Back Piece

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Back Piece Page 17

by L. A. Witt

  “Well, shit.” Daniel ran his fingers through Colin’s hair. “Guess we’ll both just have to find a way to get through the day.”

  “I guess we will. But once we’re both off, and your back is healed . . .” Colin winked, and Daniel rewarded him with a subtle shiver. Grinning, Colin leaned in for a kiss. Oh yeah, when they both had a day off and Daniel’s back wasn’t so tender? It was on.

  Daniel drew back and met his gaze. “You know, I’ve always felt like an idiot for making it this far without losing my virginity.” Daniel rested his hand on Colin’s hip. “But now I’m glad it worked out that way.”

  Colin put his hand over the top of Daniel’s. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Because I really can’t imagine starting out with anyone besides you.” He paused, cheeks turning bright red. “God, that sounded a lot less cheesy in my head.”

  Colin laughed. “It’s okay. I know what you meant.”

  “So it didn’t sound stupid?”

  “No.” Colin drew him in for a soft kiss. “It didn’t sound stupid at all.”

  Chapter 18

  The next week and a half nearly did Daniel in.

  It wasn’t the itch of his new tattoo, though that didn’t help. It wasn’t even the latest bullshit at work, though he did catch himself fantasizing about knocking his boss over the head with a chair.

  Once he and Colin had broached the subject of Daniel being on top, he couldn’t get it out of his mind. Bottoming had been hot. What would topping feel like?

  Tonight—finally—he’d find out. They’d have done it sooner, but his itchy tattoo had been too damn distracting, so Colin had suggested waiting. Itchy tattoo or not, Daniel was all out of waiting.

  They’d been texting back and forth all day like they usually did, and earlier this afternoon, Colin had said: Bought more condoms on the way to work. Just FYI. ;)

  For you or me to wear?

  Was thinking you could wear one tonight.

  And there went Daniel’s ability to focus on anything except sex for the rest of the day. Thank God the Navy’s blue camouflage utilities were just baggy enough to hide the occasional awkward, badly timed erection.

  “You do realize,” he said as he finally pulled Colin down onto the mattress, “that you gave me a hard-on right in front of my boss?”

  Colin laughed, pressing his hips against Daniel’s. “Aww, I’m sorry. But you’re giving me one now, so . . .”

  Daniel groaned as their cocks brushed together through their jeans. “Why do we still have clothes on? Could’ve sworn we were in the middle of taking those off.”

  “We were.” Colin nipped the side of his neck. “But somebody decided to drag me into bed before I could get my pants off, so . . .”

  “Oh, so now it’s my fault.” Daniel unbuttoned the top of Colin’s jeans. “You’ve gotta learn to multitask, you know that?”

  Colin laughed as he undid Daniel’s fly. “I’ve been multitasking all day.” He slid his hand through the open zipper and cupped Daniel’s dick, and he added, “Been trying to work while I’m thinking about taking this.”

  Daniel couldn’t even come up with a smartass retort. He pressed against Colin’s palm. “Clothes . . . clothes off.”

  “Good idea.” Colin kissed him, teasing his lips apart with his tongue while he kept right on kneading Daniel’s dick. “Clothes off, condom on.”

  “Uh-huh. Now.”

  Colin kissed him once more, then got up. They quickly, if somewhat clumsily now that they were this turned on, shed the rest of their clothes. As soon as they were naked, Daniel gathered Colin into another embrace and kissed him again. He ran his hands down Colin’s back and onto his ass, and squeezed both perfectly round cheeks. Colin moaned, kissing him harder and deeper, exploring Daniel’s mouth with his tongue like this was the first time they’d ever tasted each other.

  “We should . . .” Colin was out of breath, panting hard as he met Daniel’s gaze. “We should really get on that whole condom thing. Like now.”


  Colin gently freed himself from Daniel’s embrace and grabbed a condom off the nightstand. He held it up. “Need a hand with it?”

