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Charlene Hartnady - Stolen by the Alpha Wolf 3# (Determined Theft)

Page 2

by Unknown

  “Okay.” Her voice shook. Ward may have openly claimed her, but she held no false hope that he had forgiven her and that they would just settle in together…one big happy family. Besides, like it or not, she was still mated to Lance.


  Rushe brought her breakfast. A honey sweetened oatmeal which just might be her new favorite food. For lunch, he brought some type of flatbread with cheese and apples. At least Stephany didn’t have to hide her need for actual food. She’d gone from eating two or three times a week to several times a day. Her need for blood had all but disappeared. A few mouthfuls once or twice a week seemed to be sufficient.

  Ward was under a blanket on the bed. Rushe had helped her to get a fire started and once the room was nice and warm, she’d found one of the metal cooking utensils in a cabinet. It had taken her almost half an hour to figure out how the stove worked, but she had finally managed to heat some water.

  Using the warm water and a cloth, she did her best to clean Ward. He stayed asleep the entire time, his chest rose and fell steadily. He looked peaceful.

  Stephany threw another log on the fire, wanting to keep the cabin warm. Using a new cloth, she lightly wiped water across Ward’s mouth in an effort to keep him hydrated. They’d said it would take a day or two for him to wake up. Surely he would need to eat or drink before then? She let her fingers trace his jaw, catching the stubble.

  A knock sounded.

  She moved away from the bed. “Come in.”

  Judging by the lack of light at the slits in the curtains, it was evening. In walked Rushe with a wicker basket. “Your dinner is served, my lady.”

  She felt her brow pull together. “I’m not royalty.”

  Rushe grinned. “It is a just a silly human saying. I didn’t mean anything by it.” He frowned when he saw the dishes in the sink.

  “I tried to clean them but it didn’t work out too well. The oatmeal has dried and won’t come off.”

  He smiled, looking very handsome. Stephany was sure the wolf attracted females second to none. “I hope you like steak?” he pulled out a plate of thick, bloody meat and her stomach lurched. “I’m sorry,” he said when he caught the look on her face. “I thought you ate meat.”

  “I do. Just not raw like that. I’m really sorry, I’m not a great cook. I can sort of make stew. I think.” Now that she knew how to use the gas stove, she might be able to remember what Ward had taught her.

  Rushe laughed. “I’ll show you how to cook the steak. I don’t have the right ingredients for stew. I’ll also show you how to clean up. It’s not that hard.”

  “I would really appreciate that.” She couldn’t help but to think that he must have thought of her as a complete idiot. Stephany looked down at her clasped hands.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Rushe said.

  Stephany looked up, seeing that Rushe’s face had taken on a concerned look. He took a step towards her. “Please don’t look so upset. It’s not a big deal.”

  She forced herself to smile. “I would appreciate your help. I never had to perform such duties at the castle.”

  He nodded. “I understand. It’s just that around here, you will be expected to pull your own weight, it doesn’t matter that you are Ward’s mate.”

  “I’m not Ward’s mate. Why does everyone keep saying that?”

  Rushe looked confused for a few seconds. “He claimed you and that makes you his mate.”

  “Impossible,” she said to herself. Ward knew that she was mated to another. There was no way. Aside from the issue with the lores, she didn’t think he wanted her anyways. The only reason he had said that was to protect his unborn child while he was too weak to do so himself.

  “Not only did he claim you, but he did so in front of Hunter and Gage.” Rushe made his way to the kitchenette. He grabbed a big pan and fired up the gas stove, placing the pan on the heat.

  “And that’s important because…”

  Rushe sighed, rolling his eyes like he was being made to explain himself to a child. “They are also alphas.” He took the steak and threw it into the hot pan. The meat sizzled.

  Stephany felt her mouth gape. That was why Gage had mentioned packs.

  “How do you like your steak?” He picked up a two pronged fork while looking back over his shoulder at her.


  He laughed. “No, do you like it well done, rare?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.”

