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Back Piece

Page 12

by L. A. Witt

  “Your . . .”

  As if on cue, Shane stepped into the kitchen. “Oh. Hey.” He tossed his keys on the counter, missing the bowl by a mile. “Didn’t realize you had company.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I forgot to text you.” Colin gestured at both men. “Shane, this is Daniel. Daniel, this is my brother, Shane. He lives with me.” Colin cringed inwardly, which was stupid. There was no reason to think Daniel would immediately read between the lines. People lived with roommates—including siblings—all the time. Especially with the way the housing market was these days. As they shook hands, Daniel had absolutely no reason to suspect this arrangement was less about splitting bills and more about making sure Colin wasn’t alone for long stretches.

  But I might have to tell him sooner or later.

  Colin pushed that thought away. He and Daniel had just met and just started sleeping together. No need to put carts before horses.

  As Shane released Daniel’s hand, he said, “Military, I take it?”

  Daniel laughed. “Haircut give it away?”

  “Well, and . . .” Shane tapped his own chest, and Daniel glanced down as if he’d forgotten about his tattoo.

  “Oh. Right.” Daniel nodded toward Colin. “He did a great job on it.”

  “He always does.” Shane smiled. “Anyway, uh . . .” He gestured toward his room. “I’ve gotta get ready for work. Nice meeting you, Daniel.”

  “You, too.”

  Shane disappeared down the hall.

  “So yeah.” Colin gestured after him. “My brother-slash-roommate.”

  “How long have you guys lived together?”

  “Off and on the last few years. It’s kind of funny, actually. I moved out here to Virginia to get back on my feet after . . .” Colin caught himself before he went into too much detail. “Anyway, I moved here from California to stay with him for a while. Got my shit together, and used some of the money I had left from films to start the business and buy this place.” He gestured around the kitchen, as if that indicated the entire house. “Then a year and a half or so ago, he and his wife broke up, and he wound up moving in with me.” And stayed because I needed him to.

  “Sounds like you guys take care of each other.”

  “Always have.”

  “That’s good. Real good.”

  “It is.” Colin shifted his weight. “In fact, he’s the one who encouraged me to tell you about my past.”

  “So, he knows?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s known almost from the start.”

  Daniel glanced at the hall Shane had gone down. Then, shaking his head, he blew out a breath. “Man. I’m scared to death to tell my family I’m gay, and yours is cool with you being a porn star. We obviously come from two very, very different worlds.”

  “Yeah. We do.” Colin put his hands on Daniel’s hips. “Welcome to mine.”

  “Thanks.” Daniel smiled. Nodding in Shane’s direction, he added, “So does everyone in your family know?”

  “About my past?” Colin waved a hand. “Oh yeah. It’s not news to anybody anymore.”

  “How’d they take that?”

  “My parents weren’t thrilled, but they didn’t try to stop me. And now it’s just kind of a joke that comes up at family reunions.”

  “They joke about it?” Daniel’s eyes widened. “Really?”


  “My family would be . . .” He shook his head. “Not joking about it.”

  “Most families wouldn’t. Mine happens to be incredibly laid-back. And yours?” Colin pulled him close enough for skin to press against skin. “You deserve so much better than that.”

  “I know.” Daniel smiled. “Kinda seems like I’ve found it.”

  “You better believe it.” Colin kissed him softly. “I’m sorry if things got a little weird tonight, by the way. I just wanted to clear the air, I guess.”

  Daniel nodded. “Yeah, I understand. And I’m glad you told me. You didn’t have to, but I’m glad you did.”

  “Good.” Colin smiled past the lingering nervousness from earlier. Somehow he was still convinced Daniel was going to turn tail and run now that he knew.

  “And while we’re clearing the air,” Daniel said. “I, uh . . . you might have to spell things out for me as we go. Like what we’re doing.”

  Colin tilted his head. “Besides having sex?”

  Daniel blushed, which was still adorable. “Uh. Yeah. But are we . . . I mean, is this . . .”

  Ah, Colin knew where this was going.

  He cupped Daniel’s face. “Is this a relationship? Like an exclusive one?”

