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The Marshal's Witness

Page 13

by Intrigue Romance

  “Ryan,” she gasped when his fingers touched a particularly sensitive spot. She fisted her hands against the bed and drew in a ragged breath. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to make you realize how exquisite you are. All those men who ignored you when you were an accountant were idiots.” He leaned down, bracing his forearms on the bed next to her, and pressed a soft, wet kiss against her lips before pulling back.

  “Oh.” She watched him in wonder as he slid his warm hands back up her thighs.

  “I don’t know why some man hasn’t snatched you up long before now.” His fingers slipped up beneath her T-shirt. “But it’s not because of your looks. You probably just intimidate most guys because you’re smarter than they are.”

  She gasped when one of his hands traced the underside of her breast. “I...I don’t...intimidate you?”

  “I’m the cover model, muscle-man type. I don’t intimidate easily.” He watched her, his eyes so dark they were almost black as he spanned his fingers out and covered her breast. “I want you,” he whispered, his voice husky, the skin across his face drawn and tight as if he were struggling for control.

  “I want you, too,” she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut and arching her back, pressing herself more fully against his hand. Her skin had never been so sensitive before,, as if every nerve ending in her body was centered on her breast, the movements of his hand sending jolts of pleasure straight to her toes. All her earlier embarrassment was gone. The only thing that mattered now was getting closer to him, touching him and being touched in return.

  His hand stilled and she whimpered in dismay, rubbing herself against him like a cat.

  As if he couldn’t help himself, his fingers moved again, molding her, shaping her in his hand until she thought she would die from the pleasure. “Look at me,” he rasped.

  She met his gaze, delighted at the heat she saw there.

  He shuddered and pulled his hand out from under her shirt.

  She watched in confusion as he sat back. The sudden loss of his touch cut through the haze that had enveloped her. She reached for the covers. “Is something wrong?” she whispered.

  “If we do this, it needs to be without any pretext between us. I don’t want any misunderstandings,” he said. “After I get you to safety, you’ll go right back into WitSec, and I’ll go back to my job. We’ll go our separate ways. One day you’ll find a man to share your life with you, a man who will be with you no matter what, a man who can give up everything to be with you. I’m not that man. I’m not willing to give up my family, not for anyone. Do you understand?”

  His words fell on her like a jagged knife, cutting her heart into little pieces, but she forced herself to meet his gaze. She didn’t want him to know how much he’d just hurt her. After so tenderly making her feel beautiful for the first time in her life, treasured, he was boiling it all down now to just sex.

  He wanted her, but he didn’t want her in his life. He couldn’t make it any more clear than he just had.

  Her mind screamed at her to stop this, that she shouldn’t give herself to a man who didn’t care for her the way she cared for him. Did she love him? She honestly didn’t know. It was too soon and she didn’t trust these feelings yet, especially since the circumstances were so unusual. How many times had she heard about people thinking they were in love because they had shared some traumatic event?

  Yes, she should stop this, but in her heart she knew it was already too late. She couldn’t turn back now. From the moment they’d entered the cabin and she’d seen the bed, she’d known what she wanted. She wanted him. If, by some miracle, they actually made it out of these mountains alive, she didn’t want to wonder for the rest of her life what it could have been like to spend one wonderful, amazing night in Ryan’s arms.

  And if she couldn’t have him for more than one night, she’d just have to learn to live with it. Somehow. She swallowed the hurt, and her pride. She didn’t want to think anymore. All she wanted to do was feel.

  She tilted her lips up in what she hoped was a sexy smile. “I understand. I still want you to make love to me.”

  He jerked back. “I didn’t expect you to say that.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you absolutely sure? I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  “I’m sure. I know there’s no commitment between us. I know I’m not what you want for the long term—”

  “That’s not what I meant when I said—”

  “It’s okay. I understand. Your family comes first. I get that. And I’m sure I’m not the picture you’ve always held in your mind of your perfect woman, of the woman you’ll eventually settle down with. We’re both consenting adults. We’re both here right now. I know there’s no commitment and—”


  “We’ll just part ways once they find the mole and—”


  “I’ll have a new identity and—”

  He covered her mouth with one of his hands, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Do you always talk this much when you’re nervous?”

  Since he didn’t move his hand from her mouth, she nodded.

  He caressed her lower lip with his thumb. Heat swirled through her at that one, tiny touch.

  “I don’t suppose you’re on the pill?” he said.

  “Ah, no.” She did a quick mental calculation. “But I think it’s safe.”

  “You think?”

  She didn’t think there was any danger of her getting pregnant, but right now she didn’t care. All she wanted was to feel his skin against hers, satisfy the burning curiosity and hunger insider her. Rather than let him think too hard about the risks, she reached for him, pulling him down toward her. She pressed her lips against his and slid her hands across his chest, reveling in the smooth, hard planes beneath her fingertips.

  He growled low in his throat and returned her kiss, plunging his hands into her hair and anchoring her as he ravaged her mouth.

  Gone was the tender, considerate lover he’d been only moments before. In his place was a man wild with desire. For her.

