Anything For Love

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Anything For Love Page 6

by Corke, Ashley

  “I asked you where your boyfriend was at midnight,” Detective Royce repeated himself. I pursed my lips, shaking my head.

  “Royce. She was with us. How is she supposed to know where Jett was?” Detective Harris finally jumped in. Detective Royce grabbed my shoulders gently.

  “Don't do that,” Detective, I warned him. Not because I was going to get violent, but because I was ready to scream. He cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “Myka, why don't you come sit back down?” Terrance offered my chair to me. I pulled out of Oliver's grasp and went to the chair. Detective Royce followed me, sitting back on the table right next to me.

  “Where was Jett?” he asked again. I glared up at him.

  “He was at his brother's place when I called him to tell him I was leaving the precinct and to meet me at his place,” I told him, scowling. “I even talked to Jais briefly when I called.” I folded my arms under my breasts, out of habit. I looked directly at Detective Royce with one eyebrow cocked. “What else do you want to know? My favorite color is black. Nine different guys have raped me. My first pet -” Royce shook his head, cutting me off.

  “Nine different guys?” I nodded.

  “I guess I'm just really that desirable. Aren't I, Detective?” I just let the words roll off of my tongue, one eyebrow shooting up then back down quickly.

  “It wasn't your fault, Myka,” Detective Harris told me. “None of it was.” Someone knocked on the door and Detective Royce walked out again.

  “Is he growing a little attached, Terrance?” I asked, curious. He looked at me.

  “He just wanted to catch those bastards, Princess. Don't let him get to you.” I looked at Harris's hands for a moment. I could tell this man next to me wasn't much of an emotional type.

  “I was with you guys all night. How could he think I had something to do with their murder?” I started to cry again. Terrance was hesitant, but he slowly took me into an embrace. I hesitated myself, before returning it. Detective Royce came back in then. I let go of Harris.

  “You're free to go, Miss Marsters,” he said to me. Detective Harris got up and started to lead me out.

  “Actually, could I have a word with Detective Royce, alone?” I asked Detective Harris. He looked up at Oliver who nodded slightly. Terrance left me alone with him, shutting the door. We sat back at the table for a moment.

  “Look, Miss -” I cut him off.

  “I know I snapped on you, Detective Royce and I apologize. I'm not sure you realize exactly what I've been through lately. It's tearing me apart.” I started sobbing again. He looked at me, his piercing stare gone again. “The minute you introduced yourself, I had faith that everything would be alright. That's never happened before, Oliver - I mean Detective.” The hard shell that had masked his face for the last of the interrogation broke away.

  “Oliver. It's Oliver, Myka,” Detective Royce finally responded.

  “I just wanted to let you know that you have given me a few things I haven't had in a long time: trust, faith and hope. I want to thank you for that.” I was being brutally honest with this amazing detective.

  “That's just part of my job.”

  “No, Detective. It's not. I can guarantee you have never met anyone like me and you never will. Am I right?” Oliver studied me for a moment, before smiling a small smile.


  “I'll never meet anyone else like you, either. So I have to tell you how thankful I am that I met you, as well as Detective Harris. Detective Bensley and Detective Bronson are pretty great, too. But you, Oliver, have helped me the most.” I stood up then and so did Detective Royce.

  “Myka, if you ever need anything, no matter what it is, you call me. Save my number. Put me on speed dial if you have to. I will protect you for as long as I can,” he told me. I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. A couple tears slid down my cheeks and onto his chest as he hugged me back. I kissed him on his cheek softly, before stepping back and opening the door. I walked out of the room to find Detective Harris waiting outside. I hugged him again, before walking out of the precinct. I know that the four detectives watched me leave. I doubted I would ever see them again.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jett and I had been on the road for several weeks. We took care of our business back home before we left. My grandmother's was out of the question, considering the detectives would most likely look there for us.

