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Queen Victoria's Mysterious Daughter

Page 44

by Lucinda Hawksley

Fox, John Shirley

  Francis, John

  Franco-Prussian War (1870–71)

  Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria

  Frederick, Crown Prince of Denmark

  Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia (‘Fritz’)

  Freeman’s Journal

  Frisky (terrier)

  Frith, William Powell

  Galsworth, Mary: photograph of Princess Louise

  Garnett, Henrietta; Anne: A Life of Anne Thackeray Ritchie

  Garrett, Elizabeth

  Gentlewomen’s Employment Association

  George I

  George IV

  George V (and as Prince of Wales): birth and childhood; relationship with Louise; marriage; in India; and Lorne’s death; 25th wedding anniversary; opens British Empire Exhibition; illness; jubilee celebrations; and Prince of Wales and Wallis Simpson; death

  George VI

  Gilbert, Alfred: and Louise; bronze statue of Victoria; and Boehm’s death; Eros; later career; Henry of Battenberg’s memorial; death

  Gilbert (W. S.) and Sullivan (A.) operettas; Patience; The Pirates of Penzance

  Girl Guides

  Girls’ Public Day School Company/Trust

  Giuliano, Carlo

  Gladstone, Mary

  Gladstone, William Ewart

  Glasgow University

  Gledhill, Michael, QC

  Gledhill, Ruth

  Gleichen, Count (Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg)

  Gloucester, Duchess of, Prncess Mary 11

  Gloucester Citizen

  Godwin, Edward William; White House

  Gordon, General Charles

  Gordon-Cumming, Sir William

  Goschen, George

  Gower, Lord Ronald (‘Ronnie’); on the Great Exhibition; on Princess Alexandra; on Louise’s wedding, her ‘homecoming’ at Inveraray, her love of Dornden, and her reluctance to go to Canada; escorts her; meets her at Liverpool; and Wilde; alarmed at Louise’s depression over Leopold’s death; on holiday with Lorne in France; shocked at Duke of Argyll’s indifference to death of son; notes contrast between Louise and Beatrice; accompanies Louise and Lorne on holiday; visits old nurse with Louise; bankrupt; shocked at Lorne’s mental state

  Grange Fell, Borrowdale: memorial to Edward VII

  Grant, Duncan

  Grant, Sir Francis

  Granville, Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl

  Graphic, The

  Grasse, France

  Great Exhibition, London (1851)

  Great Ormond Street Hospital, London

  Greenaway, Kate

  Grey, General Charles; bust (Princess Louise)

  Grey, Sybil see St Albans, Sybil

  Grosvenor Crescent (No. 1), London

  Grosvenor Gallery, London

  Guildhall Art Gallery, London

  Gustaf Adolf, Crown Prince of Sweden

  Gwyn, Sandra: The Private Capital

  Haakon VII, of Norway

  Halifax, Frederick Wood, Lord

  Hall, Mrs Matthew

  Hall, Sydney Prior; ‘Princess Louise Reviewing Twenty Thousand Children in Battersea Park’

  Hallé, Sir Charles

  Hamilton, Lord Frederic

  Harper, J. Russell: Painting in Canada

  Hastings, Lord

  Hatherley, William Wood, Baron

  Hawaii, Queen of

  Helen of Waldeck-Pyrmont, Princess

  Helena, Princess (‘Lenchen’): birth and childhood; and Victoria; at Vicky’s wedding; and Princess Alice’s wedding; at Bertie’s wedding; as Victoria’s lackey; engagement and marriage; visits sculptors’ studios with Louise; opposes Louise’s marriage; at her wedding; children; enlists Louise’s help with Great Ormond Street Hospital; appointed president of School of Art Needlework; supports Beatrice over Arthur Bigge scandal; death of son; widowed; and end of war; death

  Henry of Battenberg (‘Liko’), Prince: marriage to Beatrice; wins Victoria over; disapproved of by her children; relationship with Louise; and Bigge affair; death and funeral

  Henschel, George

  Herbert, John Rogers

  Herkomer, Hubert von: Princess Louise

  Heyl, James B.

  Hildyard, Miss

  Hill, Octavia

  Hird, Frank

  Hocédé, Madame (‘Lina’)

  Holl, Frank

  Holland, Sir Henry

  Hollyer, Frederick

  Home Education Society

  Horsley, J. C.

