Persephone's Wings
Page 8
The crowd applauded, whistled, honked, screamed, and generally signaled its appreciation.
But Gnicholas hadn’t finished.
The Gnimble Gnomes rushed around the stage, and within seconds had assembled something that looked like a velvet-upholstered mushroom. Gnicholas reclined on it, and allowed them to wipe his brow, and feed him sips of restoratives. The fairies had hovered off to either side of the stage, where they were flitting over the pointy hats, spreading their legs and teasingly flying down to brush their pussies against them with little giggles.
The music was raucous, pounding, and Persephone could feel it through her seat and through Thorne’s fingers.
Not content with touching, Thorne was now softly rubbing her swollen tissues, teasing her clit with his nearness, yet not bringing her to full arousal. She fidgeted slightly, wanting more of his warmth.
“Easy, love. We have time.”
Persephone gritted her teeth, then remembered that two could play almost any game. She slid her hand across his lap and found something that felt just right in her hand.
Thorne sucked in a breath.
She grinned. “You’re right, Thorne. Plenty of time.” Gotcha.
The music changed, and the lights on the stage dimmed, throwing the Gnimble Gnomes into shadow.
Gnicholas was alone in the spotlight, and as he lay back onto his mushroom, his transparent pants tented against his huge erection.
The fairies, summoned by a clap of his hands, fluttered to him and eased his pants away, leaving him free and upstanding in the center of the stage.
An awed silence fell as the audience considered the magnificence of a fully engorged virile male gnome.
His cock was standing straight and proud, as Gnicholas clasped his hands behind his head in a pose of casual magnificence. The head was broadly flanged and deep red, and the veins running down its length were hard and prominent. He could have modeled for Michelangelo, mused Persephone, wondering what Thorne would look like on a mushroom like that. She’d love to find out.
Gnicholas spread his legs, displaying an equally impressive set of balls, and with a click of his fingers the portion of the stage he occupied began to rotate. No one was going to miss the spectacle of this gnome’s equipment.
A spattering of applause broke out and within moments, Gnicholas’s genitals got a standing ovation.
He reached down and proudly waved his cock in thanks, sending a couple of fairies into a swoon.
The Belles, meanwhile, had flown high above Gnicholas while he rotated in splendid display. Now, as the movement slowed, they fluttered down, hanging in the air next to his body.
Persephone watched, fascinated, as they flew. The mere thought of being able to do that sent a shiver of pleasure through her. No, wait, that was Thorne’s fingers.
He was about to sink one deep into her cunt. Oh god. She closed her eyes, not caring if she missed the show.
“Put your leg over mine,” hissed Thorne, tensing under her fingers. She’d almost forgotten that she had a very nice fairy cock in her own hand. She had to gather her thoughts for a moment before she realized what he wanted her to do. Quietly, she raised one thigh and draped it over Thorne’s. She was now open to his searching hand.
And he searched. And thereafter found.
She gulped, fighting back the urge to moan.
On the stage, the fairies seemed to be in much the same state. Gnicholas had divided that magic beard of his again, only this time his progress was unhampered by anything as mundane as a thong. This time, his beard clearly played with two fairy clits that now glistened with fairy juices.
It was quite clear what was happening to them, because they were now hovering upside down, giving the audience a perfect view of their pussies, and enabling them to begin working on Gnicholas.
The gnome was about to receive the blowjob to end all blowjobs from two fairies whose heads were bobbing around his cock and his balls.
Persephone’s attention was torn. She’d never imagined anything like what she was seeing, and she’d never imagined anything like what she was feeling.
Oh shit. Decisions, decisions.
Thorne’s fingers made it easier, and without realizing it, she closed her eyes on Gnicholas and concentrated on Thorne.
He must have sensed her attention, and his fingers plunged deep into her cunt. He moved them slightly, bending them, twirling them, pulling them back out to toy with her clit, then plunging them back in.
Her breasts ached to the point of pain and she wanted to squirm down onto his hand and drive it deep inside her.
