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Dystopia (Book 4): The Dark Days

Page 5

by Cooper, DJ

  Loel stood at the door saying, “He’s with you from now on. Do not let him out of your sight.”

  Looking to Ryan, “There will be guards at all times for you, but I want to move everyone to a larger interior area, away from the outside windows. I’ll take the remaining militia men, Dickie, Loel, and Jeremy back to the farm to work with them.”

  Rich stood saying, “I’m coming to help.” Ryan shook his head to which Rich said, “I have another reason for going, I need to see Roger and Ray.”

  Ryan conceded, “Ok then let’s go.”

  Dez called after them, “Remember, tell no one about Rita. And for God’s sake leave us ladies some guns will ya?”

  Ryan laughed, “Leave it to you Dez. Yeah, we’ll issue everyone a sidearm.”

  Dickie came over to Charleigh, “Take care of my little one missy?”

  Charleigh nodded, “You can bet on that.”

  Everyone was moved to the quarantine area. It was where those with Rita were housed during quarantine. It was also large, with a couple of sofas and a sink. Nearby was a small fridge and cabinets. Beds were rolled in and set up around the perimeter of the room. Dez remained in her room for a little while longer to rest but was heavily guarded. As everyone was settling in another young boy entered the room, he looked scared and alone. Rita got up, going over to him she put her hand on his shoulder and said, “Hey everyone this is Joseph, he arrived with us.”

  Matty whom had not taken his eyes off his mother and

  Ariel for a second joined Ariel and went to Joseph and asked if he wanted to play with them. His expression relaxed, looking to Rita like he needed permission. She nodded and said, “Go ahead.”

  Keith was standing behind her, “Do you mind? I’m going to the farm with the others to see if I can help.”

  “Go ahead, I got this.” She smiled.

  Chapter 7


  “Every good citizen makes his country's honor his own and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defense and is conscious that he gains protection while he gives it.”

  -Andrew Jackson

  They piled into the Jeep with Ryan and headed back to the farm to attend to the issue of Matt. They also wanted to see to the defenses and prepare for what would inevitably be another attack from the gang.

  It was dusk, and the sun was setting behind the mountain. Unwilling to use the headlights for fear they’d be spotted. They made their way slowly down the dirt road to where; sat nestled between the two ridges, was the farm and the others awaiting word.

  Pulling up to the gate they found Toni and Tawny on watch. Toni was anxious to know how Dez and the others were doing. Ryan smiled at her and she knew before he said anything that Dez would be fine. Jeremy sat nodding with his lips pressed together in a tight smile. So much of the previous day’s concerns lifted as she and Tawny hugged one another.

  Swapping the post with two of the men from the militia that had come with them, the girls hopped into the jeep for the short ride up to the barn. It was time to look over and seriously discuss the defenses. Pulling up to the barn they were spotted by Conner who announced they’d arrived. As soon as they walked in everyone was speaking at once. They all wanted to know how Dez was doing.

  Ryan quieted them all so that they could speak. “Dez is out of surgery and is doing fine. She will be back here with the rest of you before you know it. Everyone else is well and the children are safe at the infirmary.”

  Nearly cheering, the noise level in the barn was thunderous. Once everyone settled down they could finally sit and discuss the defense of the farm. Ryan had brought a topographical map that he laid out on the table. Jeremy knew this map well; he had one of his own. They began to look at the farm and the area surrounding it. Recalling from the last incident how those in the gang had come over the ridges that looked down upon the farm. This is where they would begin their defense preparations.

  Jeremy nodded as Ryan explained the area a made note about this place. The ridges were why Dez had decided to purchase it in the first place. This reason was also a problem that they had to face. The farm sat nestled surrounded on 3 sides by ridges. When one looked at it from an aerial view or a topographical map it almost looked like a heart in the midst of these ridges. Flowing from between the two lobes at the top of the heart on each side ran a spring. These continued freely into a single creek running out at the bottom of the heart. A pond held the water until it flowed over a small dam and continued its path to the larger creek at the edge of the property. While it was ideal because it provided shelter from storms and it kept the farm nestled in behind these ridges unseen from the road, it also proposed a dilemma where they could easily be caught in a crossfire between them.

  Sam pointed to the ridges and looking at Jeremy he began. “I've been checking the area along the tops of these ridges. I think here is where we need to begin our defense preparations. Keeping attacks to the far sides of these ridges will inhibit their ability to not only descend upon the farm but also to converge, keeping them separated from one another.”

  Jeremy nodded in agreement. But Ryan look troubled. Sam looked to him tilting his head slightly with the question in his eyes. Ryan explained. “This is indeed an area where we need to beef up the defenses. But I think we need to be mindful of a wider area.”

  “Wider?” Asked Sam.

  “Yes, while we’re thinking about defending this farm. Something else to consider is that even though at this moment in time this gang is targeting you all on the farm; eventually, they will seek the rest of us in the area. I think the key to stopping them is keeping them out of this area altogether. We do need to beef up your defenses in case of an imminent attack. I also think we need to have a meeting of others in the surrounding area to identify chokepoints. Places where we can stop these guys before they can get this far.”