  Hour, The (journal)

  House of Shelter

  How, Harry

  Hubbard, Kate: Serving Victoria

  Hunt, William Holman 1

  Illustrated London News

  Incorporated Society of British Artists

  Inflexible, HMS

  influenza epidemic (1890s)

  Inglewood House, Bermuda

  Ingrid of Sweden, Princess

  Institute of Hygiene, London: exhibition (1917)

  International Exhibition, London (1862)

  International Health Exhibition (1884)

  International Women’s Review

  Inveraray Castle; fire (1877)

  Ireland: Home Rule, see also Fenians

  Irene, Princess (Princess Henry of Prussia)

  Irish Crown Jewels, theft of

  Irish Distressed Ladies’ Fund

  Isle of Wight Observer

  ‘Jack the Ripper’

  James, Henry

  James, John

  Jekyll, Gertrude

  Jekyll, Walter

  Jenner, Dr Sir William

  John, Prince

  John, William Goscombe: memorial to Sullivan

  Johnson, William

  Jopling, Louise

  Jordan, Anne: Love Well the Hour

  Jordan, Mrs Dorothea

  Jubilee Institute for Nurses

  Jubilee Yacht Race (1887)

  Kapiolani, Queen

  Karim, Abdul (‘the Munshi’)

  Kelly, Charles

  Kensington District Nursing Association

  Kensington Gardens: statue of Victoria (Princess Louise)

  Kensington Memorial Recreation Ground

  Kensington Palace, London; Louise’s studio; renovation; bricking up of windows; in World War I; Louise’s last years in

  Kensington Philanthropic Society

  Kent, Prince Edward, Duke of

  Kent, Victoria, Duchess of

  Kent, William

  Kent House, Isle of Wight

  Keppel, Mrs Alice

  Kettlewell, Charlie

  Klepac, Madame

  Knightley, Lady Louisa

  Koh-i-noor Diamond

  Ladies’ Guild of the Lifeboat Institution

  Ladies’ Work Society

  Laking, Dr Sir Francis

  Lancashire, SS

  Lancet, The

  Landseer, Edwin

  Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of York

  Langtry, Lillie

  Lansdown, George A., and Saunders, J. T.: Princess Louise Hospital for Children

  Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of

  Lascelles, Henry, Viscount

  László, Lucy

  László, Philip de

  Latymer Road Mission, London

  Lavenham, Suffolk; Old Wool Hall; Swan Hotel

  Lavery, John: Air Station, North Queensferry

  Lawrence, T. E.

  Lear, Edward

  Leech, John

  Leeds music festival

  Lehzen, Baroness Louise

  Leighton, Frederic, Lord

  Leighton House, Holland Park, London

  Leitch, William

  Leopold I, of the Belgians; Victoria to

  Leopold, Prince, Duke of Albany: birth; his haemophilia; and Beatrice’s birth; has scarlet fever; detests Balmoral; and Victoria’s treatment; and Walter Stirling’s dismissal; bullied by Archie Brown; and Reverend Duckworth; kept from seeing Louise; afraid she will go away; writes poem for her 20th birthday
; nursed by her; in Switzerland with family; his 15th birthday; and Fenian attack; in constant pain; dangerously ill; Victoria keeps Louise from visiting; at Oxford; and Alice Liddell; at Louise’s farewell dinner; accompanies her to Liverpool; with her in London on her return from Canada; in Canada; returns to England after accident; becomes Duke of Albany; engagement and marriage; first child; described by Major Collins; greets Louise and Lorne on their return; death

  Lewes, George Henry

  Liddell, Alice

  Lifeboat Fund

  Lindsay, Lady Blanche

  Lindsay, Colonel Charles

  Lindsay, Sir Coutts

  Lisle, Professor Conrad

  Liverpool: welcomes given to Princess Louise (1878) (1879) (1883); Deaf and Dumb Institute; Royal Jubilee Exhibition (1887); School of Cookery

  Liverpool Mercury

  Lloyd, Mrs (model)

  Lloyd George, Margaret

  Locock, Amelia

  Locock, Sir Charles

  Locock, Frederick

  Locock, Henry Frederick Leicester

  Locock, Mary (née Blackshaw)

  Locock, Nicholas

  London School of Medicine for Women

  London Standard

  London Truth

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Longford, Elizabeth: Darling Loosy