  Daniel nodded. “Yeah. I don’t know how the rules work with this shit.”

  “We make our own.”

  “Okay, so what rules do we make, then?” Daniel shrugged. “I’m clueless.”

  “All right, well, you’ve never had a relationship, and personally, I’m not a big fan of them. Not the exclusive, romantic ones, anyway. Been burned a few times too many.” Okay, one time too many. “Sex, though?” He grinned. “I am absolutely on board.”

  “Me, too. I just, uh, don’t want you to think I’m using you.”

  Colin smiled and kissed him softly. “It isn’t like I’m getting nothing out of this.”

  “Okay, fair. But I . . .”

  “Relax. As long as we’re both enjoying it, nobody’s doing anything wrong.” Colin combed his fingers through Daniel’s disheveled hair. “Not exclusive, either.”

  “So, what does that mean? We can both sleep with other people?”

  “Pretty much,” Colin said with a nod. “I mean, let me know if you’re going to be going bareback with anyone, but otherwise . . .” He shrugged. “I don’t own you or anything.”


  He touched Daniel’s face. “Is that okay?”

  Daniel’s shoulders sagged as he released a long breath. “This is just so . . . different from what I saw myself doing.”

  Colin drew back a little. “So what do you want to do?”

  Daniel chewed his lip. “I mean, I won’t lie. It’s weird. I was raised to believe you didn’t have sex with someone until you were married. Even after I started questioning those beliefs, I figured I should at least wait until I was in love with someone. So this . . . this wasn’t . . .”

  “But are you comfortable with what we’re doing?”

  “Yeah,” Daniel said without hesitation. “Completely. Which is what weirds me out the most. I never understood how the guys on my boat could go out and get laid with someone they just met, but . . .” He looked at Colin. “Now I get it.”

  Colin studied him. “And you’re okay with it?”

  Slowly, a smile spread across Daniel’s lips. “Don’t tell my parents, but I am definitely okay with it.”

  “Excellent. Because there are still a lot of things I can’t wait to show you.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  Colin winked. “Guess you’ll just have to see.”

  And just as he hoped he would, Daniel shivered.

  Chapter 14

  Daniel was still surprised by Colin’s revelation about his past, but he had to admit he was excited. The man guiding him through the bedroom was someone who’d had sex professionally—how many newbies had that kind of opportunity? He’d gone from nothing at all to a friend with benefits who knew the male body like Daniel knew the electrical components of a Hornet. Fuck yes.

  And all Colin needed was for Daniel to say the word, and he’d fuck him. At first, Daniel had been too scared to give the green light, but it only took a few nights for him to work up the nerve. Probably didn’t hurt that one of those nights, he couldn’t see Colin. Every fourth night he had duty, so he had to sleep on the ship along with a quarter of the crew—everyone on duty was confined to the ship in case of a fire or emergency. As needed, they were assigned to watches, which were the most excruciatingly boring things ever. Especially when he wound up on one of those stupid watches where he had to spend hours doing absolutely not
hing and waiting for something to happen.

  Three hours into tonight’s duty, Daniel was ready to lose his ever-loving mind. Sitting on watch, he had nothing to do but pass the time thinking the impurest of impure thoughts about Colin. How long would it take for the novelty to wear off? He had no idea, but he sure wasn’t in any hurry for that to happen. He liked tripping over his own feet when he remembered a particularly hot kiss, or losing his train of thought to what they might do tomorrow. He didn’t question for a second that Colin had really been a porn star, because damn, he fit nicely into Daniel’s mental pornos.

  He tried to focus on his job and the watch he was standing, but his mind kept circling back to Colin. The longer the evening wore on, the more graphic his thoughts became, and by the time he was halfway through his watch, he couldn’t focus on anything besides everything he wanted to do tomorrow night. Specifically, that he was ready to find out if anal sex was really something to be nervous about, or if it would be as good as it looked in porn.

  Finally, he texted Colin—I’m picking up condoms on the way over tomorrow.

  Colin didn’t miss a beat. I’ve got plenty. Lube, too. You sure?

  Very sure. Can’t wait.