She clenched her fist around his cock, only to have him gasp and push her hand aside with a wing rib.
“I can’t take it, honey. Once in my pants today is enough. I can wait. This is for you. Open your eyes and watch the show, while I watch you. Think what it might be like with you hovering over me, sucking me into your mouth like that…think about all the different ways I’m gonna fuck you when we get home…”
Persephone broke out into a sweat. Her back itched fiercely, and her clit screamed for release.
On stage, the fairies were getting pretty stoked up themselves, almost fighting over whose tongue was going to lick Gnicholas’ balls and whose mouth could take him the deepest. Gnicholas, for his part, let his beard do all the work, only occasionally reaching out and tweaking an available fairy nipple. The music was reaching a crescendo, as was the act.
With a scream, one of the fairies collapsed, shuddering, into a twitching orgasmic heap of red and silver glitter. Seconds later the other one fell, only she toppled into rigidity, thighs clasped, body taut and breasts shaking.
Gnicholas sighed, and reached down to his still rock-hard cock. He grinned at the audience, as if inviting them to share in his amazing abilities. With a couple of strokes he enlarged his awesome cock even more, then lay back and thrust his hips upward in time with the pounding drums.
Suddenly he raised his hand, the drums ceased and there was a moment of complete silence.
Then he roared, and released a mammoth cloud of sparkling fairy dust in a gushing geyser from his cock. It was followed by five simultaneous smaller explosions of fairy dust from the five Gnimble Gnomes who’d been busily stroking themselves in time to the beat of the music. Five little sets of buttocks tensed, five little beards shuddered and twitched, and five little gnomes toppled exhaustedly to the floor.
The audience went wild.
Persephone saw none of it. Thorne had just made her come.
* * * * *
“So how did they do the sparkly thing?” Persephone’s head rested on Thorne’s chest and his chin gently grazed her hair as they danced together on the still-glittering stage. “Please don’t tell me I’m stepping in gnome-cum.”
He chuckled, tightening his hold and adjusting his hands to grip her buttocks even closer.
“It’s theater, honey. All theater.”
“Well that must have been one hell of a special effect. I guess.”
“Sorry you missed it?”
She snorted, burrowing deeper into his shirt. “You’ve got to be kidding. Hey, I could probably see gnomes jerk off any time I wanted to. But having you touch me like that, well. Well.”
Thorne’s heart bounced. He distinctly felt it. “You know, Persephone, we’re going to have to talk soon.”
She stilled. “Oh, god. You want to talk?” She pulled away from his heat and blinked up at him. “Is this where you tell me that it’s been fun, but it’s time to move on? Or you need more space? Or now that you’ve had my wings, you don’t need to buy the flight deck? Or something?”
Thorne was startled into wrenching her back against his body with a smack. “Hell no, Persephone. What’s your problem?”
“Bethides a broken nothe?” she snuffled.
“You really think that’s what I want to talk about? When I know damn well you can feel this…” His hips thrust his cock against her softness and he knew she couldn’t miss the point.<
br />
“Look, this’s and that’s aside, I don’t know what you want to talk about. I don’t know how to do things like this guy-girl stuff. I’m real bad at it in my world, as if you hadn’t noticed, Pat. And now it’s turned into fairyguy-fairygirl stuff. I’m completely lost.”
The tremor in her voice touched Thorne someplace he’d thought hadn’t existed. He wanted to take Persephone to some remote island and convince her that she was a priceless jewel. That she was worthy of the best any relationship had to offer. And his was the best. And he’d like to fuck her lots, while they were there, too.
He sighed. “Honey, what I need to say to you is important. To you and to me, and it has nothing to do with moving out, needing space, or sex. Well, maybe sex. Yes, actually mostly sex.”
Persephone shook her head. “This is one damn confusing world, Thorne. Can we just dance right now?”
Thorne grinned and pulled her into the rhythm, loving the feel of her breasts as they rubbed against him and the way their bodies fit together. Her hands were around his waist, and every now and again his neatly folded wings felt a little flick as she brushed her fingertips against them.
