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Anything For Love

Page 9

by Corke, Ashley

  He seemed to be surprised and just sat there for a moment, before wrapping one of his arms around my waist. I straddled him, deepening the kiss. After a few moments of sitting on top of him, I broke the kiss.

  “Would you mind if I took a shower?” I asked him, breathless. Oliver shook his head slowly, trying to catch his own breath. I smiled. I climbed off of him and he got up to show me where everything was.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  A few hours later, Oliver had me out shopping for some new clothes. While we were driving to another store, my phone rang. Oliver looked at me and I looked at him, a little scared.

  “It's Tylon,” I told him softly. He quickly pulled into a parking lot and turned off the car.

  “Answer it,” Ol demanded. I scowled at him, before doing as he said.


  “Karma! Where the hell have you been? Where are you?” Tylon was already yelling at me.

  “I'm actually out buying clothes, because they didn't get any from the room for me,” I told him.

  “Who didn't? Who was in our room?”

  “The detectives!” I cried, adding, You idiot! In my head. I couldn’t say that to him.

  Where are you? Tylon asked me again.

  “I told you. I'm out shopping,” I told him again.

  “You're with your boyfriend, aren't you?” he screamed.

  “No! There's only you, Tylon!” I screamed back. Oliver sat in the driver's seat watching me, his eyes wide.


  “Where are you, Ty? I can come back to you,” I said, glancing at Oliver, who was scowling now.

  “Yea. Like I'm going to tell you where I am,” Tylon snapped, laughing harshly. “What do you think I am? Stupid?”

  “You know I don't think that, baby,” I replied softly. “I love you, Tylon.” Oliver climbed out of the car, slamming his door. I winced.

  “What was that?” Tylon asked me.

  “I just got back into my rental car,” I lied.

  “You swear to me that you're alone? That you'll come back to me and not tell anyone where I am?” Tylon questioned slowly. I hesitated. “Karma?”

  “I swear, Tylon.” I lied again.

  “Fine,” he said before telling me exactly where he was. I started to cry softly. “I love you, Karma.”

  “I love you, too,” I whispered before hanging up. I sat in the car alone for a few moments before Oliver got back in. He wore a scowl on his face and his eyes were hard. I turned away and closed my eyes as tears streamed down my face.

  We rode in silence for about half an hour, before pulling into the mall parking lot. Oliver parked the car and sat there for a moment, not looking at me. I had my arms crossed over my chest, as I looked out the window, afraid to even move.

  Finally I mustered up the courage, and I quickly took off my seat belt and started to open the door, when Oliver grabbed my wrist. I gasped. Oliver wasn't hurting me; he just surprised me. I froze where I was and slowly looked up at him. His eyes were soft, despite his scowl.

  “Did he tell you where he is?” Oliver finally asked. I hesitated before nodding. “Where?”

  “He's two hours away from here,” I replied softly, not looking at Oliver. He let go of my wrist and took out his cell phone. “Not now, Oliver. Please?” Oliver looked at me, his eyes holding mine. He put his phone away and climbed out of the car. I sat where I was, afraid I had done something wrong. Ol came over to my car door and opened it, reaching in for me. I cowered. I thought that I was about to be punished.

  “Karma. I'm not going to hurt you. I was just going to help you out of the car,” he told me softly. I looked up at him, blushing. I had just made an idiot of myself in front of Oliver. He reached down and took my hand, helping me out of the car, shutting my door behind me. Then he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight. “I would never hurt you, Karma. I promise.” I pulled out of his embrace and started walking to the mall entrance. I just wanted to go home.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  That evening, back at Oliver's house, we sat in the living room with Detective Harris, Detective Bronson and Detective Bensley. I told them about Tylon calling me and I told them where he told me he was.

  “We'll go after him tomorrow,” Detective Bensley said. She looked at me. “You go to him like you told him you would and we’ll follow you. We won't be recognizable.”

  “But he knows Oliver!” I cried. “If he sees him, he'll kill me!”

  “You'll be safe, Karma. I promise,” Ellie told me, reassuringly. I looked at Oliver and he nodded. I rolled my eyes and sat back against the couch. Detective Harris was studying me.

  “You really will be safe, Princess,” Terrance said. I sighed heavily, staring at the floor.

  “You guys don t know Tylon. You don't know what he's capable of! If he sees any of you, I'm dead!” I cried again. My eyes flew over to Oliver's, scowling at him. I hoped my eyes were icy and hard. I was beyond angry at this point.

  “You’ll be safe, Karma,” Detective Bronson spoke up. I glared at him and he put his hands up.

  “I'll do it, but if I get killed, know it's your fault,” I snapped, looking at each of them. I stood up then and went upstairs. I sat on the bed that I slept in the night before and thought about what the detectives were making me do.

  About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. I was silent, but Oliver walked in after a few moments anyways. He came over and sat on the bed next to me without saying a word. We sat there like that in silence for a good ten minutes or so, before he moved his hand over to mine. I finally looked up at Oliver and his eyes looked pained. I scowled slightly.

