Anything For Love

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Anything For Love Page 5

by Corke, Ashley

  “It's gorgeous,” I breathed, putting my hand out to him. Jett slid the ring on my finger. “Forever, Jett.” I kissed him again.

  The next thing I knew, Jett and I were making love on his couch. It was pure ecstasy. We breathed in sync, we thrust in sync, and we came in sync. It was pure bliss.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I must have fallen asleep after Jett and I made love, because the next thing I knew was that the whole house was dark and Jett wasn't anywhere to be found. I tried his cell phone. I even called Jais, but Jais hadn't seen him. I grew worried. I grabbed my jacket and walked eight blocks to my place. As I approached the house, I took off the ring from Jett and stuck it in my pocket. I didn't need any more trouble than I was most likely going to go through.

  The lights downstairs were off, so I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. I walked inside slowly.

  “Hello?” I called. “Anyone home?” I knew that this was probably really stupid, but I really needed some of my things. Of course, stupid was an understatement.

  I closed the door and when I looked back up, Korbyn stood there, looking down at me. His face was cut and bruised. Jett must have really taken care of him. Korb's brown eyes glared at me, almost black in color.


  “What the hell are you doing here, Myka?” he asked me.

  “Well. I live here, Korb,” I replied. “I need some of my things.” Korbyn took a couple steps closer to me and my back wound up against the door.

  “Are you afraid of me, baby?” Korb questioned, placing his hands on the door at either side of my head. I nodded slowly, chewing on my lip. He tried to kiss me, but I ducked away from him and out from under his right arm.

  “I just came for some of my things,” I repeated myself.

  “You're not leaving me again,” he said, grabbing my broken wrist. I winced. I was surprised how well the cast had held up over those past few days.

  “Don't Korbyn,” I told him sternly. Korb pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around me. I tried pushing him away from me.

  “You're mine, Myka. Mine!” Korbyn put his lips to my forehead, holding me tight. I couldn’t help but start to cry. He tipped my face up to his and he kissed me. I tried getting away from him, but Korb held me tight. It took me a few minutes, but I was finally able to pull away from him.

  “I just came to get some of my things,” I repeated once again. He let me go that time. I walked up to our bedroom and I grabbed some of my clothes, then I went to the bathroom to grab some toiletries.

  As I went to leave the bathroom, I walked right into Keegan s arms.

  “Well. Hello, Myka,” Kee greeted me, looking me up and down. I ducked under his arm and headed towards the stairs. “Don't ignore me, bitch.”

  “Korbyn!” I called down to my ex from the top of the stairs.

  “I said don't ignore me!” Keegan cried from behind me, and then shoved me. I saw the stairs coming at my face and I did what I could to protect my face as I fell. All went black by the time I hit the bottom of the stairs.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “What the fuck did you do, Keegan?” Korbyn cried. I was starting to come to.

  “I - I don't know what happened, bro,” Keegan told Korb. I moaned in pain and tried to sit up, but my wrist cracked under me and I knew that my cast was missing and my wrist was even more broken than it had been. Korbyn turned to me, his eyes soft and sad.

  “Myka! Baby!” Korbyn exclaimed, relieved. He came over to me, hugging me. I winced. “You're okay baby. I'm here now.” I pushed him away from me.

  “Take me to the hospital, or I’ll walk myself there,” I said through my teeth.

  “You're not going anywhere, baby,” Korbyn replied. I looked up at him and he kissed me. I tried pushing him away again, but I failed. My broken wrist was throbbing and my other arm just wasn’t strong enough. Korbyn had me pinned to the couch as he kissed me and he ground against me. I couldn't fight. I had just been pushed down the stairs, for crying out loud! I lay there as Korbyn kissed me and fondled me. My phone rang then, but Keegan answered it.

  “Hello?” there was a pause. “I'm sorry, but Myka is busy at the moment. Slightly incapacitated, Jett.” Another pause. “Who? Oliver who?” I smirked, as Keegan s eyes grew wide. He quickly hung up without another word. “Korbyn! That was a detective looking for Myka! She went to the cops about us!” Korbyn looked down at me, with hatred in his eyes. He slapped me, yet I made no moves and that seemed to anger him even more. Korbyn pulled himself out of his pants and ripped my pants off of me.

