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Mason: Fallen Angels MC

Page 12

by Laura Day

  “Just me,” Missy called out, and Caroline could see her through the glass, as distorted as Caroline’s frame probably appeared to her. She looked at her through the fun-house glass and tried to understand her body’s reaction.

  Missy was tall, narrow, with a runner’s frame and lanky muscle. Everything about her was sharp, from her features to her elbows and her knees. Missy and Jack hadn’t had kids, but whether that was choice or fate she didn’t know, and hadn’t ever asked. “I brought you some clothes to change into. Lounge pants, a tank top. Should fit fine.” Caroline saw her set the clothing down on the sink.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “I freaked you out, didn’t I? I shouldn’t have said anything. I just didn’t want you to be worried that I was going to jump your bones or something.”

  “I wasn’t,” she said. “And you didn’t.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Caroline took a deep breath. “I’m not sure what to talk about. I don’t—it’s not something I’ve ever done, not something I’ve ever really thought about doing. I had no idea it was something you and Jack were into. And I’ve never… been with a girl. So I just… I don’t know how to decide what to do.”

  “Well,” Missy said, and there was a dark, warm undertone to her voice, something that made Caroline’s body twist up in that familiar heat, “You decide what you want. And then you decide if Mason will be okay with what you want. And then you talk to him about what you want. And then you get what you want. Whatever that might be.”

  “I don’t know what I want. I don’t have any basis for comparison. I—women are beautiful, clearly, but I’ve never been attracted to anyone in particular. And I… am interested in the idea, and Mason would be fine with it, but I just… don’t know.”

  Missy was quiet for a bit, and Caroline stood in the shower spray, hoping that she hadn’t accidentally offended her friend’s wife. Finally, she spoke again, that dark thread still weaving through her words. “Do you think I could try something?”

  The rush of heat down into her mound told Caroline plenty about what her body felt about playing with this lovely woman. “Sure.”

  “Do you mind if I come into the shower?”

  “No, not at all.” Her heart was beating so fast that it was going to slam straight through her ribcage, she was sure of it.


  She watched through the glass as Missy slid her jeans down, pulled her T-shirt over her head, and then unfastened her bra. Missy twisted her hair up off her neck and moved slowly across the bathroom, and when she pulled open the glass door, Caroline thought her heart might just stop entirely.

  Missy was beautiful in a way that stole all her words. Her eyes skimmed the other woman’s thin form—small breasts, narrow hips. “Hi,” she said, and Caroline couldn’t stop staring at Missy’s nipples, pert, small, erect, her areola as pebbled and tight as her nipples themselves.

  “Hi,” Caroline said, stepping back to give Missy room to step into the shower. Her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat, trying not to laugh nervously.

  “Can I have your hand?”

  Caroline held it out, and Missy took it, turning it over gently, and pressing her lips delicately to the thin skin on her wrist, where her pulse was throbbing under her skin. Caroline felt her knees give out, and caught herself on the towel bar inside the shower.

  “Oh my god,” she whispered, and she felt Missy laugh against her skin. Her lips parted, and her tongue traced over Caroline’s skin, down her palm, turning it so that she could take Caroline’s forefinger into her mouth, curling her tongue over the digit delicately.

  Missy dragged it out of her mouth as Caroline fought to keep breathing while her teeth scraped gently over the skin. Each of Caroline’s fingers got the same treatment before Missy’s mouth came back to her wrist, teasing its way up her forearm, then jumping up to her collarbone, teasing and nipping up her throat before she finally kissed Caroline.

  Her mouth was soft, delicate, tentative; it was Caroline who brought her hands to Missy’s shoulders, then to her neck, deepening the kiss and opening her mouth to Missy’s gently probing tongue. Missy was the one who gasped and whimpered then, her hands on Caroline’s hips.

  Caroline’s nerves were on fire, craving touch and release. She knew that part of it was just the need to feel safe and connected, but as much of it was the beautiful woman in front of her. Her heart still pounding, she let her hands slip down Missy’s skin to her small breasts, tentatively touching the pebbled nipples.

  Missy broke the kiss and took a deep breath, her forehead resting against Caroline’s shoulder. “Are you sure you’ve never kissed a woman before?”

  Caroline laughed. “I’m fairly sure I’d remember.”

  “Mm, fair. Okay. I’m going to get out of this shower before I fling myself on you and beg forgiveness later. You think about things, and let me—let us know what you want.” Missy smiled, and Caroline felt her heart swell. “Enjoy your shower.”

  She watched the other woman leave with what appeared, at least from this side, to be total calm. Her ribs felt like they would crack under the pressure of her heart, and between that and the steam from the shower, her head was swirling a bit. She leaned against the shower wall and twisted the water to cold, just to try and clear her head. She’d never actually taken a cold shower before.