  It was Jett that had murdered Korbyn and Keegan. I didn't find out until after we left New York. I told him that I had figured that, but had never mentioned my suspicions to the detectives. He asked me if I was going to leave him and I told him that we were in this together until the very end. Jett seemed very happy about that.

  I'd lost about fifty pounds and colored my hair black. I even wore brown colored contacts. We changed our names and got married two weeks after we left town. I was now Karma Wayward and he was Tylon Wayward. Tylon had cut his gorgeous long hair real short and lightened it to a beautiful platinum shade. He now wore blue colored contacts and with his new look, Tylon looked just like Jais, only taller.

  Jais was left behind, but we talked to him often. He warned us that the detectives were tracking us down and had even put a trace on his house phone. Jais explained that he had to agree to it, so they wouldn't know he knew what happened. Apparently, Detective Royce was very bent on finding me. He told Jais I was a victim and needed to be helped.

  At one point we were at a hotel in LA and I received a call on my new cell phone. Tylon was in the bathroom when I answered it, without checking the number.

  “Myka? Is that you?” it was a familiar voice on the other end and I realized it was Detective Royce. My heart about stopped.

  “No. I’m sorry, sir,” I lied. “I think you have the wrong number.

  “I know it's you Myka. It's Oliver. This number has called Mrs. Laughlin's house over one hundred times within the last few weeks,” Detective Royce pried. Mrs. Laughlin was my grandmother. “Please, Myka. Let me help you.”

  “I'm sorry, sir. I don't know any Mrs. Laughlin. And my name is Karma. Not Myka.”

  “Myka, please,” Oliver begged. I sighed.

  “My name is Karma,” I repeated. Tylon came out of the bathroom, looking at me inquisitively. “You have the wrong number.” I hung up before Royce could reply.

  “Wrong number?” Tylon asked.

  “We need to change our numbers,” I said firmly. Tylon scowled slightly. “That was Detective Royce.”

  “Shit,” Tylon mumbled. “I'm going down to the store right now. I'm going to change our numbers. If it happens again, we'll have to find a new company. Stay here.” Tylon left then and my phone rang again. It was Detective Royce's number. I was hesitant to answer it. I knew full well what kind of trouble this could and would cause. Yet, I still answered it.


  “I know it's you, Myka,” Oliver said.

  “I told you my name is Karma.”

  “Fine. Karma. I know it’s you.”

  “And if it was?” I asked, curious.

  “I would beg you to come back. We know it was Jett who killed Korbyn and Keegan. Don't put yourself in a position like this,” Oliver begged. “Please, Myka.”

  “It's Karma now, Oliver,” I caved. There was no point in fighting with him. This man seemed to know everything. He sighed, sounding relieved. “You won't be able to get a hold of me much longer. We're changing our numbers.”

  “Karma, don't do this,” he pleaded.

  “And I know that you most likely are tracing this, but that won't help you much either. We'll be gone tonight.” I didn’t mean to reveal some of that information, but I couldn't help it.

  “Karma, please. Let me help you.”

  “I don't need help anymore. You didn't help me when I needed it,” I snapped. “I have to pack, Detective.”

  “Karma, I just need to know that you're okay,” Royce told me.

  “I'm fine, Oliver.” I was being honest. “I do miss y
ou and Terrance, though.”

  “We miss you, too,” he replied with a smile in his voice.

  “I have to go now, Oliver. I want to be packed before Tylon gets back,” I said, accidentally saying Jett's new name. “I mean, Jett.”

  “Tylon?” the detective asked.

  “Oliver. Please. Don't.” it was my turn to beg.

  “You know I can't do that, honey,” Oliver replied. “Can you just do me one thing?” I hesitated a moment before answering.


  “Can you just call me once in a while to let me know that you're okay?” I was taken back.

  “I - I guess I could do that. But it won't be from my phone anymore. I hope you know that,” I responded, stuttering slightly. “Bye, Oliver.” I hung up before he could say anything else.

