Trouble in Miami [Trouble, Tennessee 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Trouble in Miami [Trouble, Tennessee 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Natalie Acres

  “It’s not, but it will be one of these days if we don’t put our foot down. It’s like my dad always said, ‘If you don’t make your kids feel like it’s a stretch to pay for a happy meal, eventually you won’t be able to afford the plastic toy in the bottom of the box.’ Markie spends oodles, far more than a bunch of women shopping on Rodeo Drive. And let’s not even get started on what a pain in the ass it will be claiming luggage in Miami.”

  “Let’s not,” Ellie agreed, hiding her smile. She started to point out that Markie wasn’t a child, much less Allister’s child, but she decided against it. A beat later, she added, “Look at me.” She deliberately stared at his crotch. “If you stop groaning now, I’ll give you something to moan about when we’re ten thousand feet in the air.”

  “You’re doing that anyway.” He flashed a devilish grin. “And you’ll like it.”

  “I will,” she agreed saucily. She then turned her attention to the others. “Markie is excited, Allister. Let him have a good vacation. If anyone deserves one, he does.”

  Recently abducted by Vin Vance, Markie had been marked for dead. He’d barely escaped the terrible situation with his life. To make matters worse, he hadn’t been quite right since his return. He rarely went out at night and seemed withdrawn.

  Allister kissed her cheek. “I’ll check our bags.”

  Spotting a kiosk with frequent flyer information, Ellie went to retrieve a brochure. She noticed a few people at a nearby counter, but one man stood out as particularly interesting.

  He shot her a smile and she returned it. No crime in grinning. She wasn’t flirting by any means. Then again, he was nice looking and he seemed interested in her. Considering Ellie’s four boyfriends were under one roof, the latter could present a slight problem.

  One look at the man told her three things. First, he was successful enough to wear thousand dollar suits. Second, he was most likely an Alpha male and used his tall, dark, and handsome features to earn his share of favors with the ladies. Finally, if his confidence proved anything at all, he knew how to work that swagger for all it was worth.

  Allister would definitely consider a look in the fellow’s direction an outright act of betrayal. She quickly turned her back before one of her attentive boyfriends translated her friendliness as something else altogether. The heavy footsteps behind her let Ellie know she’d arrived at the decision a little too late.

  “I saw that.”

  “Bradley,” Ellie drawled, turning to accept a peck on the cheek. “It’s not how it looks.” She grabbed a pen from his shirt pocket. “Promise.”

  “Tell me how it looks, babe.” His lopsided grin was sexy as hell and when he swept her in his arms and gave her a ravenous kiss right there in public, she went weak in the knees.

  Ellie’s nipples perked right up and her pussy clenched. “Now I have two men to drag off to the lavatory once we’re in the air.”

  “Don’t promise one thing to Allister without delivering to all of us,” Bradley said, caressing her hip before tilting his head at the wall of windows. Outside, others from Trouble had just arrived. The men were already at the rear of their vehicle. They quickly tossed their bags to the curb in a rush to make the flight. “Crew is all here. Looks like no one will need to reschedule after all. Let me go help them.”

  With Bradley preoccupied with the Trouble crowd, Ellie peered over her shoulder. More out of curiosity than anything else, she checked to see if the handsome fellow was still there. He walked away from the counter, seemingly interested in their arriving party.

  “Do ya know that fella by chance?” Markie had approached quietly.

  “No. Do you?”

  “Sugar, I’m not the one eyeing him like I plan to ask for permission to fuck him.”

  “Markie!” She shook her head and laughed. “That’s not even close to what I was thinking.”

  “Gawking at another fine piece of male specimen flesh? Uh-huh, darlin’. The rubberneckin’ speaks for itself. Surprised you didn’t get a crick in your neck,” Markie teased. “You were eatin’ him right up in that mind of yours. If I hadn’t been nearby, why you would’ve had him for coffee and dessert.” He fluttered his eyelashes. “Let Allister catch a whiff of those looks and dude on the end of ’em will be begging for death before we change planes in Atlanta.”