  He pulled back and stripped her shirt off, tossing it to the floor. He worshipped her breasts, leaving her panting by the time he started kissing his way down her belly. He eased himself off her long enough to take off his shorts, then he covered her naked body with his. His weight, pressing her down into the mattress, felt so right, like he was the half she’d been missing all her life.

  Her eyes widened at the feel of his erection prodding her belly. She reached down between them and wrapped her fingers around him, delighting in the way he shivered when she touched him. He was hot and thick in her hand, velvet-covered steel, and she couldn’t resist giving him a long, slow stroke.

  He groaned and grabbed her hand. “Careful. I want to last.” He kissed her fiercely as he entered her, slowly at first, giving her time to adjust, then faster and faster. His tongue stroked against hers in time with his thrusts, just like Jessica had fantasized.

  She couldn’t be still. She had to touch him, stroke him, bring him the same wild pleasure he was giving her. She ran her nails down his back to his powerful hips, squeezing, molding the muscles beneath her fingertips, convinced no other man could be this perfect. No other man could ever be...Ryan.

  No one would ever take his place in her heart and soul. She screamed as her body climaxed around him. Two more deep thrusts and he hurtled over the edge into ecstasy with her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ryan hated to wake Jessica, but they’d already spent far too much time in the cabin. After the encounter with the gunman yesterday, he couldn’t fool himself any longer thinking he’d be able to keep Jessica safe up in the mountains. There were too many variables, too many fronts to cover. He had to get Jessica out of here—now.

  After throwing some clothes on and repacking his gear, Ryan gently shook Jessica awake. She was so groggy, he wasn’t even sure she was awake when he steered her into the bathroo
m. When he heard the sound of running water from the other side of the door, he hurried outside and climbed up the nearest tree to have a look around.

  No sign of anyone following them, but he wasn’t taking any more chances. Yesterday had been far too close.

  Back inside the cabin, Jessica’s face was flaming red and she wouldn’t meet his gaze. He hoped she was just feeling shy after all they’d done together last night. He hoped she wasn’t regretting anything. He’d been honest with her.

  So why did he feel like such a jerk?

  He forced his feelings of guilt aside as they left the cabin, but as they headed into the woods he couldn’t stop thinking about last night. He kept telling himself to forget how wonderful she’d felt in his arms, and how he couldn’t get enough of her, making love to her twice before falling into an exhausted sleep.

  When he’d looked into her eyes this morning, it had taken all of his control not to grab her and make love to her again. The only reason he hadn’t was because of the urgent need to get her out of the mountains before anyone else caught up to them.

  He gritted his teeth and tried again to concentrate on his mission, his goal of keeping her safe. What he really needed was a cold dip in a creek. The icy water was the only thing he could think of that might take his mind off what he really wanted.


  * * *

  JESSICA HIKED BEHIND Ryan, like she had so many times now, only today everything was different. From the moment they’d made love, everything had changed. For her, at least. If they made it out of these mountains alive, Ryan would go back to being a U.S. Marshal. He’d happily leave her behind, no regrets.

  Unlike her.

  He hadn’t lied to her about his intentions. Family was the most important thing in Ryan’s life. Jessica had known that even before his declaration last night. She’d seen his love for his family shining in his eyes when he’d told her stories about them.

  They’d only known each other for a short time, certainly not enough time for him to decide he cared enough about her to give up everything that was important to him. She couldn’t fault him for that.

  For her, though, it was different. She’d already given up everything important in her life. And she didn’t have a family she had to sacrifice.

  But to love her, Ryan would have to give up more than he could bear.

  Ahead of her, Ryan held up a branch so she could pass beneath it. He gave her one of his sexy, easy smiles and took the lead again. She sighed and followed him, shoving away her melancholy thoughts. Instead, she focused on being stealthy, on practicing what he’d taught her about leaving almost no trace when she passed through the forest.

  She preferred not to dwell on the reason for such stealth. If she let herself think about everything that had happened in the past few days and about the people who were hunting her, she’d become too emotional and unable to function. Instead, she concentrated on blending into her surroundings and keeping alert for any sounds that might tell her if someone was nearby.

  They followed a gradual upward slope all day until they were high into the mountains. It was much colder now than it had been before.

  Ryan dropped back beside her. “We’re in for some bad weather. I’d like to make it to the next ridge and find a cave to shelter in before it arrives. If we keep going and don’t break for a while, are you okay with that?”

  “No problem. I’m fine.”

  He narrowed his eyes and studied her intently, as if he’d heard something in her voice or seen something in her eyes that concerned him. She forced a smile and tried to erase any signs of stress from her face. If he knew how badly she’d fallen for him, how miserable she was inside right now, he’d pity her.

  She didn’t want his pity.

  He finally turned away and took the lead again.

  * * *


  Jessica had whispered something in her sleep but Ryan couldn’t make it out. After a lunch of beef jerky and crackers that Ryan had confiscated from the ranger’s cabin, Jessica had fallen asleep on the ground with her head pillowed on her arms. Knowing he was the reason for the dark circles under her eyes, he’d let her sleep as long as he could, but they needed to get moving if they were going to make it to the rendezvous point he’d arranged with Stuart when he called him at the cabin.

