Missing Man
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cigarette counterfeiting and smuggling; British American Tobacco and; Philip Morris and; as cover story for Levinson’s trip to Iran
Clarke, Richard
classified information, leaks of
Clement, Peter
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Coe, Douglas
Colombia: American hostages in; drug trade in; Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Cooley, Joseph
Cooper, Anderson
counterfeiting: cigarettes, see cigarette counterfeiting and smuggling; money
Counterterrorism Center
Daily News
Davis, Rick
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration); Levinson at; Venjik and
Defense Department hostages in Colombia
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
DeLaurentis, Dino
Department of Homeland Security
Deripaska, Oleg
Deripaska, Polina
Destro, Robert
Dick Cavett Show, The
Director of National Intelligence
Dobbs, Sonya
Docherty, Neil
Dole, Bob
Donovan, Raymond
Dubee, Melvin
Dubai; Levinson’s disappearance and; Marriott Towers in
Ebrahimi, Amir Farshad
Egeland, Todd
Einsel, Doug
Ellroy, James
Esfandiari, Haleh
Eshel, Ory
Evin Prison
Extraterritorial Squad
Fars News Agency
Fattal, Joshua
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); ABSCAM and; Birshtein and; Christine Levinson and; CIA and; Deripaska and; Destro and; and disclosure of Levinson’s consulting role; Ebrahimi and; and emails about Bob following disappearance; Extraterritorial Squad; Fellowship and; Hejazi and; Help Bob Levinson website and; House on 92nd Street and; Houzel and; Jablonski and; Khazaee and; lack of progress on Levinson’s disappearance; Levinson as agent with; Levinson’s cigarette smuggling cover story and; Levinson’s computer files and; Levinson’s disappearance and; Levinson’s retirement from; Levinson’s seminars at; Mamoyan and; McGee and; meeting on Levinson search held by; and mistakes made by criminals or terrorists; Mogilevich and; Nazarbayev and; Orlando and; Otto and; reward for news about Levinson increased by; Salahuddin and; in search for Levinson; Soghanalian and; in talks with Iran about Levinson’s release; Venjik and; video analysis at; and video of Levinson; in weekly meetings on Levinson case
Fifth Estate, The
Financial Times
Fiorentino, Linda
Firtash, Dmitry
Forbes, Philip Scott
Ford, Gerald
Fox News
Fugitive, The
Ganji, Akbar
General Motors (GM)
Genovese crime family
Ghasem, Salem Mohamad Ahmad
Ghattas, Carl
Gholikhan, Shahrazad Mir
Giffen, James
G.I. Joe Fantasy Camp
Global Witness
Goldman, Adam
Goldman Sachs
Good, John
Good Morning America
Grady, James
Grand Hotel, Le
Gray Work: Confessions of an American Paramilitary Spy (Smith)
Gregorie, Richard
Guardian, The
Halpin, Suzanne; Apuzzo’s email to
Halvorssen, Thor
Hamilton, Lee
Harp, Dean
Hayden, Michael
Hearst, Patty
Heimbach, Michael
Hekmati, Amir
Hejazi, Asghar Mir
Hejazi, Seyed Mir; escape plan for Levinson suggested by
Hekmati, Amir
Hellmer, Martin
Help Bob Levinson website; emails to
Henoch, Margaret
Hezbollah; Levinson and
Highway 407
Hill, Paul
Homeland Security, Department of
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horton, Scott
Hotel Adlon Kempinski
House on 92nd Street, The
Houzel, Xavier
Hussein, Saddam
Ignatius, David
Illicit Finance Group
informants; Orlando; Vega; Venjik
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
investigations industry, see private investigators
Iran; Ahmadinejad in, see Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud; Basij in; bauxite and; Chain Murders of; Christine Levinson’s trip to; CIA and; cigarette counterfeiting as cover story for Levinson’s trip to; government of; government’s denial of knowledge about Levinson in; Hezbollah and, see Hezbollah; hikers in; Iraq and; Islamic Revolution in; Kish Island, see Kish Island; Levinson’s disappearance in; Levinson’s memo to CIA outlining possible projects related to; Levinson’s plans to meet Salahuddin in; mullahs in; nuclear program of; political demonstrations in; Quds Force in; Rafsanjani in, see Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Hashemi; Revolutionary Guards in, see Revolutionary Guards; Rouhani elected president of; secret talks between U.S. and, about Levinson’s release; seizure and imprisonment of foreigners in; shah of; Silverman’s trip to; South Pars and; suspicion about Levinson’s motives in; U.N. and; U.N. mission of; U.S. prisoner swaps with; U.S. relationship with; U.S. twilight war with; see also Tehran
Iran-Contra affair
Iranian Ministry of Intelligence
Iranian Tobacco Company
Iraq; Iran and
Ira’s People
Isham, Chris
Isikoff, Michael
Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
Islamic Guerrillas in America
Islamic Revolution
Ivankov, Vyacheslav
Ivanov, Viktor
Jablonski, Anne (“Toots”); cats and; Christine Levinson and; CIA’s dismissal of; CIA interrogation of; husband of; Levinson’s calls and correspondence with; Levinson’s disappearance and; Levinson’s meeting of; Levinson’s note to, highlighting his CIA contributions; Levinson’s relationship with; and Levinson’s trip to Kish; Russians and; Sarah Levinson and; security clearances lost by; suit against CIA by; Winer and; yoga and
Janssen, David
Jarriel, Tom
Jordison, Ron
Joyce, Sean
Justice Department; Salahuddin’s letter to
Kamali, Mrs.