  “What?” I asked, still a little angry.

  “I'm sorry, Karma. I know you don't want to do this tomorrow,” Oliver started.

  “You're damn right I don't! My life is at stake here!”

  “I'm sorry. I don't want it to be. I don't want to lose you,” he whispered. I glared at him, standing up.

  “Well, you're about to, Oliver. You're losing me,” I snapped. While I paced at the end of the bed, Oliver watched me. I should just walk out that door right now and go back to him! Oliver looked so hurt. I just rolled my eyes.

  “Karma -” I cut him off.

  “Don't, Detective Royce,” I snapped again. I realized then that I had started to cry. “You did this, Detective! You made everything worse for me!” I was sobbing.

  “No, Karma! Tylon did! Tylon killed Korbyn and Keegan! Tylon took you on the run with him! Tylon wouldn't let you have a life! Tylon beat you and raped you! Tylon's the one who's threatened to kill you!” Oliver was yelling at me now. I flinched noticeably and sat on the end of the bed. He got up and came over to me, crouching in front of me. “I'm the one who saved you, Kar. I want to keep you safe.” Ol reached up and wiped the tears from my face. I couldn't help but nuzzle his hand. Slowly, he moved in and kissed me.

  The next thing I knew, Oliver was making love to me in his bed. He was gentle, but powerful. I had waited for so long for this. I came over and over again, lying beneath Oliver, melting in his hands. He cried out my name as he gave one last thrust and collapsed on top of me, kissing me like I had never been kissed before.

  After he fell asleep, I started to cry. I knew this would all be gone after tomorrow. I would be gone. Either Tylon would take me away again or kill me. I didn't want to leave Oliver any more than he wanted me to. I realized that I had fallen in love with Oliver Royce. That just might be my downfall.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I called Tylon the following day, telling him what time I was leaving to come to him. He was seriously paranoid and that honestly scared me. I told him everything was going to be okay; we were finally going to be together again. Tylon told me that if I wasn't alone, he'd kill everyone and I reassured him that I would be alone. It broke my heart to lie to Tylon like that, but I still loved him so much.

  That night, I took off in the car Oliver had rented for me. He and the other detectiv
es followed in a car that Tylon wouldn't know. I was scared to death. Oliver had kissed me and reassured me everything would be okay, before I got into the car. I hoped he was right.

  I pulled up to the hotel Tylon told me he was staying at and got out of the car. I saw the detectives drive past as planned. I walked to the hotel room that Tylon had given me the number to and glanced back to see the detectives pulling in from the opposite direction. I knocked on the door and Tylon opened it slowly. It had only been a few days, but Tylon looked like a train had hit him. His chin-length hair was matted and unwashed. Tylon s eyes were wild and bloodshot. His clothes were ripped and dirty.

  “Karma!” Tylon cried, pulling me into the room. He looked frantically around outside, but didn't see the detectives. Quickly, Tylon closed the door and spun around to hug me. He smelled horrible.

  “Tylon? What happened to you?” I asked him slowly. He let me go.

  “I had to run when the cops came. I don't have any of my things. And I haven t had you,” he explained. I blushed. “I’ve missed you, Karma.” Tylon kissed me hard and starting kissing down to my neck. Suddenly he stopped and sniffed me.

  “Tylon?” I was confused.

  “You whore!” he cried. “You've been with that detective haven't you? You smell like another man!”

  “No! I've been faithful to you, Ty!” I cried back. Tylon hit me. Just as he went to hit me again, there was a knock on the door. Tylon froze and glared at me.

  “You're not alone, are you?” his voice was calm and eerie. Ty dragged me to the door with him and looked out the peephole. Without warning, he took a gun out of his waistband and put it to my head. Tylon then opened the door and there stood Ellie. She quickly took out her gun and pointed it at Tylon.

  “Put the gun down, Tylon,” Ellie told him. I stood there scared and confused. What was I supposed to do?

  “I don't think so, Detective. I'm getting out of here and Karma is coming with me,” Tylon retorted through gritted teeth. He slowly maneuvered around Ellie and headed towards the car I came in. I also noticed that there were now several other cop cars sitting in the parking lot.

  Oliver stood next to the car, his gun also aimed at Tylon. I looked at him, my eyes begging him to help me. Ellie nodded at Oliver and he took a shot, shooting Tylon in the leg. Tylon stumbled a little bit, but kept a hold of me and kept the gun to my head. In retaliation, he lowered his own gun and shot me in the leg. I screamed and Oliver screamed at Tylon. The other detectives all had their guns pointed at Tylon as he dragged me to the car. He opened the passenger door and forced me to crawl through to the driver's seat with a wounded leg. Tylon took a shot at Oliver as he shut the door, but missed him.

  “Start the car, Karma!” Tylon screamed at me. I was sobbing as I started it. “Drive!” I then put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot.

  When I went to take off, I felt something hot hit both shoulders. Then there was something hot in my back too. Despite the burning pain, I felt calm and almost euphoric. I couldn't believe this was happening.

