Trouble in Miami [Trouble, Tennessee 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Trouble in Miami [Trouble, Tennessee 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Natalie Acres

  Trouble, Tennessee 4

  Trouble in Miami

  Trouble’s founding fathers pissed off the wrong family. With the Vance brothers serving life sentences behind bars, retribution is the only thing Toms Vance can think about and he’s willing to pay a high price per head. Toms takes his time and plots the perfect revenge. Soon, his hired gun locks in on his targets when the McCalls and company board a plane for paradise.

  Ellie Hunter, Allister McCall, Ryan Thomas, Derek Swinney, and Bradley Powers are due a little R&R. Unaware of what Toms holds in store, they anticipate a few weeks with drinks in hand, sand between their toes, and a whole lot of loving. Unfortunately, Trouble’s residents are about to face heartache like no other as they come to terms with the possibility of losing several of those they’ve embraced as family and loved as their own.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 28,562 words


  Trouble, Tennessee 4

  Natalie Acres


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Natalie Acres

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-377-1

  First E-book Publication: May 2015

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For my sister and future brother-in-law.

  May your lives be filled with love and happiness. May your home be filled with laughter and joy.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  About the Author


  Trouble, Tennessee 4


  Copyright © 2015


  Allister slid down Ellie’s body like he was in a hurry to feast. He soon slowed his approach, nibbling here or there by sampling every inch and enjoying himself all the more. As soon as Ellie arched in his arms and that seductive whimper fell from her lips, he dragged the chair from a nearby desk and settled in for an intimate mouth-watering meal.

  “Don’t make me beg, Allister,” Ellie crooned, spreading her thighs and crooking her finger back and forth.

  With a white bath towel knotted at his waist, Allister acknowledged his buddies as they entered their master bedroom. “You could’ve waited.”

  “That apparently wasn’t an option,” Bradley said, shooting Ellie a quick wink.

  Derek and Ryan had been away on business. Bradley and Allister hadn’t missed them a bit.

  Ellie, however, was a different story. Allister’s sweet woman had a few restless nights thanks to wet dreams that left her crawling all over the two men remaining at home. They’d taken full advantage, too, often sharing her until the wee hours of the morning.

  Oversexed and running on very little sleep, Allister and Bradley hadn’t complained. Whatever fantasies had stirred Ellie from her dreams seemingly drove her straight into a vigorous round of endless fucking.

  God help him. Allister had fallen more hopelessly in love with the woman who’d owned his heart right from the start.

  Tucking his hands under her bottom, he lifted Ellie to him, kissing her inner thighs before pushing his face against the juncture between them. He took his time teasing her, circling her opening with his fingers while flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue.

  “Mmm… Allister,” she whimpered, her hips firing off the bed.

  “Buzz around here suggests someone had some awfully wet dreams while we were away. Any truth to that, doll?” Derek pulled her hand away from her lips and nipped at her luscious mouth.

  “None,” she whispered, locking her focus on Allister then.

  “Tell the truth, baby girl.” Allister fully tested her, thrusting inside her with a willful tongue, lapping up the essence of an overly excited woman but refusing her a quick release. Oh no, he wanted to deliver torturous foreplay, the kind of preamble that made a woman appreciate a finale and beg for an encore.

  Allister kept an eye on his lady. The thought of missing one of Ellie’s more enjoyable moments often drove him mad. It was the reason he insisted on sleeping beside her every night regardless of how she spent her days.

  If he happened to skip an event like this, he often asked her to describe what he’d missed, finding it impossibly erotic to hear about her experiences. She seemingly enjoyed sharing the thoughts that had rumbled in her head while the others took her, fu
cked her, and made a claim on what he would forever cherish as his—a special and unique woman, a woman who was one hundred percent devoted to every last one of them.

  Ryan approached the bed and Ellie immediately greeted him appropriately. The insatiable beauty stuffed her hand under his towel and gave him a sharp tug. He rocked against her, gripping a handful of hair before tilting her head back and delivering a passionate kiss.

