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Anything For Love

Page 1

by Corke, Ashley

  Anything For Love


  Ashley M Corke

  Text Copyright © 2014 Ashley M Corke

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is dedicated to the love of my life Joshua David Murphy for believing in me, for helping me turn my life around and for finding all the perfections inside my imperfections.

  I appreciate you for embracing my raw and profane ways of life.

  I love you, Joshua.

  This is also dedicated to my mother, who has always told me to follow my heart and dreams.

  That is what I am doing today.

  This book is raw.

  There are numerous graphic scenes of violence, including sexual violence.

  This book is not for the faint of heart.

  Myka Marsters gets herself caught up in love, on more than one occasion.

  Sometimes, love really hurts.


  She ends up making a promise of forever, which she isn’t so sure she can keep, afterall.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter One

  I looked behind me, making sure no one followed, before I snuck in through the door, at the side of the building. I didn't want HIM following me. It’s bad enough he controlled me at home; I didn't want him following me as well. Although when I left, there had been no sign of him.

  Once inside the door, I sighed, studying my reflection in a window. I was about 5' 6” and my shoulder-length hair was tie-dyed with blue, pink, green, orange and purple. For that night I had twisted my hair back from my face and up from my neck, the twists ending in little pigtails. My bright, cracked-marble blue and gray eyes were lined in black eyeliner and the lids had glitter smeared across them.

  I studied my facial piercings for a moment: a barbell through my right eyebrow; two silver hoops in my left nostril; a horseshoe hoop in the center of my bottom lip; a barbell through the top of my bottom lip horizontally; a stud through the right side of my top lip, plus two in my tongue. Of course, I had nine in my right ear, including my conch, my rook and my tragus and eight in my left as well, including my conch and my helix. I had several tattoos littering my arms, chest and back.

  That night, I had chosen to wear a short, red plaid skirt with black fishnet stockings and a black tank top. I thought I looked damn good. I smiled at my reflection before screaming when I was grabbed. Someone put their hand over my mouth, shushing me and I recognized the voice.

  “Shut up Myka! Do you really want someone to hear us?” I smirked and shook my head no. I turned around and saw my captor in the dim light. Emerald green eyes looked down at me and black hair fell in front of them. I smiled and kissed him.

  “I've missed you, too, Jett. So nice of you to welcome me back,” I joked. I’d been out of town at my grandmother's for two weeks. He smiled out of the right side of his mouth as always and my knees weakened.

  “Did he follow you?” I shook my head. Jett squinted his eyes in the darkness. “I'll kill him if I have to, Myka. You better be aware of that.” I nodded.

  “Oh, I'm aware of that, Jett.” I kissed his cheek gently, before he took my hand and led me further into the building. In the silence you could barely make out a dull thump of rock bass. As he led me further into the building, it grew louder.

  Then, when Jett opened the door, the music hit us full bore. I could feel my insides rocking to the beat of the loud rock music and I laughed, as I looked up at Jett to find him head banging. He flashed a huge grin at me and led me to the bar.

  Although I was underage, everyone knew who I was and the bar tender quickly handed Jett some Absinthe and me a Jack and Coke. We made our way to a corner where there was a round booth, near the stage. I took a sip of my Jack and Coke and shook my head. I hated this crap, but it certainly did the trick.

  I looked over at Jett and watched him sip his Absinthe. His lips slowly curled into a smile as he looked back at me, causing my insides to melt. I loved hanging out with Jett. Just being around him made everything so right. I got to drink all and what I wanted, without getting bitched out, and was able to do just about whatever I pleased. Well, almost. Jett wasn't exactly my boyfriend, but he wasn't just a friend either. I mean I had Scumbag at home to deal with.

  Now. Don't go judging me that I'm a bad person or whatever. Korbyn, my guy at home, was the greatest guy I had ever met - up until 4 months ago. My dream man: 5' 7” tall, dark chocolate eyes with flecks of green; hair that was constantly changing; full sleeve tattoos, not to mention everywhere else; several piercings; and he was meaty, a little on the chubby side. He could play guitar; he could sing. He could write. Korbyn was everything I had ever wanted. We had been together for 2 years and had also been engaged to get married. Then, things changed.

  Four months ago, something inside him snapped. I was wondering if it was because he found out that his brother, Keegan, had gotten a tramp supermodel, named Nici, pregnant. Only, I found out it wasn't Keegan: it was Korbyn. But Keegan doesn't know that. So I was stuck with a cheating fiancé who wouldn't even tell his own twin brother the truth about his baby. I broke off the engagement, but Korbyn won’t let me leave.

  “I love you, Myka,” he says.

  “I need you, Myka,” he says.

  “You complete me, Myka,” he says.

  Yet he's done this to me. How sweet. And now, because I know that he's the father of Keegan's and Nici's baby, he won’t let me out of his sight.

  Jett and I have been friends for years. Korbyn knows him almost as well as I know Keegan (which is VERY well, by the way). Yet, Korbyn gets mad if I get a call, email or text from Jett. But it’s okay that he cheated. Two weeks ago, he overheard me telling Jett about the baby.

