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Napoleon's Gift

Page 18

by Alie Infante

  I was not sure if I were imagining it or it was delirium induced by the pain, but as I looked up, Marié Antoinette Basile was standing in front of me.

  “You vile creature, you could not possess her while I was there, what would make you think I would allow this now!” She hissed, did something with her hands, and Madame Voule fell to her knees screaming in secession.

  Madame Voule threw her hair back from her face, then immediately got to her feet laughing

  She laughed even more chanting louder, touched me with the iron again on my right arm this time, I screamed, then passed out.

  Marié began to chant, both madams screamed, convulsing to the floor as they did.

  Geneviève never saw Abel and Isaiah charge forward, then lop off both Madame’s heads.

  Abel frowned, then picked up Madame’s Voule’s head.

  “This aien’t over boy!” She hissed eyes remaining open, Isaiah screamed, then tossed Madame Soleil’s head to the floor.

  “What are you doing boy? Pick it up, and place it in the sac. We need to burry them separate.” Abel frowned at Isaiah; he nodded, then timidly placed Madame Soleil’s head in the sac.

  “Give it to me, you get Ginny home.” Abel said as he saw Marié’s spirit kiss her granddaughter, caress her face, then disappear.

  “And you?” Isaiah asked frowning up at Abel.

  “Seems like some moonlight burials. I have some things to tend to, now go.” He commanded, Isaiah picked Ginny up, then hurried from the house.

  As Abel stood back and watched Madame Voule’s burn, he clutched both heads in the sac, then hurried off as he heard town’s fire volunteers.



  Two months later…

  Although I had been through a dreadful ordeal, Doctor Augustine said I came through unscathed.

  However, mentally, I would never be the same.

  I still could not quite fathom, how Claudette had taken something so pure, and turned it into something so primeval, unnatural and malicious. Even so, I was truly saddened by her senseless death.

  I was not sure what could be done about Monsieur Marcus, because since her death, he refused to leave his home, and had become somewhat of a hermit.

  Benjamin did not think it best for me to visit him, and I agreed, because the Pinkertons left the fact that Claudette was killed during which I had to watch out of their report.

  Nonetheless, I felt for him, because they had not given him a reason for her death, so I felt it kept him from grieving properly.

  I had no clue what happened to both madams, and whenever I asked Abel, he would only smile and say I need not worry over it. I would kiss his cheek, then go about my business.

  Of all my despondency, I was struck most by Ms. Millie’s death. I could not comprehend how someone could dispend with such a wonderful person as Ms. Millie, and Isaiah and I both cried for two days because of it. As of that moment, he and I were kindred spirits. Fabre sought out the constable the day after the chaos, showed him where he had buried Ms. Millie, after constable Jefferies held him for questioning, then eventually let him go.

  I went to see Onrey days after Gonrey’s death, and was astounded that Mrs. Bushé was not in mourning. She believed that maybe the lord had shown Gonrey mercy, and opened his pearly gates for his spirit. However, because I knew Gonrey was a rotten egg, I prayed that there was some truth in what Mrs. Bushé believed.

  What surprised me most was the fact that Monique had taken over Madame’s. Nevertheless, I knew because of the compassionate person Monique was, the girls would be treated well, and if they chose to return to their former lives, Monique would allow it, with no consequences to them. I was elated, that she was finally content, although it was not the occupation I would have chosen for her; yet she had told me once, that this was their lot. I was pleased, that she was able to lessen the burden of it for the girls.

  Since Mr. Charles had been gunned down in a criminal act, the bank had seized his properties, and if my assumption was correct, my father’s solicitor Gaillard was in the process of procuring it for Benjamin’s friend Bartholomew.

  The Opium house was shut down, and the residents of New Orleans were just as astonished as I was to learn that it was there. The Pinkerton Agents went on their way to their next adventure, because in all the commotion, although shot in the arm, Thomas Cole Younger managed to escape, with Declan Anderson hot on his trail.

  I sighed, because at least the shenanigans would be far from New Orleans.