  Can’t wait either. Looking forward to it. ;).

  Daniel stared at the text message. God, yes. They were going to do this. He’d finally find out what it was like to be fucked like he’d been fantasizing about for so long. Tomorrow night, it was on.

  And . . . that was a mistake.

  Not the part about getting fucked tomorrow. No, that was absolutely the right thing. One more night without taking Colin inside him, and Daniel might just lose his ever-loving mind.

  The mistake was bringing it up tonight. Confirming it with Colin. All but promising that this time tomorrow, Colin would be balls deep in him.

  Daniel shivered. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. If his watch assignment had been going by slowly before, it was crawling now.

  Just have to make it through ’til tomorrow. I’ve got this.

  I think.

  Oh God, is it tomorrow yet?

  * * *

  As they sank naked onto Colin’s bed, Daniel swore it was like he’d never been anywhere else. The past twenty-four hours of climbing the walls were just gone. Vanished. Imagined. He’d been here all along, kissing Colin and tracing every inch of inked and untouched skin with his fingertips.

  Colin kissed his way down the side of Daniel’s neck, and paused to nibble his collarbone.

  Moaning softly, Daniel squirmed under him. Probably just as well he’d jerked off this morning before mustering, or he was sure he’d have gone off by now.

  Not coming yet.

  No way in hell am I coming until he’s . . .

  He’s going to fuck me. Tonight. Here. Now.

  Nerves and excitement had his stomach fluttering, and cold feet threatened to creep in, but he needed that thick cock that was pressing against him. If they did this, and it wasn’t his thing, then fine—he’d know. But right now he didn’t know. And he wanted to know.

  Colin lifted his head. With a devilish, lopsided grin, he said, “So, you still want to . . . ?”

  Okay, he definitely would’ve gone off too soon.

  Daniel nodded as he willed his pulse back down. “You better believe it.”

  “Good.” Colin came down just enough to brush a light kiss across Daniel’s lips. “I’ve been thinking about it nonstop since last night.”

  “You have?”

  “Mmhmm.” Colin kissed him again, this time deeper and longer. When he met Daniel’s eyes again, his voice was soft and gentle. “We’ll take it nice and slow. Promise.”

  Daniel took a deep breath, and nodded. “Okay.”

  Colin grinned. “It’ll be more comfortable to start on your side.” He kissed him one last time, and then moved off him so he could roll over. “We can move to your hands and knees later, but I don’t want your shoulders getting tired too soon.”

  Funny—it hadn’t occurred to him that his shoulders might get tired. Or his back or his neck or whatever other body parts he had. His dick and his ass? Definitely. It had just never dawned on him that the rest of his body would still exist, let alone get tired.

  He turned onto his side, and Colin molded himself behind him, and there was yet another experience Daniel hadn’t thought about—what it was like to have another man pressed up against him like this. Colin’s breath on his neck. Skin touching skin from their feet all the way up to Colin’s chest against his back. Colin’s foot sliding up the inside of his ankle, his tattooed arm draped over him, fingertips brushing his chest just like soft lips brushed behind his ear.

  From the outside, sex had always been about cocks going into holes, but now that he was here, it was so, so much more. He wanted Colin’s dick in him so badly he was shaking, but Colin was already turning him on like crazy. If it felt this good just to touch him, was he even going to be able to handle taking the cock that was pressed against his ass?

  Don’t know, but I damn sure want to find out. Like, now. Please, now.

  “Going to start with fingers,” Colin murmured. “Let me put on some lube.”

  Daniel’s tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth, so he just nodded.

  Behind him, Colin moved a bit, and a plastic bottle clicked. Then Colin was closer to him again, and his hand drifted down Daniel’s side—with two fingers distinctly not touching him. Probably because they were covered in lube.

  Daniel closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. Here we go.

  “Just relax,” Colin whispered, and kissed behind his ear. His hand paused on Daniel’s hip, and for a moment, the only thing moving were his lips, which pressed the softest kisses along the side of Daniel’s neck. Nervous or not, Daniel couldn’t help but turn to liquid. Why was it so hot to have his neck kissed? Hell, who cared? Just don’t stop.