Kaplan, David
Kappes, Stephen
Katz, Jeff; Calvi case and; Ebrahimi and; Houzel and
Kerry, John
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali
Khatami, Mohammed
Khazaee, Mohammad
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
kidnappings, corporate
Kish Island; Christine and Dan Levinson on; cigarette counterfeiting as cover story for Levinson’s trip to; gangs and smuggling on; Levinson’s disappearance on; Levinson’s plans to meet Salahuddin on; Maryam Hotel on; Rafsanjani and; records of Levinson’s arrest on; Salahuddin’s account of events on; SCG operative sent to
Kissinger, Henry
Klebnikov, Paul
Korakumjam, Ali
Kroll Associates
Krzemien, Joe
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)
Lady, Robert Seldon
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
Latin American drug industry
Lebanon; Hezbollah and, see Hezbollah
Lee, Stan
Levinson, Christine (wife); Associated Press and; Bob’s disappearance and; Bob’s marriage to; Bob’s meeting of; and Bob’s trip to Iran; CIA’s financial settlement with; and disclosure of Levinson’s CIA ties; and emails about Bob following disappearance; FBI and; at FBI meeting on search for Bob; finances of; Fiorentino and; Hejazi and; interviews of; Iran trip of; Jablonski and; Khazaee and; McJunkin and; Monaco and; Mueller and; Myers and; press statement of; Salahuddin’s correspondence with; Salahuddin’s meeting with; State Department and; and video of Bob; website plea by
Levinson, Dan (son); Ebrahimi and; on Iran trip
Levinson, Dave (son)
Levinson, Douglas (son)
Levinson, Robert “Bob”: career aspiration of; Christine’s marriage to; Christine’s meeting of; Christmas and; computer files of; diabetes of; disappearance of; double-billing by; education and training of; email account of; emails about, following disappearance; family of; fifty-ninth birthday of; finances of; first anniversary of disappearance of; health of; Help Bob Levinson website and, see Help Bob Levinson website; informants and; Iranian judge’s report on; news stories on disappearance of; organized crime and; and Parisi’s account of prisoner; payment demanded for release of; photographs of; presumed dead; prison cell door message and; as private investigator; proof of life and; records of arrest on Kish Island; risk-taking of; secret talks between U.S. and Iraq about release of; video of
Levinson, Samantha (daughter)
Levinson, Sarah (daughter)
Levinson, Stephanie (daughter)
Levinson, Susan (daughter)
R. A. Levinson & Associates
Liotta, Ray
Litvinenko, Alexander
Lugovoi, Andrei
Luzhkov, Yury
MacGraw, Ali
MacIntyre, Linden
Magic Kingdom Park
Mamoyan, Madzhit
Mangold, Tom
Marlboro cigarette counterfeiting
Maryam Hotel
Masselli, William
McCain, John
McCarrick, Theodore Cardinal
McGee, David; al-Zayat and; Bailey and; and Christine Levinson’s financial situation; Deripaska and; at FBI meeting on search for Levinson; Levinson’s computer files and; Levinson’s disappearance and; SCG International and; in search for Levinson; Silverman and; Soghanalian and; Sweeney and; Venjik episode and; Vesco and; and video of Levinson
McGee, Joyce
McJunkin, James
Mikhailov, Sergei
military-style security industry
Miller, Greg
Miller, John
Miraboutalebi, Seyed Mehdi
Mogilevich, Semion; Birshtein and
Monaco, Lisa
Moody, James
Morgenthau, Robert
Moriarty, Ryan
Moscow, John
Moslehi, Heydar
Mousavi, Mir-Hossein
Mueller, Robert
Mullaney, Michael
Murdoch, Rupert
Myers, Paul; Christine Levinson and; Silverman and; Soghanalian and; Wickham and
naked short selling
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Nasrallah, Hassan
Nasrallah, Josef
National Counterterrorism Center
National Prayer Breakfast
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Council
National Security News Service
natural gas industry; South Pars
Nazarbayev, Nursultan
NBC Nightly News
Nelson, Clarence “Bill”
Netanyahu, Benjamin
News Corp.
