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A Daddy for Mother's Day_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 137

by Natalie Knight

  “This is nice, Keags,” she says.

  I moved recently, and she hasn’t seen my place yet. It’s a step up from what I had before. The money I’m making with my social media platform let me get a place this nice.

  It’s a two-bedroom apartment, but it’s lush, with granite counter tops in the kitchen, double volume ceilings that give the place a dramatic feel, and wood-style flooring in the living areas.

  “Let me show you to your room,” I say.

  No one has used the spare bedroom before. It has plush carpets and a double bed. She has her own bathroom with a shower and a large closet. When she walks in, she turns around.

  “This is more than I could ever hope for,” she says.

  She looks emotional, and I realize that this is harder on her than she lets on. I put down her boxes in a corner and walk to her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her against me. She blows out her breath in a shudder, and I can feel how tense she is. This has been rough on her.

  “Stay as long as you need, all right?” I say. “There’s no pressure. Take the time to get settled.”

  She nods and smiles wanly at me.

  “Do you mind if I go to bed?” she asks.

  I shake my head. It’s been a long day, and I’m tired as well. I leave her to it, closing her door behind her, and walk down the short passage to my own room. A moment later, I hear the shower turning on. I lay down on my bed. I’ll shower when she’s done.

  I close my eyes and picture her naked again. God, she was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Her tits, her pussy, her ass. I’m getting hard all over again just thinking about her. But she’s also here because things have been difficult for her. I’ll try not to push her too hard.

  The shower turns off, and a moment later, I step into my shower. I soap myself up and run my hands over my body and onto my cock, which is throbbing again. I slide my hand up and down my shaft, but it’s not nearly as satisfying as it used to be. Now that I’ve had the real deal, beating the meat comes in far second.

  I finish in the shower, dry myself off, and get into bed, naked.

  In the morning, I wake up from a dream where I’m fucking Dana. I smell coffee brewing. I don’t usually wake up to anything being already done in my house, unless I’ve done it myself. It takes me a moment to figure out what’s going on. When I turn under the sheets, the feeling of sex clings to me, and it all comes rushing back to me. Dana, her naked body writhing beneath mine, on top of mine.

  And she’s staying in my apartment now.

  She must be making coffee.

  I get out of bed and realize I have a full hard-on. Morning glory at its finest. I need to wait until it goes down before I can walk out of my room. I pull on boxer shorts and a t-shirt. After a few minutes, I’m good to go.

  Dana is in my kitchen, opening all the cabinets. She’s wearing an oversized shirt and what looks like nothing else. Then she reaches up, and I realize she’s wearing shorts underneath the shirt. Her breasts look soft and beautiful through the shirt, and I try to guess if she’s wearing a bra or not.

  “Morning,” I say.

  She looks over her shoulder and closes the cabinet door.

  “I didn’t hear you come in,” she says, and she looks embarrassed. “I was trying to familiarize myself with your kitchen. I meant to cook breakfast.”

  I shake my head and sit down at the breakfast counter on one of the barstools.

  “Don’t be sorry. The coffee smells great.”

  When we’re done with our coffee, we get dressed and head to her apartment to sort out the last of her stuff. The team is there to cart away the boxes just before lunch, and then Dana meets with her landlord to hand over the keys. When it’s all done, she breathes out with a shudder.

  “I don’t want to go through something like this again,” she says.

  I nod. I wish she asked for help sooner. If she had, things might not have gotten this bad.

  “Let’s go get lunch,” I suggest. “My treat.”

  We end up back at my place with club sandwiches and soda. Dana sits next to me, chewing.

  “So, fifth grade, huh?” she asks after she swallows.

  I nod. “That’s where it all started,” I say. “And you can’t help who you fall for.”

  She smiles. “We were kids.”

  I shrug. It doesn’t make a difference how old I was when I fell for her. I know her better than anyone else in my life, and I know that she’s got a lot more to like than just what’s on the surface. Even though she’s easy on the eyes, that wasn’t the only thing that drew me to her.

