Persephone's Wings
Page 12
Something wet and warm was playing with her toes.
She smiled as a tongue slid over her big toe, tickling between it and the next one, and flicking underneath. A hot mouth engulfed it, sucking and pulling back and making her grin.
She stretched, eyes closed, and hummed her pleasure.
She’d never had her toes sucked before, and it was surprisingly pleasant. Especially coming as it did on top of a night of blazingly hot group sex.
Her clit throbbed, reminding her of how much fun she’d had last night. It had been late when Sal and Clover had finally staggered from Thorne’s apartment. Tired, but satisfied.
She turned in response to the hand on her foot, rolling onto her side and folding her wings behind her. She opened her eyes and looked into the sleeping face of Thorne Leatherfly.
Shit. If he was sleeping, then who…
“Oh fuck.”
“Okay, honey, gimme a minute,” said Thorne sleepily, reaching for his cock.
“No, not that.” Exasperated, Persephone dug Thorne in the ribs.
“I meant—Phuque.” She nodded to the foot of the bed, where the little goblin was enjoying the hell out of her toes. He had a hard on the size of a Louisville slugger that was poking through his fly, and Persephone’s foot was covered with drool and half in his mouth.
“Eeeuwww.” She wrenched it away with a massive tug. God, she’d never be clean again.
“Phuque, you bastard. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Naked and angry, Thorne Leatherfly was quite intimidating, mused Persephone, watching her wingmate towering over the little fellow, who was unrepentantly licking his lips.
“Hey, bro. Don’t get your dick in a twist. All I did was taste her. And only her toes.” He sighed dramatically. “I really wanted to suck her off, but I figured you’d do something stupidly emotional like kill me, so you should thank me for just waking her up from the feet, so to speak.”
He gazed at Thorne with innocent eyes, totally unimpressed by the massive towering anger poised above him.
“And I put the coffee on, too.”
Thorne relaxed slightly, and allowed Persephone to tug him back down onto the bed. “That may have just saved your sorry ass, you little…” Thorne shook his head. “Words fail me.”
Phuque raised his nose and sniffed. “Smells like your cock didn’t. So the orgy went well, did it? I do note, by the way, that I wasn’t asked. Now, me and Mr. Hardstaff here,” he stroked himself lovingly to indicate of whom he spoke, “We coulda made a huge contribution to the festivities, and I do mean huge.” He winked at Persephone. “Know what I mean?”
Persephone sighed.
“I’m not gonna be angry that I wasn’t asked, or at least try not to be, and I’m not gonna let it hurt my feelings. I’m just gonna figure that you all didn’t know any better. And that if you did you’d have been afraid that the girls would’ve left you guys in a flash after having me.” He grinned wickedly. “After all, you know what they say…”Once you’ve had Phuque, all other guys suck.”
Persephone snorted. “You made that up.”
Phuque scrambled off the bed and tucked ”Mr. Hardstaff” back inside his pants. “Whatever. But I didn’t make up the fact that the Queen wants to see you right away.”
“Well, thanks for telling us right away, asshole.” Thorne was still slightly angry, and his frown made it no secret. “After all, you could have come in here, uninvited, and done something totally off the wall like suck my woman’s toes. But no, good little Phuque came right in and politely delivered his message.”
“Sarcasm, Leatherchump? You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘sarcasm.’ Let me tell you…”
“How about you don’t, Phuque. Just toddle off, there’s a good goblin, and we’ll go see the Queen.” Persephone leaned toward Phuque. “You’ll only make him worse. He hasn’t had his coffee yet.”
Phuque’s eyes wrinkled out of sight as he smiled at Persephone. “You got it, babe. Smart one you’ve got here, Leatherzip. Hope you two get to make that Flight okay.”
“Thanks, Phuque. We’ll be seeing you soon, I’m sure,” said Persephone, encouraging him out of the room and trying to hold up the blanket she’d grabbed to cover herself at the same time.
A growl from Thorne sent him scurrying off and the door slammed shut behind him.