  He laughed again, this time shaking his head. “Do you want it to bleed a little? Or…I wouldn’t recommend it…well done. It tends to toughen the meat if you cook it for too long.”

  “No blood.”

  “No blood, but a little pink?” He raised his eyebrows.

  She had to smile. “That’s fine. Gage and the other male are alphas?” She took a step towards Rushe as he turned the meat in the pan. It sizzled and spat, making him take a step back.

  “Gage is a bear shifter and Hunter is a panther shifter.”

  “I had no idea. Must be one of those secrets that Ward didn’t want me to know about.” She stared at a spot on the wall just behind Rushe.

  “Now that you’re mated, it’s okay that you know. There are many different types of shifters such as cougar, tiger and even dragon shifters.” His eyes widened. “I’ve never seen one of the Dragonkin, but my grandfather saw them once. They live high up in the mountains.”

  “Wow. We only ever knew about wolf shifters.”

  “Yeah, we thought it best if the kings didn’t know. Something to possibly give us the upper hand. Your food is nearly done. Now about washing up the dishes.” He grinned at her. “I can see that you didn’t use the washing liquid.” He opened a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of green liquid. “Use a pot to heat up the water and add some soap.” He shook the bottle. “Not too much though. Be sure to rinse the dishes once you have finished washing them. If you don’t figure it out, then I’ll help you in the morning.” He winked at her. “I will light the fire that heats the water tank so you can have a hot shower once you have finished eating as well.” He slid the delicious smelling steak onto a plate and handed it to her. “I hope you enjoy it.”

  “Thank you.” She touched his arm as he was moving away. “I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem.” He made towards the back door but stopped mid stride. “Um, Stephany.” He turned looking her straight on.

  “Yes?” She urged noticing that there was some hesitancy in his gaze.

  “Do you think there are any vampire females that may be interested in us male shifters?” his eyes immediately darted to his shoes and he pushed his hands into his jeans pockets.

  “I must say that I’m not sure the species are quite ready to mingle just yet, but yes I do. You’re a sweet male, Rushe.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I’m also strong and capable in battle. I have been told that I am handsome.”

  Stephany felt like laughing but managed to school her reaction. Males! They really all seemed to be the same deep down inside. “Yes, you are,” she said, eyeing his biceps and wide chest. Not because she was interested, but because she knew it would help to boost his ego.

  He smiled. “Who knows? Maybe Ward can have a talk with the kings.”

  Like hell.

  “I’ll discuss it with him.”

  Rushe’s grin widened up a whole lot. “I would appreciate that. If any of the females are half as hot as you are.” His eyes widened as he realized what he had just said. They flashed to Ward, still unconscious on the bed. “Please forget I said that.” Rushe looked pained as he continued, “He would have my left testicle.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him.” She couldn’t help but to smile. “I will talk to him, but know that the kings do not want interspecies matings. I don’t think it will be a possibility.” She watched his eyes cloud. “I’m sorry, Rushe, I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

  He smiled. “It is not your fault. Why can’t we all just get
along?” His sentiment was so simple, yet so true. His eyes glinted. “Maybe a couple of us could go steal a few vampire females of our own.”

  Stephany gasped. “Don’t you dare, Rushe. It wouldn’t be right. They would hate it.”

  “It didn’t sound like you hated it too much from where I was standing outside that door.”

  Stephany felt her mouth drop open. She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to give Rushe the sternest look that she could muster. “You didn’t just say that?”

  The male had the good grace to look sheepish before throwing her a wide grin. “Apologies. Again”—he glanced at Ward’s motionless figure—“please don’t say anything to my alpha. I happen to like my sacks.” He clasped his balls for a few seconds, his expression so pained that Stephany felt like laughing. “I am sure that the vampire females would soon be quite agreeable to rutting”—he bobbed his eyebrows up and down—“us shifters are quite irresistible. There are many of us males and so few females. We would treat them like the finest treasure and we are definitely not merely looking for a good time. We need more than just bed partners. We need mates.”

  “Like I said, Rushe, please don’t get your hopes up.” She felt sorry for him.

