The Sheikh’s Fake Fiancée (Azhar Sheikhs Book 1)

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The Sheikh’s Fake Fiancée (Azhar Sheikhs Book 1) Page 3

by Leslie North

  “Shall we?” He gestured toward the back seat, leading the way. Just as Elena opened her mouth to ask about the backpacks, the driver appeared, holding out his hands to receive her bag.

  “Thanks.” She handed it over, as did Aubrey. “That was fast.”

  Asim pulled open the rear door, waving them in. “Please, get in.”

  Aubrey scooted inside first, all the way to the far window. Elena climbed in next, prepared to grumble about getting the middle seat. Except this middle seat was far finer than most middle seats. The leather was plush and soft. The car itself seemed wider, inherently more comfortable, like it had been covered with a final coat of elegant gloss. Even the middle console seemed to shine and glisten. Asim slid in next to her and shut the door, a pleasant silence settling in the idling car. The heat of him pressed up against her. Her heart fluttered, like maybe this was her high school crush instead of a literal stranger she’d met a half hour ago.

  “This is Mohammed, my driver,” Asim said, smiling as the older man slid into the front seat. “He takes me everywhere. He’s been driving me now for ten years.”

  “Do you know how to drive?” Aubrey said, leaning forward to look at him.

  “No.” Asim shook his head, laughing a little. “I tried once, when I was in Germany on vacation. It ended very poorly.”

  Elena lifted a brow. “Like, people-didn’t-live-to-tell-about-it poorly?”

  “Oh, no fatalities. Only dented roofs.” He glanced down at her, the sly smile sending her heart racing. Combined with the heat of him pressed against her, she wondered if this was truly a good idea. How could she keep herself away from a man like him?

  “The roof?” Aubrey arched a brow. “Where were you, a wild animal park?”

  “You should learn how to drive,” Elena said softly, patting his knee. “It’s a good skill to have. If you ever need to be a getaway driver, or something like that.”

  “I’d undoubtedly be the worst,” he said, shifting a little beside her. Cologne wafted toward her, igniting her senses. His firm thigh pressed into hers, making her wonder exactly what he looked like under that suit. Maybe he was hairy…or maybe not at all. Caramel skin, or interesting tan lines from the Beirut sun. She shivered a little, looking away, out the window on Aubrey’s side.

  At the very least, the coming week would be interesting with Asim at her side. And maybe a little irresistible.


  As the sedan pulled into the cul-de-sac flanking his family’s home, Asim couldn’t help but relish the excited gasps and squeals coming from the girls.

  The palace was impressive—as it had been for the past ten generations. What had started as an opulent outpost stationed at an oasis now beamed as a vast estate. Though the home was built far before the city had encroached so closely, the garden walls did a good job of creating the illusion of isolation. They would wander plenty before finding any evidence of the busy Beirut beyond.

  “We’re here,” he said once the car came to a stop, pushing open his door. He offered his hand to Elena, smiling as she stepped out. Her eyes seemed soldered to the whitewashed palace façade, all four stories of its elegant grandeur. Stained glass ovals dotted the tops of each window. The winding sandstone staircase led up to a mid-level patio, flanked with an intricate railing. He’d overlooked the premises from that post too many times to count, but today, suddenly, it was like he was seeing it for the first time.

  “Are you serious?” Aubrey’s neck craned as she took it all in. He smiled down at Elena, pleased to find her similarly in a state of wonder.

  “Extremely,” he said, nodding at Mohammed as he began to unload their things.

  “This is like a freakin’ resort,” Aubrey continued. “Seriously. How huge is this place? How many people live here?”

  He tilted his head as he thought. “Oh, I’d say about a dozen at any given time.” Their footsteps crunched over the gravel pathway as he led them to the staircase. The scent of jasmine reached him as they passed the delicate plants; he took a deep inhale. “Not including the staff.”

  Aubrey furrowed a brow as they climbed the stairs. “Okay, so that’s like, bigger than any party that could ever fit in my apartment back home. And those people just live with you.”