“I swear to god I thought it was you,” said Persephone as she dropped the blanket back onto the bed and stretched.
Thorne’s eyes roved her body and she felt the urge to purr.
Then his expression changed. “Holy shit…Persephone, come look.” He almost dragged her over to the wall mirror and turned her around, forcing her to look over her shoulder.
She gasped at what she saw.
The most enormous pair of pink wings stared back at her.
“Thorne, oh my god, Thorne…” Her eyes filled with tears of joy as she looked at the growth spurt their activities had stimulated.
“Hell, woman. Those are fantastic.” Thorne couldn’t take his eyes off them as she spread them gently, watching the light sparkle from the delicate membranes.
“D’you think they’ll be enough?” She turned a worried look on him.
“I’m no flight engineer, but those babies look like 747 jumbo jet quality to me. We’ll make it, sweetheart. Don’t sweat it.”
She went into his arms without a moment’s hesitation and sighed at the contentment she found there. It was unquestionably the one place in the world she belonged.
Chapter 13
“Go away, Thorne.”
The Queen’s firm command rang in Persephone’s ears like the sound of doom approaching.
“But, your Majesty—“ she muttered, painfully aware of the warmth of Thorne’s hand slipping from hers.
“Persephone.” The Queen needed to say no more. Today she was every inch the monarch, sitting elegantly on a raised throne, wearing a very smart pale gray pinstripe suit and dark pumps. The ensemble contrasted beautifully with her magnificent gossamer wings.
Thorne leaned over and gave her a hard kiss goodbye. “I love you.” He whispered the words to her as he pulled away.
Titania, however, was the Queen. She missed nothing. “That’s why she’s here, Thorne. Don’t worry. All will be well if I have anything to say about it. Go away and come back at midnight, ready for your Flight.”
Thorne’s eyebrows rose, but he obviously knew better than to argue. An instant later he was gone, leaving a little whorl of dust in the air and an emptiness in Persephone’s hand.
“Come, child. Let’s walk.” The Queen stepped down from her dais and kicked off her shoes. “God, I hate those things. Some days one has to play the role, though, you know?”
She pulled her jacket off, carefully sliding it past her wings. “Aaah. That’s much better.” She grinned, and in a flash the royal ruler was gone and a laughing woman had taken her place.
“Now, let’s go see what we can do about this situation. I see your wings have grown some since yesterday. I guess Sal and Clover helped, huh?”
Persephone blushed. “Does everyone know?”
“Well, there may be a couple of June bugs who missed the announcement,” chuckled Titania. “Don’t sweat it, girl. We love to have something spicy to talk about and you catching Thorne is the spiciest thing to happen this month. Everyone’s rooting for the two of you. Thorne’s a good lad in spite of the leather thing. He ought to cut back on a few of those studs, mind you. Perhaps when you’re mated you could do something about that.”
Persephone stared at Titania, fascinated. “You think so?”
“Well of course. You should have seen Oberon before we were married. Phew. That was one plug-ugly bug of a guy. He was trying to go for the extra-macho muscle boy look. It was all the rage with the knights back then. He had a haircut that looked like some kind of pudding got dumped on his head. He was covered in pimples from the junk he ate, and the chain mail he’d had spun from spider’
s webbing chafed him raw. God, what a mess.” Titania snickered.
“I straightened him right out.” Her face took on a distinctly provocative expression.
“I’ll just bet you did,” agreed Persephone.
“But enough about him, this is what I want to show you…” She led Persephone through a large door and out onto a beach.
Persephone gasped, choked, and coughed until her eyes watered. “What the heck…?”
“It’s my private beach. I’m really a fan of the ocean, you know. Can’t get there too often, so my sweetie conjured this up. Don’t swim out too far or you’ll hit the wall on the other side, but it’s pretty close to the real thing, wouldn’t you say?”