  That was a mistake.

  Korbyn cornered me in my grandmother's horse barn and he let his rage loose. He broke my right wrist and I still have a cut above my lip. Jett wants to kill him. I won’t let him. Not yet anyways.

  Chapter Two

  The band onstage finished the song and the lead singer looked over at me. I smiled at my good friend, (and Jett's fraternal twin brother), Jais and he smiled back at me. At 6’ tall he towered over me, not just on stage but also right next to me. His short blond, spiky hair and baby blue eyes just made girls swoon. Not me, however. He was like my brother. Jais waved me on stage, so I went.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to one of my best friends and one of the hardest rocking people I have ever met! Meet Myka Marsters!!!!” Jais introduced me, without me being aware of it. I was slightly buz
zed and announcing me wasn't the best idea. But, since I was buzzed, I didn't pay much attention. Jett sat, glaring at Jais. Jett tended to have a bit of a jealousy issue from time to time.

  Jais handed me a mic and made me sing a song that I wrote for his band. I, being tipsy, was all over the stage. I was on the drums. I was all over Jais. The crowd was roaring. Except for Jett that is. He was looking at me, very angrily. I wasn't trying to stay low, when I should have been.

  I finished the song and the crowd was going wild. I stumbled over to where mine and Jett's booth was. I tripped as I approached the booth and felt arms wrap around me. I looked up - and into Korbyn s eyes. I gasped, growing extremely frightened. Jett flew out of his seat like a bat out of hell.

  “K-K-Korbyn...!” I stammered, not sure what to say.

  “Hi, Myka,” he replied, wearing a wicked smile. He turned to Jett. “Hello, Jett.” Jett's lips turned up in a snarl. “You’re coming home, Myka.” Korbyn said, without taking his eyes off of Jett, wrapping his fingers around my broken wrist, squeezing it. I let out a little squeal of pain and was dragged away, Jett right behind us.

  “Leave her alone, Korbyn,” Jett demanded, but Korb kept dragging me. My eyes met Jett's and I hoped they said to just leave it be. Apparently they didn't.

  Jett grabbed my free wrist and pulled me towards him, causing Korbyn to yank on my broken wrist and stop in his tracks. Korb turned on Jett so fast, I fell onto the floor. We had the attention of the whole underground club. Jais came off the stage approaching our little threesome, but keeping a safe distance. Jett tried helping me up, but Korbyn socked him in the nose so hard Jett fell to the floor next to me, blood splattering all over myself and the floor. Korb bent down and started to pull me up, but as his fingers wrapped back around my wrist, Jett's foot connected with Korbyn's groin. Korb crumpled to the floor in pain. Jais saw an opportunity and quickly pulled me away, dragging me along the floor, before pulling me to my feet.

  “Don't get involved in this, Jais. It’s not a good idea,” I pleaded with him. Jais's eyes darted from me to Korbyn and Jett then back again.

  “Myka, you’re in trouble now, you fucking bitch,” Korbyn yelled to me. Jais ignored my pleading and dragged me through a door behind the stage and shoved me into a closet. I stayed quiet and listened to the chaos as it bloomed into a full bar brawl. It was all because of me.

  “Oh, woe is me,” I mumbled raising my eyebrows, and then giggled softly.

  “So emo,” I heard Jais say from the other side of the door. I couldn't help but laugh a little louder. “Shh.” I heard him say. I stopped laughing abruptly, just in time to hear Korbyn yell my name.

  I tried opening the door, but Jais was leaning against it. I tried shoving the door, but Jais stayed firm. Now I m a bigger girl and have a lot of strength, but that door wasn't budging.

  “Stop it, Myka,” Jais hissed. I shoved again.

  “C'mon Jais. Let me out,” I said, shoving the door once more.

  “MYKA!!!” I heard Korbyn scream. I flinched in the darkness of my hiding place.

  “Never mind, Jais. Keep me in here,” I told Jais and heard him chuckle softly.

  “Go home, Korbyn!” I could hear Jett yelling at Korb. I couldn't imagine the scene that was unfolding out in the club. I wanted to disappear. I can’t believe all the trouble I’d caused. I wanted it to end, but Korbyn was a stubborn fucker and I knew he wouldn't let up until he had me.

  “I know she's in there, Jais. Let her out and I'll leave.” Korbyn was right outside the door! He may have been shorter than Jais but still bigger. I realized then that Jett wasn't with Korb. And if Korb had gotten in here, that meant Jett - I started to cry then. Korbyn was going to get me.

  “No.” Jais said plainly and clearly. I heard a soft click behind me and I spun around to find Jett. I knew it was him just by his silhouette. I was confused.

  “What the hell?” I whispered. Jett shushed me and grabbed my good wrist, pulling me towards a hidden door at the back of the closet. I nodded quickly in realization. Of course this club would have hidden doors. Illegal things went on down here.

  There was a set of stairs on the other side of the door. We descended into darkness. Jett reached into my pocket and pulled out my butane lighter and lit it. There were several rooms along the hallway in the walls of stone and many of them had curtains hanging from the doorframes. I cocked an eyebrow.