  “What about you?” I ask. “I know it must have gone away at some point, but where did it start?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. Just after you came to school.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?” I ask.

  “Because the new kid always gets attention. I thought I’d let you have it.”

  I blink at her. I didn’t know it came along that far.

  “Well,” I say, taking a sip of my soda. “Better late than never.”


  On Thursday morning, Keagan heads back to work, and I have the house to myself. I don’t really feel at home yet. Being alone in a strange house is a little disconcerting. It’s also so soon after everything went wrong, and I don’t know how to sort out my feelings yet.

  I’ll make it through, somehow. I know that much. Keagan told me I could stay as long as I need to, and I will just wait to find my feet before I go job hunting again. As kind as Keagan was to let me stay here, I don’t want to become a burden. I already feel like I’m imposing.

  I sit down in the living room and switch on the monster television he has against his wall. It’s a typical male object to have. The size is like being in a cinema, and the sound surrounds me. I put on a movie and try to zone out.

  It doesn’t work very well. It doesn’t take very long before my mind drifts to Keagan and what we did. I don’t know how I feel about it. Having sex with Keagan was fantastic when we did it, the stuff of pure fantasy. But now that it happened, I don’t know where we stand.

  I don’t know how I truly feel about him. There was a time when I liked him, when I wanted to go out on a date with him to the movies or the ice cream parlor when we were kids. But he’s been living in the same house as me for so long, I pushed everything away that wasn’t completely acceptable.

  And that included whatever I might have felt for him.

  At least, I thought I did.

  Now, everything feels different. He’s a great guy, strong and caring, kind and gentle, but there’s a sense of danger to him, too. He’s the kind of guy every girl can fall for. Especially now that he’s made it so big.

  What’s stopping him from having any girl out there? Why would he want to be with me?

  But it’s not about dating, I remind myself. We’re just sleeping together. Fuck buddies. And it’s better that way.

  Still, I don’t want to tell anyone about what happened. I can imagine my friends’ reactions. They’ll be horrified. They all think Keagan is hot, obviously, but not for his stepsister to fuck.

  God, what have I gotten myself into?

  I pause the movie and close my eyes. He is everything I ever wanted in a man. When he made a move on me, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was demanding, an alpha male, but he respected me. When last, if ever, have I had sex this good?

  I shift down on the couch. I’m hot and bothered, and I am getting turned on just thinking about Keagan and his cock. He touched me like I was the only women he’s ever seen, even though I know it can’t be true. A man as attractive as him must have had many women.

  Still, he took me like I was the only thing he wanted. And God, he did it well.

  I push my hands into my pants. My fingers slide into my slit, and I find my clit. I take a deep breath and shiver.

  The doorbell rings, and I freeze. I don’t know anyone in the building, and Keagan isn’t here. What do I do?

  It rings again, and then my mom’s voice calls through the door.

  “Dana, honey, its me.”

  I fix my pants, feeling silly, and walk to the front door. It takes me a moment to figure out the locking system, and then I open the door. My mom hugs me before coming inside.

  “I just want to see how you’re doing,” she says. She’s alone.

  “Chris is watching the studio,” she adds, reading my mind before I have a chance to ask. “How are you doing? Your cheeks are flush.”

  I shrug and cup my cheeks with my hands. “I’m doing okay,” I say. “Keagan helped me sort out my place yesterday. Do you want coffee? It’s the one thing I can make in this high-tech kitchen.”

  My mom nods and follows me to the open plan kitchen. She sits down on a bar stool and watches me move around the kitchen. I feel clumsy in a home that’s not mine.

  “So, are you doing all right?” Mom asks.

  “I think so, yeah.” I put on the coffee machine again, trying to do what I did this morning.

  “And Keagan? How is it, staying with him?”

  I swallow, thinking about the sex we had two nights ago. It wasn’t here, so I don’t think it counts.