  “A thong, Myka?” he asked me. “You never wore a thong for me.”

  Korb yanked my thong upwards and I cried out in pain. Then he pulled it off of me and thrust inside me harder than he ever had before. I bit my lip in pain. Korbyn kept hitting me as he slid in and out of me. He was slapping me with both hands; pinching me; biting me and yanking my hair so hard, he pulled some of it out. As Korb was hitting me, I felt one of my nose rings fall out and my eyebrow ring got torn out. I was sobbing beneath Korbyn, which seemed to make him even more lust-raged. Then, without any notice, Korb flipped me over and shoved himself into my back end, and I cried out so loud, Keegan had to cover his ears. Of course, this made Korbyn even angrier and he grabbed my hair with both fists and yanked my head back. As Korbyn came, he spit right on my face. Then he slid off of me and threw my pants at me.

  “Don't I get a go?” Keegan whined. Korbyn punched him and Kee fell to the floor in pain.

  “Get dressed and get out of here. You come back, it'll be even worse,” Korbyn said to me before walking up the stairs. I threw my clothes on and limped out of the house.

  I dialed Detective Royce s number as soon as I was a block from the house. I had no idea what time it was and prayed that he would answer.

  “Royce,” he answered his phone. I sobbed, relieved. “Myka?”

  “I need help, Detective. I need to go to the hospital, but I can't walk much further,” I told him between sobs.

  “Go into the closest, open public place. Tell me where and I will personally come get you,” Detective Royce directed. I stumbled into a Laundromat and sat down. There was a group of people in there and they stared at me hard.

  “I'm in Lucky's Laundry, Detective,” I said loud enough for the people to hear me. At least they would know I had a detective on the way.

  “I'm on my way, Myka. Just stay there.” He hung up. I looked at my reflection in a vending machine and I looked terrible. I started to cry even harder, right in front of these strangers. Finally, they just ignored me.

  When Detective Royce came to the door, a couple of them ran. Detective Royce shook his head, before helping me to my feet and to his car. After he was sure I was safely in the car, he turned his lights on and we headed to the hospital.

  Chapter Twenty

  “What happened tonight?” Detective Royce asked me, when he took me back to the precinct. My wrist had needed a new cast and I received a couple of stitches here and there. Otherwise, I was okay. Thank heaven that s all the damage. I'd had another rape kit done as well.

  Detective Harris was in the room with us. Detective Bensley and Detective Bronson had gone out on another case. I studied both of them for a moment before sighing.

  “You're going to tell me I'm stupid,” I mumbled. Detective Harris looked at me.

  “Nobody's going to say anything like that, Princess,” he told me. I took a deep breath before I started. Detective Royce's piercing blue eyes were trained on me as if he really cared.

  “I went back to my place to get some things. Jett wasn't at his place when I left, so I had to go alone. Korbyn cornered me for a few moments but let me go get my things. Keegan approached me upstairs and I ignored him. He got mad that I was ignoring him and shoved me down the stairs, apparently causing me to black out,” I started, watching the two of them and they both watched me back. “When I came to after the fall, I was on the couch while the twins were arguing. One of you det
ectives called while Korbyn was trying to comfort me and that pissed them both off. Korb beat the crap out of me as he raped me and the only place he didn't rape was my mouth. Then he threw my clothes at me and told me to get out of there. Keegan asked why he couldn't have a go and Korbyn beat him down for it. I got out of there and called you, Detective Royce.” Detective Royce had his lips pursed and Detective Harris sat there making fists.

  “That's it. Where the hell are the rape kit results?” Detective Harris asked angrily. “C'mon, Ol. Let's bring them in.”

  “Can you wait here, Myka?” I nodded and they left me alone in the interrogation room. While I sat there, I decided to try getting a hold of Jett again. I took out my phone and dialed his number. Finally, he answered, out of breath.