  Daniel shook his head as he plucked the condom from between Colin’s fingers. “No. I think I’ve got it.” As he rolled it on, Daniel did his best to hide the way his hands were shaking. It wasn’t even nerves this time—just pure, electric excitement. And he didn’t bother bringing up that he’d practiced a little on his own. Fear of being a complete tool had made him buy a pack of condoms and try putting them on. Just to be sure, he’d even read the instructions. Twice. But Colin didn’t need to know that. All he needed to know was that tonight, Daniel managed to quickly and correctly put it on.

  “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” Colin poured some lube in his hand. “You have no idea.”

  “Oh, I think I can guess.” Daniel closed his eyes as Colin lubed him up. Jesus. Even with the latex dulling his senses a bit, Colin’s hand still felt amazing. Being inside him was going to be awesome.

  Can’t wait. Cannot. Fucking. Wait.

  He stopped Colin with a gentle hand on his wrist. “Now.”

  Colin grinned. “Was gonna say the same thing.”

  “So, um, how should we do this?”

  Colin shrugged. “I’m game for pretty much anything.”

  “Hmm. Okay. Well, why don’t you dangle from the ceiling, and I’ll—”

  Colin burst out laughing. “You better set up some cameras if you want that kind of thing.”

  Chuckling, Daniel shook his head. “How about something more boring? Like, on your hands and knees?”

  “I am totally game for that.” Colin touched his face and kissed him lightly. “Nothing boring about that position. Trust me.”

  “Well, turn around so I can find out for myself.”

  “Yes, sir.” Colin winked, then climbed onto the bed and got on his hands and knees.

  Daniel took a deep, nervous breath. The nerves weren’t unexpected. He’d made peace with the idea that it would be a while before he was as confident in bed as Colin, and trying something new was going to make him a little jittery. And thank God Colin had assured him that going soft while he was bottoming was a normal thing, or he’d have been terrified of the same thing happening while he was on top.

  He knelt behind Colin, and paused there just to take in the sight of him. Colin had a gorgeous body, with sculpted muscles, intricate tattoos, and the most beautifully tapering waist. Seeing him like this—on his hands and knees and waiting to be fucked—was enough to make Daniel’s pulse go skyward.

  Heart thumping, he rested a hand on Colin’s hip, and with the other, guided himself in. His pulse was soaring now, his whole body damn near tingling with excitement. Just pressing his cock against Daniel’s hole was enough to bring him right to the edge.

  He paused again, breathing slowly, evenly—willing himself not to lose it yet.

  Colin, maybe thinking Daniel just needed some encouragement, leaned back against him, and suddenly Daniel was inside him.

  He gasped and froze, gripping Colin’s hips tighter just to maintain some control.

  Don’t move.

  Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move.



  He held his breath.

  Oh God.

  Don’t come. You’re barely in. Calm the fuck down.

  Carefully, he withdrew a little, then pushed back in, same as Colin had done when he’d been on top.

  “You don’t have to go slow,” Colin slurred, rocking back as much as Daniel’s grip allowed. “I can take it.”

  “I’m sure you . . . sure you can.” Daniel eased himself deeper, then pulled out just as slowly. “N-not sure about . . . me.” As he slid back in, he bit his lip. Penetration shots in porn had always turned him on beyond belief, and this time, it wasn’t just a cock going into an ass. It was his cock going into Colin’s ass. He wasn’t just watching—he cou
ld feel it. The tightness. The slickness. His own building need for release.

  “God.” Colin’s head fell forward. “Your cock is seriously perfect.”

  Daniel dug his fingers into Colin’s hips just for something to hold onto, and watched himself slide deeper. This was unreal. He was fucking Colin, and it was amazing, and overwhelming, and mind-blowing, and . . .

  “Oh my—fuck!” He shuddered as his orgasm came out of nowhere, and he thrust all the way into Colin, cursing as much from pleasure as frustration. When it subsided, he released a breath, and swore as some heat crept into his face that probably had nothing to do with his climax. Mortified, he carefully withdrew, his hands shaking and his heart pounding as he did. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. God, I’m—”


  “Relax? But I—”

  “I mean it.” Colin turned around and touched Daniel’s face. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “But I came so fast.” Good God, he was a minuteman, wasn’t he? One of those guys? Christ. Talk about an unpleasant surprise now that he’d finally . . .

