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The Carnage Trilogy (Book 1): The Carnage [Unbending, Unyielding, Unforgiving]

Page 12

by Birch, Matthew

  The creature smacks the floor like jelly, landing on top of the father defensively. It still observes me intensely, as if experimenting with me. Will I take the shot? The little creature's overly grown arms prop it up, almost putting us at eye level.

  On the inside, I freak out - on the outside, I turn to stone.

  We gaze into each other's eyes.

  What is happening?

  Dropping down hard, it lands face first on the father's chest before tearing its way into the guy that has been dead for a little while now. I grip my machete tighter than ever. I hold my pistol right at its mushy skull. It's no real threat. The little creature only just got lucky, bagging itself three injured humans from a car crash and smartly stored them for future use? It's strange. Like the little creature has a weird level of intelligence to even consider doing something like that?

  Whatever this is-

  Whatever I am looking at right now-

  It's not human, but it no longer takes the appearance of the creatures I saw two days ago. It's taking the form of something else...

  Maybe I should just leave it be? It's no real danger to the group like this. Hell, it can't even walk...

  I barely move an inch.

  Low growling makes me wish I had never investigated any of this in the first place. It props itself up again, breathing warmly into my ear. I stay perfectly still. Praying for dear life, closing my eyes, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish-


  And, it's gone? Shrieking like a child would before flinging itself at the window, squeezing itself through and crawling at an alarming speed into the forest without a trace. Within the space of twenty seconds, it's gone from my sight.

  "Wow. You really are lucky" Cody declares with a raised eyebrow, making me jump in fear from his sudden appearance. Cody chuckles in response to my reaction; I let him know from my glare that I do NOT approve of this. Then I notice his shotgun aimed forward at the same place the little creature once was. "I-I know" I stutter, letting my eyes drop to the chewed up father. One lung having already been half chewed through. "What a weird one that one was! Anyway, don't question life when good things happen" Cody shrugs his shoulders one last time before turning and leaving me abandoned again.

  I'm so confused right now. It was feeding. This isn't normal. What the- It didn't kill me. It left me. I don't understand. Why? What...

  "Come on Eddy!"

  All I want to know is why. Any answer would do. Just something to make sense of this situation, that's all I can ask for right now. Stepping past the dead father and out of the locker room, I follow Cody back to the group. When we get back, we're greeted with happiness and relief. Patrick was remarking how if we had been a minute more, they'd have left. Apparently, they heard the shotgun but were not willing to risk sending Maya and Ben after us. Losing two is already too much, risking losing four is overkill.

  Cody explains what happened. How the little creature had created its own food storage and wasn't aggressive. He explains the looks on it and how it fled when he discovered it hiding behind the car. It almost seemed scared.

  Only more fuel for the fire in the land of questions I imagine. We don't waste any more time, quickly leaving the building and getting back on the path through the forest. All we need to do now is get back to the SWAT truck and never come back.

  Chapter 13 - Answers?


  It still burns in places, little fires that die away until extinguished by the light breeze from the east. Only, something is different about the car crash this time. Originally, I could see the scattered remains of humans and creatures. Most were stuck in the wreckage with no way of escape, making them harmless. Now, the creatures that were once here are gone.

  Looking behind me, I watch as Maya helps Patrick in his struggle to get Linda into the front passenger seat. I find myself judging Patrick; putting Linda's comfort above our time management when she's on a ticking clock right now, like a sand-hour glass that's not going to last forever. Linda wouldn't even care, and she's still unconscious!

  Bored, I push all my thoughts aside and take a step back. I am feeling courageous. I examine the length I'd have to leap; I prepare myself for making a mad dash forward before breaking out at full speed and hopping up onto the front of one crashed car! I wobble, steadying myself on its useless engine.

  After the mysterious encounter at the archery camp, a little inside detective in me still wants to search for the answers. All I want to know is the truth behind all this. None of it is making sense. Less and less is understood as more and more questions are asked. Besides, it's just me who seems to be thinking outside the box here. Examining the strange events that pass by without anyone battering an eyelash, I take notice of these happenings when no one else will.

  The world is already different from what it was. A day and a half has passed and the whole northern resort has been swarmed and destroyed by the creatures, and here we are now, alive and surviving through silence. There's nothing here but what remains and us – the survivors. The one, single creature I did meet, was nothing more than a little creature that was hungry. Wasn't even something to be scared of, or was it? Actually, now that I put some logic into it, that little creature smashed open the heads of two young girls; dragged them through a tiny window and stuffed them in lockers. The dad was crumpled up to fit into a small air duct. Really makes me question the strength of these, things. I thought what was killing us were just mindless zombies, but now; something much worse is taking the spotlight.

  These aren't zombies. But, what are they?