  “Where the hell have you been, Jett?” I questioned him.

  “Taking care of some business. Where are you? You're not at home.”

  “I'm at the precinct. Korbyn and Keegan beat me up again.” There was silence on the other end. Korbyn raped me again, too.

  “I know. And that's not going to happen anymore, angel. You're safe now,” Jett said calmly.

  “Yea. Detective Royce and Detective Harris are on their way to Korbyn's,” I started slowly, but I knew that wasn't what he meant. “How did you know?” Jett stayed silent. “Did you watch them do what they did to me?” I was getting mad. “Did you?”

  “No Myka. I didn't. I came to the house as you were leaving. I saw you limping and saw the kind of shape you were in and I went in there,” Jett finally answered me. “I took care of them. You have no worries.”

  “What do you mean?” I was a little worried.

  “Don't worry about that right now, My. You'll find out soon enough.” I couldn't say a word. “Now, please come home, sweetheart. Please?”

  “Okay, Jett. I'm leaving the precinct now.” I hung up and I left.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “What the hell did you do, Jett?” I drilled him when I got home. It was now four in the morning and we were running around his place packing some of our things.

  “All I did was think about keeping you safe, Myka!” Jett started to cry then, pulling me into his arms. “I don't want to lose you, My.” I started to cry, too. I just held onto him, knowing that I was safe now. At that moment, my phone rang. I looked at the number and it was Detective Royce. I looked up at Jett. He told me to answer it. So, I did.

  “Myka, it's Detective Royce. Where are you?” he sounded frantic.

  “I'm at home, packing some things. I leave for my grandmother's in the morning. I need to get out of here for a few days. You know, to get away from Korbyn and Keegan. I need to recuperate. The doctor gave me the okay,” I totally lied.

  “Myka, don't leave just yet. We'd like to ask you some questions. Your boyfriend, too,” Detective Royce told me.

  “Detective, I appreciate all the help you've given me over the last few days, but I'm leaving in the morning. I'll send you all a nice card and some flowers or something.”

  “Myka. Please.” The detective was begging me.

  “I'm sorry, Oliver.”

  “Then I have no choice, but to bring you in.” With that, he hung up.

  “Jett, they're coming to get me,” I said, turning to Jett. He shrugged.

  “You don't know what they're coming to get you for, My. You didn't do anything wrong. Hell, you were with them most of the night. Don't worry about it, Hun,” Jett told me calmly. I sighed heavily, rolling my eyes.

  “You know I suck at lying,” I protested.

  “But you won't be lying. You have no idea what this is all about, anyways,” Jett pointed out. I shrugged. I guess I would be okay.

  A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door, and there stood Detective Bensley and Detective Bronson.

  “Myka. You and Jett have to come with us,” Detective Bensley told me. I nodded.

  “Detective Royce already called me, Detective, I responded with a bit of an attitude. She sighed.

  “Come on, Myka. Let's go,” Detective Bensley said and Detective Bronson took Jett's arm and they led us to their car. We got in the back seat and sat in silence on the way to the precinct.

  Detective Royce and Detective Harris took me into one interrogation room, while Detective Bronson and Detective Bensley took Jett into another one.

  “Okay, Princess. Why did you leave?” Detective Harris started the questioning. I shrugged.

  “I was scared. I didn't want to see the twins,” I explained. I looked at Harris hard. “Why would I want to see them? They did this to me tonight because they knew I had come to you!” Detective Royce came over and sat on the table next to me.

  “I understand, Myka. We both do,” he said, looking over to Detective Harris, who nodded in agreement.

  “I walked right out of here and back to Jett's. I was afraid of what Korbyn or Keegan might do if they saw me here.” I looked at the both of them, meeting their stares. “Why? Did I do something wrong?”

  “Not necessarily. You were with us from about eleven-thirty until three. You couldn't have done it,” Detective Royce said.

  “Done what?” I looked at the two of them. My eyes darted between them. “Detectives?”

  “Myka. We're friends here. Please, call me Oliver,” Detective Royce told me once again. Detective Harris looked at me.