  Longley, Charles, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Lorne, John Campbell (‘Ian’), Marquess of (later 9th Duke of Argyll): early life; his voice; engagement to Princess Louise; and Victoria; snubbed by Bertie; and rumours about his sexual proclivities; wedding and honeymoon; his failure to wash; politics and ideals shared with Louise; brings her ‘home’ to Inveraray; prevented by Victoria from going abroad with her; in France; in their first London home; at Dornden; and Gower; accused of being a bad influence on Louise by Victoria; political career; and fire at Inveraray Castle; his interest in spiritualism; appointed Governor-General of Canada; persuaded to help Godwin continue building his White House; departs from Liverpool for Canada; welcomed in Halifax; in Ottawa; enjoys his new role; and Marie von Bunsen; on sightseeing trips; bust sculpted by Henrietta Montalba; in Quebec; not as popular as his wife; admires William Morris; greets Louise on her return to Canada; in sleigh accident; writes ‘Dominion Hymn’; helps to improve artistic and cultural life in Canada; defends Louise’s decision to leave Canada; and his brother’s marriage; visits England; his unusual personal habits; and Wilde; has further narrow escapes; in USA; visits Vancouver Island; writes a dreadful poem; returns to USA; and Twain’s visit; decides to leave Canada; arrival in Liverpool; prepares lectures on Canada; in France; and reports of marriage difficulties; eccentricities and possible dementia; returns to politics; at Beatrice’s wedding; and brother’s divorce case; absences noted; and golden jubilee activities; in France with Louise; relations with Louise; becomes MP; holidays with Louise and Gower; at Osborne for funerals; his silver wedding anniversary; a new closeness with Louise; his attempts to dominate her; refuses to go to father’s funeral; inherits a financial mess; and Victoria’s death; publishes The Life of Queen Victoria; continues to work for emancipation and suffrage; his increasingly erratic behaviour; in Egypt and Italy with Louise; nostalgic for Canada; travels with friends; friendship with Frank Shackleton; personality changes and dementia; nursed by Louise; publishes Yesterday and Today in Canada; death and funeral; obituary