  “It’s okay,” I say. “It will take some getting used to, being in a house with him again.”

  I hesitate. “Do you remember when I told you I had a crush on him? Before you and Chris got together?”

  My mom nods. “You were so sweet. Your first crush and all. Why do you ask? Do you still feel that way about him?”

  “God, no,” I say, almost before her sentence I finished. I get two mugs ready for coffee.

  My mom narrows her eyes at me. “You do, don’t you?”

  I shake my head, but I’m suddenly blushing furiously, and I feel like an idiot because I can’t stop it. I’m giving it all away, and I’m not even saying anything.

  “You slept together, didn’t you?” my mom asks.

  My stomach turns. “Mom! What the hell?”

  She grins. “’You’re so transparent. I knew there was something between you two.”

  I keep shaking my head. My cheeks are on fire.

  “You could never keep a secret from me. Remember when you snuck out on that bonfire night? It’s the same.”

  I was still shaking my head. This wasn’t happening. My mom didn’t just figure out that I’d slept with Keagan. She’s smiling, though. She doesn’t look upset. And that confuses me.

  “What do you mean, you knew there was something between us?” I ask.

  My mom shrugs. “I’ve always seen it. You two are just… different together.”

  “And you’re not mad?” I ask. Keeping up the act is pointless.

  My mom laughs. “Honey, who you fall in love with is hardly your choice. And you’re not related, anyway.”

  “But it’s taboo,” I say. I expect her to freak out, but she’s nice about it, and it’s unhinging me.

  “Yes, yes, taboo. Some people think it’s wrong. But you know me. I’m open to anything. Besides, like I said, you can’t choose.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not love, though.” Right? I suddenly don’t know. But it can’t be. I mean, I love him. I grew up with him. But being in love and loving someone amicably isn’t the same thing.

  But friends don’t fuck each other.

  I swallow hard.

  “I doubt Chris will be as open about it,” I say.

  Chris is letting my mom live out her dream by helping her with the studio, but he’s a hands-on, black-and-white kind of guy most of the time. He’s not exactly open to new things, never mind bizarre things.

  My mom sighs and shakes her head. “Sweetie, if you want to do something, you must go ahead and do it. I know you want your parents’ approval, but it’s your choice. If this really gets serious, then we can worry about telling him.”

  I nod. She’s right. I don’t even know if it’s serious yet.

  I can’t believe she knows. I can’t believe she figured it out. But my mom is a free-spirited person, and I’ve always been able to tell her things without her freaking out. It’s the one reason we’re still so close.

  All my friends have had fights with their mothers. They don’t get along, or they keep secrets from them. I’ve never had that with my mom.

  It had been just the two of us for a long time, and after she found Chris, we had stayed close, despite my fears that she would turn away from me.

  Now that she knows, it feels good. It feels good to have spoken about it to someone, even if I didn’t go into detail. Which I didn’t think I ever would.

  “So, how serious is it?” she asks me.

  I shrug.

  “I mean, is it just sex or are you going to make it official?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know where we stand yet. I know we’re not going to be official, and there’s no way we’re going public, what with his career and everything.”

  My mom nods. “It will be easier to figure out if it’s just the two of you for now. To understand where you stand without the pressures from the public.”

  I nod. It’s sound advice. I can’t believe she’s so open about it, and she’s not lecturing me about how wrong it is. Of course, my mom never thinks something is wrong. At worst, she believes that it’s just the wrong time. I’ve never been as open-minded and easy about life as she is, but I understand her, and her approach this time helps me.

  After a while, my mom leaves. She’s satisfied, knowing that I’m okay, and she wanted to get back to Chris.

  I open one of my boxes and find a sketch pad. I haven’t sketched in a while, and it feels good to do my own thing again.

  Keagan comes home just after five.

  “You’ll never guess what happened,” I say.

  When he looks at me, I tell him about the visit from my mom and what she figured out. He’s shocked, but I shake my head.