  Her body harbored no secrets then as her pussy convulsed around Allister’s tongue. He longed to give her a few love pats, just flip her over and spank her sweet round ass. Instead, he backed out of Ellie’s pulsing channel, leaving her wet and in true need.

  “Allister,” she whined, now pumping Ryan in one hand, Derek in the other.

  “Ah dear,” Ryan crooned, his thick Australian accent breaking through the Southernism in the room. “Don’t concern yourself with Allister.” He guided her arm then, gripping her elbow and maneuvering her until she aggressively pumped his cock.

  Ellie’s hungry eyes seemingly lured Bradley to the scene of the upcoming illicit crimes. Soon, the five of them were in position for the good loving to come. Bradley and Allister towered over her. Ryan entered her from behind while Derek slipped between her full lips.

  Soft music played in the background. Their bodies slapped in time. Mattress springs made quite the racket while the wooden headboard hammered against the wall.

  Allister couldn’t recall a moment when Ellie had looked more beautiful or when she’d stirred the kind of passion that made him feel so alive.

  * * * *

  At the Same Time

  Wheatfield Maximum Security Prison

  “Mr. Vance.” Standing at six-and-a-half feet tall, at the very least, the sharp-dressed fellow in front of Toms extended his hand. “You know who I am.”

  Toms ignored the gentlemanly gesture and indicated the chair across from him by jabbing his cuffed hands in that direction. “You got ten minutes. Use ’em.”

  No point in beating around the bush. There were certain particulars to discuss before the blaring alarms rang out, alerting one and all to a possible security breach.

  “Are you aware of the surveillance situation?”

  Toms sniffed. “It’s handled.”

  “I double-checked to be sure. Speak freely.”

  “Reckon ya represent my family’s last chance to even the score with Trouble’s foundin’ fathers. Ya fuck this up and you’re a dead man.”

  “So we’re starting with threats. Are we?” The hired gun leaned forward, looking more sinister than any man Toms had ever met and he’d met legendary killers. “Perhaps we should put this out there, Mr. Vance. If you plan to kill me, do it now. Don’t make empty promises.

  “I come highly recommended because I deliver, but I’ve never cowed to people like you. I won’t start now. As a sidebar, I’m still standing because I take out those who pose unnecessary inconveniences to my life, lifestyle, or even my well earned reputation.”

  Toms popped his neck, gently maneuvering his head one way or the other. Assholes like this dude were a dime a dozen, particularly in today’s world. Fortunately, the suited fellow didn’t realize as much. He’d been hired to do a job and Toms would likely receive confirmation of a completed task. The killer came highly recommended sure enough. “Retainer can be found in Vance Holler. Did ya receive the directions?”

  “Yes.” The overpriced thug narrowed his eyes. “Now let’s discuss logistics and targets.”

  “Don’t know how many will be travelin’ but ya should have someone at the airport to count heads. That way, when ya land, won’t be a question of where to start.”

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m not the only one on the job? Is this a divide and conquer situation?”

  “Ya worry about the group a’travelin’. Divide ’em, conquer ’em, damned if I care. Just send every last one of ’em home in a body bag. If ya do the job there, our job will be easier here.”

  A wicked grin spread over the assassin’s face. “Let’s hope the lot of the McCall family boards that plane come Saturday.”

  “Since the price is per head, you’re hopin’ for a party, I reckon.”

  “I am indeed.” The arrogant killer checked his wristwatch. “Anything else I should know?”

  “Ellie Hunter is worth a mention. She’ll be travelin’ with her fellas. From what I know of her, she put up with a lot of abuse, shouldn’t be alive today truth be told. If she boards, her men ought to be along soon after. Reason for tellin’ ya as much? If only one of ’em is with her, rest assured the others won’t dally long.”

  “How many?”

  “Four—Allister McCall, Bradley Powers, Ryan Thomas, and Derek Swinney.”

  “So she’s the whore of the bunch?”

  “At least she’s a committed whore,” Toms pointed out, laughing. “And if ya’d done some research, ya’d know. All the women in Trouble are sleepin’ with more than one at a time. They must figure it’s harder to kill one of ’em if killers sleep on both sides of their beds.”

