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A Daddy for Mother's Day_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 48

by Natalie Knight

  “Oh, God,” she breathes out, her mouth pressed against my ear.

  I feel a shiver going up my spine as I feel her velvety lips on my skin, and I simply slide one more finger inside her tight pussy. Without thinking about what I’m doing. I start pumping my fingers into her pussy fast, flicking my wrist so fast that I’m almost afraid my whole arm will be sore tomorrow.

  “Kieran, that’s…” She starts to say, but then trails off as Nolan and Carter close in on her. Almost as if we shared a telepathic link, they lean into her and wrap their lips around her nipples; at the same time, I start fingering her faster and faster.

  “FUCK!” She screams out, arching her back and burying her fingernails on my chest. She does it so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if her nails scrapped my bones, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m too lost on how it feels to be two fingers deep inside of her while she comes her brains out.

  “I’m not done,” I tell her then, and I go down to my knees in front of her. Placing my hands on her knees, I force her to spread her legs wide and I simply go for it. This time I’m not gentle nor kind – I go in like a wild animal, my mouth open wide as I press it against her wet pussy.

  My tongue goes straight to her clit, and I start flicking it at it fast and hard. Stacy lays her hands on my head, grabbing my hair, and starts swaying her lips gently. As I feel her rubbing her pussy against my face, I simply lose it and start devouring her, my lips and tongue working as one.

  I don’t even know how to fucking explain it – to taste her, to feel her juices dripping down my chin…it’s pure madness. The kind of madness that I enjoy, that is. One so fierce and all-consuming that it leaves no space for rational thoughts inside my head.

  No, my brain has turned all of its attention to processing the way Stacy’s pussy feels when pressed against my mouth.

  I keep on licking until her moans of utter ecstasy fill the whole library. Doing it suddenly, she holds me by the hair and forces her pussy against my mouth. I can almost feel little spasms taking over her pussy lips, and then she screams loud enough to shatter glass, her voice brimming with delight.

  “Don’t be greedy, man,” I hear Carter say, and I pull back from Stacy’s pussy. I look up at Carter and smile, fully knowing that my face must be glistening from Stacy’s juices. Going up to my feet, I get out of the way and my two step-brothers take my place.

  They kneel between Stacy’s legs, and promptly attack her. They don’t even allow her to recover from her orgasm; they just dive into her pussy, one of them going for her clit while the other runs the tip of his tongue up and down her pussy lips.

  “You really drive us fucking insane, Stacy,” I tell her, the words escaping my mouth before I even have the chance to consider what I’m saying. With one hand on top of Nolan’s head and the other on Carter’s, she opens her eyes and smiles at me, her expression one of pleasure.

  “That’s the only thing I want,” she tells me in one single breath, and then I just can’t help myself. I place one hand on the nape of her neck and lean in, pressing my lips against her. She kisses me wildly, her tongue sliding my mouth in a fraction of a second.

  We keep on kissing as she places both her hands on my back, digging her fingernails into my shoulder blades. As she starts to claw at my back, I realize that she’s close to coming. I keep on kissing her through it, waiting for the orgasm to take over her.

  When it happens, she simply stops kissing and moans against my lips, breathing so raggedly I almost think she’s going to pass out.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her with a smile.

  “Okay?” She returns my question as Carter and Nolan pull back from her pussy, both of them standing by my side now. “I’ve never felt better in my entire life,” she continues, that fucking delicious smile still adorning her lips.

  “Well, but we’re about to make you feel way better then,” Carter tells her, and I can tell by the tone of his voice that we’re about to get serious.

  “And how do you plan to make that happen?” She asks, and her tone is a defiant one.

  “Just wait and see,” I find myself saying, my cock pulsing hard as I do it.

  Just wait and see, Stacy.


  I'm freshly spent from being with Stacy. For once in a long while things are starting to look up. Even sharing her with my brothers isn’t such a bad thing. At least I know them, trust them, and admire them. It could be worse.