  He smiled. Their worlds couldn’t be more different. He liked the chance to show these young women his version of life. And for some reason, he was curious to see their version as well. Especially quiet Elena’s, who seemed to have way more flitting around in her head than she let on.

  “The estate is quite large, yes.” He pushed on the tall double doors leading to the foyer. They groaned as they opened, revealing the shiny floor, which boasted large white marble squares with crisscrossing marigold and auburn patterns. “You could be here for days without realizing anyone else is here. If you know how to do it, at least.” He turned, winking at Elena.

  The blush in her cheeks was the only response he needed. He led them through the main foyer, past the enormous pots bursting with luxurious ferns, under dangling chandeliers dripping bright baubles.

  He turned a corner, leading them toward the guest wing. Sunlight streamed into the hall from the wall of windows, which looked over the ample inner courtyard. Gardenia floated in the air; his mother’s favorite flowers were a constant presence in his home.

  “What do you think?” He turned to Elena. She’d been notably silent, which made him even more eager for her input. Yet he couldn’t figure why—of course she’d be impressed. Everyone was.

  She sighed slightly, then said, “It’s like someone turned a sunset into a home.”

  He stilled, meeting her eyes. The words reverberated in his head, echoing on repeat. “Wow.”

  Aubrey glanced at him, the corner of her mouth lifting. “She has a way with words. But an even better way with color.”

  In all the years of visitors, gawkers, curious parties, and educated elites, he’d never heard it put quite that way. Elena offered a small smile, as though she could see the exclamation points bouncing around in his skull.

  “Well.” He continued walking, leading them toward the guest wing where their rooms would be. “Thank you for that. Would you prefer a room together, or separate rooms?”

  “We’re not lesbians,” Aubrey said, slicing her hand through the air.

  Asim grinned, glancing back at her. “I never thought you were.” At least I hoped you weren’t. “I merely offered it as one of various options while staying in my home. We have plenty of rooms, so you may each have your own. But if you’d prefer to share one, that can be arranged as well.”

  “We can sh—” Elena began.

  “I’d like my own room, thank you,” Aubrey cut in, sending a look to Elena. “After six weeks on the road, I’m due for a little alone time. And no offense, but this girl snores.” She jerked a thumb to Elena. “You better watch out on your fake honeymoon.”

  Asim chuckled, catching Elena’s warm gaze and the slight color in her cheeks. “I do not snore,” she protested.

  “Sure, sure.” Aubrey followed him as he pushed open a large door leading to the first guest room. He gestured for her to enter.

  “This will be your room, Aubrey.” He stood in the doorway as she inspected the room, hands clasped behind his back. A four-poster bed sat in the middle of the bright room, sunlight streaming in through the gauzy curtains.

  “Yours is right down the hallway,” he said, turning to Elena, who tested the softness of the bed. “I’ll show you that next, so you’ll be able to find your way back here.”

  Aubrey’s shocked gasp rang out through the room. “Oh, my God, you guys. This bathroom.”

  Asim grinned, nodding. “I take it you’re satisfied with the accommodations?”

  “I could live in this bathroom alone for the next week,” she said. Something clanged—maybe she was rummaging through the drawers in there. “I’ll be in here if anyone needs me!”

  Asim stepped into the hallway, jerking his head to the side. “Let’s go see
your room.”

  Elena strolled at his side, neck craned as she took in the surroundings. A thrill raced through him, imagining what her sweet take might be on the events of today.

  “I hope your stay here can make up for the rude nature of my request,” he said, rubbing at his jawline as nervousness overcame him. “I’d be happy to explain it to anyone who needs to know.” He glanced at her, the words heavy on his lips. “Including your…boyfriend. Or whoever.”

  Elena looked up at him, her hazel eyes sharp as a whip. “Well, my CIA-sniper boyfriend will want to know why my phone has gone off the planned course.” She tutted. “He’s an ex-Navy SEAL, too. So he’s, you know, trained.”

  Asim furrowed a brow. Strange this hadn’t come up before.