It was amazingly erotic, arousing, and affectionate, which was not a word he usually used. “Persephone—let’s go home.”
The words were scarcely out of his mouth when a noisy commotion at the door heralded the arrival of Oberon and Titania.
The party was now officially underway.
Chapter 9
Persephone wondered about fairyland protocol. Did it include sneaking away from a crowded nightclub before the King and Queen noticed you were there?
She glanced around, then up at Thorne. Apparently not.
His expression was a mixture of frustration and distaste, which was quite flattering, but not very encouraging. It looked like they were going to have to stay.
In fact, it was mere seconds before Oberon waved to Thorne and gestured him over to their table, hurriedly prepared by Neville himself. The fact that he’d had to evict two drunken fairies, a gnome who was trying to get it on with one of them, and a squirrel stealing the peanuts from their snack bowl, made no difference to Royalty.
They were here, and their table was in the center of the club. The rest of the world should be ready to pay homage.
“Hey, Leatherfly. Get your ass over here and bring your wonder boobs girl with you.”
Oberon’s voice rang over the crowd, making heads turn and Persephone wish for a minimizer bra.
“Thorne, darling…” a voice purred. “How lovely. Still living up to your name, I see?”
Queen Titania had appeared at Thorne’s side and linked her arm through his, guiding him back to the table. She amiably ran her hand over Thorne’s pants.
Persephone wondered if there was an appropriate way to tell a reigning monarch to keep her fucking hands to herself. She wasn’t quite sure, so she contented herself with tightening her grip on Thorne’s other hand.
His fingers flexed as he responded to her twitch. Apparently, he was no happier than she was.
Titania was a surprise. Not the eye-popping cross between Michelle Pfeiffer and Tinkerbell that Persephone had been expecting, the Queen was actually quite short. She also possessed a very healthy set of hips.
Long, reddish-blonde tendrils escaped from a rather untidy knot of hair on the top of her head, which she’d secured with what looked like blades of grass. Her dress was haphazard at best, and one side kept slithering away from a shoulder, only to be yanked up absently by Her Majesty as she chatted with Thorne. Her skin was amazing, the color of rich cream with a subtle blush, and she had lips that probably should have been declared illegal.
Her waist was small, her breasts adequate, and her blue eyes held a blend of curiosity and good humor, with a liberal helping of sensuality on the side. She was an intriguing mixture of earth mother, fairy, Queen and sex goddess. Someone who made you wonder if she was going to cook an exquisite apple pie, grant a Royal pardon, or simply fuck someone’s brains out.
Persephone sighed with envy and realized why Oberon was so smitten.
Speaking of the King, Persephone wondered where he was. The pair of hands that slid around her body and cupped her breasts gave her a clue.
“Gad, Thorne. This one’s a real handful, isn’t she?” Oberon’s deep voice chuckled behind her. The King certainly liked to plaster himself up against women’s backsides.
He was about to tweak her nipples when a whirr of black swept past her eyes. With a movement almost too quick for her to see, Oberon darted out a hand and stopped the leather-clad wingrib that had nearly lashed his hands away from Persephone.
Silence fell on those around the table and Titania’s left eyebrow rose in interest.
“Well, well, Thorne.” The Queen’s lips twisted wryly. “Not many would dare to warn the King away.”
“I…” Thorne had turned pale, as if the enormity of what he’d done was just sinking in. He met Oberon’s narrowed gaze with worried eyes. “Your Majesty, I…”
Titania didn’t give him chance to finish his sentence. “Oh, shut up, Thorne, you’re forgiven. I can’t stand pissing contests. Oberon, get that mulish look off your face and your hands off Persephone’s tits. Where, I might add, they shouldn’t have been in the first place. Especially with your wife in the room. ”
A smothered laugh greeted those words as Titania took her seat and beckoned Persephone over. “Come here, child, next to me. We’d better make friends with each other pretty quickly, or these two brainless hulks will be squaring off at each other like rams butting heads in the spring.”