  "What ya' doing?" Cody calls out to me, arms up and leaning on the hood of the car while watching me curiously. I shake my head, making a shushing sound to him as revenge for ditching me earlier while also saving my life in a way? Little creature did only seem scared of him. Probably after being targeted by a shotgun, I'm not surprised Cody is the dangerous one out of the pair of us. Maybe if I had taken the shot, it would have scurried away all the same anyway. Ignoring me, Cody looks out over the wreckage and seems oblivious to the fact that it is indeed, empty. Static flames die out; leaving it as the only thing that was the same as it was an hour ago.

  "See it yet?" I ask plainly, really hoping he'll figure it out from himself.

  "Wait, I swear there was more of em'?" Asking the question I've already moved past, Cody goes back to square one with the whole, ‘where are they’ question?

  "I don't know, but I'm gonna check it out" Feeling in the mood for a run, I start leaping between cars in my search for an answer. Behind me, Cody calls out, telling me not to go too far or risk dying. Such a warning means nothing now, after everything, I'm sure I'll be fine!

  Stopping for a moment, I lean against the remains of the crashed truck that caused this, giving a distant wave to Cody who is quickly accompanied by a curious Ben and William. None of them join me though, leaving me to hop from one pile of junk until the next all by myself. Soon enough, the group is not much more than a speck in my view. I give a wave but receive nothing back, can they not see me?

  Smiling to myself, I find a strange feeling of pride in being independent for the first time. Turning, I find something peculiar. Small and disfigured, a small uneven square has been created in the mess of metal. Four cars have been shoved aside to create a den. Very much like the little creature's intentions, another creature has made a feeding ground. Piles and piles of bodies litter this one area, creating a huge heap of corpses. No smell, no flies.

  A small pile of bones litter the unseeable road in the corner. Its contents stripped clean. I see the culprit. Another creature, much like the little one before, is crouched in the corner and digging into a still alive human.

  That person is still alive-

  I immediately draw my gun-

  Then, I immediately put my gun back when I realise it...

  Because that creature is not eating another human, it's eating another creature.

  In fact, creatures,
plural. Some of what was once in the massive car crash are alive and well, tumbling around in the heaping pile that had been created by the crouched creature. Their legs were broken or torn off to stop them from escaping. The creature in the corner turns its neck almost all the way around, looking at me all viciously but it never does anything to harm me. After studying me, it digs straight back into its most likely delicious meal.

  I feel sick again.

  "Come on Eddy!" Cody calls over to me, having hopped the cars himself to find me. He can't see what I'm seeing...

  Not wanting to spend a second longer here, I start jumping cars again as he shouts, "The group aren’t gonna wait much longer" he warns. "Hold on!" I shout back at him. That shut him up good.

  "Don't get cocky..." his says as I get close, his words of wisdom from earlier still looming around me. I get it. When life gives you something good, don't question it. Same reason you shouldn't push it either. It was unsafe to go out so far into uncharted territory. But, then it's going to get boring. Where's the thrill in the risk of life huh, Cody?

  I hear a meek roar behind me. A body is chucked into a nearby car with so much force I thought the car was going to topple over! Looking back, I frown, wondering if I should have shot it instead of showing mercy to beings that wouldn't give it to me. That creature killed other creatures, but more smartly, disabling them so that they wouldn't be able to escape or fight back. That creature-

  No, monster. It killed its own. That monster is on a whole other level.

  That's exactly it; there were creatures.

  Now there are monsters, which kill creatures.

  But we aren't the first targets anymore. They don't seem all too interested in us, or so I think? Well, actually-

  "ED I AIN'T ASKING AGAIN" Cody screams having gotten so close he can see the monster; the raised shotgun is testament to this. Holding up my hands, I try my best not to take this brewing argument to the next level. He's been off and on with me all day, and I swear he can't make up his mind on whether or not he is going to be a good guy or bad guy. Is it just me that he is hot and cold with? "Okay, I am coming! Prick"

  * * *

  "You two ready to go?" Patrick sneers at us, arms crossed and leant against the hood of the vehicle, one leg up and bent against it.

  "Don't blame me, boss, Eddy wanted an adventure" Cody pins the blame on me, which is fair enough, but he didn't have to make me sound like some irresponsible child. ‘Which I am’

  "Piss off. I was just checking why-"

  Patrick cuts me off, kicking himself off the police van and getting right in my face. "Get in the fucking van. We have wasted enough time."

  Beside me, Cody's eyes crinkle at the sides as he narrows his eyes wearily. I blink, unable to muster a reply or just, something to say or do back. Merely stepping around him, I stay quiet, not facing the crazed man as I reach the back of the van where Maya, Ben and William stare at me dully.