  “He’ll probably show up here and ask questions before I can do much explaining to him over the internet, though.” She sniffed. “He might take a few people out, but, hey. That’s the price of being his woman, you know?”

  Asim stilled, watching her with a hard look. Was this the cost of his spontaneity? He’d asked a totally controlled woman to pose as his fiancée. Great. But when the hint of a grin crossed her face, he knew he’d been fooled.

  “You’re kidding,” he said, almost like a command. Please tell me you’re single.

  “I am.” She laughed. “I don’t have a boyfriend. I just wanted to shake that rock-hard alpha foundation of yours.”

  Her words rattled around inside of him, making rowdy echoes that bothered him. But instead of thinking too much about it, he pushed open the door leading to Elena’s suite. It creaked open, revealing a room similar to Aubrey’s, but grander, more elegant. There was more open space; more sunlight; more potted plants; and a larger bathroom, boasting bathtub, shower, infinity pool, and a jacuzzi.

  “This is your room,” he said, watching as she strolled over the plush white carpet, dragging a hand along the rich mauve comforter. “It was my grandmother’s favorite room.”

  “I can see why.” She glanced back at him, those hazel eyes and high cheekbones snagging him like a fishing line. He swallowed hard. “The lines in this room, the colors.” She paused, craning her neck to look at the stucco ceiling, which was decorated in geometric motifs. “It’s just a riot of expression.”

  His throat tightened, but he wasn’t sure why. He leaned against the door frame, enjoying the way she dragged her fingertips over almost every surface, pausing in front of every detail and intricacy in the decoration. There was something methodical in the way she absorbed her surroundings. Like she might be filling a catalog, somewhere in her mind.

  After she’d explored nearly the whole room, she looked over at him, surprise on her face. “Sorry,” she breathed. “I just…get lost. Thanks for showing me to the room.”

  “It was my pleasure,” he said, wanting to do anything other than leave.

  “I’m sure I can find my way back to Aubrey’s room,” she said, offering a small smile. “So don’t worry.”

  He opened his mouth to respond, to continue the conversation, but the truth jolted through him. She was dismissing him. It was time for him to leave. “Right. Well, if you need anything at all, pull this cord here.” He pointed to the silk rope hanging near the door. “One of the staff will attend to you quickly. I’ll make sure someone is posted.”

  She arched a brow, gaze lingering on the rope. Her mouth opened, as though she would add something else, but then clamped it shut. She offered a smile instead. “I should unpack. Take a real shower.”

  He nodded, looking her up and down. Maybe I could join you for that shower. The thought scorched through him, almost rattling him. When he’d laid eyes on her earlier that day, she was simply beautiful. Now, she was the most gorgeous fruit that he was desperate to taste.

  His fake fiancée.

  “Settle in. And feel free to wander the palace. Go anywhere, explore. This is my home, which is now your home.” He grinned at her as he pulled the door shut. “I’ll find you two later to catch up.”

  Once the door clicked shut, he leaned his forehead against the molding, raucous thoughts clouding his mind.

  I want you. Somewhere between the coast of Beirut and the guest wing of his house, his very real attraction to this woman had blossomed into a very dangerous desire.

  If she would be his pretend girlfriend, then it stood to reason they should enjoy all the benefits that came with that status. At least once before she left. If only to make the ruse more compelling. More viscerally raw.

  And if he had anything to do with it, he’d make sure that potentiality became a delicious reality.



  Aubrey launched herself from the side of the infinity pool, tucking her knees into her chest, launching a tidal wave of crystalline water. Elena giggled, turning away from the spray, floating closer to the stone wall lining the edge of the pool.

  Once Aubrey resurfaced, she hooted with laughter. “Okay, I think that was my last one.”

  “About time.” Elena wiped water from her face. They’d been lounging and gabbing in the extensive network of palace pools and waterfalls for hours. She’d nearly had her fill of dives, cannonballs, and water in general. Even though it seemed sacrilegious to even think it.

  “I’m pruning,” Aubrey said, examining her fingertips.