“Your Majesty, Ma’am, I…” stuttered Persephone. Of all the things she’d expected from Royalty, this wasn’t it.
“Relax, Persephone. Oberon’s an ass. Always has been. It’s probably why I love him. Of course, Shakespeare got the whole damn thing wrong. Should’ve turned Oberon into the ass, not Bottom. But what can you expect from a horny Elizabethan with a fetish for chatty love scenes? Tell me about Thorne instead. When did you fall in love with him?”
Persephone’s jaw dropped. “I—uh…well…”
“You ever going to get a full sentence out, do you think?” Titania grinned at her.
“Probably not. The way things are going, I doubt if I’ll ever be coherent again,” Persephone replied with a laugh. “But as for loving Thorne? I couldn’t say. It seems like forever.”
Titania smiled. “Just the right answer, dear. Just the right answer.”
Her smile grew as the men returned to the table and slid in next to their women.
“So, did you two finish your pissing contest?” asked Titania acidly, as her husband dropped a kiss behind her ear.
“Yeah.” Oberon smirked. “I won.”
“Only because I let you. Your Majesty,” retorted Thorne.
“Oh, for Chrissakes,” groaned Titania. “Keep this up and you are soooo out of the big bed tonight, buddy…” She smacked Oberon soundly on his chest, which had absolutely no effect whatsoever.
“Thorne, please,” whispered Persephone, still not quite sure how far friendship with Fairy Royalty was supposed to go. He simply responded with a look that was for her alone. She blushed.
“So. About your Nuptial Flight plans?”
Titania’s words stopped Persephone’s train of thought dead in its tracks. “Pardon me?”
“The Nuptial Flight. Yours and Thorne’s.”
“Er, we haven’t actually discussed that yet,” answered Thorne.
“Well, no time like the present. Are you familiar with the Nuptial Flight, Persephone?”
The Queen’s question was phrased in a very businesslike way, much as she would have asked for Persephone’s cell phone number or mortgage rate.
Unfortunately, the answer to the question was similar as well. Persephone didn’t have a cell phone, or a mortgage, and hadn’t much of a clue what a Nuptial Flight was.
She simply shook her head. “Only what I got at Orientation.”
“Well, let me explain.” The Queen settled her hips more comfortably. “Fairies enjoy sex, and lots of it. You’ve probably guessed that by now.” She grinned in a most un-royal manner. “But there are some fairies who are lucky enough to find their true mates. Their wingmates, if you will. For those couples, a Nuptial Flight is permitted, and, if they’re very fortunate, children follow.”
Persephone remembered the little sprites flitting around the tree outside Thorne’s window and smiled.
“Not every fairy couple is blessed, but we don’t have any birthrate problems currently, so something must be working right. But it has to take place between a perfectly matched pair of mates. A certain kind of behavior has to be exhibited by both parties, like extraordinary possessiveness, passion and extreme desire along with lustful urges. We’ve gotta know that little ones will be raised in the right kind of home.”
Persephone knew her cheeks were boiling and didn’t dare glance at Thorne.
“But above all, there has to be a deep affection present, a real respect for, and a major devotion to, one’s mate. There has to be love. That’s what makes the Nuptial Flight something incredible.”
Titania closed her eyes and shivered, and for a moment Persephone could have sworn that everyone within a ten-yard radius got a sizzle of sheer sexuality right through their bodies.
She slipped her cold hand across the banquette and found Thorne’s. He grasped it and held on like it was a lifeline.
“So, what do you think?” asked Titania looking pointedly at the pair of them. “Do you think the Nuptial Flight is for you?”
Persephone bit her lip. “Can you tell me a bit more about it?”
Titania grinned. “Nope. I think you two should go home now, and then Thorne should tell you. In detail. And then, I think you should both stop by my office tomorrow morning sometime, and we’ll talk about schedules. In fact,” Titania ran her tongue over her full lips and glanced at Oberon, who couldn’t take his eyes off her glistening mouth. “I think I might take my man home, too. His memory seems to require refreshing.”