  “Already noted.” He seemed anxious to leave. “Is that it?”

  “Don’t do anything to tip ’em off. I want ’em comfortable before they leave, settlin’ in and enjoyin’ a quiet country life behind those boulder-like walls. They see ya coming? They’ll be ready for ya. We don’t want ’em ready. Be the bolt from the blue. Shock ’em. Make ’em question everything they’ve ever done as men so they doubt their successes and blame one another for their personal and group failures.”

  “I’m impressed. You sound remarkably philosophical.”

  Toms figured that was a hooded insult but he let it slide. He’d endured plenty of those throughout life, particularly behind bars. “Don’t underestimate ’em.” He took a moment to think about Trouble’s founding fathers. They each seemingly possessed their own unique skill sets. “The McCalls and their sidekicks have military backgrounds or they were trained by those with worthy credentials. Allister and Mac? They’re your bears. No one wants to shake ’em and wake ’em cause just agitatin’ those two can be a disaster, deadly even.”

  “They can be draped in medals for all I care. They’ll never know what hit them.”

  Toms had to give the guy credit. He wasn’t short on confidence.

  “Look out for that little ‘un. She’s Draegan McCall’s woman. Serena somethin’ another. Last guy watchin’ the place said she acts one way in public but another way behind closed doors. We did some prowlin’ ’round. Gal had a tough childhood, probably worse than my own. Word is she had one stepdad after another and dealt with all sorts of abuse. Then, she up and married some drug lord from the projects. He was worth plenty from what they say. No one figured he’d ever let her go.”

  “Who is ‘they’ exactly?”

  “Shit. Don’t be crass. I’m talkin’ about the word on the street.”

  “And you’re out there on the street a lot now, are you?”

  Guy was a real smartass. “Alls ya need to know is she ain’t as innocent as she looks. Probably a fighter if she’s backed in a corner.”

  For that reason if none other, Toms had often considered letting Serena walk away unscathed, but if life had taught him anything it was to never underestimate someone with a difficult past. They often found their inner strength when the odds were visibly stacked against them. If they finally allowed themselves to love, they protected those they cherished. Once those people were gone, they spent all the days of their lives looking for retribution, seeking outright revenge.

  The hired gun stood. “What’s that saying? You can take the girl out of the wild but you can’t take the wild out of the girl?”

  “I reckon so. From what I hear, Serena is a wild one. Wouldn’t mind havin’ a little of that on a conjugal visit.” Toms stroked his chin and indulged in a brief fantasy—Serena on her knees in front of him. He abruptly added, “Job’ll test your skills.”

  “I’m forty-nine for forty-nine, Mr. Vance. I’m never tested, never tried.
My success rate is one hundred percent.”

  “Good. Oh and when ya finish? Make sure the message is clear. No one is safe in Trouble, and if they step away from those guarded gates, they’re as good as dead.”

  Chapter One

  Five Days Later

  Tri-Cities Airport, Tennessee

  “Markie, what the fuck is all this?” Allister circled the pile of baggage. He crossed his arms and snarled before looking up at Ellie and shaking his head.

  It was difficult, but Ellie held her laughter. Markie could rub Allister the wrong way without even trying and apparently this was one such time.

  “Do you realize how much this will cost?” Allister frowned. “Why didn’t you just ship your luggage? It would’ve been cheaper.”

  “Don’t be a drama momma.” Markie crouched on the floor next to his suitcases and scribbled his name on one luggage tag after another, tilting his cotton-top head one way or another and grinning like crazy. After he tagged each of his bags, he jumped to his feet. “Allister, hon, we’re not starting our trip this way.” He walked his fingers in front of his body. “Go back over there and stand by Ellie where you belong, sweet thang.”

  Allister thinned his lips. His nostrils flared with his obvious frustration. He threw up his arm and would’ve undoubtedly fired off a round of insults, had Ellie not caught his hand and dragged him away.

  “Ellie, don’t take up for him. Travelers pay extra for additional bags.”

  “Since when is money a problem?” she asked.


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