The Sheikh’s Fake Fiancée (Azhar Sheikhs Book 1)

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The Sheikh’s Fake Fiancée (Azhar Sheikhs Book 1) Page 4

by Leslie North

  “Ah. An international company.” Elena grinned. “Very nice. You handle all of them?”

  “No, I oversee the European branch. My brothers handle the other two.”

  She tutted. “Brothers. Aubrey will be happy to hear that.”

  His boyish grin nearly broke her heart. “Oh, yeah? Well she can meet them soon. You, too.”

  Excitement quivered through her. Meeting the brothers…the rest of the family…what a strange turn this trip had taken. Asim’s grip on her hand tightened as they strolled toward a glass-framed building: a greenhouse. He pulled open the door, a humid blast of air greeting her.

  “Welcome to the greenhouse,” he said, shutting the door behind them. Rows and rows of exotic plants sprawled before them, strange vining plants boasting bold blooms. Some blossoms looked vaguely erotic—lush curves, heavy pendulums. She’d never seen a more fascinating or arousing greenhouse. Gravel crunched underfoot.

  “Wow,” she breathed, unable to focus on only one beautiful thing. Everything in the greenhouse vied for her attention, yanked at it like an impatient child. “This is a miracle. So much life and color under one small roof.”

  Asim smiled, surveying the area. “Absolutely. And so much pure oxygen.”

  They walked down the main row of plants until they came to the door at the other end of the building. Pushing through it, Asim led her toward an area of the outdoor garden flanked with tall, skinny trees. Big square stones formed an expansive, uneven pavement. Elaborate pots dotted the walkway, overflowing with bright red flowers.

  “Your home is beautiful,” she said, fingering a blossom as they walked by.

  “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you, since I can tell you have an eye for beauty.”

  She grinned, feeling the blush creep into her cheeks. “Why do you say that?”

  He shrugged, heading toward a simple stone bench set off to the side. “There’s something very artistic about you.”

  As far as she was concerned, that was the highest compliment someone could give her. “Thanks for that. I appreciate it. I am an artist, by the way.”

  He snapped his fingers. “I knew it. What do you do?”

  She sat on the bench slowly, transitioning into the hot bite of the sun-warmed seat. She absentmindedly traced patterns in the rough surface. “Mostly oil. But I also sketch. I love landscapes, cityscapes. I’ll do portraits when compelled. But I’m mostly a fan of colors.”

  Asim nodded, like this cleared up everything for him. “I’d love to see your work.”

  “It’s all at home.” She gazed into the distance, suddenly desperate to show him what she did with her time and passion. Not like it mattered, really—he was just a stranger. A business arrangement, however unconventional. But something inside her was eager to woo him. To show him the depths of her soul. “You’d have to come to my house and see it.”

  He grabbed her hand, squeezing it in his lap. “Maybe I’ll do that someday. Would your parents mind?”

  She laughed a little, but the smile dropped from her face. “You don’t have to worry about them. They’re…not around anymore.”

  Asim grimaced. “I’m sorry. What happened? Or should I not…?”

  “It’s okay.” Her heart tightened a little, but just the way it always did when telling someone what happened. “They died a few years ago. It was unexpected, but they were older. They had me later in life. My mom passed first, and then my dad died a few months later. Probably of a broken heart.” She sighed a little, offering a small smile to him. “They were soul mates.”

  Asim’s grip on her hand had turned into stroking sometime during her explanation. His rough thumb made a warm path over the top of her hand. His other arm had snuck around behind her. He squeezed her hip, which made her breath hitch.

  “I’m sorry you had to lose them so young.” His voice dropped a little, came out raw and soft. His head came closer, like he might press his forehead to hers. “That must have been so difficult.”

  The heat of his nearness clouded her mind, and she struggled to think straight, to keep focused on the conversation. “It was. It is, sometimes. But I had a rich life with them.” He squeezed again at her hip, which made her mind blank. “I think they’re watching over me. They know all the cool stuff I’m doing now.”