  She mumbled again.

  “What did you say, sweetheart?”

  “Eugene,” she whispered, followed by a gentle snort. “Eddie.”

  He grinned. Even in her sleep she was still trying to figure out his middle name. He crouched down on his heels and gently swept her hair back from her face. “Wake up, sleeping beauty. We have to get going. We need to get to the top of the next rise so I can look around.”

  Jessica groaned and sat up. “Meaning you want to see if anyone else is following us?”

  His warm fingers entwined with hers and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. “While you were in the shower back at the cabin I made a call to my friend, Stuart. He’s going to pick us up. All we have to do is make it to a little two-lane road north of here. He’ll be waiting for us.”

  “I don’t suppose that little road is just over the top of the next rise, is it?”

  He tenderly kissed her lips. “Sorry. We’re in pretty deep. That road is a good, long hike from here.”

  “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  “You sure you’re ready?”

  “No, but let’s go, anyway.”

  He gave her another quick kiss and hauled her to her feet.

  * * *

  THEY REACHED THE top of the next rise, the rise that did not have a little two-lane road waiting on the other side. How far away was the road? No point in asking. She wouldn’t want to hear his answer.

  Ryan was going slower now, although he was still keeping a grueling pace. But at least it was closer to what she could handle. With his long legs, she had to make two strides to his one.

  When they reached the top, he said, “I’ll have to climb another tree to scout the area. You’re coming with me.”

  “I’m not climbing another tree. No way. That’s where I draw the line. No way, never. Forget it.”

  Minutes later, she sat on a ridiculously thin branch fifteen feet off the ground. Ryan had cast a spell on her. How else could he have gotten her to climb the tree?

  His spell only went so far, though. He’d tried to cajole her into climbing higher, but she absolutely refused, so he’d left her in a part of the tree that was well concealed.

  He’d hefted himself up the trunk above her with the grace and stealth of a leopard. She couldn’t see him anymore, he’d gone so high. The way the breezes shook the branch she was on, she couldn’t imagine how he clung to the top of the tree without falling since he was probably hanging on with only one hand and using his binoculars.

  Shivering in the cold wind, she watched the forest around her and listened for any sounds. Thankfully, nothing seemed out of place. No more men with guns were roaming around below, at least not that she could see.

  The sun was just starting to set when Ryan appeared on the other side of the tree trunk on a nearby branch. Jessica was so startled she almost pitched out of the tree, but Ryan grabbed her arm and steadied her.

  “Sugar. You scared me half to death.”

  Ryan didn’t respond, not even to tease her about saying sugar again. He wrapped an arm around her waist and scrambled down out of the tree. He set her on her feet, his expression grim.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. “You’re scaring me.”

  “There’s another gunman out there,” he said, not mincing words. “He’s coming up fast, and he’s not some city-slicker crook bumbling around in the woods. He’s stealthy, focused, dangerous. We have to get out of here. Now.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ryan didn’t stop until they reached a small rocky outcrop. He wished he could find a better place to defend Jessica, but he was out of time. He needed her tucked away safe
somewhere while he confronted the man who was just minutes away.

  He grabbed her, ignoring her squeak of protest, and lifted her over his head. “Grab that rock right there. Haul yourself up onto the ledge.”

  She grumbled but pulled herself up, with Ryan helping her by lifting her from below.



  He grinned at the irritation in her voice. “Make sure there aren’t any bears up there.”


  “Here comes the backpack.” He tossed it up on the ledge and she grabbed it.

  “Aren’t you coming up?” she asked.

  “Later. We have company arriving any minute. Get as far back as you can, out of sight. Don’t make any noise. Jessie, the phone is in the backpack. You’ll have to put the battery in it to use it. The GPS locator is in there, too. If I’m not back in thirty minutes, call Stuart. He’s the first contact under the favorites button. Tell him the coordinates on the GPS and he’ll come get you.”

  “What do you mean, if you’re not back? Aren’t you coming up here with me?”

  Ryan hated the panic in her voice, but he didn’t have time to reassure her. “Just be quiet, and call Stuart if things go bad.”

  “You’re leaving me?”

  His face tightened at the fear in her voice. “I don’t have a choice.”

  He reached up and squeezed her hand. Then he turned and jogged back into the trees.

  * * *

  AS SOON AS Ryan was gone, Jessica grabbed the backpack and tossed it back down. She turned around, feet first and lowered herself down off the ledge, and dropped to the ground.

  She landed on the backpack and rolled to her feet. She tried to throw the pack on her shoulders like Ryan always did, but it was too heavy. She impatiently dug out most of what was in the pack and tossed it aside, keeping only the essentials they would need to make it to where Stuart was going to meet them.

  Irritation flashed through her as she tugged the still-heavy backpack over her shoulder. Ryan shouldn’t have left her. She understood that he didn’t want to worry about her while he tried to locate the man who was after them. But what he didn’t understand was that she wasn’t going to sit around while someone took shots at him. Not this time.


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