  Colin didn’t stop, but his hand started moving again, drifting slowly over Daniel’s ass cheek. He paused again, letting Daniel get used to the presence of his hand there before moving into his crack.

  A slick fingertip brushed Daniel’s anus and made his whole body jolt.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Daniel licked his lips. “Just . . . uh . . .”

  “Never been touched like this?”


  “Understood.” Colin kissed his neck in the same moment he let his fingertips graze that sensitive flesh again. “Just remember, we can stop anytime.”

  “You mean like when you were tattooing me?”

  “Sort of.” Colin kissed behind his ear. “Except there won’t be an unfinished tattoo if we stop.”

  “Just an unfinished boner?”

  Colin flicked his tongue against Daniel’s earlobe. “If there’s one thing you’ll never have in my bed, it’s an unfinished boner.”

  Daniel would’ve laughed, but the brush of Colin’s stubble made him shiver and pull in a sharp hiss of breath.

  “Relax,” Colin murmured in a voice that made it impossible not to relax even as his fingertip pressed into Daniel’s ass. “Keep breathing.”

  As Colin’s finger slid into him, Daniel kept breathing. This was so weird. The invasiveness was . . . strange. Not necessarily bad, but strange. He couldn’t even decide if he liked it or not, though he had zero inclination to tell Colin to stop, so he must’ve liked it. Or maybe he was just fascinated by it, by the sensation of being penetrated a little at a time.

  And suddenly it was even more intense. Like Colin’s finger was thicker, or like—

  Oh, that was it. There were two. He’d added another. And Daniel was vaguely aware that Colin had said he was going to add the second, but the words hadn’t registered until now.

  “This feel okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” Daniel screwed his eyes shut. “Fuck . . .”

  “Relax and breathe.” Colin’s voice was low and soothing, exactly the way it’d been while he’d tattooed him. “Let me do the rest.”

  Daniel ke
pt his eyes shut. He did as he was told, focusing on relaxing, breathing, relaxing, breathing, relaxing—

  “Holy fuck!”

  Colin grinned against his skin. “Like that?”

  “Yeah. Oh my God.” He still couldn’t quite comprehend what had happened, only that Colin had done something and nearly sent him into the stratosphere. He hadn’t come. Probably hadn’t even been close to it. Yet somehow . . . he felt like he’d been right there. And—

  He did it again.

  A barrage of unfamiliar and amazing sensations surged through him. In the vicinity of an orgasm, but not.

  With a soft laugh, Colin kissed behind his ear. “Daniel, meet your prostate.”

  “Oh. Is that . . .” He was out of breath already. Jesus. “Is that what that is?”

  “Mmhmm. Like it?”

  Daniel wriggled against him, searching for more. “There is nothing about this I don’t like.”

  Colin laughed again, and as he started sliding his fingers in and out, added, “So I’m not hurting you, right?”

  “No. Feels . . . amazing.”

  “Good.” Colin separated his fingers slightly, stretching Daniel enough to create a slight but not unpleasant burn. “Oh my God, I can’t wait to fuck you.”

  Daniel’s toes curled. He bit his lip as Colin slid his fingers in again. “Don’t . . . don’t feel like you have to wait.”

  Colin’s hand stopped for a second, then started moving again. “I don’t want to rush. And hurt you.” He nibbled Daniel’s earlobe. “Better to go too slow than too fast.”

  “N-no complaints . . . from me.” Eyes still closed, heart still racing, he lost himself in the slow motion of Colin’s fingers and the softness of Colin’s lips against his neck. He shivered. He gasped. Yeah, maybe this had felt kind of weird in the beginning, but now it was amazing. It was fucking addictive. Every stroke made him want ten more. God, he wanted more. Before he could think twice, the words tumbled past his lips. “Fuck me. Gonna go crazy.”

  Colin’s lips grazed his neck. “You sure? You don’t have to do it all the first time. We could stay with fingers, or use a toy to—”

  “No. I really, really want you.”

  It was Colin’s turn to shiver. “Say when,” he murmured, “and I’ll get a condom.”


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