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The Carnage Trilogy (Book 1): The Carnage [Unbending, Unyielding, Unforgiving]

Page 5

by Birch, Matthew

  "What's your plan?" She asks us, a little more focused on talking then regaining stamina. She's curious as to what we had in mind. I don't speak, so my friend does all the work for me. Marcus quickly replies before I can say anything, not that I wanted to anyway. “The ranger station” He huffs. She nods, "Same"

  A snarl echoes off to the side of us. One, single, lonely mad person shifts its way through the trees. Its legs missing...

  She and Marcus dismiss it. I, on the other hand, see an opportunity to show I am not weak. Buff the chest out. Keep my head clear and confident. If I am going to prove myself I need to do it while the creature is no real danger to me. "I'll be taking this" wrapping my hand around the rifle, I tug. Except it does not leave her grip under any circumstances. Instead, my act of stupidity sends the woman into a state of shock, followed by anger...

  "Get your fucking dirty hands off my rifle!" She yells in my face. Flinching, I turn away to Marcus who shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know what the fuck you're playing at asshole but stay away from me and my stuff!" She looks at us, instead of just me, which makes me feel better. Marcus shoots daggers my way. Avoiding his gaze, I let my head drop.

  The woman sighs in frustration. "Look, no offence to you-" She says to Marcus, then turns to me. "But you need to get your fucking act together" She disparages me, shoving me aside and walking over the mad person. Literally slamming her boot into its skull as she walks right over it. "The main road is this way" She doesn't sound so happy about having us around.

  Once she's out of earshot. I give Marcus a goofy look. He rolls his eyes at me. "She's got a point... I'm sorry" His words hit deep and the fake look I had disappears. Marcus glances at the mad person. "I know how you feel though... You know, when confronted by those, creatures" He whispers, stepping over it just like she had a minute ago. His words leave me confused. I think I get the point though. Anyway, I follow after him, stepping around the creature because apparently that's what he's calling them and I prefer it over mad people.

  The woman is tapping her foot impatiently at the start of the main road. It's kinda empty, but the chaos that was left in the wake of recent events is still here. You know, I can't let her stupid words get to me! I think it's time I spread some cheeriness on the situation. "Haha, you know. I was wondering if there were bears in these parts-" I pause. Marcus looks at me, wide-eyed as if he knows what I am about to say. "Turns out we do, I am looking at one right now called-" I pause again. Realising no one had exchanged names yet.

  And, the 'bear' instantly leaps at me. Getting right up in my face and snarling the words. "I don't think you get the privilege of treating me like shit after the little childish act you pulled back there" Once again, her words cut deep. I falter, avoiding her stony, hazel eyes. "I'm not a child" I mutter lowly. The young woman leans back slightly. "Oh, yeah, I totally believe you" Her sarcasm shows through again. Okay, now she's just really irritating the heck out of me! "At least I'm not a fucking bear" I happen to snigger at my own comment, only pissing her off more - because her hand is on her hatchet. She glares at me but makes no sudden movement. This time, something is different. Her face is stern and dangerous but the cracks are showing. A tremble in her lip is evident. Eyes twitching as she fights against the urge to blink. Backing away, I hold up two hands. Her grip gets tighter and tighter until her knuckles turn white.

  Marcus finally steps in, breaking us apart. "Okay, let's just take a step back here" Marcus begins kindly, pushing us apart. "Ed, shut the fuck up. Also, sweetheart we're gonna need a-"

  "Don't fucking sweetheart me" The young woman turns, heading back up the slope and onto the road. Marcus shakes his head, looking at me in despair. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm sorry; we got off to a bad start. My names Marcus" And finally, the introductions are made as we all step onto the road. The young woman looks at Marcus, offers him an apology. Saying he saved her life back there and she is sorry she's so bitchy at the moment. She's going through some personal stuff to which Marcus cracks a joke, saying, "Who isn't?"

  She seems cheered up a bit, the scowl on her face slowly dissipates as they talk more. Turns out her name is Maya and from the looks of this 'friendly' introduction. She couldn't give two shits about me. In fact, I am basically disregarded entirely. Walking at the back of the group, I am left to my own thoughts on everything I try to suppress...


  Soon enough, we take one turn, followed by another and the ranger station comes into view. It's eerily quiet. The chaos is still around us, but those who we saw running for their lives have all cleared out. Is the situation under control or has something much worse happened?

  I am sick to the bone. Goosebumps litter my skin. My heart never really calmed down. A pit of anxiety welling up inside me as all the horrors flood my mind. As all the thoughts of my weakness infect me...

  "What the fuck" Maya mutters. "Holy shit" Marcus mumbles. "Oh, my, god-" I whimper.

  I think I am gonna throw up again. Piles of bodies stack up in the car park by the ranger station. The ones that were lucky enough, also what I can only guess are the first victims are covered with blood-soaked blankets. The others are not so lucky. Ran out of body bags I guess. From the smell to the sight, I am mortified.

