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Taken by Her Mate

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  When his mouth latched onto her clit she couldn’t hold her head up any longer. Eyes closing on their own, she let the feelings he brought out consume her. The rough pad of his tongue flattening on her slit had a gasp leaving her. When Shaun brought it back up, twirled it around her clit before sucking it into the hot cavern of his mouth, she forced herself to relax and not come. It was too much too quickly. Addie didn’t want it to be over already. Stars danced behind her lids as flashes of light exploded inside of her like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

  Hands cupped her breasts, and fingers tweaked her nipples. Pleasure sparked inside of her, and like a string attached to the peaks of her breasts and tethered to her clit, a shock went through her, and she arched her back.

  “Yeah, that’s it, baby.” Sucking on her clit with more force, she felt her climax draw to the surface. “Come all over my face, Addie. Let me taste your need for me.” He slid a hand down her belly, over her mound, and suddenly a thick finger worked inside of her. That was all it took for her to come undone. Back arched, skin digging into the rough bark behind her, and pussy thrust in Shaun’s face, Addie cried out in ecstasy. She reached out, gripped his hair and tugged. She needed him closer. Grinding her cunt in his face, she felt wanton for the first time in her life.

  When he pulled his mouth away from her Addie opened her eyes and looked down. With her leg still on his shoulder and his face by her pussy, she should have felt embarrassed, but all she could feel was the toe-curling post orgasmic pleasure that this lone wolf gave her. Lips glossy from her juices, Shaun lifted the finger that had been embedded in her body. Her mouth went dry as she watched him suck off her cream from that digit. He finished by running his tongue over his lips.

  “You’re mine, Addie. I’m not going to let any other male have you. If that means war between our packs, then so be it.

  Chapter Four

  With Addie’s cream on his tongue, Shaun took his time watching her juicy pussy. He waited for his words to penetrate her foggy, post-orgasmic mind. All he wanted to do was continue sucking her clit. He had spent many years dreaming about being with Addie. His fantasies were nothing compared to having her in his arms for real. Shaun loved watching her come apart. Her first orgasm had come from his fingers and tongue. Smiling, Shaun skimmed his hands up and down her thighs. Her soft flesh felt good underneath his palms. He intended to be Addie’s first in everything.

  He wanted her beneath him with her soft breasts naked against his own skin. More importantly, he wanted her with him without fear of fucking war. She didn’t deserve to live in fear, and she didn’t deserve Brendan’s kind of treatment. He’d heard all about the other man’s primal needs, and what he’d heard disgusted him. The show Addie witnessed was tame compared with what he’d heard. Brendan’s kind of kink was a little extreme.

  Not a day went by when he didn’t fear for her. He meant every word he spoke. Shaun didn’t care if claiming her meant war between their packs. The small taste he’d just taken of her wasn’t enough to satisfy him. Also, there was no way he’d let her be with another man, not after what they had just done. Addie was his.

  He stared up the length of her body and took the time to admire her rounded stomach and full breasts. They filled his hand completely. Closing his eyes for a split second, Shaun controlled his raging arousal. His cock was begging to be released from the tight confines of his jeans. Pre-cum leaked from the tip, staining the front of his jeans.

  Finally, Addie shook her head. “You can’t do that, Shaun.”

  “I can’t do what?” he asked, knowing what she was saying.

  “This is crazy. I’m promised to Brendan.” He growled at the words she spoke. Hearing Brendan’s name on her lips made him angry. Brendan didn’t deserve to even be considered by Addie. The other wolf was a monster. “I know you hate to hear it, but it’s the truth. I’ve been promised to him since I was born. You knew this, Shaun. I can’t change that.”

  Getting to his feet Shaun cupped her face in his hands. He tilted her head back forcing her to look at him. Her eyes were tightly shut. “Look at me, dammit,” he said. His anger increased as she refused him such a simple request. Running his thumb along her bottom lip, Shaun waited for her to look at him.

  “When it comes to you, baby, I can wait all night for you to give me what I want.” He gazed down into her face. Her beautiful pale skin called to him. Shaun caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “You really don’t have a clue how much you mean to me.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not that.” Her eyes stayed closed.

  “Then what is it?”

  “I can’t let you do this. Our packs are far more important than what we want.” Shaun gripped her head in both of his hands.

  “Look at me!” He yelled the words, not caring who heard him. The small jerk made her open her eyes. Tears filled their depths. “Don’t cry. You’re important to me, Addie. You’ve always been important to me. When I heard about your mating, I fucking cried at your loss. You were mine. I knew how you responded to me all those years ago. We were all friends, but you and I were different. Don’t tell me you didn’t feel it, too?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Stop this, Shaun. I’ve not seen you in three years, and now you’re bombarding me with your feelings. There is nothing we can do about it.”

  “I beg to fucking differ.” Shaun slammed his lips down on hers stopping her from speaking. He couldn’t listen to anymore of her complaints. Their connection had always been far stronger than Brendan. If he let Addie be mated to Brendan she would be dead within a couple of months. The other man’s temper was too primal. There was no way Addie would survive the other man if his anger unleashed.

