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Misfortune of Time

Page 27

by Christy Nicholas

  After an eternity, the fire died, and Étaín moved again. She sat up, shaking her hands out and restoring feeling in her arms. “Thank you, Flidaisínn. Thank you so much for coming to help me.”

  Flidaisínn smiled, showing her sharp little teeth. “You are not fully healed. Even I cannot do that. You need time in another realm to fully heal. Your wounds run deep, and they are not solely of the flesh.”

  “In another realm?” Étaín remembered her time in Faerie, learning magic with the two Fae, and smiled. A flash of Ammatán’s wicked, leering face made her shrink back from the vision. His crazed laughter tried to shatter her walls, tried to widen the cracks in her shields. She stumbled back, but both Flidaisínn and Aes held her steady. “Not Faerie. I can’t face Faerie, Flidaisínn. Not with—”

  “No, I cannot take you to Faerie, for that very reason. There is another place.”

  Maelan found his voice. “Where? Where are you taking my grandmother?”

  Flidaisínn smiled sadly. “There is a place, across the waves, called Hí-Breasail. It is a place of rest and peace, but only appears once in seven of your winters. She will be safe there, as safe as anywhere. She can rest and live as long as she likes.”

  With his brow furrowed, Maelan leaned on his spear. “And when she heals? Can she return?”

  The Fae girl sighed, shaking her head. “She can only return if she never treads upon the ground itself, I’m afraid. Still, she will live as she wishes.”

  She might remain here, and take winters to heal, if ever, and live out her life. Perhaps another fifty winters, winters full of danger and strife. Or she might take the Fae’s offer, and live ever in the Faerie land, on an island without strife, cruel husbands or suspicious church men.

  She nodded to Flidaisínn. “There is little choice, Flidaisínn. I’ll come with you. What must I do?”

  “It is a simple thing, with me to lead you. Do you wish to say your farewells first?”

  Étaín could stand now, though she still stumbled, unsteady on her feet. Maelan hovered large and powerful next to her. He hugged her for a long time; gingerly at first, then with more urgency as time went by. She fought the urge to cry a second time in the same day.

  “You take care of Liadan, Maelan. Remember to pass the brooch on when you need to. Promise me?”

  He nodded. “I vow to you, Grandmother. I shall do my duty, always.”

  She laughed against the pain. “I’m certain you will, my darling grandchild.”

  She hugged Aes as well. “You were a staunch friend this day, Aes. Take care of yourself, and Rognr as well. And keep the old gods alive.”

  “I will, Étaín. Are you really this one’s grandmother?”

  “I am. He might even tell you the story if you ask him someday.”

  “That would make a worthy saga, in truth!”

  She pressed the hag-stone into Aes’s hand. “Here, you should keep this. I can’t give much to thank you for your staunch support, but I can grant you this.”

  He examined it and shrugged. “The children’s toy? What would I do with this?”

  Étaín smiled. “It is no children’s toy. For that much, Bressel told the truth. It will help you encourage plants to grow.”

  His eyes grew wide, and he clutched at the small Thor’s hammer he wore. He nodded once and stepped back, his face still awe-struck.

  With one last, lingering caress to Odhar’s cooling cheek, she rose.

  Étaín squared her shoulders. “I’m ready.”

  The Fae girl hummed. The low thrum filled Étaín’s bones with both sorrow and delight. Small sparkling lights flitted around and through the standing stones in a merry dance. They lit the faces of the astonished onlookers as they swirled and spiraled in a complex pattern. The sparks grew ever brighter as they finally converged on both Flidaisínn and Étaín, wrapping the two women in a dazzling cloak of stars.

  Étaín gripped Flidaisínn’s hand with a grin, and they stepped through the stones.


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  Christy Nicholas, also known as Green Dragon, has her hands in many crafts, including digital art, beaded jewelry, writing, and photography. In real life, she’s a CPA, but having grown up with art all around her (her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother are/were all artists), it sort of infected her, as it were. She loves to draw and to create things. She says it’s more of an obsession than a hobby. She likes looking up into the sky and seeing a beautiful sunset, or seeing a fragrant blossom or a dramatic seaside. She takes a picture or creates a piece of jewelry as her way of sharing this serenity, this joy, this beauty with others. Sometimes this sharing requires explanation–and thus she writes. Combine this love of beauty with a bit of financial sense and you get an art business. She does local art and craft shows, as well as sending her art to various science fiction conventions throughout the country and abroad.

  * * *

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  Haggis and Cullen Skink

  Plans and Mechanics

  Discounts and Deals

  Hidden Gems




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