  "You three okay?" an Officer calls out to us, throwing another body down onto the heap before brushing his hands off on his uniform. He walks over to us, the same look of fear we all have is there on his face. Like Maya, he toughs his way through it. Maya does it to survive. He's doing it for the job. Seconds later, another Officer greets us as well. Very quickly, we are all welcomed into the open car park attached to the side of the ranger station. While Marcus and Maya enter their grounds, I stay on the outside. I'm gonna be sick.

  I can't do this-

  Leaning back against the wall to the car-park, I rest my head on the tall chain link fencing. What was once a gorgeous area, full of life and nature is now a disgusting, deceased pile of death.

  "I am Maya and this is Marcus," Maya says with a happier tone than before. No sharpness to it. Like the bitch inside was gone. "Hey" Marcus greets while putting his knife away. The first Officer extends his hand but immediately pulls it away out of embarrassment. "Sorry darlin' you don't want to shake that" he laughs it off. His hands full of filth from the bodies.

  Awkward silence ensues now...

  The other officer who was on body shovelling duty steps in to fill the void. "I am Officer Davis. I got the duty of cleaning up the place. This here is Officer Miller who does the heavy lifting around here and-" Both officers turn towards the staircase that leads up to the ranger station. Standing there is a man. Tall, strong, covered from head to toe in hard SWAT armour with a helmet by his side and a shotgun in his hands. He has combed back, black slick hair that is thinning at the sides with a strong jawline to boast. Not to mention probably toned beneath the heavy duty equipment and armour. His stubble is starting to shine through on his clean-shaven face. Just who is he?

  "This ere'" Officer Miller pipes up.

  "This ere' is Patrick Ross"

  Chapter 4 - Salvation


  Stoic and powerful, the man named Patrick Ross descends the staircase. Carefully, his eyes scatter between us all one by one. He takes his time, as if testing us. Such an imposing demeanour doesn't last when a handsome smile shatters the rock of a face he had before. "It's great to see three new arrivals" Patrick gleams at us. His sudden change throws me off, but it only makes me feel all the more welcome. Both Officers who stand idly by give a humble salute to their superior officer before getting back to work.

  "We made it..." Marcus whispers beside me. He doesn't seem with it. His eyes blank and his face empty. I would feel the same if it wasn't for the hope I feel. We are alive. After everything, we made it and now we are safe.

  While Patrick steps aside, welcoming us both to salvation, Maya, on the other hand, stands firmly in place. Unconfident for some reason, she starts throwing questions, speaking so quick that he can't
find the chance to reply. Patrick raises a hand, silencing her. They hold each other's gaze for a moment, a look of distrust between the two. Patrick says softly, "Please, we've all had a tough day. All I want right now more than anything is to keep the peace we have"

  Maya's brows furrow, her face twitching. "Where is everyone?" The simple-minded question requires a simple answer.

  This question changes the happy go lucky attitude Patrick had. The question breaks him; Patrick sinks away for just a moment. Such a small, insignificant moment, regardless, it tells me all I need to know. Not everyone was as lucky as we are. Great, now my stomach’s feeling sick again. The piles of the dead, the emptiness of the Ranger station; what does this mean?

  Moving past Patrick, I keep my eyes on the ranger station. A big building built in the centre of everything else. Like a waypoint or a central area. Also being the only place of safety and security in the north.

  Marcus thanks Patrick for his help and service before rushing up beside me to match my pace. "Dude, what's wrong?" He asks quietly. I can tell he's worried. What possible answer can I give him though? It's obvious really. For the first time, I choose to ignore him. No longer wanting to be connected with this world and its ill intentions. All I want is to sit down and know I am going to live. Marcus frowns, falling behind me.

  The first person to greet us at the main reception is another officer. "Hello, I am Officer Wilson!" his introduction is forced and over exaggerated. Probably to keep spirits high for all refugees who seek help here.

  "Are there any more people here?" Marcus asks, spinning around and taking in the basic room with white walls, tables with magazines and some comfy looking armchairs. Nothing more than a plain reception area. Officer Wilson nods at him with his forced smile. Wilson's on the ageing side as well. Grey hairs, wrinkles. Maybe the oldest officer here.

  "Fancy a tour?" Officer Wilson offers us politely. I and Marcus share a glance. "Yes, that would be great" We reply nicely, smiling just as madly as he is.

  Yes, let us just ignore all the death. Because it's that easy to turn a blind eye to the very acts of brutality and gore that eat away at your very being.

  Fine, let's begin this tour.

  * * *

  First is the lounge area: sofas, armchairs, tables, pool tables, TV, books, and magazines. There's a lot to keep you busy. Not to mention really well done up as well. Looks pretty high class for a ranger station. In the corner of the room by a window where the shutters are closed, a young man sits peacefully. Hands behind his head with his eyes closed and taking long, deep breaths. Switching which legs he has crossed constantly. Long blond hair which is held back in a loose ponytail flails slightly as he twitches. Wearing basic blue jeans and a white top covered by a red and black chequered shirt. His brown boots are bobbing up and down with the constant tapping of his feet.