  Benjamin sold his home in England, and seemed to be adjusting to Southern life quite well. If ever I loved anyone on this earth more than I loved my Marié, it was Benjamin.

  Yet, I was quite flabbergasted when his friend Bartholomew decided to stay as well, for I thought New Orleans a bit slow for him. Conversely, Benjamin mentioned that he had taken quite an interest in Adèle, and I was very happy for her. Her face seemed to light up each time he came into the room, so I was sure nuptials would be declared soon.

  As I sat on the veranda thinking on all of this, I instantly missed my Marié. I had no clue if I had truly seen her that night, but I believed I had. I felt as if she was watching over Benjamin and me with a smile, and I felt this to be true every time I placed fresh flowers on her grave.

  I retreated from my thoughts, and smiled as I saw my handsome husband walking towards the house, with a hand full of copper irises. The smile he gave me caused my heart to skip a beat.

  When he reached me, he placed the irises in my hand, then kissed me deeply as his hand found its way to my slightly protruding belly. I laughed, and as he drew back, his beautiful blue eyes sparkled.

  “Why are ye not upstairs resting? Especially after what ye’ve been through my love.”

  “I am quite fine Benny.” I laughed, then frowned as he swept me up in his arms moving towards the door.

  “I can think of much finer things we can teach each other. I daresay yer tutelage is not quite finished.” He grinned, and I laughed.

  “Ye don’t say?” I mocked, and he laughed again.

  “That I do, there is always much to learn about the art of loving a man.” He claimed, and I laughed again.

  “I only wish to love one man.” I countered; he smiled, then kissed me deeply.

  “Then it is time ye kept that promise.” He grinned wolfishly, then took the stairs two at a time.

  Here was my Napoleon’s gift, the day I walked into that Bordello. He had changed my life; and for the better, I thought as his hips took mine. It took us fourteen years, but he was finally mine, and I was finally his.

  I would seize this love and bliss, then secrete it deeply in the recesses of my heart. He…was all I needed.

  My one genuine gift.

  I thought, as he whispered I love ye.

  Catch a Snippet

  Shards of Grey…

  England 1795


  William stood watching his sister from the path.

  He looked at his brother’s face, and it was grim. He knew what he was doing, and neither of them could sway him from it. Someone had to protect Samantha, even if their father would not. His brain repeated the scenes of the last hour, and he trembled again just contemplating it. It had been his father’s proposal, but he knew she should not have attended.

  Samantha was best acquaintances with Lord and Lady Athermays’ daughter Jessica. Jessica and Samantha supplicated and beseeched father to allow Samantha to travel on holiday with them to Bristol. Jessica was to be betrothed to the Duke of Harmony, and Samantha was to be her chaperon. The rumors of the Ton were that Lady Jessica was into obsessions her parents had no designs of, and the fact that she drew Samantha downward with her, only served to make William even angrier.

  “Manley, don not do this. Please!” Samantha wailed from the carriage.

  The prior days flashed through William’s mind. He remembered being in high spirits for Samantha, because finally she would be able to go on holiday.
  Samantha was marrying age, and since the death of their mother, William had done the best he could in nurturing her. Their father was too consumed in his social scenes, making money, and giving the appearance that they were extremely well off, and a content family. Samantha had completed the setting, and unbeknownst to him she had agreed to attend Nathaniel Grimly’s, The Earl of Wiltshire’s ball.

  He had taken benefit with her, and was in the process of assaulting her, when William burst through the doors.

  “You can not go in there sir!” The butler screamed.

  “Observe me.” William spat, shoved the butler aside, then burst through Grimly’s study.

  Samantha’s dress was cleaved, and the Earl was on top of her fumbling with her under things. William grabbed him by the back of his head and heaved him to the floor. When he rose, William struck him in the face repeatedly, until he was hauled up from the Earl.

  The Earl howled for his men, his pain quite evident.

  “I will retain justice! Declare yer second.” He yelled as he pulled his handkerchief from his sleeve, placing it to his bleeding nose.