  Grabbing my bags, I started throwing all my stuff in them. Clothes, shoes, my toiletries, even some of the hotel's towels. Tylon's bags were next. By the time Tylon walked back into the room, our new numbers on a paper in his hand, everything was packed.

  “We need to leave, Tylon,” I told him. He didn't second-guess me and grabbed our bags. We went down to the front desk to return the keys before leaving. Tylon threw our bags in the trunk of our newest car, and then we took off. Who knew where we would end up next.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  We were in Washington a month later, living in a small cottage near the ocean. It was a pay-weekly place, but I loved it. Detective Royce hadn't found us yet or gotten a hold of me since that last night. I figured it was about time to call him. Tylon was at work and had taken the car, so I called a cab and went to the next town over. I had the driver wait while I ran into a corner store to use the pay phone

  “Royce,” the detective answered after the first ring.

  “I'm okay, Detective. I'm just calling to let you know that,” I said immediately.

  “My - I mean, Karma?” he asked, sounding surprised, but relieved.

  “Yes. I told you I would let you know that I'm okay.”

  “Where are you?” I smirked.

  “You know I'm too smart to tell you that,” I replied. Oliver chuckled softly.

  “We tracked you to LA, you know. That was about all we got, though,” he confessed. I smiled.

  “I told you I wouldn’t let you find me. Not yet, Oliver. “

  “I just want to help you. You won't have to go to jail, My. You had no idea it was Jett until I told you the other day, right?” he was grilling me.

  “Maybe. Maybe not,” I responded.

  “He kidnapped you, Myka. He lied to you. Jett doesn't love you.”

  “Jett saved me, Detective!” I snapped at him. “He did more than you did!” I knew that would hurt him.

  “Myka -” I cut him off.

  “My name is Karma, Detective. Good day.” I hung up on Oliver again. My heart was broken. I knew that he genuinely wanted to help me. Hell. I wanted him to help me. I just couldn't do that to Tylon.

  I ran back out of the store and back to my cab, the driver taking me back to my simple little cottage. Tylon wasn’t home from work yet, which was a good thing. He didn't know about my calls with Oliver and I didn't want him to know.

  I walked around the cottage, thinking to myself. I loved Jett. I mean he saved me too many times. I couldn't leave him. I couldn't go back. Yet, here I was, living on the run like a fugitive. I knew we would have to leave again after that call. We couldn't risk getting caught.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  About an hour later, Tylon came home and I told him I wanted to head back to New York.

  “I miss Grandma,” I explained. He studied me.

  “You know that's cutting it close, Kar,” Tylon told me.

  “C'mon, baby. Please? I miss Gollum, too.” I smirked then. “And we have yet to do it in the stall.” He laughed.

  “Okay. Okay. For a few days,” he finally gave in. I hugged him.

  “Thanks, Ky! Can we leave tonight?” I asked him. He nodded.

  “Let's go sell our car and get a cab to the airport. We'll fly out this time,” he said. I looked at him.

  “Are you sure that's safe?” I questioned.

  “No, but at least that way we can get there and get it done and over with,” he replied, shrugging. I nodded in agreement. We packed our things and headed out.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was a week later and we were at my grandmother's. She commented on my new look and told me I looked great. I just kept hugging her. I knew that this might be the last time I would see her. We spent a lot of time together, while Tylon looked for a job in cities in the surrounding area. It looked like we might be in New York for a while.

  “Some detectives keep coming up here and snooping around, Myka,” Grandma told me. I looked at her.

  “Grandma, I changed my name to Karma,” I reminded her. She laughed.

  “I know, honey, but I can't help calling you what your mother named you,” Grandma replied. I smiled.

  “Have the detectives been up here recently?” I asked, changing the subject back.

  “Last week a good looking young man came up here asking about you. Detective Rogers or Rooster or something like that.”

  “Detective Royce?”

  “That's what it was,” she said. I chewed on my bottom lip. “I told them I hadn’t seen you since that week you broke you wrist.”