  “And you can call me Terrance,” he said. I smirked and he smirked right back nodding. “Got a problem, Princess?” I shook my head, a small smile on my face.

  “So, what didn't I do, then?” I changed the subject back to the original topic.

  “Your boys Korbyn and Keegan were found murdered when we went to pick them up,” Terrance replied. I looked at him, my eyes wide and my mouth open.

  “What?” I was shocked. Slightly. They had it coming to them, after all.

  “Korbyn and Keegan were found murdered, Myka,” Oliver repeated it for me.

  “Do you know if they had any enemies?” Terrance asked me. I gave him a look and he put his hands up.

  “I think they made quite a few within the last few days, Detectives,” I answered him. I cocked an eyebrow. “Including you guys.” They looked at each other.

  “Myka. Are you insinuating that one of us did it?” Oliver asked me, a little shocked. I shrugged.

  “You guys. Brady. Kye. Each other. Even Jett. But he was at Jais's when I called him to come home,” I responded.

  “This is no time to be a smart ass, Princess,” Detective Harris said to me, a little sternly. I looked him right in the eye.

  “I'm not being a smart ass, Detective. I'm just calling it how I'm seeing it.” I sat back in my chair, folding my arms over my chest. The detectives looked at each other while I studied them. Do you honestly think I had something to do with this?

  “Myka, we just have to question all of the likely suspects,” Detective Royce said to me.

  “Hello! I came to you guys for help. Some help you guys were while I was being beaten. Even raped! I asked you guys for help and yet you didn't do anything for two days! I came to you guys three days ago!” I was sobbing and screaming at them. I put my elbows on the table and my head in my hands.

  To my surprise, Mr. Hardcore placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. I slowly looked up at him.

  “I came to you guys three days ago. Two guys have raped me at least four different times and every single hole was violated within the last three days! Where the fuck were you when I needed you?” I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

  “Myka, I was there every time you called me,” Detective Royce told me.

  “No. No you weren't, Oliver,” I spit his name out like it was poison and the look on his face was painful to look at. “Terrance came around when you weren’t. Him and Detective Bronson came. Tonight's the first time I've seen Detective Bensley since that first night!” My leg was shaking a mile a minute from anxiety. I chewed at my fingernails while they sat there watching me. “Jesus. I feel li
ke I'm talking to my father.” I laughed harshly.

  “Why's that?” Detective Harris asked.

  “He was never around. I tracked him down back in high school, but my dreams of a relationship were shattered when he told me to never contact him again a couple years ago,” I answered softly.

  “Myka, I’m really sorry. I wish I could -” Detective Royce started but I cut him off.

  “Don't. Just don't.” Detective Royce got off of the table and stepped out the door. I looked up at Detective Harris. “Do you think I pissed him off?” He shook his head.

  “I think he pissed himself off, Princess.” I looked down at the table as Detective Harris left the room after Royce. I just stared at the table. I went to the door and stood next to it, listening for anything.

  “Something has to change, Terrance! Obviously my sensitivity and care towards her isn't working!” Detective Royce was yelling at Detective Harris right outside the door. I realized that they were fighting about me.

  “She’s been through a lot of trauma within the last few days, Oliver! She obviously has a trust issue. Give her a chance!” Detective Harris defended me. I was taken back slightly. I wandered around the room alone for a moment, before they came back in.

  “Where was your boyfriend around midnight, Miss Marsters?” Detective Royce questioned me. His tone and everything else had seemed to change. Without warning, I started to cry again. “Are those guilty tears?” I looked at him, squinting my eyes.

  “Fuck you, Detective Royce,” I said through my tears. “Just when I was starting to trust you, you change. I've always hated law enforcement because your people have always blamed me for my abuse!” I approached him, my chest barely brushing him, my face level with his throat. “I was with you at midnight, Detective. I don't baby-sit Jett.” Detective Harris looked on silently. He seemed to be curious as to what was going to happen. Detective Royce's eyes pierced back into my soul, just like that had that first night. Not sympathetic, but hard and cold.


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