  “Markie, I do not know him.” She stressed the fact since Markie wasn’t one to sit on information. Often too eager to pass along all new “intelligence,” also known as outright gossip, he typically ran straight to Draegan with distorted facts and loaded opinions. In turn, Draegan shared all data with his brothers.

  The good old boys club stuck together in Trouble just like anywhere else. News simply traveled faster in their small circles.

  “I believe you.” Markie clucked. “Not.”

  Predictable to a fault, Markie trotted off to greet Draegan and Serena as they entered the airport. With his widespread arms, he embraced Serena and then did the same to Draegan. He hugged Draegan a little longer than normal and as soon as he released him, Draegan shot Ellie a cool glare.

  As if Markie suspected the tension he’d caused, he let out an ear-piercing whistle as soon as Draegan reached the ticket counter. After making small talk with one Trouble resident and then another, Markie sashayed over to Draegan and helped him tag bags.

  “Troublemaker,” she mouthed.

  Markie blew her a kiss. Nothing fazed him.

  “You have an interesting crowd of friends.”

  Startled, Ellie whirled around and faced the stranger. She had to give the fellow props. He had a lot of nerve.

  Before she answered him, she caught a glimpse of Bradley and Allister congregating in the corner. Markie hurriedly approached them as if he held the world’s greatest secrets in the palm of his hand.

  On second thought, Mr. Man was outright stupid and didn’t value his life at all.

  Dragging her gaze away from the guys, she finally said, “Thank you. They’re definitely an interesting bunch.” She didn’t quite know what else to say. Plus, thanks to Markie, Allister and Bradley were heading their way.

  “So is this a family reunion?”

  The rest of Trouble’s bunch entered the airport rolling luggage and wearing backpacks. “Not exactly.”

  “Friends then?”

  “Family and friends. We live in Trouble.”


  “If you haven’t heard of Trouble then you aren’t from around here.”

  “I could be.” He let his gaze drift down. “If the women in Trouble look like you and the one over there, I’d like a brochure. Sign me up.”

  The “one” he’d indicated was now glued to Draegan’s side. Draegan kept a possessive hand on Serena’s hip which should’ve been a telling sign.

  Uncomfortable, Ellie locked eyes with Allister, willing him to let her handle this guy in a mature manner. Unfortunately the look was enough to more or less summon him.

  In less than ten seconds, he and Bradley were right next to her. She should’ve blown a whistle. The results would’ve been the same.

  “Problems here, Ellie?” Allister asked.

  “No,” she replied, turning to the man. “I was just telling Mr.—”

  “Jones,” the fellow quickly said, extending his hand to Allister. “Seth Jones.”

  “A little about Trouble,” Ellie muttered, finishing what she’d meant to say but realizing Allister and Bradley weren’t paying her any mind.

  “Jones, huh?” Allister narrowed his eyes on Seth’s hand. “Common names are easy to snatch around these parts. Aren’t they Mr. Jones?” Allister clasped his hand and tugged him forward, though Ellie was pretty certain the pull wasn’t as easy as Allister might have originally thought. He slapped Jones on the back and whispered something in his ear before releasing him. A tight grin washed across his face. “Have a safe flight, Mr. Jones.”

  Seth lifted his brows and grinned at Ellie once more. “I hope we all do. I’m flying Southern, too. Seat
16-A, as a matter of fact.”

  With a cocksure strut, Seth ambled away. About that time, the first boarding call announcement resounded. “Attention please. We’re now boarding Southern States flight 1592 at gate B. Again, we’re boarding flight 1592 at gate B.”

  The small airport became a congested mess. Travelers met up with their parties and hurried to grab last minute items from the snack bar or newsstand. Random chitchat filled the upper level of the airport. Most everyone there hurried to the first security checkpoint. Allister put his arm around Ellie’s waist and guided her to the front of the line.

  “Do you mind telling me what you said to him?”

  “Actually I do, sweetie.”

  Sweetie? Allister called her pet names all the time but “sweetie” wasn’t typically one of them unless he was pissed.

  “Two can play this game,” she grated out, daring him to ask her questions.

  Allister whispered at her ear, “I’m not worried about that asshole, Ellie. We both know who’ll be fucking you within the hour.”