  “Daniel.” Colin kissed him gently. “Relax. Seriously.”

  “But . . .”

  “Dude, first time I fucked a guy, I blew my load before I’d even had the condom on all the way.”

  Daniel blinked. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Trust me. It’s okay.” He slid a little closer and grinned. “The second time will last longer. Promise.” He nodded toward the bathroom. “Go ahead and toss the condom in the trash by the sink.”

  “Okay. I’ll, uh, be right back.” Daniel got up on unsteady legs and went into the bathroom. After he’d gotten rid of the condom, he paused to wash his hands, but couldn’t look his own reflection in the eye. He didn’t want to see how badly his cheeks were giving him away. Damn being one of those people who blushed at the drop of a hat.

  He dried his hands and went back into the bedroom. Though he smiled as he joined Colin on the bed, he was still rattled, convinced he was going to spend the rest of his life apologizing for being a one-thrust wonder.

  “Well, that was over faster than I thought it would be,” he muttered.

  Colin grimaced. “I probably should’ve mentioned that beforehand. A lot of guys go off fast their first time. I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about it.”

  “So it’s . . .”

  “Completely normal.” Colin propped himself up beside him and kissed his cheek. “It’s still early—we’ll go at least one more round before we call it a night.”

  Daniel avoided his gaze. “But how do I know that won’t be me every time?”

  “Don’t sweat it. You’ll be fine.” He leaned in again, and as he did, his hard cock brushed Daniel’s hip.

  “You haven’t gotten off yet.” Grateful for a reason to stop talking about his own hair-trigger dick, Daniel turned his attention to Colin’s still-hard, much more cooperative cock. “Can’t let that be a thing.”

  Colin laughed, guiding Daniel’s hand down. “I don’t think you’ll have any trouble getting me off.” With a wink, he added, “You never do.”

  Daniel managed to smile. Colin was right—despite this evening’s misfire, he’d done pretty well so far. Which he wasn’t going to complain about, considering he was sleeping with a man who’d had sex professionally—and with other professionals—in the past.

  Still stroking Colin’s dick, Daniel kissed him and pushed him onto his back. Though his orgasm had left him a little lethargic and a lot embarrassed, stroking Colin’s cock brought him right back out of that fog. It was hard to worry about his earlier performance with a man like this under him, moaning into his kisses and pushing into his fist. Okay, so Daniel might not have lasted long before, but this? He could do this all night.

  “Personally,” Colin had said early on, “as long as we can make out and we can suck each other off sometimes, I’m happy.”

  Those words seemed to echo along his nerve endings, soothing him little by little and letting him relax and enjoy this. So his first time topping hadn’t gone as planned. Colin wasn’t complaining, and the way he was kissing Daniel and fucking into his hand, he was still genuinely turned on.

  Shaking off his embarrassment, Daniel kissed his way down to Colin’s neck, all the while still stroking his cock. He kissed all over Colin’s throat and collarbone—up, down, both sides, right down the front, up to his earlobe for a gentle nibble.

  “God, that feels good.” Colin moaned. Daniel wasn’t sure if he meant what he was doing with his mouth or his hand, but he didn’t stop either and Colin sure didn’t object. He combed his fingers through Daniel’s hair and slid his hands all over his back and shoulders, and kept squirming under Daniel.

  Hours could’ve gone by for all Daniel knew or cared. Eventually, though, he started moving downward. He had to move his hand off Colin’s cock for the moment to hold himself up, but he had every intention of making up for that in just a minute.

  Heart racing, his own cock already beginning to think about getting hard again, he kissed his way down Colin’s chest. He teased both nipples in turn, glancing up to watch Colin bite his lip in between whispering curses.

  Daniel kissed the middle of Colin’s chest, and continued down.

  Colin slid his fingers into Daniel’s hair. “You want to suck my cock, don’t you?”

  “Mmhmm.” Daniel flicked his tongue across Colin’s skin. “Planning on it.”

  Colin murmured something he didn’t understand. Then, “Just . . . I don’t want to come yet.” His fingers tightened in Daniel’s hair. “Not until you’re fucking me again.”