  Nicholas rushed into the room.

  “William! What have ye done? I convey ye to delay, allow father to conduct this!”

  “Ye’ve seen how he has dealt with it Nicky! How can ye declare that?”

  “I will have my retribution! That little trollop threw herself at me, and now ye have assaulted me in turn! Moreover, in my own home no less!” The Earl shouted and William took a step towards him, but Nicholas caught him from behind.

  “At dawn, take this whore from my home. Furthermore, ye had better be at Crest Square at dawn. I will be avenged of this slight.” He spat as he glared at Samantha.

  “Ye will, but ye’ll not live to tell it.” William retorted a bit too contained for Nicholas. He seized Samantha and led them both from the house.

  “It is essential that I depart Nicky, transport Sam home and I’ll be there shortly.”

  “And what shall I inform father?” Nicholas cried.

  “Forthrightly, I don not care Nicky. Anyway ye slice this loaf; it is entirely his damnable fault.” William frowned; Nicholas nodded, then turned towards the carriage, when William’s voice caused him to pause.

  “Will ye be my second?” William asked and Nicholas nearly choked on the fear.

  He was not one to disappoint his brother down, but God, a duel.

  “Fear moves me to decline dear brother, but ye recognize I was never one to cower from a fight.” He replied grinning.

  “Thank ye Nicholas, now transfer Samantha home, and be at Crest Square at dawn.”

  “Are ye certain Will?” Nicholas asked, his eyes pleading with his brother for sanity.

  “Yes I am, and even were I not, do ye earnestly imagine Grimly would allow this pass?”

  Nicholas shook his head gravely.

  “Precisely, neither did I. Just make certain ye are there.”

  “I will.” Nicholas replied, then instructed the driver to depart.


  Estates London…

  When Nicholas arrived at his father’s town house, he was waiting for them in the parlor.

  “Where is yer brother?” He snapped.

  “I have no suspicions father; yer deduction is as best as mine.” Nicholas responded as he handed his sister over to her maidservant. She needed the attention of a doctor, so Nicholas told Billingsworth to fetch the doctor quickly.

  “I desire to be acquainted with what is transpiring Nicholas, and I wish to know now.”

  “Then ye shall have to solicit the answers from William, because I cannot distinguish what they are.”

  “Do not perjure yourself to me boy!” The Duke retorted, then seized Nicholas by his shirtfront.

  “I am not acquainted with then, nevertheless whatever it is William is burden with should not have been his responsibility in the first place! Yer her father; this was a slight against ye. Yet ye do nothing.”

  The Duke released Nicholas; Nicholas took a step back as he saw the anger in his father’s eyes. The Duke’s frown increased, he did not necessitate clarifying himself to either one of his sons.

  “I have already taken care of the state of affairs, and William will only make matters inferior! Samantha is to marry Lord Farmington at the weeks end. It is dreadful enough they will have to have a rushed wedding, because the rumors are bound to fly.”

  “Surely not rushed father?” Nicholas replied dryly, and his father looked at him.

  “Ye had better stay yer place Nicholas. Ye are of the nobility, and acting like a buffoon is not a selection. Ye will permit this to me, because if ye do not I will disown the both of ye. Therefore, it would behoove you to inform William of the same thing!” The Duke shouted and left Nicholas standing there.

  It was near to four am.

  Nicholas thought sighing as he looked at his timepiece.

  He had better hurry along, if he were to set things right.

  He turned and rushed out the door.

  Samantha delayed until Nicholas went out the front door to call for Newly. She just could not allow William to do this!



  William stood in the middle of the square observing his timepiece.

  Grimly was already in attendance, with Lord Sinclair as his second.

  Nicholas had moments to appear or he would have to do this without him.

  No sooner had he contemplated the words, Nicholas rolled up in his carriage. He jumped to the ground before the carriage could roll to a complete stop.

  “Were ye anxious old chap? I vowed I would be here.” Nicholas grinned. William looked at his younger brother then.