  She froze, angrier then than she had been the minute before. “You’re pissing me off, Allister.” Preparing for the airport checkpoint, she removed her shoes and tossed them in a bin. While juggling her personal items, she lost her grip on her ticket. Allister grabbed it.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She didn’t need to ask.

  “Trying to make you mad as hell, I reckon,” Allister drawled, stuffing the ticket in his shirt pocket.

  Harley McCall jumped line about that same time. He leaned over big brother’s shoulder and said, “Ten bucks says the dude who was flirting with Ellie is seated in 16-A and she’s right next to him.”

  Allister flipped over the ticket and snarled. “Son of a bitch.” He glanced up then and if looks could kill, Mr. Seth Jones likely understood what it felt like to have a few rounds in his back.

  “Calm down, Allister,” Harley said, tossing his belongings in a plastic tub and handing them off to airport personnel. “It’s a short flight.”

  Allister ignored Harley and motioned for Ryan and Derek now breaking line, too. Of course the only folks behind them were those from Trouble. Everyone else had the good sense to move through the other checkpoint.

  “Either of you care to weigh in on the matter?” Allister asked, his gaze jumping between men.

  “I saw him at the counter.” Ryan gave Ellie a heated look. “Why so glum, dear?”

  “Don’t patronize me, Ryan,” Ellie snapped, walking through the full body scan. Thank goodness she hadn’t thrown a signal. She was in no mood to be detained.

  Waiting on her personal belongings to clear the security check, she observed her other men. Allister provided information, acting as if they needed to run a strategic interference plan. Ryan and Derek didn’t look too happy about the seating assignment.

  Derek kicked off his boots, removed his wallet, and tossed his personal affects in one of the containers. “I heard him ask for that seat.” He wasted no time in giving Allister full details. “He was adamant about switching. Apparently his original seat assignment placed him next to an emergency exit so they didn’t mind moving him.”

  One at a time, each man cleared the scan. Ellie had sort of hoped they’d throw an alarm. They deserved the inconvenience.

  “Are you enjoying this?” Ellie asked. She needed Derek on her side at the moment. He wasn’t one to make waves. A big guy, his size intimidated enough folks. He didn’t act like a bully to boot. Yet there he was, fueling Allister’s anger.

  “What do you mean he was adamant?” Allister looked like a mad bear then. He slowly turned and glared at the businessman already boarding the escalator bound for the downstairs gates.

  “He wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Ryan shrugged. “Sorry Ellie. I’d like to take your side, little darling, but—”

  “But for some reason you and Derek want to watch an airport brawl?”

  “They may see one,” Harley said, frowning before he moved on.

  “I knew that guy was a problem the first minute I saw him.” Allister stuffed his wallet in his hip pocket. “My sixth sense is never wrong.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.” Ellie placed her hand on his forearm. “If you go after him and embarrass me, so help me, I’ll turn around right this minute and flag Justin down.”

  “Justin?” Derek looked behind them then. “Isn’t he going?”

  “Court case,” Ryan explained. “He may meet us in a few days.”

  Derek peered around Ellie, focusing on Bradley’s sister Heather. “Oh man. I bet that’s hell.”

  Sidetracked for the moment, Allister said, “As you can see, Gabe and Curt aren’t missing him.”

  “Heather is clearly the woman with brains in this bunch. She has one on each side and seems pretty content with just two.” Ellie let them stew on that for a minute before she felt guilty and quickly added, “I’m sure she’ll miss Justin just like I’d miss one of you if you weren’t here.”

  “Given the circumstances, the first part was the wrong thing to say,” Allister said, thumbing the empty space over his shoulder. “Way you’ve kept your eye on Mr. Suit and Tie, why any one of us could’ve easily been replaced.”

  Instead of making matters worse, Ellie changed the subject and asked, “So who’s staying behind this trip?” Since the early planning stages, the vacation arrangements had been a clusterfuck. Trouble’s residents had rushed around in an effort to determine who would stay behind and cover various shifts at the local businesses.