  While Percy has brought havoc and chaos to our lives, he's also brought in Stacy, and that makes it all worth it. Sometimes in life, your bleakest moments shift to deliver your greatest reward.

  The way I'm feeling about Stacy, all obsessed with her and shit, well, it makes having a snake of a brother a little more okay. She takes the rain out of any cloud. And more than that, she turns me on and gets my cock rock-hard more often than any other woman could.

  Stacy is unique and I'm falling fast. That's why I gotta get this plan into motion, and the first part of that involves Percy.

  I search the mansion and tear through every room looking for Percy. I swear I'm gonna kill him. I'm in a fury over what he's done to tear this family apart.

  Percy’s gone too far this time. By blackmailing his own brother, he’s crossed an invisible line that makes this crime especially abhorrent. I’m checking each room in a pure rage trying to find him. He will answer for this.

  I find him in the kitchen, of course. Where else would he be? There he is, stuffing his face with food like a fucking little piggy. It's disgusting.

  His indulgences never fail to gross me out. And for him to be so flippant when people are suffering by his actions, well that's the worst of all.


  "What the fuck do you want, Carter?" he says in between bites, his mouth stuffed full.

  "You know you disgust me, right?”

  "Do you think I fucking care?"

  Jesus Christ, this man makes me sick.

  "The way you've been trying to steal father's money is dispicable. Don't you care about honoring his legacy at all? Or are you solely interested in his money?"

  He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Carter, get the fuck out of my face."

  "Or what? What are you honestly going to do, Percy?” he sneers. “You can't touch me. I’m the one person that you can't manipulate. I've seen through your childish tactics since we were young and I know exactly what you're up to."

  "Is that so?"

  He smirks, and I know he thinks he has me. He thinks all his secrets are held close, that no one knows what he’s up to. But he’s dead wrong. We have him right where we want him, at least in terms of Nolan.

  We still have to figure out how to get Stacy out from under his control. But maybe with us sending Percy’s sorry ass to jail that’ll work itself out.

  I can’t resist throwing this in his face. "I just wanted to let you know that in two weeks I’m going to contest you at the reading of Father's will."

  He shrugs. "He wasn't even your real dad. Why don't you step aside and let true family deal with this matter?"

  He’s such a fucking asshole. The words hurt. I won't lie. Even though I know I’m as much a part of this family as anyone, it just reminds me of how our father isn’t here.

  Percy’s a disgrace to this family and I shouldn't take what he says to heart. But he simply pushes all the right buttons. He knows my weakness is feeling like I don't belong to any family and he's playing that card.

  But I don't let it show. I’ll never give him the satisfaction of thinking he’s wounded me in any way.

  "You know, Percy, you can think whatever the fuck you want, but when that will is read, I’m going to challenge you for control of Raine's Petroleum. I won’t stop until I have Father's company in the rightful hands."

  He barely looks up from his plate of food.

  "Do what you gotta do, man."

  He’s so smug and so sure that he has the upper hand on this. I know he's already read the will. I know he's planning
and scheming like always. But what he doesn't know is that this time there's competition.

  This will be Percy's final act of betrayal. He’ll never have power in this family again by the time we’re through with him. He just doesn't know it yet.

  I’ll let him keep gorging himself with his food and believe he’s master of his deceptive little world for a while longer. The plan is set in motion, and now I just have to walk away without punching him out. When you're confronted with somebody so vile, it's hard to bite your tongue and walk away.

  Now that I know what Percy's been up to, how he threatened Nolan, well, I want to make it right and pound his fucking flesh into the pavement. But when dealing with a crook like Percy, patience is a virtue. He’ll get his in due time.

  "I'll just leave you to it," I say, and turn to walk away. I feel his eyes on my back, and I'm sure he wonders what my stance is and what I’ll say to contest the will. But he has no fucking clue just how bad it will be.

  We’re going to ruin him.