  "Uh, hey" I flush, stepping up the small step and inside the closed in space. I look at the right and the left side of the van. Ben and William are on the right, Maya on the left. Maya shuffles along to the other end of the van until she's hugging the walls in the corner. I take my seat, shuffling along as well to make room for the hulking man who finally removes his SWAT vest and letting it drop to the floor gracefully, Cody steps in, giving us all the once over before sitting next to me. His eyes twitch several times before he closes his eyes sleepily.

  The rest of the journey back didn't see much conversation; though, if everyone had been more in the mood. I would've loved to talk about all my findings. I'll keep it to myself. My curiosities are weird as it, probably only end up looking uncanny in everyone else's eyes. Suppose I look at my findings in a new light? Maybe a change of perspective will help. Or am I just taking the disappearance of the creatures too seriously? I cannot take this for granted.

  Ugh... Maybe Marcus will care?

  Chapter 14 - New Life


  My coffee runs cold, living out its usefulness. Sticking the tip of my finger into the cool liquid, I stir it gently, watching all the colours swish around gracefully. Leaning my head on my closed fist, I sit at the table. Bored and lonely, I contemplate what I am supposed to do now. Ed and the others have been gone for a while, and my worry is beginning to trump the annoyance at myself for all the skirmishes with Chloe. Earlier today, I tried making it up to her in the way of starting fresh. I couldn't let our problem tear this group apart. If we're really all that's left, then we need to work together. Then again, if Ed and the others can send out a signal and we can get help from a helicopter that doesn't leave us. Chloe will then very quickly become another piece of the puzzle that I will be ditching to the past. I need to focus on my future, but there are too many unanswered questions for me to think of anything worthwhile. Nothings set in stone, and it's killing me.

  I could die tomorrow.

  It's only an example, but I hope the message of how precious life shines brighter than ever now since the creatures are tearing us a new one.

  Sighing, I continue my effort with the cold coffee. My thoughts are slowly drifting to Chloe again. I remember it now, how I felt like maybe this was it. After waking up from my sleep, no matter how little I slept. I had hope that we could finally make amends. She had different thoughts on the matter, choosing instead to chuck the coffee all over my chest. Drenching my clothes and scorching my skin. As if on reflex, the very memory of how much it burned makes me race my cold, wet coffee covered finger to my chest where my skin still churns, trying its best to heal itself after her attack. All I did was make her coffee...

  I still feel like I deserved it. Even after everything. I suppose I did ruin her life. Now, though, this is too far.

  Exhaling longingly, I can only gaze into the coffee that calms down over time, eventually returning to a neutral peace. The ranger station is quiet. All officers are resting in their rooms. There's been no action, nothing to report. Not even the slightest detail out of the ordinary out there. It's as if the creatures vanished?

  It's been hours now. How much longer is this shitty day going to drag on? I'd try and get some shut-eye - unfortunately sleep is impossible with my state of mind. Tossing, turning, and kicking. It wouldn't be long before nightmares start upper cutting their way into my dreams with a belly full of rage.

  The silence around me allows footsteps to be heard echoing through the corridor easily. Perking up, I turn, facing the door where a baggy-eyed Chloe peeks her head around the corner, rather shyly. She looks like she's been crying again. The stains on her dried up skin are evident. Poor girl can't get a break. "Look out the window" She deadpans, offering me nothing but the cold heart she only has for me. I can't help but raise an eyebrow, confused by her sudden talking to me after everything. Next, she stands in the doorway entirely, leaning on the side boards for support. Placing a hand on her hip, she exclaims with a tone of frustration. "Stop looking at me then?"

  Following her word and looking out the window, I see a police van has parked neatly outside. Two steel double doors swing open.

  They are back.

  * * *

  Sprinting down the steps, I accelerate past Ben and throw myself into Ed. Howling, we hug one another. Ed's patting me on the back and telling me not to worry - telling me, that he survived. After our moment, I focus on the priority. A young woman who goes by the name Linda Collins; also, Linda is the only survivor of the two teams that were sent out to the radio tower. She seems shaken, quite loopy as well as she had just woken up. When Patrick approaches, holding the injured woman at his side. I see her wound where the bandage has loosened. Her right side has been completely lacerated. It looks incredibly painful, making me cringe before turning away. With every step, you can hear a small, sharp, pained gasp from Linda.

  "Maya, I'm going to need your help" Patrick orders. With a huff, Maya says we'll talk later before briskly walking to Patrick's rescue. Patrick gives me one stoic, firm nod before continuing t
o help the limping Linda back up into the ranger station. The look on his face sends a burst of fear through me, barely a few hours ago. He did not have that look. Joyful, confident, maybe even a side of optimism are the words I would've used to describe him. Now, our leader as it seems is cold and distant. His focus is on all he has left - Linda.


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