  “Listen at her go.” Markie met up with them. “Girlfriend already sees things like I do. This trip is the first of many. To answer your question…” Markie tossed aside his belongings and waited in line like everyone else. “Draegan gets little Miss Serena all alone this trip. Detective Bane Brice is under the weather and would’ve joined us later but he was called for testimony on some case that doesn’t matter.” Markie stretched his neck in an apparent effort to see who else was behind them. “Come to think of it, Ellie, you’re the only one traveling with a full bed.”

  “Markie,” Harley warned, keeping his voice low. “Taunting is not recommended given Allister’s mood.”

  “Psht.” Markie waved his hand in front of his face. “Allister doesn’t scare me. He needs to stop being such a possessive stud. Besides, Ellie will straighten him out soon enough.” He butted his hip against Ellie’s. “A word from the wise? Do it as soon as possible.”

  “He ain’t lyin’,” Harley added, clearing the checkpoint and walking away.

  “Well looks like another brother is flyin’ solo,” Markie sang, grinning at Mac McCall and his girlfriend Sable as they greeted Draegan and Serena.

  “Did you forget Harley?” Ellie asked.

  “Shucks and damn.” Markie snapped his fingers. “Here I was all set to make my move on the young Mr. McCall.” He winked and waved wildly at Sable. “Good thing you showed up, lady! I was about to claim Harley for myself.”

  “Go ahead and see where that gets you!” Mac called out.

  “He wants it, sugar,” Markie said, seemingly unaware of the many bystanders now staring at them. Apparently the others on the plane were trying to decipher who was traveling with whom.

  “Poor Doc and Nicholas. Always working while the rest of us are havin’ fun, huh?” Markie forced a surly look for about a minute. Then, he perked right up and said, “Can’t feel too sorry for Trevor, though. He was the smart one of the bunch. He carried Sable off to the dorms last night and had his way with her.”

  “How do you know?” Ryan asked, arching a brow.

  “I know all, Mr. Thomas. Sooner you believe that, the sooner you’ll learn how to take hold of my attributes and ride ’em for all they’re worth.” Markie rotated his hips in a perverse manner. To add embarrassment to unwanted attention, he grabbed his crotch and grunted. After the illicit show, he waved his hand in the air and danced straight through the security checkpoint. For good measure, he blew
kisses to the guards as he went about his merry way.

  “Are we about done here?” Ellie asked, standing between Ryan and Derek.

  “You don’t have to wait, sweetheart,” Ryan told her, smiling.

  “I’m not about to go downstairs without the two of you.”

  “You know Allister. He’s all bark. And that guy in the suit? He’s as harmless as a stray kitten,” Derek said, following Ellie and Ryan to the top of the escalator.

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” Bradley groaned, motioning for Mac and Draegan as soon as they walked through the scan. “Come on McCalls. Allister has a problem.”

  Below them, Allister and the stranger swapped threats. Ryan cursed under his breath. “Did someone mention a kitten? For the record, Mr. Jones doesn’t appear to be licking his wounds and purring.”

  * * * *

  “Tell me you didn’t just knock the shit out of some stranger.” A brooding Mac met Harley, Draegan, Markie, and Allister at the gate.

  “Oh he did, sugar,” Markie informed him, shaking his head and sighing. “Let me see if I can fix this so we can all still fly together.”

  Before anyone could stop him, not that Markie would’ve allowed it, he sashayed off to meet the stranger who had thrown a wrench in their travel plans. “You doin’ all right, hon?”

  “Why am I not surprised?” The man dabbed his bloody lip with a handkerchief. “Let me guess. The girls in the bunch handle the men?”

  “Careful darlin’, I might let you get one or two jabs, but when I punch back, I strike with enough force to make it count.” He grinned. “You sure are easy on the eyes, but I gotta let ya in on a secret. Allister ain’t interested. Neither is Ellie. I might have been before you opened your mouth and tried to insult me.”

  The guy sneered. “I don’t need your help and for the record, I’m boarding the plane and flying. You guys are welcome to do the same. Not looking for trouble here.”

  “If that were true, you wouldn’t have been ‘looking’ at Ellie.” Markie rested his hand in the curve of his waist and cocked his hip. “So are you pressing charges?”


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