  She washed her hair and then stepped out, scrunching most of the water out of her hair so it wouldn’t drip and then twisting it up into a loose bun. The clothes Missy had brought her were a loose pair of lounge pants and a tank top fitted enough to work as some kind of boob support. She slid into the clean clothes gratefully, missing her own wardrobe but thankful to have something on her body that didn’t remind her of the last twenty four hours.

  It had gotten dark while she washed, and when she walked out into the hallway, she could see the TV was on, though most of the lights in the living room were out.

  “We’re putting a movie on,” Jack called out, “and the brownies are ready. Care to join us?”

  “Sure,” she said. Jack was leaning against one arm of the sectional couch, and Missy was stretched out, with her head in his lap. She took the other arm, but before the movie was all the way through the opening credits, the weight of the past few days took over, and she tumbled into sleep.


  Somewhere close by, her phone was ringing. She dragged herself up out of sleep like a woman clawing her way to the surface of deep, dark water. She glanced around for a second, confused by her surroundings, and the soft, gentle noises of a couple making out, and trying to stay quiet. She chuckled to herself, and pushed herself unevenly up off the couch, stumbling towards her purse in the kitchen to answer the call.

  She recognized Mason’s number as she unlocked the phone to accept the call. “Hi,” she said. “Everything okay?”

  “So far so good,” he said. “Look, I— I need to ask you something. I’m at an old friend’s place, trying to get some information about what Declan’s up to, trying to get her on our side, and she… wants me. Says she won’t say anything until I…" He paused to look for the right words. Finally, he blurted. "Well she won't talk until I put out. And I told her I had to check with you.”

  She sat up a little straighter. “Are you okay with this?”

  He took a deep breath. “I’m not gonna lie, Caro, she’s gorgeous, and we’ve been friends for a longass time. I would have hooked up with her when I came back from deployment if I hadn’t been so fucked in the head. But I—we’re together, and I meant—”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “As long as this is something you want, I’m fine. Though, uh—be safe, yeah?”

  “You mean use a rubber?”



  “Okay. We’ll trade stories later.”

  “You are something else.”

  You’re not half bad yourself. She thought about saying that she loved him, but…
no. The first time she said those words with actual air behind them, she wanted him to be in the same room, so she could watch his eyes, see his reaction, and believe in his response.

  “See you soon,” she said, with the same rhythm and intensity.

  “That’s the plan.” There was another moment of silence, and then he disconnected the call.

  She took a moment to collect herself, then put her phone back in her purse and went back into the living room.

  Jack and Missy had disentangled themselves, at least a little, and they were both watching her carefully as she settled back down on the couch. “Everything okay?” Missy asked, finally.

  “So far so good,” she said. And took a deep breath. “The thing that happened in the shower?”

  She saw Missy’s face become just a little bit more deliberately neutral. “Yes?”

  “I think I’d like some more of that.”

  Even in the dim light, she could feel the smiles spread across Jack’s and Missy’s faces. Missy turned and kissed her husband, full on the mouth for a moment, and then turned, crawling like a cat over the couch cushions. Caroline felt her body twist and turn as the other woman approached, her eyes wide and eager.

  When Missy was kneeling over her, and Caroline was feeling her heart rabbit in her chest again, Missy smiled. “Just asking so I know what I’m getting into here—do you have any idea how far you’re willing to have this go?”

  “No,” Caroline said honestly. “I have no idea.”

  Missy glanced back over her shoulder at her husband. “Is it okay for Jack to play, too? Did Mason okay that?”

  “It’s okay,” she said.

  “I’m good over here for now,” Jack said. Caroline could see his hand wandering down, tracing over his erection through his shorts. “You ladies enjoy yourselves.”

  Missy nodded. “Okay, then. If I make you feel uncomfortable at all, if you need me to stop, or slow down, or go no further, please say. Okay?

  “Yes.” It felt like high school, this thing where you had no idea what you wanted, where you didn’t know how to move from conversation to kissing.

  She wanted to be kissing. She reached out and traced her fingernails down the back of Missy’s neck, watching the other woman arch gently under her touch. She leaned forward then, and touched her lips delicately to the spot under Missy’s ear where her pulse throbbed.

  Missy sighed, and Caroline, emboldened, darted her tongue against Missy’s skin, tasting perfume and arousal. Her hands started on Missy’s waist, moving slowly up her sides, dragging the shirt with her as her hands moved over the other woman’s breasts.


  Missy's nipples were still swollen, hard. She could feel wetness where Jack had licked and sucked at them through Missy’s shirt. It gave her courage to dart forward, taking Missy’s nipple in her mouth and teasing with her teeth, knowing from experience that she could use more pressure with the t-shirt to buffer her.

  “Holy mother of god,” Missy whispered, her hips settling down into Caroline’s lap. “I don’t believe you that you’ve never done this before.”

  “Never once,” she said. “You are my first. Are you okay with that?”

  “Mmmhmm,” Missy whimpered, her hands stroking over Caroline’s face. “Can I kiss you?”