  “Like posing as my fiancée?” His voice came out softer, at her ear. Goosebumps erupted over her arms, and she looked up at him, surprised to find him so close. His dark eyes were vortices of desire; from so close the angle of his jaw from was like a decadent treat, one she couldn’t say no to if she tried.

  “Exactly.” She giggled, but it came out throaty. Kiss me kiss me kiss me. He had to do it first, because maybe there was still a chance she was reading this wrong. Or was there? The scent of his cologne grew stronger, his breath coming out in hot puffs at her chin. Dear Lord, kiss me.

  “Thanks again for your help,” he murmured, fingertips skating over her forearm. “You were quite unexpected, but just what I needed. It was like fate sent you to me.”

  He squeezed her hip again, this time drawing a surge of moisture in her swimsuit bottoms, and then she knew it—game over. If he could make her wet on a garden bench, this was a serious problem. Kiss me or fuck me now. That’s what fate had decreed. A garden hookup.

  His gaze raked over her face, lips poised for the kiss. Electricity sizzled in the air between them, and she leaned closer, smoothing her hand over the flat plane of his chest, pleased by the hardness beneath the crisp fabric. She tilted her head back, opening her lips, urging him nearer.

  And then he dipped down, catching her chin between thumb and forefinger, stilling her face as his lips brushed velvety soft against her own. The first kiss stole her breath, but the second one replenished it. Energy surged through her, and she swallowed a squeal of delight. Thank you, Aubrey, for being smart and taking a nap!

  They kissed over and over again, one desperate, sloppy, passionate kiss leading to another. Asim made a small noise, cupping the side of her face in his big hand, turning so they faced each other. Elena opened up her legs, straddling the bench, scooting closer to him. He pulled away, drawing a ragged breath, looking down between her legs.

  Reality crashed around her. What were they doing?

  “Wow,” she said, clarity making slow steps across her mind. “We took the ruse a step too far, huh?”

  “Turn around.”

  The steely command sent shivers through her, and she immediately complied, straddling the bench again, facing away from him. He scooted closer to her, pulling her back against him, his rock-solid chest meeting the curve of her back.

  She let out a small sigh as he wrapped his arms around her, crossing over her breasts. Her eyes fluttered shut as his soft kisses found the curve of her neck.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured into her ear, letting a hand drift down over her belly. She tensed at the contact, his touch sending thrills under her skin. Her breath coming out in sharp puffs, she stilled as his fingertips danced around her belly button, skating the line of her bikini bottoms.

  “Oooooh, my God,” she moaned, louder than she meant to. She arched her back, and his arm over her tightened, the bulging bicep visible even through his work shirt. “God, that feels good.”

  He licked at her earlobe, smoothing his palms over the tops of her thighs. “You like that? You feel good, too.”

  “Mmmm.” Her head lolled to the side as he caressed her, his avoidance of the one area that needed it most an infuriating reality. Her pussy throbbed for him with an intensity that surprised even her. What had gotten into her? At just ten o’clock that morning, she’d never even seen this guy before. Now by five in the evening, his fingers were almost down her pants.

  This wasn’t her regular MO. She’d never moved so quickly with anyone before. But somehow, it seemed right.

  “I want to feel you everywhere, Elena.” His gravelly voice ignited a fire in her. She arched again, clutching at the forearm across her chest.<
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  “Do it,” she said. Her pussy was desperate for it, clit throbbing like it had never been touched. “Please.”

  Asim dragged a kiss over the side of her cheek and slipped his hand down her bikini bottoms. His fingertips swirled and caressed her mons, drifting slowly toward the tight, needy nub. His touch was feather-light as he danced over her folds, and then finally, he pinched at her clit. She tensed, drawing a sharp breath, the pleasure that jolted through her almost crippling.

  He dipped a finger down to her entrance, swooping up some of the slickness, then returned to her clit. He rubbed it between thumb and forefinger, then pinched it, prodded it, alternated between the nub and her dripping entrance. Elena clung to him, mouth parted, a shriek stuck halfway in her throat. The pleasure was too good, too intense. She was ready to come but hesitant to let this moment ever fade away.

  Asim’s breath in her ear was an anchor, rooting her to this pleasure. “You like that?”