  He nodded once. “That’s fine.” His shoulders slumped. “We’ll just stick to the original plan if it doesn’t pan out. I am thankfully high up on the list.” His smiled at her. “I will light your fire now.”

  She nodded as he disappeared through the back door. Although she was curious, it would be best if she didn’t know about this list that he was referring to.

  A few minutes later, he re-emerged. “Give it half an hour. You should eat that before it gets cold.” He glanced at the steak, which she’d set down on the table.

  “Thank you for your help.”

  “I’m right outside, let me know if you need anything.” He didn’t wait for her answer, just strode out, closing the door behind him.

  The steak was delicious, she’d been sure to take note of how to prepare it and was sure that she would be able to cook one in the future. Once she was done, she took a cooking utensil and filled it with water. Placing it on the stove to heat. This time it took only a few seconds to get the plate lit. Within five minutes the water was steaming, and following Rushe’s instructions she washed the dishes leaving the oatmeal bowl to soak as the porridge had crusted on the bowl making it almost impossible to remove even with the hot water and soap. Once she’d showered, she pulled one of Ward’s shirts over her head and slipped under the covers with him. He moaned in his sleep, his jaw locked and his brow creased.

  Stephany put a hand on his chest while being careful to avoid the red line, she worried that it might still pain him. She made soothing noises and this seemed to help, because he settled back into a deep sleep. His chest expanding and contracting rhythmically.

  Although she had planned on sticking to her side of the bed, she snuggled up against Ward. This was probably the last opportunity that she would have to get close to him before he woke up and that same emotionless, distant look appeared in his eyes again. Tucked up against his warmth, Stephany was asleep within minutes.

  Kicking, growling, thrashing.

  Stephany woke with a start, it was still dark. Ward’s face was contorted in rage, his jaw locked. Once again, she placed her hand on his chest while talking to him and making soothing noises until he finally settled. It happened twice more during the night. Each time Stephany touched him and talked to him until he calmed. His strength seemed to grow. The bouts becoming more violent, yet his response to her also happened quicker. One thing was for sure, he was growing stronger. Stephany couldn’t wait for him to wake up. Though the thought of him being conscious once again terrified her as much as it thrilled her.

  Chapter 3

  A flash of silver. A sharp pain exploded across his chest. He’d been distracted and had allowed his enemy to get the better of him. It had never happened before. His chest hurt too much to contemplate what it could’ve been that had destroyed his focus. He felt his blood run down his chest, hot gushes in time with his heart which pounded in his ears. Another sharp pain as the blade was torn free in a spray of blood. He looked down at the gaping gash in his chest. He was totally fucked if that blade was silver and he suspected it was because the wound continued to gush blood, his flesh refusing to knit.

  He turned his eyes on the one that had bettered him. A male. A vampire. His biggest enemy. He hated the male, although he couldn’t say why. Battle was battle and enemies were enemies. It was never personal. At least it had never been personal before. He wanted to wrap his hands around this male’s neck and squeeze. Wanted to pull the male’s heart from his chest with his hands. If only he wasn’t so weak.

  A soothing voice.

  The pain diminished. The hate evaporated. A soft touch. The scent of freshly baked cookies accosted his senses. His female. She was here. Heat settled in against his side. He tried to move his arms, wanting to pull her closer but his body wouldn’t cooperate. Then he felt himself drift.

  He must’ve slept for a time. Something wet on his mouth roused him, he tried to let some of the moisture in his mouth but his muscles wouldn’t cooperate.

  “Just a little.” His female’s voice. “Please, Ward.”

  Working hard to comply, he managed to allow his lips to fall open. A few drops hit his tongue and he swallowed them down. Cool, good. More drops and he swallowed again. This happened a couple more times before the dark overtook him once more.

  Cool strokes on his body. Soft hands caressed him. Air caused goose bumps to rise. Someone was wetting him.

  A familiar voice, cooing noises. He felt himself relax again. “I’ll throw another log on the fire,” his female said.

  He didn’t want her to leave. He clasped the sheet, moaning in frustration.