  “She doesn’t care,” I say. “She’s not angry or anything. In fact, I think she’s all for it.”

  Keagan frowns. “That’s weird,” he says.

  I nod. It is weird, all things considered.

  “I’ve wanted to ask,” I say. “Can I use your bath tub?”

  Keagan blinks. “You don’t have to ask. This is your home, too.”

  I smile and thank him. The bath tub is in his bathroom, and I didn’t want to intrude. I close the door and get the hot water running. The bath is large and oval, and it takes a while to fill up.

  When it’s full, I undress and get in the water. I sit in the bath, and it covers me almost up to my shoulders. It’s the epitome of luxury.

  I close my eyes and lean my head back.

  The bathroom door opens, and Keagan walks in. I feel slightly exposed. His eyes are on my body, filled with hunger and arousal. Seeing that look in his gaze takes away any embarrassment. I watch him as he walks toward me and sits on the edge of the bath.

  He drags his fingers through the water, until his fingertips graze my shoulder. He squeezes my shoulder once before he slides his hand into the water and cups my breast. My nipples tighten immediately and Keagan smiles. I let him fondle me. My pussy gets hot in the water, hotter than the bath already is, and I feel myself getting wet, even though I’m submerged.

  Keagan slips from the edge of the bath so he’s kneeling on the floor. His other hand joins me in the water, and he traces my body down, over my abdomen. He pushes his hand between my legs without ceremony, and his fingers slip into my slit.

  I close my eyes and tip my head back. He circles my clit a few times before pushing his fingers deep inside me. My body is on fire, begging for attention again. Keagan pushes his fingers in and out of me, finger fucking me. I’m balanced between his hand on my breast and his hand on my pussy. My breathing becomes erratic and shallow, and my desire overtakes me.


  I only play with her for a short while before I can’t fucking stand it any longer.

  Her breathing is fast, her chest rising and falling in the water. H
er tits are perfect, her nipples dark and erect, and I just want to suck on them. But I have other things in mind. I’ll taste her later.

  I let her go, and her eyes shoot open, a protest on her lips. She doesn’t form the words. Instead, she watches as I strip off my clothes, dropping them in a pile on floor.

  When I’m naked, I climb into the hot water with her. I’m hard and throbbing. Her eyes are on my cock. She’s horny as fuck at the sight of it. It’s plain in her dark blue eyes.

  Once I’m in the water, she sits up, moving toward me. She touches me, her fingers grazing the skin on my cock, and I gasp. Her touch is electric. She kisses me, and she tastes like hot water and lust. I want her so fucking bad. I want to be buried inside her. I want her body pressed up against mine.

  I don’t have to fantasize about it for very long. She shifts onto my lap. The tub is large enough for her to straddle me, and she puts her legs around my hips. I hold myself up for her, and she moves onto me, sliding down on my cock.

  I press into her. She gasps as I slide home, and her walls squeeze my cock so fucking tight. She feels tighter than yesterday, but I know when I’m this aroused, I tend to be pretty fucking huge.

  “God, Keagan,” she breathes, and I’m sure that my name on her lips is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. “You feel so good.”

  I can say the same for her, but I don’t get a chance to verbalize it before she starts moving back and forth, sliding herself up and down my shaft.

  Sex in the bath is a different sensation. The water laps around us, rippling as she rides me. Being submerged in water makes it a sensory playground, with the heat touching my skin everywhere up to my chest.

  Her tits just touch the water when she sits on my lap. Her hardened nipples press against my collarbone. I dip my head, taking one into my mouth, and then the other. She rides me harder, and the water starts sloshing back and forth, like a jacuzzi created through our fucking.

  She seems more carefree than when we did it before. Dana gives herself over to the sensations, bouncing up and down on my cock, riding me for all she’s worth. The feeling is intense almost right away. It’s going to a take a lot of concentration to hold out tonight.


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