  The volume in the barn raised as everyone begin to talk at once. Considering a larger picture was not something they immediately gave thought to. So busy in their own little world; in trying to maintain their own safety they hadn’t thought about the community as a whole and the ways to create safe zones.

  Ryan continued. “I don't believe that we can keep people out of every area of our community. I think that’s too large of an area; spread out across too many miles to be able to completely encompass it all. In town we have a lot of people and these people can help provide for defense, however, they do not have the means to provide the kind of food that the outlying farms can. I propose that we have a community meeting to create zones for the provision and protection of all. I’ve already spoken to Dez on this topic and she whole heartedly agrees, but that everyone in her group has a voice.”

  Janice was the first to speak. “I think this is a fantastic thought. I agree with you as well. What should we do to plan for this meeting? Where and when do you propose the meeting should take place?” Janice was followed by nods of agreement and subtle chatter in affirmation.

  Sam put his hands up for silence. “First thing’s first, what we know is a couple of facts. The first of these is that Morgan and this gang will attack again. We need to be ready right now, here, today.” Looking over at Ryan, “Not just here, but also at the infirmary. Matt left, he knows where Dez and the others are. If his plan is to join that gang, as I suspect it is, we will need to be mindful of not only our farm; but the town and the infirmary as well.”

  Nodding in agreement, Ryan sat with his hand on his chin; as though in deep thought. Dickie spoke what Ryan was thinking. “How can we mount a proper defense for both?”

  “I think all we can do, is the best we can do.” Sam looked to Ray and Roger sitting off to the side talking with one another and asked, “Hey there, do you two have any ideas?”

  Ray nodded and stood. “Our thoughts are that we are questioning spending all of our time and energy on defense. When the easiest thing to do would be to just hunt them down.”

  Gasps filled the air in
the barn, as Ryan’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “I don't mean old west posse style run em’ down kinda hunting. What I'm talking about is sending scouts to find out where their holed up. Once we ascertain this information we can accurately determine their numbers. While I know it's impossible to get all the information before they carry out any other attacks, being smart about it and using this chance to gather some intel would be prudent. These attacks can provide us the information we need to take these guys out. And do it quicker than if we just took a defensive track.”

  John smiled, “I knew these guys would come in handy sooner or later.” Everyone laughed.

  The meeting concluded with acknowledgement that these were promising ideas. The community gathering would be scheduled for a time when Dez could attend and represent the interests of the farm. Sam and Roger talked with one another and determined that they would be the ones to track the gang. Ryan volunteered two of his best guys to take on this task with them.

  They had hoped that they would have had more time before another attack, but when the first shot rang out they found themselves completely unprepared. Racing from the barn they started to take a position in defense of the farm.

  Chapter 8

  Decisive moments

  The essence of morality is a questioning about morality; and the decisive move of human life is to use ceaselessly all light to look for the origin of the opposition between good and evil.

  -Georges Bataille

  Shards of glass flew across the hall as the doors shattered. They’d been blown from their hinges. Inward the glass, mixed with pieces of metal lay strewn across the hallway. The small room holding many friends and the children was on the right, protected outside the doors by the men from the militia. On the left, the room where Dez lay sleeping, protected as well.

  Shots rang out as the men began to fire at the intruders. Echoing through the hallway as each shot was louder than the last. The children curled up, everyone huddled under one of the hospital beds. Rita and Charlie were poised and prepared to shoot anyone that walked through that door.

  On the other side of the hallway Dez was shocked into a waking state as the firing continued. Her own guards unmoving from her doorway, still looking from one to another in confusion as to whether they should stand their guard, or aid in the fight. The door flung open. Dez stood, holster around her waist, nine-millimeter hanging from her hip. She nodded to them to advance. Holding in one hand the shotgun and in the other a box of double ought Buck. Placing her finger to her lips she shooed the men from her door and followed them down the hallway as they moved in the direction of the main entry.

  Creeping around the corner they could see that the invaders were focusing on the men protecting the doorway to where the children remained hidden. The final man at the door between the children and them fell from the gunfire. It ceased and through the smoke in the hallway emerged five people that marched straight for the door. They thought it was the only protection between the children and them. The two men in front kicked the doors open and marched in as victors. They were unaware that what lay behind were armed mothers not about to allow them to have access to their children. They were instantly dispatched; Charleigh firing on one, while Rita fired on the other.

  Quickly the invaders crouched near the door firing at them, the two were tucked behind a hospital bed turned over on its side in front of the children. They fired back in a valiant effort to protect the young ones. Unfortunately, there ammunition did not hold out as long as the men’s coming through the door did.

  As the smoke began to clear Matt and Morgan stepped through the doorway together. Rita gasped as Charleigh clicked the trigger of the gun that was now empty. It made a clicking sound as she continued to pull the trigger on her empty gun.

  Matt called out, “Matty! It's daddy, come over here son.” Rita turned to Matty and shook her head no. Matty held tighter to Ariel, whispering in her ear. “Don't you worry, I'll protect you.” Joseph who was holding the tiny infant crept over to join the huddle with Ariel and Matty.

  Rita called out from behind their barrier. “You will never get near my son, ever again.”