  She moaned low, writhing in his grip, bucking against his hand. “Fuck, Asim. I love it.”

  He dipped his head, taking a soft bite of her neck, his devilish fingers working her harder, faster. She inhaled sharply, tensing against him, the combination of his cologne, his touch, his teeth on her skin a frightening trio that pushed her right up to the edge.

  When he slipped two fingers into her, the climax roared through her, a tidal wave of pleasure. Her eyes shot open, taking in the sight and colors around her like they were being injected instead of observed. The kelly green of the trees, the startling cerulean of the sky, the jagged white of the clouds. She tensed and squeaked, hips bucking, his fingers slipping and sliding all over her dripping pussy as she wrung every last dreg of pleasure from the orgasm.

  Asim chuckled softly in her ear as she heaved, trying to catch her breath, riding the waves back down to Earth. His big hand stayed under the fabric of her bottoms, like maybe even he was too wrung out to move much.

  “Mmmm.” He nipped at her earlobe. She blinked lazily, the sharp focus of the world around her receding into normalcy. It was like the whole world around her had responded to his hand, that orchestrator of pleasure. And now that it was over…back to regular green, regular blue, regular white.

  “That was intense,” she said, looking up at him.

  His lips curled up at the corners. She could have him look at her like that forever, and still want more. “Yes. That’s one word to describe it.”

  “That better not be the last time,” she said, clutching at the wrist above her panty line.

  “Oh, you want more?” He dragged his lips over her forehead, a knowing smirk on his face. “There’s so much more to come. But you’ll have to wait.”


  Asim reached for Elena’s hand under the table, nodding at the maid as she cleared the dinner plates. He and the women had shared a classic Lebanese spread: pita, tabbouleh, baked kibbeh, and kebabs. Aubrey sighed, patting at her belly.

  “That was the best food I’ve had in this country so far,” she said.

  Asim smiled at her, then over at Elena. He’d been watching her every move with amplified interest since their intense moment in the garden earlier. She was captivating—even more so after he’d fingered her into ecstasy. Really, he was just counting the moments until he could get her alone again.

  “I agree,” Elena said, giving his hand a little squeeze. “Your cooks are talented.”

  “The best in the country,” he confirmed. Approaching footsteps yanked his attention to the arched doorway. Anxiety flashed through him, hot and fast—surely it was one of his brothers, which meant a lot of questions were headed their way.

  “Asim.” Nasir, his older brother, stepped through the arched entryway, a knowing smile on his face. The presence of the women didn’t seem to surprise him as he strolled to the table. No doubt their mother had called him and apprised him of the latest happenings. “Won’t you introduce me to your two lovely guests?”

  Aubrey turned toward the voice; even from the side Asim could see the way her jaw clattered to the floor upon seeing his brother.

  “Ladies, this is my brother Nasir,” Asim said, eyeing him as he bent down to kiss Aubrey on the cheek. He came around the table to greet Elena in the same fashion. “Nasir, this is Elena and Aubrey. Elena and I have been dating for quite some time now.”

  “As I’ve heard.” He sat in the empty seat at the other end of the table, smoothing down his button-up. He signaled to a maid and asked for a glass of wine. Then a big, sugary smile overtook his face, the type he always used with his American clients. The type that told Asim a thinly-veiled inquisition was headed his way.

  “Elena and Aubrey arrived yesterday,” he said. It was time to take the offensive, before his brother launched his own attack. “I’ve been so looking forward to introducing them to mother’s favorite.”

  Nasir laughed. “Really? We’re going straight there?”

  Asim chuckled. Ribbing his brothers was one of his favorite past times. “Ah, you’re right. I’m sure they’ll see soon enough.”

  Nasir shook his head. “Perhaps mother prefers me because I’m the responsible one. After all, you’re always up to no good.” Addressing Elena and Aubrey, he said, “Be careful. Both of you. You wouldn’t believe the sort of things this one gets into.”

  The girls giggled politely, but the comment struck a little too close to home for his tastes. “Up to no good is code word for having fun,” Asim clarified. “Which is something my brother hasn’t learned how to do.”