  In the shower, Missy had been tentative, gentle with her mouth and tongue; now, she plundered Caroline’s open mouth, and Caroline was no more gentle than Missy was. S

  he stole Mason’s favorite trick, leaving her hands on Missy’s sides and flicking her thumbs over Missy’s erect nipples in a rhythm that matched Missy’s tongue in her mouth. Missy’s hands were braced on the arm of the couch, and in the tension and releasing of her forearms, Caroline could feel them gripping and releasing, gripping and releasing.

  She could hear Jack’s delicate groans as he teased himself. As Missy tore her mouth away from Caroline’s and moved to teasing at her earlobe, Caroline caught Jack’s eyes and watched as his hand stroked over his erection. He’d freed himself from his boxers, and she watched him stroke his cock—not particularly long, but thick—as his eyes were glued on the two of them. “Come over,” she said to him.

  “Not yet,” he murmured. “Don’t worry about me. You two enjoy yourselves. I’ll be over in a bit.”

  She turned back to Missy, who was hovering over her with her eyes half-closed. “I want to take your shirt off,” she said, kissing the bottom of Missy’s throat. “And I want you to tell me what you want. You’re the one who’s been dreaming of this.”

  Missy shook her head fiercely. “This isn’t about my fantasy.”

  “Yes, it is,” Caroline said simply. “It really is.”

  Missy’s eyes opened and locked on Caroline’s. “I dream about you going down on me while my husband fucks you. But that’s—a lot. For a first time. And I don’t want to pressure you. This—is amazing. This is plenty.”

  Caroline reached down, letting her fingers thread just under the waistband of the fitted boxers that Missy had put on. “I want to taste you. I was hoping that you would let me.”

  The sound that Missy made was somewhere between a groan and a whimper. “Oh, please. Pretty please.”

  Their clothes pooled by the corner of the couch. Missy draped herself over the couch, lying down, and Caroline knelt on the floor between Missy’s spread knees. She traced her fingers up the inside of Missy’s thighs, examining her pussy with an almost scientific reverence. Her slit was almost bare, except for two narrow bands of blonde curls that were trimmed close.

  Missy's scent was mild and delicate—an overwhelming and essentially female smell that made Caroline’s stomach tighten with desire. She never understood why Mason would always bend over her and take a moment to inhale her; suddenly, she did.

  She gently opened Missy’s inner lips with her fingers, enjoying the vision of her clit, her opening, the wet tissue that led down to her ass. She stroked the woman’s body with one finger, watching as Missy sighed, the muscles of her inner thighs tensing as her hips moved along with the caress. And then she leaned forward, touching just the tip of her tongue to the swollen nub of Missy’s clit.

  The response was electric, Missy’s hips arching up into her mouth, and Caroline let herself be guided, her tongue pressing more firmly over Missy’s body as she brought her fingers up to stroke over Missy’s opening.

  “Oh, Jack,” Missy murmured. “Yes, please, Jack, oh wow.”

  Caroline felt Jack behind her. “You sure?” he whispered in her ear. She felt his cock, hard and hot, pressed against the back of her thigh.

  She reached back and stroked him with her hand, by way of saying yes.

  He groaned and leaned into her for a moment, his breath heavy on her shoulders. Pinned between them, she felt completely indispensable, and she had to smile.

  After a moment, he drew himself back, and he moved so that she could feel him sliding the condom on. He nudged her knees wider, and she watched Missy’s eyes lock over her shoulder as the tip of him pressed up into her. She was wet, so wet, but he was thicker that Mason, and he had to move slowly to fully seat himself inside of her.

  Each movement of his cock made her groan, made her rhythm against Missy’s wet heat pause, and made Missy arch, which made her shift against Jack, sending him just a little deeper. The three of them rocked together like the ocean, and she lost track of who was touching her where, just felt the gorgeous sensation of him fucking her as she licked Missy into spasm after spasm of pleasure.

  She came hard, suddenly, gasping into Missy’s thigh as she lost the ability to focus, to hold herself up, and Missy’s hands were in her hair, soothing her, as Jack drove her higher and higher, bringing out more and more waves of ecstasy. She felt himself holding back, though, and when she was done, he withdrew from her, and she could see him finding a clean condom.

  Missy pulled Caroline up onto the couch, and settled her against the back of the couch, then positioned herself
with her back against Caroline’s chest. Jack slid into Missy easily and quickly, but his mouth darted over Missy’s shoulder to capture Caroline’s, his tongue filling her mouth as his cock filled his wife. Missy’s ass rubbed a gentle pressure into Caroline’s clit as Jack shifted her body with his fast and viciously hard thrusts.

  Caroline felt that pleasure swirling through her again as Jack started to groan. She saw Missy’s hands clench his ass, her nails digging hard into his skin, spurring him to thrust into her fast and hard, so hard that Caroline was sure it had to hurt, but Missy was screaming with pleasure, her fingers sliding back to find Caroline’s clit, dragging her over the edge with her as Jack started to cry out as well, all three of them rocking together, coming together, falling back to earth together.


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