  I smile to myself as I walk down the hall and I know our father would be proud of me right now. He always knew Percy was no good, and his recent actions have proven it. But John was a father to me, and I owe it to him to protect his good name and fortune.

  I never fail. This time is no exception.


  We lay there in silence, just listening to the beating of our own heart.

  I’ve never been one for romance, but ever since Stacy fell into our lives...well, let’s just say that I see things differently now. I just never thought that the moment I’d find love, it’d be at the same time as my brothers...and with the same woman.

  “We’ll fix this, I know we will,” Carter says, looking at the ceiling, one of his arms draped around Stacy’s naked shoulders. “By the time we’re done with him, Percy will no longer be a part of this family.”

  “It won’t be that easy, you know that,” Kieran says, his words fraught with tension. “It’s never easy whenever Percy’s involved.”

  “No, it won’t be easy...Percy knows what he’s doing,” Stacy agrees, and I feel my heart tightening up a little as I hear her say it. She’s worried, I can tell—but who wouldn’t be worried in a situation such as hers?

  “Babe,” I whisper, turning to her and caressing her face with the back of my hand, “we’re here. We’ll take care of you.”

  I say softly, whispering the words against her hair and meaning every single one of them. I don’t know what it is about Stacy, but I can’t help but feel this urgent need to protect her, to shelter from whatever bullshit the world throws at her. I’ll move mountains for this girl, if that’s what’s required of me.

  “I know you’ll take care of me,” she whispers back at me, brushing her velvety lips against mine and managing a weak smile. “But who’ll take care of my father?” She continues, lowering her voice and retreating inside her mind. “Percy will ruin him if I don’t do his bidding. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants.”

  “Your father?” I ask her, and the silence coming from Carter and Kieran tells me they already know the details of what’s going on with Stacy.

  “My father,” she says, her voice quivering slightly. “Percy, he...he threatened to put my father out of business if I don’t play this stupid game of his. And he’ll do it, I’m sure of it.”

  “Yeah, that fucking asshole would do anything to get his hands on father’s money,” Carter agrees, pulling Stacy toward him as if he could protect her just by doing that.

  “From what I’ve been reading, Percy has apparently bought a majority stake in your father’s company, Stacy. He did it through some shell corporations a few weeks ago, and I assume he did that the moment he read the will...he has been planning all this for a long time. I hate to say it, but the fucker is more than just evil—he’s smart too.”

  Fuck—Percy really thought this through. Just like he did with me, he’s using every person he can as pawns on his personal chessboard, moving them around for his personal benefit.

  I feel my blood boiling inside my veins as I imagine what it must’ve been like for Stacy. To see her father threatened, to become the sole person stopping her family’s company from crumbling...that can’t be easy. And Percy doesn’t care. He’d do that a million times over if that meant he’d triumph over his.

  Of course, what Percy doesn’t know is that we’re a family. Sure, he knows it on paper. But he doesn’t know the meaning of it. He never saw us as his brothers, thinking of us as lesser members of the family just because we’re not blood-related. But family isn’t about blood, is it?

  Family’s about so much more.

  I have to do something about this. I’ve spent too much time helping Percy further his plans, leaving my true brothers and Stacy out on the cold...fuck, I hate myself for it. But that’s no use right now. Hating myself for what I did will help no one—what will help is taking action.

  Swinging my legs off the bed, I pick up my boxer briefs and get inside them.

  “Where are you going?” Stacy asks me, and I can feel her reaching for me. Before she can lay her hand on top of mine, though, I’m already on my feet, jumping inside my pants and getting dressed fast.

  “I have some stuff I need to take care of,” I say, offering her a wide smile as I finish buttoning up my shirt. I’m still not sure about what I’ll do, but I just know I can’t remain here in bed while Percy’s long shadow is still cast over us.

  I need to do something. Whatever is it. And I won’t stop until Percy’s ruined.