  “This used to be a brothel,” Jett told me. I smiled. Jett always seemed to know what I thinking without me ever saying anything.

  He led me to another set of stairs at the end of the hall. These led up to a part of the building that wasn't used by the club. Jett looked around to make sure Korbyn hadn't somehow followed us. After leading me through yet another door, we came face to face with Jais. I gasped, taken by surprise.

  “Korbyn went home,” Jais said plainly. I looked between the two of them.

  “Do you guys realize what you've done?” I asked them, slightly angered.

  “Umm... we saved your ass?” Jett replied. Jais nodded, smirking. I just rolled my eyes.

  “He's gonna really let loose when I get home!” I cried, glaring at the two of them. “You guys didn't save me! You made everything worse!” I was looking around the room we were in for a way out. I needed to get home. I loved these guys dearly, and I was starting to fall in love with Jett, but they didn't realize what they’d done.

  “So you don't go home,” Jais said. I turned on him.

  “If I don't go home it'll be even worse!” He cowered, knowing if I let my anger loose he’d be in trouble.

  “Myka, you’re not going home tonight,” Jett stated. “Let Korbyn cool off. He reeked of alcohol. He was drunk. I bet he won’t remember any of this in the morning.”

  “He was drunk?” I asked scowling. Jett and Jais both nodded. “He's been sober for a year! Look what I've done to him! I've made him drink!” I started to cry then. Jais looked at Jett concerned. Jett wrapped his arms around me, but I pushed him away. “I want to go home.”

  “No, Myka. You’re not going home,” Jett repeated. Jais looked at us, not sure what to say. I continued to look around but I just couldn't find an exit. So, I came up with a plan.

  “Okay, Jett. You win. Take me to your place,” I said. Jais was studying me and I knew he could read me like a book. Then again, so could Jett.

  Apparently I’m easy to read. If Jais could see through this little charade, so could Jett. I had to be careful. I looked up at Jett, who towered over me at 6’ 5”, and his eyes bore into mine. One eye was black and swollen, and there were several cuts on his face. One of his lips was busted open and still bleeding. I knew he could see what I was planning because his eyes showed pain. I knew it wasn't from his injuries, but from me. Jett knew I was going to play him. It broke my heart and I looked away. Jett kept his eyes on me, knowing it made me uncomfortable and it would normally break me and make me tell the truth. This time, however, I stood firm. I knew what I had to do. I had to go home.

  Jett finally nodded, looking away from me and turning his eyes to Jais. I watched them as they communicated silently. That was one thing I hated about them. Twins have this special way of communicating without even saying a word. And these two had used that gift against me numerous times over the years that I’d known them.

  “Let's go, Myka,” Jett finally spoke, still not looking at me. My heart broke a little more. I hated what I was about to do. But I had to. I had to get home to Korbyn.

  Jett and Jais shook their heads in unison as they led me out of the building through another hidden door. I smirked and shook my head. I should have known that there would be another hidden door.

  Chapter Three

  We headed towards Jett's car, Jett in front of me, Jais behind me. I had to make a run for it. If I didn't, they would never let me go home. I just didn't know how. Not with them blocking me. If I made a run right now, either one of them could catch me.

  As we walked, I noticed Jett was limping. May
be I’d be okay to run after all.

  We got to the car and Jett got into the driver's seat. Jais opened my door for me. Jett started his car and waited. Jais had me trapped between him and the car. I looked at him.

  “I’m sorry, Jais,” I said before punching him in the nose and shoving him out of my way. I ran, hoping I hadn’t hurt him too bad. I mean, I had punched him with my left hand, and as far as I knew I didn't have much power behind that hand. I may be ambidextrous, but I was mainly right-handed.

  “Myka!” I heard Jett scream my name. “Please don't go home!” I could hear anger, fear and sadness in his voice. Yet I didn't stop or go back. I kept running.

  Chapter Four

  I finally made it home, but I was so out of breath, I collapsed on our front porch, wheezing. I have asthma and I'm a smoker, so it was a great combination. I lay there on the porch, looking out into the stars, thinking.

  I punched Jais.

  I couldn't believe that I had done that. I regretted it and hoped that he would forgive me. Hell, I hoped Jett would forgive me for running. Just then, the porch light came on and I looked up at the screen door. Keegan looked out at me. I was surprised to see Keegan. He was normally at Nici's on the weekends.

  Keegan was about 5’ 9” tall, with short black hair and eyes identical to Korbyn's. He was thinner than Korbyn and had quite a few tattoos himself. Kee sings, writes music and plays guitar as well. As a matter of fact, Keegan and Korbyn were in a popular band together. They were usually out on the road, but they’d been lying low and writing new material for the last four months.

  “Myka?” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. I nodded. “Korbyn is out looking for you. What happened?” I chewed my bottom lip.

  So Korbyn hadn't come home yet. I worried for Jett's and Jais's safety and quickly text both of them to let them know that he was still out there looking for me.


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