  “Okay, okay, I’m here.” Her hand brushed the hair from his brow, her fingers lightly tracing his forehead for a few beats before she went back to work. The stroking continued. She used a soft cloth, swiping his thighs in long easy strokes. Next, she moved to his groin. Although her ministrations were in no way sexual, he felt his cock stir under her soft hand.

  She gasped. Pausing for a few long seconds before continuing. He grit his teeth as she did the same to his sacks.

  Ward opened his eyes, the light caused them to water so he closed them again before cracking them open once more. His female was looking down, her hair fell in a curtain about her face. She wore one of his shirts, and nothing else. Her long, lean legs were folded underneath her. She’d moved up and was currently wiping his stomach, pausing every so often to rinse the cloth before continuing. Her delicious citrus cookie scent enveloped him and his nostrils flared. His cock strained from his body.

  “Female,” a deep, low growl. His voice was gravelly from disuse.

  A sharp intake of breath. Stephany lifted her eyes, looking at him from under her lashes. Her eyes widened as they locked with his. Bright icy blue. He caught the scent of himself on her and all the memories of the last few days came rushing back.

  Ward growled low and deep. He felt his lip curl. Adrenaline surged. The need to kill the vampire male had him curling his fists. He lurched forward into a sitting position, expecting his body to protest. It didn’t. Aside from a slight pull on his chest, everything felt normal.

  Ward wrapped his arms around his female and pulled her against him. “I am going to rut you now,” he snarled. Feeling her breasts crush against his chest. Her nipples were hard.

  She sucked in a rugged breath. “You can’t. We need to talk.”

  “You are mine, Stephany. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes, but...” Her voice was shaky. “You’re still weak. We can’t possibly—”

  “No buts…You are mine.” He tried to loosen his grip. Only the thought of being inside her, of showing her who she belonged to, had him releasing her. But only long enough to turn her onto all fours. “I am going to take you now.”

��Okay.” Her voice was still a little shaky. She turned her head, looking back over her shoulder. Her eyes were wide, her face pale.

  It tore at him that she was afraid. “Do not fear me.” He growled, ripping the shirt from her back.

  She whimpered. “I don’t.” It came out sounding choked, and her wide eyes said differently.

  “I would never hurt you.” He managed to sound half normal. “I just really need you.”

  “It’s okay. I’m fine.” The tension in her shoulders eased.

  He noticed how her stomach had a swollen rounded look. How her breasts were so much fuller. He growled, running a hand over her belly. His nostrils flared as he scented the pup. Their pup. His heir. His need for her increased.

  She was his. He had to prove it to her. To himself. His wolf demanded it.

  Ward cupped her breasts, rubbing his cock along the seam of her pussy. She sucked in a breath. He pinched her nipples softly and she moaned, arching her back so that he had better access to her pussy. She was soaking wet and his dick slid easily across the length of her slit. She moaned as his head knocked against her clit.

  “Mine.” He growled as he lined up with her opening.

  “Yes.” She moaned as he breached her.

  “Mine.” He snarled as he thrust into her right to the hilt.

  She moaned. “God, yes,” she whispered. Ward took ahold of her hip with one hand while using his other hand to hold onto her shoulder, pushing her into the mattress so that her rear was up and the front part of her body was down. He needed her still. Needed her submissive. He needed to claim her. To show her who she belonged to. He needed to eradicate the other male from her mind.

  Ward snarled at the thought of Lance. Her so called mate.

  Stephany whimpered.

  “I won’t hurt you. Trust me, please.” He begged. Needing this more than he needed his next breath. His wolf was restless and pacing. It wanted him to mark his female in such a way that would leave a scar. Not something he would allow.

  “I do trust you, Ward,” she whimpered.

  He leaned forward so that his cheek rested against her. “I’m going to take you now. It’s going to be hard,” he growled. “I don’t have much willpower,” he added, pausing. Ward could feel sweat beading on his brow. He would wait until she gave her permission and he would withdraw if she didn’t. He grit his teeth. The two seconds it took her to answer felt like an eternity.


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