  Addie may be full-figured to the humans, but to the wolves she was just right. To Shaun, Addie was delicate. He couldn’t think of her being in danger. The longer he left her with Brendan the higher the risk was of her being hurt.

  Stop thinking about it.

  He cut the thoughts off and deepened the kiss. Her essence was still on his taste-buds. Stroking along her lip he waited for her to open. Addie met him halfway. Her tongue stroked over his, sending an answering pulse to his cock. He craved release, but more importantly he wanted to release inside her body.

  Her virginity is mine to claim.

  She broke away from his kiss. Her hands were on his chest trying to hold him back. “Stop.” She licked her lips before returning her gaze to his. “I can taste myself on your lips.”

  Shaun chuckled. “You’re not going to stop me talking about the elephant in the woods.”

  Addie laughed. “There is no elephant in the woods. Nothing can come of our time together. When my mating comes I’ll be given to Brendan.”

  Her words sounded so … final. Shaun ground his teeth together to stop himself from snapping at her.

  There is another way.

  He froze as a memory penetrated his mind. The day after Addie turned eighteen he’d been taken away from the Northern Mountains and returned home.


  “When are we going back to Addie’s?” Shaun asked. His father, Edward, gripped the steering wheel tightly.

  “We can go any time, but I need to warn you about something.” Edward paused as he turned the truck around a sharp bend.

  “What?” The best time of his life was being with Addie. He adored everything about her, from her smile to the way she tried to escape him when she ran away from him in the forest. Not a day went by when he didn’t think about her. He loved her, and he spoke about Addie to his mother.

  “Son, Addie turned eighteen,” Edward said.

  “So? I made her the bracelet to celebrate.” He’d spent hours working for the right metal to make the bracelet with. Shaun loved working with his hands. Buying Addie a gift didn’t feel right. He wanted her wearing something he had created with his hands. The thought of the bracelet nestled on her wrist filled him with pride. When she unwrapped the gift he’d seen the happiness on her face. She’d held
the gift to her chest as she pulled him close for a hug.

  “Shaun, when we visit the Northern Mountains, you won’t be able to see Addie again. She’s being kept ready for her mating.”

  Mating? His Addie was his. “What do you mean?” he asked even as pain exploded inside his chest. Surely he’d mistaken his father’s words.

  “I’m sorry, son. Addie has been promised to Brendan. On the day of her twenty-first birthday, she’ll be given to him in a mating ceremony. He’s the alpha’s son and will lead the pack one day.”

  “Brendan? They’re giving her to Brendan?” He gasped, touching his chest. Shaun rubbed at the spot where his heart lay. No, it couldn’t be happening. He loved Addie. Addie was part of him. The time they spent together was the best time of his life. She was his friend, his true love, and his mate. He sensed their connection and refused to accept what was going on. If he saw her once more he’d understand where Addie came into it all. Shaun said as much to his father.

  Edward shook his head. “It’s not allowed. Addie will be kept close to her family. Her virginity needs to be preserved for her mate. Our traditions are sacred.”

  Bile rose in his mouth. Brendan’s escapades were legendary. When he, Addie, and Brendan had been playing when they were younger, there were many times Shaun intervened stopping the other wolf from hurting Addie. He was a violent son of a bitch and had no respect for women.

  Seeing him in action with many humans repulsed Shaun.

  “I can’t let this happen. You have to petition for me. I know I can get Jackson to give me a chance. He’ll talk to her father.”

  His father let out a sigh. “There is not much I can do. This has been promised since both of their births.”

  Shaun shook his head. “I can’t accept that. I love her, Dad.”

  Edward rubbed a hand over his face. “I’ll do what I can.”

  “What can I do if they refuse me?” Shaun asked.

  “There’s nothing you can do other than accept their choice.”

  “No, that’s not acceptable. Addie is mine. What more can be done? I know our laws, and there has to be a loophole. There are always loopholes.”

  For the longest time Edward didn’t speak. “There is one other way,” he said. Shaun waited for him to elaborate. “Not many remember the old ways, but this is the only other way of claiming a mate that won’t risk war or death.”

  Impatience clawed at him.

  “I’ll tell you this, but you promise me, son, don’t put yourself or my pack at risk.”

  Shaun agreed.

  “The only other way is by challenging Brendan’s mating. On the night of their claiming, you speak out and demand to challenge him for the right of Addie’s hand.”

  Biting his lip, Shaun waited for Edward to continue.

  “You’ll have to fight to show your strength. You need to keep Brendan down for five minutes. Death is not necessary, but some challenges have ended in death. What you need to do is keep him immobile for that time. Once you’ve proven your strength, you’ve shown yourself to be the stronger of the two males and so you can claim Addie as your prize.”

  “That doesn’t cause war between packs?” Shaun asked.

  “It doesn’t allow for war, but there is tension.”


  Shaun pulled out of his memory, and a plan formed in his mind. He’d completely forgotten about the challenge. Stepping away from Addie, he helped her back into her clothing. “I’ve got something to talk with you about, but first I think we should clean you.”