  “Thanks, Grandma.” I stood up. “I'm going to go take Gollum out for a ride,” I told her. I walked out of the house, grabbing my riding boots and walked out to the barn.

  My gorgeous dapple gray horse, Gollum, greeted me the moment he saw me. I brushed him down before putting his saddle blanket, saddle and bridle on. Then I climbed into the saddle and we took off into the woods.

  I figured I would ride to one of the corner stores in the next town so I could call Detective Royce. I used to ride out there to get soda and cigarettes when I lived up there, before I met Korbyn.

  It took Gollum and me about an hour to get there. I had decided to go to another town, where I also knew the storeowner. I walked in and got Newports and water for Gollum. I gave Gollum his water in a Styrofoam bowl that I also bought before walking over to the pay phone. I dialed Detective Royce s number.

  “Royce,” he answered before the phone even rang on my end.

  “Just letting you know that I'm okay, Detective,” I said immediately.

  “Where are you, Myka?” he questioned. I rolled my eyes.

  “It's Karma now, Oliver,” I reminded him.

  “Where are you?” Detective Royce demanded. I scowled.


  “Myka, if you don't let me help you, I can't prevent anyone else from going hard on you!” he cried.

  “That sounded like an invitation to a rendezvous, Detective” I responded, smirking. “Are you attracted to me, Detective? Do you want me in your bed?”

  “I - I never said that,” Oliver stammered and I knew I made him blush. My smile grew.

  “You do, don t you?” I pushed. “You want me to be all yours, Detective. You want me to be crying your name out at night and not Jett's.”

  “Karma!” He exclaimed, surprising me.

  “You want to be able to say that late at night as I'm on top of you,” I guess I didn't know when to stop. “I know you've had wet dreams about me, Detective. I've seen it in your eyes.”

  “I want to help you, Karma. Not bed you,” he finally retaliated.

  “Bullshit, Detective. If you wanted to help me -” Oliver cut me off.

  “I know I should have been there when you called! I know I should have moved faster to get those bastards, Karma!” he yelled at me, surprising me into silence. “I just want to save you, Karma. Let me save you.”

  “Jett already did, Detective,” I replied softly, after a moment of silence where I let everything he just said sink in.

  “Tell me where you are, Karma. Please,” Oliver begged.

  “For all you know I could be right outside
the precinct. I could be down in Florida or in Kentucky. Maybe you passed me this morning. Maybe I'm in Texas. Maybe I was the one you gave you your coffee an hour ago. You wouldn't know, Oliver. I could be watching you right now, longing for you. Maybe I'm in my bed, wishing you were there with me. You will never know, Detective Royce. Oliver. You're my guardian angel. And I will be yours someday. That's a promise.” I then realized that I had been crying.

  “Karma -” I cut him off.

  “See you soon, Detective.” I hung up, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I mounted Gollum again and took back off towards my grandmother's.

  As Gollum and I approached my grandmother's an hour later, I saw an unmarked police car in her driveway and I knew the detectives had come back. I slowed Gollum and watched on from a distance. Detective Royce finally came out of my grandmother s house, rubbing his hands over his face. Detective Royce sure looked rough. Detective Bensley came out behind him, placing a hand on his back in a comforting gesture. I saw him look up and I know he looked right at me, because he froze mid-step. I quickly took off back into the woods and watched from the safety of the shadows as he shook his head and climbed into his car. I waited until I was sure they weren't coming back, before returning Gollum to his stall. I brushed him down again and then went back into the house.

  “Myka honey, the detectives were back,” Grandma told me immediately.

  “I know, Grandma. Don't worry. We'll leave in a few days,” I replied before going up to my room. To my surprise, Tylon came out of a secret hiding place that I had created back three years before then.

  “The detectives came by, Karma,” Tylon told me immediately.

  “I know. I saw them.”

  “We need to leave soon. We can't be found.”


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