  Daniel’s gut clenched. What if he didn’t last this time? What if he ended up giving Colin an I’m sorry my dick wasn’t up for the task blowjob?

  No, not gonna let those nerves show. “Well, I can’t promise I won’t make you come.” He dropped another kiss on Colin’s stomach. “If I do, then I guess it means you might have to come twice, too.”

  “Oh God . . .” Colin’s abs contracted under Daniel’s lips, bringing out the lines of his six-pack, and Daniel’s whole body tingled. He may have already come once, but he doubted it was going to take long for him to get hard again.

  He ran his tongue along the underside of Colin’s cock, and Colin released a helpless little moan. And again, when Daniel took him into his mouth and teased him all the way down with the tip of his tongue.

  “I know you’re inexperienced,” Colin murmured. “But goddamn, you know how to turn a man on.”

  It was Daniel’s turn to moan, and now his cock wasn’t just thinking about getting hard. Oh, he was so going to fuck him again. Tonight. Right here.

  First, though . . .

  He swirled his tongue around the head of Colin’s cock, and then took as much as he could into his mouth without gagging.

  “Fuck.” Colin breathed. “So good.”

  It was kind of weird, going down on him and trying not to make him come. Kind of weird, but hot, too. He could tease him right to the edge, or just take his sweet time exploring and experimenting. There was no pressure to get him off. In fact, all he really had to do was tease him, turn him on, and maybe try a few new things. After all, he had been doing some reading lately.

  Between Colin’s legs, he shifted onto his elbow. Then he licked his finger and pressed it against Colin’s hole. He circled gently with the tip, and Colin shivered. “Oh Jesus . . .”

  “Like that?”

  The response wasn’t a word, but it was definitely a yes, so as Daniel swallowed Colin’s dick as far as he comfortably could, he pressed his finger inside. He eased it in a little at a time, trying like hell to focus on that and sucking cock at the same time. Once he was deep enough, he crooked his finger, just like he’d read about on one of those Web sites he’d been checking out, and Colin’s entire body tensed.

  “Oh my God!” he whimpered. “Oh fuck . . .”

  Daniel would’ve grinned if his mouth hadn’t been so busy. He kept right on sucking C
olin’s dick and gently fingering him, and the hottest thing wasn’t the way Colin’s cock felt between his lips. It wasn’t the way he’d clench around Daniel’s finger. It wasn’t the anticipation of fucking him into the mattress.

  It was the way his hand twitched against Daniel’s scalp. The subtle tremor, the gentle tug at his hair that raised goose bumps on his neck.

  And dear God, the way he moaned. Swore. Breathed Daniel’s name.

  “When . . . whenever you’re ready,” Colin slurred, “I want you to fuck me again.”

  No way in hell could he resist that.

  Daniel slid his finger free and sat up. “I’m definitely ready to give it another shot.”

  Colin glanced at Daniel’s cock, which was at full attention, and licked his lips. “Yes, please.” He took another condom off the nightstand and handed it to him.

  As Daniel rolled it on, he tamped down his nerves. He was excited and turned on, but he’d stay in control this time. God help him, he was not going to lose it too soon. Not this time.

  Colin turned onto his hands and knees again, and Daniel guided himself back in. Just like before, that first inch, that first moment of sliding inside, made his head spin, but he stayed in control. Even as he pushed deeper and rocked faster, he didn’t lose it. And more and more, as he realized the danger of coming prematurely again had passed, he finally got himself to focus on enjoying what he was doing—topping a gorgeous, eager Colin instead of sweating over when he might come.

  Oh, he was still as aroused and nervous and exhilarated as before, but his orgasm stayed back this time. He stared down, watching himself slide in and out, and no wonder he’d gone off too soon the first time. Being inside Colin was amazing, even with the condom dulling his senses.

  He swept his tongue across his lips. “Is this . . . does this feel . . .”

  “Amazing.” The word seemed to tumble off Colin’s lips. He rocked back, impaling himself on Daniel’s cock. “God, you feel amazing.”

  Daniel’s whole body broke out in goose bumps. The only thing hotter and more exciting than finally fucking someone was realizing how much Colin was enjoying it.


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