  “No! Stop!” I heard Oliver screaming as Tylon started shooting out his open window. For a moment, it felt like I had no control over my own body. I seemed to watch myself slam on the brakes and yank my steering wheel to the left. For a moment I thought I heard something cracking in the difference, but I soon realized it had been really close. It had been the sound of Tylon slamming against the side of the door before flying out. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. I was pretty sure I had broken some bones, but Tylon quickly stood up, being shot by the cops as he did so. He turned to me. There were tears streaming down his cheeks, but his eyes were wild.

  “Why Karma?” Tylon asked me as he fell against the side of the car.

  I sat in the driver's seat, speechless, still feeling distant. I thought I felt something wet on my own cheeks, but the burning sensations in my back were pulling me further away from the situation.

  “I loved you!” Tylon screamed at me. “You said we were in this together, forever!”

  With that, he aimed his gun at me and shot.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  “Tylon Wayward was laid to rest last week during a small ceremony. Tylon was born Jett Adkins and is survived by his brother Jais Adkins and his wife Karma Wayward (born Myka Marsters). Flowers and money donations can be sent to Jais Adkins or Karma Wayward,” Oliver read me the obituary from the newspaper, as I lay in a hospital bed, recuperating from my injuries.

  “Good riddance,” I whispered. Tylon s bullet had grazed my throat and I was lucky to be alive. The bullets that had come from the police hadn't hit anything vital and I was going to make a full recovery. I looked out the window at the blue sky. I was sorry Tylon had to die. I really had loved him. He just didn't have to go as far as he had.

  “Myka?” I heard my birth name and looked up. Jais stood in the doorway with a bunch of flowers. I smiled.

  “Come in, Jais,” I whispered and Oliver stood up to give Jais a hand. Jais nodded to Oliver in thanks and set the flowers down on the windowsill. Then, he came over and sat on the edge of my bed. Oliver left the room to get himself more coffee.

  “I'm so sorry, Myka,” Jais said. I smiled and shook my head.

  “Don't be. I got myself into this. I finally got myself out of it,” I told him, my voice soft.

  “I just wish it didn't have to end like it did.” I placed my hand on the side of his face.

  “Everything happens for a reason, Jais. I still love you like my brother. You're still my best friend. Hell. A part of me still loves Jett despite what he did to me,” I explained, smiling softly. Jais took my hand and kissed the palm. He kept my hand to his cheek as we sat in silence for what seemed like hours

  “I'll always be here for you,” Jais told me, finally standing up. The look on his face made my heart ache. Then he smirked and cocked his eyebrow. “Isn't Oliver there a little old for you?” I laughed, grasping my throat with my hand. “I'm playing, My. You have fun and let me know when you're out.”

  “I will. Take care, Jais. If you need anything, call us,” I said. Jais nodded, leaving the room. My head fell against my pillow and I closed my eyes. Getting over all of this was going to be hard.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  I woke up in Oliver's bed, a few months after being released from the hospital. I noticed Oliver wasn't still in bed, so I snuggled deep into the covers, smelling Oliver's cologne, once again. I smiled, as there was a light knock on the door. Oliver walked in then, carrying a tray that had oatmeal, toast and orange juice on it, plus his coffee. My smile grew as he came over and sat on the bed next to me.

  “Good morning, Myka,” Oliver said, smiling back at me. I had legally changed my name back to Myka Marsters, a month after Tylon died. It was my first step to getting over what happened.

  “Good morning, Oliver,” I replied, sitting up.

  Oliver set the tray on the nightstand and leaned over to kiss me.

  I surprised him when I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, sliding my tongue into his mouth. Ol's tongue met mine with full force and I pulled him down on top of me. I quickly pulled his shirt off and bit his shoulder, then caressed the same spot with my tongue. Oliver moaned softly. I leaned up some more and flicked my tongue over his left nipple, then his right one. He wrapped his fingers with my hair, pulling on it. I moaned as he pushed me back on to the bed. Oliver nibbled on my neck and then my shoulders, while one hand reached down under the silky blue nightgown I was wearing. I couldn’t help but cry out when he slid two fingers inside me.

  Oliver's tongue slid down and he suckled my nipples through my nightgown. I moaned louder. Then, he yanked my nightgown off of me and immediately sucked my left nipple into his mouth. I ran my fingers through his hair, pushing myself into his hips. Oliver moved back up, kissing me again as I undid his jeans. I pushed down his jeans and his boxers, his erection throbbing for attention.

  I wrapped my fingers around it and rubbed it agains
t my center. Ol moaned and slid just the head in. I moaned, wrapping my legs around him and pulling him deep inside me. Oliver bit and sucked on my neck as he thrust into me over and over. I dragged my nails up his back, crying out with each thrust. He kissed me then, and I lost all control, one orgasm ripping through my body after another. Soon, Oliver lost control, too, and he collapsed on top of me, trying to catch his breath. I kissed him softly, smiling into the kiss.

  Maybe, with Oliver, I could finally have my happily ever after. He sure knew how to show me the good things in life.




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