  Nasir received a glass of wine from the maid graciously, taking a sip before responding. “I have fun in my own ways. Coincidentally those ways are also known as fiscal responsibility and world domination.”

  Asim snorted, taking a sip of his own wine. “I know those as boring, but maybe your English has improved more than mine since living in the US.”

  “Oh, you live in the US?” Aubrey leaned forward, chin propped in her palm. She watched Nasir as if a movie star had materialized in the dining room.

  “I do.” He grinned, leaning back into his seat. “West Coast. And you?”

  “Oh.” Her eyebrows shot up. “Same. We’re from California.”

  “Beautiful state, isn’t it? My primary home is near LA, but I travel often.” Nasir grinned, which prompted a giggle from Aubrey. Asim looked over at Elena to find a knowing smirk on her face.

  “Primary home, huh?” Aubrey flushed, taking a sip of her wine. “If this home is any indicator, I can’t imagine what your stateside home must look like.”

  “Far more reserved,” Asim interjected. “Nasir’s tastes don’t allow for so much marble and extraneous patterns.”

  Nasir nodded. “It’s true. I’m a man of simple, clean tastes.”

  Aubrey cleared her throat, the blush cresting her cheeks.

  “So, tell me more of this engagement.” Nasir nodded toward Elena, who squeezed Asim’s hand like she wanted to break it off. “I’m dying to know everything.”

  Elena smiled wide at him. “Know everything, huh? That might take a while.”

  The irony killed him.

  “So where did you meet?” Nasir asked.

  Elena cleared her throat, turning to face Asim. “Well, it was very unexpected really.”

  “Yes,” Asim added. “We just kind of…ran into each other.”

  “Where?” Nasir’s steely gaze told Asim he was logging this, as if it would be used in court testimony later. With his mother serving as judge.

  “Beirut,” Elena said, at the same time Asim said, “In the States.” Shit. They turned to each other, embarrassed smiles erupting.

  “Yes, we originally met in the States,” Elena said. “I thought you meant this last time.” She cleared her throat. “When I came over.”

  Nasir nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. Fuck. He knows. He had to end it now, before they botched another question.

  “Elena, Aubrey, don’t let us keep you.” Asim gestured toward the hallway visible through th
e arched doorway. “You must be exhausted, after the long day. If you’d prefer to rest or get ready for bed, by all means. My brother and I will catch up for just a little bit.”

  Elena nodded, squeezing his arm. “Yes, I’m feeling so tired. I should go lie down.” She leaned forward, placing a small kiss on his cheek. To Nasir, she said, “It was a pleasure meeting you. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”

  Aubrey let out a small sigh, eyes lingering on Nasir. “Yeah, bed, I guess. See you, boys.” She stood reluctantly, lagging behind her friend as they exited the dining room. Nasir watched the hallway for a moment before he spoke.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Asim creased his brow, reaching again for his wine. “What do you mean?”

  “This is clearly a farce.” Nasir leaned forward, lowering his voice. “I’ve never seen such an obvious lie in my life.”

  Asim scoffed. “Please. What does it matter to you?”

  “It matters a great deal to me, because you are about to get nailed.” Nasir jabbed his finger into the tabletop for emphasis.

  “Nailed. Is that another new American phrase?”

  “Listen. Once our mother comes home and sits down to properly talk with Elena, the truth will fly out faster than a flock of geese. You won’t get this past her.”

  “There’s nothing to get past her. I’ve made my decision.”

  Nasir tutted, leaning back into his chair. “Asim, you’re making a huge mistake.”

  “Am I?” Asim turned in his chair, looking for a maid. When he spotted her, he signaled for another round of wine. Then he added, “Just bring the whole bottle.” Turning back to his brother, he said, “The only mistake I can see is marrying a woman I do not know or care about.”

  “And you care about this one?”

  Asim paused. “I do, actually.” And it was the truth. Even though they’d met less than twenty-four hours ago.

  “Mother has been working for three years to set you up with the Dahoud daughter. Her father finally agreed to the marriage just last month. After three years of needling and convincing! It would be an insult if you didn’t marry her. And it won’t be you who shoulders the brunt of that insult—it will be mother. You cannot do that to her.”


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