Persephone said nothing. She was completely overwhelmed by the sand beneath her feet, the cries of the seagulls wheeling overhead, and the soft shush of the waves as they lapped at the shore. From what she could see the beach went for miles, and a light mist obscured the horizon. A large sun had risen over the ocean and sparkled like any postcard from the tropics. It was incredible.
Persephone had to laugh. “Absolutely fantastic, your Majesty.”
“Hey, call me Titania here, okay? I’m off duty for a while, so it would be nice to just be friends.”
Persephone grinned. “I’d like that a lot, Titania.”
“Good. Now strip.”
Persephone’s mouth hung open as she watched Titania shuck off her clothes and stretch, stark naked, under the warm sun.
“Come on. Time’s wasting.”
Blinking, Persephone began to take off her dress. Titania walked over the sand to a small beach hut and pulled out two inflatable rafts.
“We’re gonna catch a few rays, maybe ride a few waves later, and have ourselves some fun, sweetie,” she called, tossing one raft to Persephone.
“Okay.” Persephone wondered about sunblock, lifeguards, sharks, and other beach related dangers. Then she remembered that she was in Fairyland. If Oberon could make an ocean, then he damn well ought to be able to keep the sharks out. Not to mention the icky seaweed that wrapped around one’s ankles like dead fingers. Ugh.
“Now here’s what you do…” Titania splashed around in the shallows and Persephone followed her in, unsurprised to find the water pleasantly warm.
“See these two straps? Those are for your feet. And this hole lets your wings get a good dunking. Salt water is really good for strengthening them, so just let the water swish around them. Don’t try to move them underwater, you’ll tire yourself out, and we want you in tip top shape for tonight’s Flight.”
Persephone followed Titania’s instructions and found herself floating on her back in the sun, wings swirling in the water beneath her and her legs awkwardly spread with her feet tucked into little notches at either side of the raft. It was sort of like an inflatable examining table with rubber stirrups.
The warmth of the sun quickly penetrated her pussy, however, and she found it very relaxing. Especially as it didn’t seem to bother the Queen of Fairyland who floated happily next to her with her fire-red mound displayed for the world to admire.
“This is nice, Titania,” she sighed. “And private too. I’ve never been skinny dipping before.”
“You’ve missed a wonderful thing, honey,” said Titania lazily. “Now, all we need are the…oh good. Here they come.”
Persephone raised her head to see several rather large fish swimming their way. “Umm, Titania?”
“No prob, sweetie. I asked these guys to come in today especially for you. Well,” she coughed politely. “Actually for me, too.”
The fish were close to them now, smooth and pale pink, and water droplets shone brightly off their fins as they broke the surface.
“These are sucking gouramis.”
“Oh. How nice.”
Titania giggled. “You’ve probably heard of kissing gouramis. Well, these guys do the same sort of thing, only they suck. And they love it. There’s not too many of them around these days—they were real popular a while back and didn’t get a chance to breed as much as they should have. So they’re almost an endangered species now. We protect these guys, and they’ll drop by as a favor now and again. Just watch.”
Titania brushed her hand through the water as one of the fish circled her raft. It raised its head and allowed her to stroke it softly, then bobbed back down under the water and swam beneath her.
Seconds later it emerged between her legs, and placed its mouth directly over her pussy. She moaned.
Persephone felt her eyes bugging out of her head. And they probably got even bigger when she felt a pair of cool lips attach to her mound too. She went rigid and looked down over her stomach at the friendly face of her own personal sucking gourami.
Huge lips that would make Mick Jagger faint with envy were wrapped around her pussy. Some kind of harsh tongue wriggled around her clit and its eyes grinned at her.
Within seconds she couldn’t swear to anything at all, as this amazing denizen of the deep caressed her clit, and sucked her cunt until she was a trembling mess of writhing need.
A scream from Titania didn’t even distract her.
The current seemed to be slamming the creature into a wonderfully arousing rhythm against her body, and Persephone slid helplessly into an orgasm with a cry of pleasure.
A few minutes later, she raised her head to see Titania grinning at her. “Not bad, huh?”
