reese and Dane—a smile, a breath, and something a whole lot scarier. She was close to falling in love with him. One little push and she’d be confessing it all to him. He messed her up in ways she didn’t think was possible anymore. Her heart raced in her chest and she couldn’t stop thinking about the possibilities. What if they could be together? What if she was wrong about everything? Could he love her?

  “So...” Dane pushed his hands inside his pockets. “I’m actually looking forward to the fundraiser now. Thanks for putting my mind at ease, but don’t think I’m going to let what you did in the parking lot earlier slide. We will have a discussion in length later about your reckless behavior regarding your safety.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said and saluted him. “Whatever you say.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Don’t be cheeky. I’m serious.”

  “So am I.” She smiled. “I realize I make stupid mistakes from time to time, but I promise to do better. Also...” Her voice trailed off. “I should apologize for what I did. My mom turns me into this person I don’t recognize, and I shouldn’t have tried to use you. Can you forgive me?”

  She had other ideas she wanted to explore, and he was the star of the show. Reese needed him to be willing to discover the possibilities with her. The evening would be better than she had planned originally. She intended on treating it like a real date and seeing how things went. It was time to push the boundaries and determine if there was something between them.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Dane replied. “There’s nothing to forgive. I overreacted a bit. I should be apologizing too.”

  “Then I guess we’re even.” Reese smiled warmly. “I’ll see you later.” Then she turned and left him alone with his thoughts, as she was with hers. She’d been hiding for far too long. Nolan had destroyed a part of her, and she intended to reclaim it. Dane would help her do that, and if they discovered an incredible relationship in the process, even better... Reese wanted love, and Dane might be the man to help her find it.


  Carter strolled into the county building and headed toward the circuit courtroom. He was scheduled to testify on a case in thirty minutes, and he’d barely made it in time. He’d been digging through the slush pile of information on possible Nolan sightings. So far, nothing had panned out and he started to worry. Maybe the bastard had fled the state and went somewhere with no extradition, but something deep inside of him doubted that. Nolan had been too obsessed with his sister for him to believe he’d give up that easily. He’d attacked Claire once, and he would do it again. Reese was probably safe, so her protection made sure she stayed that way. He doubted Nolan would try something with her because he hadn’t before, but they had to be prepared for any possibility.

  He ran his hand through his hair and blew out a frustrated sigh. He couldn’t help the anxiety that kept him up at night. He probably should take over Reese’s guard duty entirely. He wasn’t getting much sleep anyway. Dane might even appreciate the relief of not having to deal with Reese. They didn’t seem to be getting on well. Dane was going to stay with her after the fundraiser thing. It made sense because he would be her date for the shindig. God. Carter had to put up with Olivia for the night. That woman had the power to get under his skin like nobody could...

  Dane made it to the elevator and pushed the button to go down to the main floor. The parking garage attached to the fourth floor of the building, and the courtrooms were on the first floor. He hated coming here, but it was a part of his job. If he wanted to make sure the bad guys were locked up, he had to testify in court.

  “Going down?” a female asked.

  He glanced in her direction and frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  Olivia West in all her glory stood before him. She wore a tight-fitting skirt and a jacket cinched at her waist that emphasized the roundness of her pert breasts. Her midnight locks were pulled up at the side with curls falling down her back. They appeared so silky, and he itched to touch them—her. He’d been attracted to Olivia since the moment he met her, and at some point he might give into the urge to kiss her. Thankfully, that moment hadn’t yet arrived. He’d been able to remain in control of his lust and keep his hands to himself. Though she hadn’t appeared averse to the idea—she flirted often and quite blatantly with him. Even when she annoyed the hell out of him he desired her.

  “My job requires me to, you know, go to court.” She lifted a brow. “What has you in such an irritable mood?”

  “I’m not sure we have the time to go through the list.” The elevator dinged open and he stepped inside. Olivia slid in with him. “Right now, you’re at the top.”

  “What did I do?’ She smiled coyly. “If you tell me, I can try to make it all better.” The doors closed as she moved toward him. There wasn’t much separating them. One step and they’d be a breath way from sharing the same air.

  “What are you doing?”

  She sighed. “You’re no fun. Fine, we’ll go back to Mr. Grumpy and Ms. Sarcastic if it’ll make you happy.”

  “It would.” That was a lie. He liked when she flirted, but he recognized a bad idea when it smacked him in the face. They were not a good mix, and if they became involved, it would end badly. It was best to just save them both the hassle and pretend they didn’t have any chemistry between them.

  “I hope you’re not a jerk tonight. I would like to have fun.”

  He didn’t set out to be difficult. Sometimes he couldn’t stop the things that came out of his mouth. Sadly, it was only with her that he said stupid shit. Part of it because she flabbergasted him, and also because he wanted to push her away. Carter didn’t have any room in his life for a relationship. Olivia didn’t deserve the crumbs he could offer he
r. She was smart, successful, and sexy as hell. No other woman existed that he wanted more, yet he continued to keep his distance.

  “I’ll try to refrain from being an embarrassment.” That was all he could offer. He didn’t know if he could play nice. “Take it or leave it.” Her response was to glare at him as if she could stab him with a look. “I’m going to assume that’s an agreement.”

  “You’re an ass.” Her phone buzzed in her hand. She glanced down at it and cursed. The elevator jerked to a stop and it went flying. “Fuck.” Olivia flailed to catch it, but it hit the wall and then skidded across the floor.

  “Eloquent,” Carter chastised, but then frowned when he realized the doors were nowhere near opening. “What’s going on?” He tapped the buttons, but they weren’t moving.

  “I think we’re stuck in here, genius,” Olivia said scathingly.

  “No, no, no,” he repeated. “I can’t be stuck in here.” With Olivia... “I have to be at court to testify.”

  She narrowed her gaze at him. Her voice could be referred to as venomous as she spoke, “And I don’t? Do you think I’m in this elevator for kicks and giggles?”

  He hadn’t considered what Olivia was doing at the courthouse. She was a lawyer, so it didn’t even cross his mind to ask her. There might even be a chance that they were heading to the same hearing. He never heard who would represent the defendant at trial. Generally, the firm Olivia worked for didn’t defend criminals though. She probably had a civil case or something.

  Carter was glad he didn’t see her in court often. It kept their interactions to a minimum. “I don’t know. Maybe you have a hot date with one of the prisoner’s being brought over for arraignment.”

  “Sometimes I really hate you.”

  “Sometimes?” He quirked a brow. “I must not be doing my best to push you away.” Damn, had he said that aloud?

  Olivia placed her hands on her hip and said in a scathing tone, “You mean to tell me that you’re an ass on purpose?” She lifted her hands in the air blowing out a breath of frustration. “Never mind, I don’t think I care.”


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