  Sniffing the air he took Addie’s hand with his. “There’s a waterfall to the west. I’ll wipe my scent from your body.”

  They walked west toward the waterfall. Shaun used the time to work out the kinks in his plan. He wouldn’t risk Addie or his pack. There was a way for them both to get what they wanted without risking death.

  Several minutes later they came toward the edge of the waterfall. Addie removed her clothing, and he followed her into the water.

  “What do you want to talk to me about?” Addie asked.

  “Not now. Get washed and then I’ll talk to you,” he said. They jumped into the water together. Shaun remembered all the other times they’d gone swimming in the lake and in the swimming pool her parents owned. The summers they’d spent together would be forever imbedded in his mind. Shaun couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he fell in love with Addie. His feelings for her developed over time. No other woman matched her sweetness and beauty.

  They broke the surface together. He held her hand as she went under the waterfall, her naked body losing his scent with each minute they spent in the water.

  When she finished, Shaun cleaned away her scent from his body. He took enough time to get his rioting thoughts under control. His cock was rock hard, which happened whenever he was around her. Once he finished, he swam to where she stood in the water next to land.

  He reached out, putting his hands either side of her body. “You’re scaring me, Shaun. What’s going on? You’re planning something.”

  Cupping her cheek he stared into her eyes. “If you got the chance would you rather be mated to me?” he asked.

  She nibbled her lip.

  “Don’t lie to me, Addie. I mean it. Take away all the crap of war and the pain. Would you mate with me?”

  Addie nodded after several seconds passed. A great weight lifted from his heart. If she’d refused him he didn’t know what he would have done.

  “Yes, Shaun, I’d mate with you.” She touched his cheek before jerking away.

  “I need you to trust me. I’m not going to tell you what’s going on. You’re not the best actress, and I’m not risking anything. I’m taking you home, and I’ll see you on the night of your mating.” She made to speak. He pressed a finger to her lips. “No arguing with me. Trust me, Addie. I’ve never let you down before, and I have no intention of letting it happen now. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she said without hesitation.

  “Good.” Brushing her lips with his, he jumped out of the water and reached for her. He helped her out and turned away from her nakedness.

  Over a month and she’ll be yours.

  Neither of them spoke while they dressed. Shaun’s heart pounded inside his chest as he made a note to talk to Jackson.

  When they were both dressed, Shaun escorted her home. Jackson came out of the house to greet her. He was alone, but the lights were on inside the house.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” her brother asked.

  Turning to Addie, Shaun caressed her cheek. “Go inside. I promise everything will be all right. Trust me, and I’ll take care of everything.”

  She kissed his palm then walked away without answering her brother. Once the door was shut Jackson charged at him. “What the fuck are you doing? Are you trying to ruin this for my sister?”

  “No, I’m trying to save her from Brendan. She finally got a viewing of the bastard’s cruelty.”

  Jackson stopped. “What do you mean?”

  He gave the man a rundown of everything Addie had seen. Shaun didn’t leave out any details. After he finished Jackson swore.

  “She’s never going to want to mate with him. I’ve watched her over the years. She can’t stand Brendan.”

  “I’ve got a plan,” Shaun said. “First I need to know something from you.”

  “What do you mean you’ve got a plan?” Jackson asked, hesitating.

  “Brendan will be the future alpha. Do you trust him? Do you really think he can take care of this pack?”

  Jackson gripped his hair in a tight grip. “Fuck, I know where this is going.”

  “Then answer me. This isn’t just about your sister. This is about the good of both our packs. You and I both know Brendan is not fit to rule.”

  The other man agreed. “I’ve got no choice but to follow him, but he’s ruled by his temper. I fear when he gets his chance, the pack will tear itself apart.”

  “Then I need you to understand what I�
�ve got to do.”

  Jackson hung his head. “This is going to suck.”

  “I don’t want to be alpha of this pack. Someone is going to have to stand up.” Shaun talked with her brother trying to understand how his challenge would work. “Does he fight well?”

  “Shaun, I can’t say. He’s the alpha’s son. Brendan has never showed his fighting ability. He’s got anger and rage on his side. I’ve seen him tearing places apart, but I don’t know in one to one combat.”

  “I’m leaving tonight. I’ll be back on the night of Addie’s mating.”

  “You’re not staying for your petition?” Jackson asked.

  Shaun shook his head. “You and I both know your father won’t agree. He’s turned down five of my petitions. For some reason your father doesn’t want me involved with your sister.”

  “I’m not saying a word.”

  “Jackson!” His father interrupted their conversation.

  “Fuck, I’ve got to go. You better know what you’re doing, Shaun. If you hurt my sister I’ll tear you apart and not think twice about it.”

  Shaun nodded his head. Jackson couldn’t issue the same threat to Brendan because the other man was above Jackson in the ranks. Threatening the alpha’s son wasn’t well liked within packs. Shaun was part of a different pack, and he and Jackson had an understanding.

  He waited for the other man to disappear inside his house before he left the forest. Shaun’s truck was parked back at Steel’s Corner. Walking through the trees, Shaun felt himself growing more determined as he recalled Brendan’s antics.


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