  Louis of Hesse, Prince

  Louise Caroline Alberta, Princess: 1846–83, birth; christening; childhood blighted by Victoria; and Beatrice’s birth; character and personality; first birthday; and her father; first art lessons; at Osborne House; and Crimean War; dislikes Balmoral; meets Florence Nightingale; first trip abroad; and Vicky’s wedding; close relationship with Bertie; interest in art increases; and Albert’s death; and Alice’s wedding; suffers acute headaches; enchanted with Alexandra; at Bertie’s wedding; at Osborne without her mother; her interest in sculpture develops; and Lady Caroline Lyttelton; Victoria’s treatment of her in adolescence; friendships; and Leopold’s illness; seriously ill herself; her first ball; convalesces abroad; types of men preferred; and Helena’s wedding; completes first unaided sculpture; further illness; and Walter Stirling; and Robinson Duckworth; and rumours of an illegitimate baby; attends opening of Parliament (1867); not allowed to help Alix with new baby; nurses Leopold; in Switzerland; relations with Victoria improve; love of exercise; allowed to go to art school; refuses to marry a foreigner; relationship with Boehm see Boehm, Joseph; joins artistic milieu; appearance; and John Brown; her 21st birthday; her bust of Victoria exhibited at Royal Academy; interested in social reform; offers support to Josephine Butler; meets Elizabeth Garrett; engagement and marriage see Lorne, Marquess of; and Franco-Prussian War; attends functions with Bertie; exhibits her art; injures knee; and siblings’ opposition to her marriage; receives wedding presents; her dogs; at opening of Royal Albert Hall; honeymoons in Italy; relationship with Lorne; in Scotland with Argylls; works on portrait medallion of dead friend; prevented from going abroad with Lorne by Victoria; takes spa trips; rumoured to be pregnant; illness; renowned for her medicine case; in France with Lorne; and educational reform; supports artists; involved with the Souls; her lack of money; moves into Kensington Palace; her attachment to Dornden; at a party in Switzerland; and Victoria’s jealousy of her closeness to Leopold; dislikes Victoria’s title of Empress; embraces Aestheticism; does ‘good works’; meets George Eliot; and opening of Grosvenor Gallery; survives fire in Inveraray Castle; her reputation among fellow artists; exhibits sculpture and paintings; leaves for Canada; in Ottawa; sightseeing with Lorne; gives ice-skating party; at Rideau Hall; her popularity; returns to England; back in Canada; rumours abound; injured in sleigh accident; joins with Lorne to improve artistic life of Canada; and Leopold’s visit; unwell and returns to England; holidays in Germany; and Campbell divorce; rumoured to have clashed with the queen; has freedom to live life as an independent artist; in Italy; and her father-in-law; and Victoria’s demands; reunion with Lorne; at Leopold’s wedding; back in Canada; has narrow escape sailing; in USA with Lorne; on Vancouver Island; back in USA; in Bermuda to escape Fenians; returns to Canada via Boston; and need for security; and Mark Twain’s visit; enjoys final months in Canada; places named after her 1883–1939 embroils herself in London life; and Leopold’s death; her separation from Lorne attracts comment; ‘flighty’; becomes president of Society for Home Education; fund-raises for war efforts; has carriage accident; lays foundation stone of Victoria Hospital for Children; and Burne-Jones; returns to Aix-les-Bains; stays with Prince Alfred in Malta; meets Beatrice’s husband in Rome; as her siblings’ children’s favourite aunt; in England for Victoria’s golden jubilee; praised by the queen for her statue; unveils statue of Victoria by Gilbert; her charities; depressed and ill; goes abroad; as a go-between for Arthur and the queen; further public appearances; at home in bohemian London; unhappy and unpleasant; too ill to travel; thrilled by Tate’s offer of his collection; and Boehm’s death; stays with Alice de Rothschild in Grasse; and the Campbell men; keeps busy with numerous public engagements; devotes time to art; paints Paderewski; sends bust of Victoria to Chicago ‘World’s Fair’; involvement with Argyll Highlanders; relations with Victoria improve; further publicity about her relationship with Lorne; and Beatrice; continues to exercise; and Arthur Bigge/Liko scandal; relations with Beatrice improve; her silver wedding anniversary; renovates Rosneath Castle; and Alfred’s unhappiness; and Boer Wars war work; becomes closer to Lorne; exhibits painting; and the Balfours; prevented by Lorne from playing billiards; sends statue of Victoria to Montreal; and Duke of Argyll’s funeral; devastated by deaths; and Victoria’s death; at Windsor under the new king; renovates Kent House; stands in for Bertie when ill; and his coronation; works for emancipation; and Lorne’s mental health; her public appearances; exhausted by creating Boer War Memorial; tours abroad with Ethel Badcock; publishes articles under pseudonym; in Egypt with Lorne; in Buxton with the Alma-Tademas; at a Windsor Castle
garden party; forced to cancel engagements through ‘indisposition’; hears of the death of her son, Henry Locock; and Kaiser Wilhelm; supports the National Trust and Royal Horticultural Society; fund-raises for memorial to Bertie; and fire at Rosneath; and Prince Arthur’s appointment as Governor-General of Canada; in Blackpool; and the Old Wool Hall, Lavenham; her punishing workload; and Lorne’s death; and First World War; as gardener; hospital visiting; painted by de László; public appearances; poor health; her voice; shares Kensington Palace with niece and Beatrice; gives Kent House to Louis Mountbatten; relationship with Beatrice in old age; grows closer to Arthur; made a Dame of the British Empire; welcomes troops home to Scotland; retains her trim figure; her life postwar; visits Arthur in France; and the Sunlight Clinic; and Alix’s death; charities supported; further illness; turns to music; her 80th birthday; further public appearances; poses for Beaton; at Sidmouth; with Arthur in France again; a tireless hospital visitor; and Gilbert’s death; and Wallis Simpson; becomes honorary freeman of Royal Borough of Kensington; disappears from public life; death and cremation

  Louise of Battenberg, Princess

  Louise of Prussia (‘Louischen’), Princess, Duchess of Connaught

  Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, Princess of Wales, Duchess of Fife

  Lutyens, Edward (‘Ned’)

  Lutyens, Lady Emily (née Bulwer-Lytton)

  Lyttelton, Lady Caroline (later Cavendish)

  Lyttelton, Laura (née Tennant)

  Lyttelton, May (née Tennant)

  Lyttelton, Lady Sarah (‘Laddle’)

  McAllister, Isabel

  Macarthur, Captain

  McCarthy, Mrs (Bermudan resident)

  McCaskie, Dr

  McCrossan, Peter Russell

  Macdonald, Lady Agnes (née Bernard)

  Macdonald, Lord John, Prime Minister of Canada

  McFarlane, Colin F.

  Mackennal, Bertram: statue of Queen Victoria

  Maclean, Roderick

  Macleod, Dr Norman

  MacNamara, Lady Sophia (‘Smack’)

  McNeill, Colonel

  McNeill, Ina

  McNeill, Sir John

  Madrid (1906)

  Mahdi, the (Muhammad Ahmed)

  Mallet, Marie

  Malta (1887)

  Manchester: and Victoria’s gold jubilee; Lorne as MP

  Manchester Courier

  Manchester Evening News

  Mangeot, Auguste

  Margaret, Princess

  Maria Cristina, Princess


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