  A look of shock came across the faces of both Matt and Morgan. Until now, they’d had no idea that Rita was even alive. Morgan, through clenched teeth, looked at Matt. “I killed that bitch, I threw her ass into the River. I saw her go downstream.”

  Matt looked at her, then back to Rita. A look of confusion crossed his face, yet he said nothing. That moment of hesitation and confusion gave Dez the opening she'd been seeking.

  The men who were with her crept up on the attackers from behind. Each dealing a deadly blow from the point of their knife. Destiny hobbled towards another where she pushed herself into the man wedging her knife upward through his rib cage. The man looked to her, horrified and pushed her. She fell to the floor blood seeping from her stitches. Wincing in pain she grabbed at her side. Using the wall, she pulled herself up. Her guards stood on either side of the door to the room firing on the invaders. Leaving Matt and Morgan to stand alone guns pointed in their direction.

  The guards, parting slightly as Dez walked through. Matt looked at her with shock as she looked to him shaking her head, a tear in her eye. She approached Morgan who lashed out at her. Ducking she dodged the fist, plunging the knife deep into Morgan’s side. Hitting precisely the same place Morgan had shot her. Whispering in her ear, “How do you like me now?”

  Morgan fell backwards into Matt who caught her just as more shots rang out from the corridor. Matt scooped her up and ran through the door. Retreating with the members of the gang who’d been waiting outside.

  Dez fell to her knees clutching her side where the stiches had torn. Running over and squatting beside her Ariel grabbed her arm to help her up. Charleigh and Rita rushed over and helped her to a bed to lie down.

  Charleigh shook her head at her mother, with a look that crossed between amusement and fear. Trying to lighten up the situation she said to her. “You know Ma, you could have put some damn pants on. Walking around all six-gun Suzie with her ass hanging out ain’t exactly instilling fear in the minds of our enemies.”

  Dez groaned as though some revelation had struck, and the thought of pants were a novel one.

  The men who’d guarded her door came in. “Is everyone alright? Someone's gone for the doctor, he'll be here shortly.” Looking to Dez, “Ma’am, would you care to return to your room?”

  Dez nodded no. “I'd like to stay here with my family.”

  They nodded, turning, they exited the room and took up positions outside the door.

  Charleigh looked troubled and Rita asked. “What's wrong? We are all OK… I think we're safe for now, and the guys are right outside the door.”

  “We were holding our own, that is until we ran out of rounds. I don't like our position here, there’s no escape and we’re not armed in such a way as to be able to protect ourselves.”

  Dez looked over at her daughter. Pride in her eyes, she was listening all this time. “You're right honey, this place is poorly defensible and we were clearly outgunned. They sent word to the others back at the farm. We will definitely need to address this with them.”

  Ariel climbed up onto the bed and snuggled in under Dez's arm. Dez was tired, and so was Ariel. Charleigh and Rita were busy discussing the way things went down while sipping on a cup of coffee that the nurse brought in. By the time the doctor got there Ariel and Dez were fast asleep. Briefly checking her wound, he noted that she’d torn a couple of stitches, but thankfully the bleeding had stopped. Rather than bother with them right now, preferring the rest for Dez, he placed a dressing over it and said that it could wait until after their nap.

  Chapter 9


  Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

  -Winston Churchill

  The attack was less intense and not as precise this round, which
got Sam thinking that something was amiss. Sam and Roger along with the two men that Ryan had sent crept from tree to tree in silent pursuit of their attackers. Something was nagging at Sam; the fight was too easy. The barrage of fire was intense, and they lost another friend, but the fight was halfhearted and over just as swiftly as it had begun. Recalling those first moments, there was no rhyme or reason; or for that matter, even what appeared to be a target.

  The realization finally hit Sam. He crept up next to Roger and whispered to him. “I don't think we were the target. I think what this was, was a diversion. Do you have the radio? “

  “I do.” Reaching into his pack he produced the handheld walkie and gave it to Sam.

  Sam keyed the mic, whispering. “Scout team to base. I don't think we were the target of this attack. I am worried about the infirmary. Send help to check. No response. Going dark to maintain stealth in pursuit. Key twice if received. Over.”

  Two clicks came over the Airways and Sam shut off the walkie. Nodding to Roger and waving to the other two they proceeded cautiously up the hillside.

  Once they'd reached the top of the ridge they could see, at the base of the hill; a group of men and trucks gathered in the old quarry awaiting the return of their comrades. They were on foot and there was no way that they would be able to follow the trucks. They waited and watched as the men returned to the trucks and they drove off down the road heading east.

  From this vantage point they could see the intersection where the vehicles could only turn left or right. Waiting to see when the trucks reached the intersection, they turned left heading north. Now at least they had a direction that they would need to go to find this band of thugs; and the staging area for attacks.

  Making their way back down toward the barn, Sam caught sight of a reflection on the hillside. Waving the others to get down he pointed to his eyes and then in the direction he saw the flash. They all sat frozen, watching the area of the hillside for any sign of movement. Sam whispered to Roger, “I know I saw something, it was like a reflection of the sun off something shiny. Over that way… there I saw it again.”


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