  He was about to ruin his life, all because William had asked him to.

  Nicholas was two years his junior, but William knew he would give up his life for him if need be.

  Another carriage immediately rolled up and Samantha jumped from it yelling his name.

  “Manley! Manley ye do not have to do this. Father has repaired this! I shall wed Farthenton at weeks end. Ye cannot do this!” She cried as she ran to him.

  William looked down at his sibling. She had grown into such a woman right before his eyes, and at the age of sixteen, this face would cause many a head to turn.

  He recalled how she had come to give him that ridiculous nickname. She had been somewhere around five at the time, and he had taken his first shooting lesson with their father. She wanted to tell him how manly he was now, but it had come out as Manley. He smiled down on her now.

  “I must Samantha, now depart to the carriage and proceed home.” He kissed her forehead, then turned on his heel to approach Lord Grimly.

  “You will both count off ten paces, turn and fire. The one who has remained standing will be the victor.” Cummins stated, then moved back.

  Nicholas ensured the pistols, then administered one to William.

  “Manley please, do not do this!”Samantha pleased, the tears flowing freely now.

  “Travel home Samantha. Now!” William shouted, Newly took hold of Samantha, but she jerked away from him.

  “Ye may begin counting gentleman.” Cummins stated, then hurried from between the two of them.

  As he marked off the seconds in his head, William deliberated on the preceding twenty-one years of his life. Since the death of his mother, nothing seemed to truly matter to him, besides Nicholas and Samantha.

  He pivoted on his left heel, raised the gun and fired. The bullet struck Grimly in the chest, and Grimbly’s bullet grazed William’s temple. He went down, but as he did, he heard Samantha’s screams.

  “He’s dead! Grimbly is dead!” Sinclair shouted, the blackness surrounded William, clouding everything else out. He attempted to center on the voices he heard, but the blackness was gathering quickly.

  “Do not die Manley! Don’t ye dare die!” He heard Samantha yelling at him, but for the life of him, he could not appear to open his eyes to converge on her

  Chapter One.

  1805 St. Croix…

  “So, what will you accomplish while I am on holiday in France Abseil?”

  Julia asked, and I frowned as I contemplated it.

  “Most certainly shrivel up and die.” I wailed with a frown.

  “Oh you will not, anyway I have a plan.”Julia grinned, and I laughed

  “Which is?” I asked with a hopeful look.

  “I am attempting to request of father if I can transport you with me. I have already designed the entire scheme. It will not involve any extra currency on his part, so he should be well with it.” We both laughed at that.

  Mr. Stevens was such a skinflint, and everyone on the island knew it.

  “When are you planning to ask him?” I asked, and Julia sighed, then frowned slightly.

  “Tonite at supper.”

  “Do you honestly believe he’ll allow it?” I asked, very doubtful.

  “I do not perceive why not. He does not; all is taken care of. With the monies gram sent me, and what Aunt Ellie sent for the passage we sufficient. You will travel with me, so you do not require any papers. Aunt Ellie telegraphed and granted her permission.”

  “When did you solicit your aunt?” I asked surprised.

  “Last month when she sent me the letter. When father told me, I would be departing alone with Lady Braithwaite and her atrocious twins; I knew if I had to travel alone all the way to France with the lot of them, I would jump overboard!” At this, Julia made a face and we both laughed.

  “Nevertheless, do you truly believe he’ll say yes? I would sincerely wither if I have to remain here for the entire summer without you.” I moaned, and she embraced me.

  Despite the differences in color, we had been best friends for twenty-one years.

  It was Julia’s twenty-first birthday, which warranted this trip to France.

  I am mulato, but Julia has always treated me as her equal since we both learned to speak and walk. She declared that when she observed me, she distinguished her best friend in the entire world, and color had not one thing to do with it. I could read and write as well as Julia, because Julia made her governess Deborah teach me as well. When Deborah protested saying coloreds had no rights to learning, Julia threatened to have her father get rid of Deborah if she did not.


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