  “Me too.” Elena stepped up the stone steps, holding onto the wrought iron banister leading out of the pool. The infinity pool was set above the terrain of the property, which made the infinity edge blend into the expansive, rolling greenery of the gardens. And then, on the horizon, skyscrapers and city buildings peeked up over the edge of the property, reminding them of where they were.

  “I might be ready for a rest,” Elena said, reaching for a plush white beach towel a palace attendant had brought them. “All this luxury is exhausting.”

  “You’re telling me.” Aubrey wrapped another towel around her body, resting her hands on her hips. “I could get used to this.”

  “It’s just temporary.” Elena patted her hair dry then swooped it up into a turban. Though really, she could get used to it, too. Perhaps too easily. “Don’t you forget that, either. It’s a week, or whatever. But definitely not forever.”

  “Listen, once Asim gets back, we have to grill him on a few points.” Aubrey held out her hand, ticking off each finger as she listed. “First of all, can they provide us with unending falafel? Secondly, does Asim have any brothers who are similarly single and in need of a fake wife? Third—”

  Elena raised a hand, laughing. “Okay. Let’s save these for when he comes around later.”

  The two girls started down the winding, shrouded path that led back to the palace. Birds twittered—sweet songs that made Elena’s heart flutter. The whole garden was the definition of well-manicured and lush. And there was so much more to see! She didn’t know what else there was, but she could sense the vastness of the property, all the unexplored corners and crevices that called her to find their secret shadows and unseen treasures.

  “It would be fine if this whole game lasted longer than a week, though, right?” Aubrey lifted a brow, her light freckles slightly more pronounced after an afternoon in the sun. “I wouldn’t mind staying here two weeks. Or three.”

  They rounded the corner, coming up on a patio that led to the palace. As Elena opened her mouth to respond, a voice broke through.

  “Ladies. I see you’ve been enjoying the afternoon.”

  Asim emerged from the doorway leading into a sunroom, a pleased grin on his face. His gaze traveled up and down her body, both nerve-wracking and thrilling. Maybe he liked what he saw in her skimpy bikini—or maybe he was secretly dismayed. After all, he was probably used to some other standard—models and celebrities, no doubt.

  “Enjoying is an understatement,” Aubrey said. “That infinity pool is awesome.”

  “Have you seen the gardens in the north quarter?” Asim’s dark eyes settled on Elena, sending a shiver through her.

�Not yet,” she admitted. “We wandered until we found water—and that’s where we got hung up.”

  “Well you must see it,” Asim said. “Let’s go now.”

  Aubrey grinned, pinching her friend’s waist. “I think I’m gonna go take a nap, guys.”

  Elena looked over at her, suddenly scared about navigating the palace with only Asim. She needed the buffer of her friend, the assurance that she wouldn’t rip his clothes off in broad daylight and do something indecent. “Are you sure you don’t want to come see the gardens?”

  “I think you’ll enjoy the garden far more than I will,” Aubrey said, lifting a brow. “And I hope that enjoying is an understatement.”

  She winked, sauntering off, leaving Asim and her alone on the patio.

  “Let’s go.” He reached for her hand, which she offered to him before thinking twice. He tugged her down a different path, one that she hadn’t noticed before. A few steps later, she realized she was still basically naked.

  “Shouldn’t I go change?” She touched the turban on her head, somewhere between confused and delighted. Wandering the palace in a bikini, after a dip in a salt-water infinity pool, was pure pleasure. But maybe there was etiquette being overlooked.

  “You’re fine.” He glanced back at her, his dark gaze sweeping up and down her body again. “It probably feels nice to dry in the sun, doesn’t it?”

  “Mmm. Divine.” She tilted her head back as the path wound through shrubs and patches of flowers, the bright sun warming her cool skin. Asim kept his hand tight on hers, a reassuring heat.

  “What did you do today?” she asked.

  “Well, aside from getting engaged?” He laughed. “Mostly work. I oversaw a few new acquisitions today.”

  “Where do you work?”

  “My family owns a business. We have three main branches: one in the Middle East, one in Europe, and one in the US.”


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