  “What’s on your mind?” Carter asks me, sitting up on the bed, the sheets up to his waist. “If there’s something we can do to help…”

  “Fuckin’ right. If you have a plan, we want in,” Kieran says, adding his voice to Carter’s. Running one hand through my hair, I let out a sigh and sit on the edge of the bed, resting my hand on top of Stacy’s.

  “I don’t know what we can do yet,” I tell the three of them. “There’s only one thing I know for sure: we’ll stop Percy, whatever it takes.”

  “Whatever it takes,” Carter and Kieran reply at the same time, and I can see a faint smile taking over Stacy’s lips. She can’t yet see a way out of the maze she’s trapped inside, but I know she trusts us to guide her out.

  And I won’t fail her, even if that’s the last thing I do in my life.

  Going up to my feet, I look one last time at Stacy and then I leave the room, suddenly feeling more confident about everything.

  “I’m coming for you, Percy,” I whisper to myself, and I can’t help but grin at my owns words.

  I got a plan.


  I wander through the gardens alone, slowly walking under the dappled shade of the trees as I try not to think of Percy. Of course, easier to say than to do.

  Percy has become this ever-present figure in my life, and I have no idea how I can shake him off my mind. The only time I can stop thinking of the situation I’m in, is when I’m with Carter, Kieran, or Nolan. Or, really, whenever I’m with the three of them.

  I still can’t believe that something like that happened between the four of us. I tought that the moment the limo drove through the gates of this mansion, that my life would be one of misery—instead, I found the three most perfect men. Forget about a Prince Charming—these three are so much better than that.

  Ah, if only Percy wasn’t a part of it, my life would be absolutely perfect. But, then again, if Percy hasn’t stormed into my life like this, I would have never met those three brothers. In a twisted way, I guess I have to thank Percy for introducing me to them.

  “You slut,” I hear someone say behind me, and I turn around on my heels to meet Percy. He’s standing right behind me, and my gaze is almost immediately drawn to the flask he’s holding in his hand.

  “Stop it,” I tell him, balling one hand into a fist. I’m tired of having him treating me like some used rag.

  “Stop what?” He asks me, closing the distance between me and him and
grinning wildly. The moment he closes in on me, I can smell the vodka in his breath. He’s drunk—the kind of drunk who can’t help but stagger, stumble, and fall.

  “You don’t like it when I call you a slut, huh?” he continues, his grin frozen on his lips. “Too bad, because that’s exactly what you are, you bitch.”

  “Leave me alone!” I cry out, taking one step back and preparing to get out of here. He moves fast, though, and reaches for me. Grabbing me by the wrist, he forces me stop and pulls me toward him.

  “You’re a whore, Stacy, why don’t you admit it?” He insists, his beady eyes locked on mine. “You’ve always been one…I remember watching you growing up, and I always thought that you were nothing but a slut.”

  “What are you even talking about?” I try to release my hand, but his grip around my wrist is a tight one. “Let go of me, you loser!” I insist, and give him one hard push. “You’re a creep!”

  “I’m a creep, huh?” He growls, his fingers becoming so tight around my wrist than I can feel my bones burning. “I think it’s time I start teaching you respect,” he lowers his voice then, and before I can prepare myself for it, he slaps me with the back of his hand.

  His movement is so sudden and hard that I don’t even resist. I feel the force of impact and I stumble, my cheek burning. I look at him, lips pursed as I imagine what he’s going to do next. We’re alone in the garden, and even though he’s much smaller than his brother, I don’t know if I can take him on.

  He starts walking toward me, his eyes narrowing into two slits, and he reaches for my hair.

  “Come here, you lil’ bitch,” he whispers, and I can’t help but feel scared. I close my eyes, anxiety gripping me tight.

  “Not so fast, you fucking asshole,” I hear Carter say, and when I open my eyes I see him holding Percy by the wrist. “What’s going on in here?”

  “None of your business, Carter! She’s my wife, and I’ll do whatever I—”


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