Persephone grinned back. “I’ll never mock Charlie the Tuna again.”
“I can stay for another hour or so then I’ve got to go. But you get to enjoy the day here, Persephone. You see, this actually counts as sex, and your wings should be well on their way to full extension after undergoing what I like to call gourami therapy.”
“All day?” She squeaked out the question as another gourami came up between her legs and swirled the waters around her sensitive clit.
“Oh yeah, all day. It’s quite an experience. You’ll find a hammock over there for when you’re done.” Titania waved a hand up the beach. “You’ll probably need it. We’ll wake you in plenty of time for the ceremony, don’t worry.”
Persephone could say nothing at all.
Another sucking gourami was about to live up to its full potential.
* * * * *
Thorne Leatherfly was in an unusual state. At least it was unusual for him. He was nervous. The Queen had all but kidnapped Persephone, he had taken a couple of days off from his job, and he was about to get married. He sighed.
Time to go harass someone. Perhaps Norman was finished with his research and had some news. It had been a lot longer than the two hours he’d originally promised.
Thorne ran the gnome to earth in his office.
“Yeah, I found a couple things.” Norman sipped his coffee as he watched his boss with narrowed eyes. “I don’t know if you’re gonna like them, though.”
Thorne ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Let me have it.”
Norman picked up some papers and clicked open a website on his laptop. “Okay. Here’s the scoop on calamus. It’s certainly one of the stimulant herbs, but fell out of favor because it was rather risky in its usage. It’s now no longer recommended.”
“Sheeeeit.” Thorne hissed out the expletive as his world crumbled around him.
“Look, boss, just because it’s not recommended, doesn’t mean we can’t use it and doesn’t mean I don’t have any.” He leaned over and pulled a small vial from his desk drawer.
“I got this from my grandmother—don’t ask—and she said to put five drops in tea.”
He placed the small deep blue bottle in front of Thorne, who stared at it as if his whole world was inside. Which, he mused, it might well be.
“It’s a gamble, boss. It might well work and guarantee you guys a fabulous Nuptial Flight. But it might also have some kind of a negative effect on Persephone. There were rumors of seizures and some kind of heart problems. I wasn’t able to find out much about things like reactions or long-term damage estim
ates or anything like that. Those files are long gone.”
Thorne took a deep breath and stared at the bottle. He lost himself in thoughts, dreams and visions of Persephone. His heart ached for her, his body yearned for her, and his soul felt incomplete without her.
He knew, in that instant, what he had to do.
“Thanks, Norman. Remind me to give you a raise,” he said as he leaned over, grabbed the bottle and turned for the door.
“I always do. I never get it,” said Norman to his boss’s retreating butt.
“You will this time,” yelled Thorne over his shoulder. “I just hope I’m around to give it to you.”
* * * * *
Persephone struggled to consciousness from a dream that had her tangled up in chains of silk and Thorne’s arms. She found herself caught in the webbing of the hammock, and with a sigh she eased herself free.
Amazingly enough her legs supported her, and she slowly crossed the sand to the water, letting her muscles ease and her body stretch. The sun had set a little while before and its glow still turned the sky to a variety of wonderfully unimaginable colors.
The stars were coming out. It was her wedding day. Well, wedding night.
Whatever it was, it was special.
She fluttered her wings tentatively. They seemed to be bigger, fuller and they snagged what ambient light there was and turned it into pink crystalline glimmers. Yes, uncounted numbers of orgasms courtesy of the sucking gouramis had certainly helped.
Now, however, the time for wing growth had passed. It was the Nuptial Flight that lay ahead of her. She took a short flight across the beach, trying her wings out, drying off the salt and shaking them free of any sand particles.
There—she felt a definite increase in her climbing power. With a little ping of pleasure coursing through her, she bit her lip in excitement. She could do this. She really could do this. All it would take would be a prayer, a breath, a lot of love, and Thorne.
Always Thorne. For him, all this had been worth it. The playtime with Sal and Clover, the aqua-orgasms with the gouramis, every bit of it.