New York City Police Department
New York Daily News
New Yorker, The; Silverman’s eulogy for Shoffler in; Silverman’s profile of Salahuddin in
New York Times, The
Ney, Robert W.
9/11 attacks; renditions of terror suspects after
Noriega, Manuel
North Korea
Northrop Grumman
Obama, Barack
Oberlausitzer Feinpaplerfrabik
Öcalan, Abdullah
Omar, Abu
organized crime; Colombian drug trade; Mafia; Russian
Orlando, Michael
Osman, Muhamad
O’Toole, Brian
Otto, Robert
Para, Mohammed
Paul, Peter F.
Pellicano, Anthony
Pentagon, 9/11 attack on
Philip Morris; Marlboro counterfeiting and
Presser, Jackie
Press TV
private investigators; fees and expenses of; Levinson as
Pulitzer Prize
Putin, Vladimir; Khodorkovsky and; Litvinenko and
Qazi, Mir
Queen K
Quinn, D’Arcy
Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Hashemi; Highway 407 and; political comeback of; Salahuddin and
Rafsanjani, Mehdi
Rafsanjani, Mohsen
Rafsanjani clan
raw intelligence
Reagan, Ronald
Redmond, Paul
Reed Smith
Reilly, Richard
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Revolutionary Guards; Quds Force
Rezaian, Jason
Rich, Marc
Richardson, Bill
Rijock, Kenneth
Riza, Ali Magamidi; Birshtein and; physical description of; Rowshandel and
Rouhani, Hassan: elected president; on Levinson
Ross, Brian
Rossini, Mark
Rowshandel, Ahmad; physical description of; Riza and
Royal HTM Group
Rubenstein Associates
Russia, Russians; aluminum industry and; Jablonski and; organized crime and; see also Soviet Union
Salahuddin, Dawud; aliases of; background of; Cauffiel and; Christine Levinson’s correspondence with; Christine Levinson’s meeting with; in documentary; given name of; interviews of; Justice Department letter of; in Kandahar; Khomeini and; on Levinson being held in Iran; Levinson presumed dead by; Levinson’s cigarette smuggling cover story and; Levinson’s disappearance and; Levinson’s interest in; Levinson’s gifts for; Levinson’s plans to meet on Kish Island; Levinson’s relationship with; Levinson’s rescheduling of meeting with; on meeting with Levinson on Kish Island; plans to leave Iran; Rafsanjani and; Shoffler and; Silverman and; Silverman’s New Yorker article on; stories told by; Tabatabai assassinated by; Trento and; on 20/20
Sampson, Timothy
Sawyer, Diane
SCG International; operative sent to Kish by
Schiavo, Terri
Schiavone Construction
Schiffmann, Erich
Scotland Yard
Séchaud, Philippe
Secret Service
security services industry
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
September 11 attacks, see 9/11 attacks
Shapiro, Robert
; Sheppard, Julian
Shoffler, Carl; death of; Salahuddin and; Silverman and
short selling
Shourd, Sarah
Shvets, Yuri
Silverman, Betsy
Silverman, Ira; ABSCAM and; al-Zayat and; Cauffiel and; Deripaska and; and disclosure of Levinson’s CIA ties; Dubee and; emails about Levinson received by; at FBI meeting on search for Levinson; Fiorentino and; Ghattas and; Iran trip of; Ira’s People; Levinson’s cigarette smuggling cover story and; Levinson’s disappearance and; Levinson’s lunch with; and Levinson’s planned meeting with Salahuddin; McGee and; Myers and; at NBC; Ross and; Salahuddin and; Salahuddin profiled in The New Yorker by; and Salahuddin’s account of meeting Levinson on Kish Island; SCG International and; in search for Levinson; Shoffler and; Soghanalian and; Trento and; and video of Levinson; Winer and
Simpson, O. J.
Sisoev, Aleksei
Smith, Jamie; Gray Work: Confessions of an American Paramilitary Spy
smuggling; cigarette, see cigarette counterfeiting and smuggling
Snowden, Edward
Soghanalian, Garo
Soghanalian, Sarkis
Soros, George
Soviet Union; collapse of; KGB; see also Russia, Russians
Stanford, R. Allen
State Department; Christine Levinson and; Deripaska and; Otto and; in weekly meetings on Levinson case
Summit International
Sweeney, Joseph
Sweeney, Larry; Fox News report and; McGee and; in search for Levinson; Soghanalian and
Tabatabai, Ali Akbar
Talibani Kurds
TD International
Tehran; Christine Levinson in; Evin Prison in; Iranian-Americans detained in; political demonstrations in; Silverman’s trip to; U.S. embassy in
Tess, Carolyn
Three Days of the Condor
Times Square mall
Titus, Troy
Treasury Department
Trento, Joseph