  "This here is Cody... He got here a few hours back. He's had a rough day-" Officer Wilson explains sympathetically. "Poor guys inconsolable"

  Cody, having heard the Officer, merely sits up and leans towards us. No words. One stare is sent right at me, and only me.

  Cody Returns back to his original position. One word - creepy... I suppose I shouldn't hold anything against him. We don't know what demons he has faced today. I'll be in the same place he is soon enough.

  Next is the kitchen/staff room. A basic, large open room pretty much. The room contains one person; a young woman. Once upon a time I would have said she is good looking. But now her eyes are bloodshot, makeup once run down her face. You can see where it has dried up. She sits at a large wooden table in tight, light blue jeans and a large top that does not fit her. Like Cody from before, this woman is in a state.

  "Same as Cody, Chloe had a rough day as well," Officer Wilson says bitterly, giving her an apologetic nod and a sad smile. The girl looks back at us, her eyes only for Marcus. The two share a look. Something passes between them, something I don't understand.

  "Anyway, moving on" Officer Wilson proceeds to the next room.


  "I'll catch up, just gonna grab a glass of water" Casually, I step into the room and wave off Ed and Officer Wilson who both give me a strange look.

  "Don't be getting lost then" Officer Wilson forewarns. His warning is meaningless because getting lost really isn't a problem anymore.

  "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine" I say, wanting them to leave. Ed seems to get the point, urging the Officer to continue the 'fantastic' tour. Once they are gone, I keep my sight on the woman. I can't believe this. Of all the things today, it had to just keep getting worse.

  She is the woman I slept with.

  Memories hit me hard and fast like a sucker punch, which is leaving me a sprawling mess. Mind broke - brain dead. My voice cracks, "H-hey" My gaze wavers, unable to maintain contact with Chloe who freezes up into an ice cube. Her face pales, her puffy eyes scrutinize me. "You..." She mutters sorely. Her throat is raspy, but the threat in her tone from that single word gave me all the indication I needed.

  I've fucked up royally this time.


  The tour lost its spark really quick. There wasn't much more to see really. First was the evidence room. After that is the armoury and then finally, the little mini jail they have here for all the drunks who have nothing better to do. Kinda like someone I know... Me.

  Anyway, other than the storage room and the living quarters, the tour found its ends. Thank God. I didn't know how much longer I could stand around for as that man kept breaking into little stories about every little thing that happened in every room to the littlest detail. Ugh...

  "Wilson! I need you outside for a moment!" Patrick's voice makes me jump. Wilson turns, simply following the command from Patrick who stands at the other end of the hallway. Without another word, I am left standing in the living area alone. Well, why I'm here I might as well look around. There are several rooms for the Officers who live and work here. Probably not so many of them will be living here anymore...

  Maya's head peeks around the corner at the top of the hallway. Her face made of stone as she approaches me. "I couldn't find Marcus, so you'll have to do" The passive aggressive bitch insults me. Letting the comment slide, I say, "What?" But the coldness in my voice has already started this interaction of ours off to a bad start.

  Maya looks around, checking for anyone who might be nearby before lowering her voice and leaning in to whisper. "Patrick thinks we are all that's left..."

  My heart drops.

  All that's left.


  "'Thinks'" I repeat, highlighting the keyword. Maya's eyebrows drew together, her lips set in a hard line. Tension rises in the air. "Yeah... But to think it all changed so quickly" Maya says, her jaw clenched.

  Footsteps stomp our way. Chloe, the woman from the kitchen pounds her way through the building. Fresh tears streaming from her eyes as she turns the corner, coming face to face with us. Maya steps back, surprised. Chloe just sniffs, battering her eyes and dropping her head in embarrassment. The initiative kicks in for the both of us. We step aside, allowing her passage through the hallway. Hastily, Chloe opens a door and slams it. Leaving us confused, curious and concerned all at once.

  Poker-faced, Maya asks me, "Who's that?"

  "That's Chloe, met her when Wilson showed us the kitchen"

  "And where's Marcus"


  Chloe came from the kitchen. A switch flips in our heads and the conclusion clicks for the both of us at the same time. Marcus was in the kitchen with her. Maya huffs, irritated for some reason. "Where is it, I have no idea where I am going" Maya grates her teeth together. Smirking, I lead her down the hallway and guide her to the kitchen. When we get there, she doesn't thank me. She just says not to get used to her relying on me. Once inside, we find Marcus in a mess. Marcus doesn't spare us a glance. Instead, he hangs his head shamefully low and stutters terribly as he tries to get the words out.

  "He is dead"

  "Who is dead mate?" I
walk towards him, leaning against the counter next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. It's been a long time since I have seen him like this. It's a rare sight to see him so broken. Scrunching up his face, Marcus sobs, "It was her- The girl I slept with-"


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