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Reed (Allen Securities)

Page 7

by Madison Stevens

  “Well I can’t stay with someone who’s keeping tabs on me.”

  “This,” Reed shook the files, “was before I knew you.”

  He thrust the files into her bag. “I didn’t read the juvie file, and I don’t plan to.”

  “And what about my past?” Olivia twisted nervously at the hem of her shirt, her erratic breathing drawing him nearer.

  “That’s the past.” He stared into her burning eyes, his own flaring at the heady feeling of being next to her.

  “I still think I should just go stay with Irene.” Heat bloomed on her face.

  “I think you should stop over-thinking it,” he said and swooped down in a searing kiss.

  Olivia leaned into him and savored the feel of his strong body once again. The raw power he exuded made her shiver with need. Her last glimmer of doubt vanished when she felt the rough pads of his fingers skim her neck and slip into her hair.

  She moaned into his mouth and gasped when his tongue snaked into her mouth. They dueled frantically with each other, enjoying the erotic slippery feel.

  Without thinking, her hands worked their way from around his shoulders and moved down his solid chest. When she reached the raised peaks of his nipples, she rocked her hips forward and enjoyed the tingling ache between her thighs.

  Reed broke the kiss, panting as he placed soft open-mouthed kisses along the side of her neck. She rolled her head to the side, allowing him better access.

  He groaned when her fingers glided under his shirt to skim his stomach. She longed to follow the trail of hair that dipped below his pants with her tongue. When she rocked into him again, her aching heat came into contact with the large bulge.

  Reed reached down and hiked her leg up onto his hip. She felt the wetness from her arousal soak through the sweats she wore.

  Slowly his hands worked from her thigh to her cup her ass, and draw her heat over his length. Snug against him, Olivia rocked forward again, rubbing her swollen clit along the seam of his pants, the delicious friction mounting the heat inside.

  She jumped when she felt a warm hand skim the bare skin at her ribs. The hand moved until his fingers skimmed the rim of her bra, barely brushing the underside and slowly driving her wild. In frustration, she grunted and thrust herself against his hard length once again. If he wasn’t going to play nice, then she certainly wasn’t.

  Reed buried his head in the crook of her neck and sucked on the skin there. She shivered when he nibbled on her earlobe, his rough stubble a stark contrast to his soothing lips.

  “You keep doing that,” he whispered in her ear, “and I’m going to have bend you over my desk and fuck you until I’m drained of this need.”

  Olivia gasped at the thought. Her nipples tightened in hopes that he might deliver. As he pulled back, her eyes sought his. Fire burned back at her so deep that it almost scared her. It wasn’t that she hadn’t been intimate with a man before but more that she had never shared a connection with a man like this. Something about him just made her feel like she was home.

  She blinked several times when her bra went lax under her shirt. He had made such quick work of the clasp, she hadn’t even noticed. When he found her tender peeks, he circled around them lazily, making her nipples almost painfully hard.

  This time she found herself rocking against him without any thought at all besides easing the ache. Her pussy clenched with need. The orgasm that was building worked right to the cusp but never going over.

  “Please,” she whispered. Olivia hid her face against his chest.

  “Please what?” he rumbled.

  “Help me.”

  Reed groaned as she feathered light kisses on his neck. He worked one slow hand down the gentle slope of her stomach. A flash of self-consciousness shifted through her but drifted quickly. His fingers hesitated at the waistband of the sweats. She nipped at the skin of his neck and swayed into him, in what she hoped was encouragement. The tips of his fingers slid through the band and dipped down. He groaned when he came into contact with the small patch of hair.

  “You’re not wearing panties,” he growled at her in surprise.

  Something in the way he said it made her want to show him how panty-less she really was.

  He traced around her clit with confidence, never applying enough pressure to ease the mounting ache.

  Olivia leaned down and bit him a little harder on the peck.

  “Impatient are we?” he chuckled.

  Irritation flared through her. Two could play this game.

  Keeping one hand around his neck, she moved the other down his body until it rested on the thick outline of his jeans. Not allowing him the chance to move away, she moved her hand firmly around his length slid up and down.

  They gasped in unison as Reed pressed her clit and began rubbing in time with her, each time slipping slightly inside her dripping opening.

  Her hands ached from rubbing the fabric of his jean. After releasing him, she popped the button and pulled down the zipper. She rested her head on his chest, so she could watch as she released him and grinned when she saw he had also gone commando.

  He sprang out of the opening, his long, thick cock more than she expected. The tip glistened with droplets that she longed to suck off. Instead she ran her hand over the length of him from root to tip.

  Reed groaned deep.

  “Fuck,” he said, his voice like gravel.

  When his dick surged forward, a long finger filled her. It was so erotic she came undone. His hips moved in a frenzied pace with her hand.

  Reed came with a shout. His cum splashed her fingers and coated his dick as he slipped through on his final thrusts.

  Panting from the force of her orgasm, Olivia leaned into him and enjoyed the feel.

  A loud rap on the door jolted both of them apart.

  Reed tucked himself away quickly and walked over to the door to open it. She sank onto the couch and peered around him. The open door revealed a hulking man that stared pointedly at her. Her narrow gaze fixed on his frumpy close and wild hair.

  She stared intently at the hard lines of his face. The jagged scar was a stark reminder of the kind of people they dealt with. But it was his eyes that really drew her. He took in everything but said so little. A chill swept through her as she continued to stare.

  Reed turned back to her.

  “I’ve got to deal with this.” His eyes searched her own. Emotion clouded his face for a brief moment, and Olivia couldn’t help but hope he didn’t want to leave.

  She nodded to him and blushed. Despite what they had just done, she wanted more. Everything in her wanted him to shut the door and take her on the floor with the passion she seen before. Her pussy clenched with need at the thought.

  Her head popped up at the sound of the door closing. With a sigh, she leaned back against the couch and tried to gain some level of control.

  Chapter Eight

  Olivia jolted upright. She had been listening to the gentle rumble of the two men in the hall as they talked, but this not talking. The shouting could clearly be heard through the door and likely everyone in the vicinity.

  She walked over to the door to see what was happening but stopped when her name was mentioned.

  “Olivia had nothing to do with this,” he shouted.

  “Then what was she doing there?” The other man didn’t shout, but the menace was clear. He did not like her.

  “She works at the library,” Reed said. “It’s clear her brother just picked a place he knew.”

  “Or picked a place where she could help if needed?” The sneer was evident, even with the closed door.

  “With what weapon? The woman stood with me during the whole exchange. If anything had happened I would have been right there.”

  “And how did you know she didn’t have a weapon?”

  Olivia’s breath hitched in her throat. She knew how had known. The way she had been pinned to him, there wasn’t a thing on her he hadn’t been able to feel. She could feel the heat bloom o
n her cheeks at the realization.

  “I was holding her back from danger,” he said quietly.

  “I’m sure you were,” the other man said.

  “Now, Ryder, this is bullshit.” Reed’s voice rose again.

  “You know what’s bullshit? Having a woman with the connections she does and a rap sheet like hers at your house. Did you read her juvenile record?”

  “No,” Reed said quietly. “And you shouldn’t have either.”

  “Well one of us has to have some common sense,” Ryder spat out. “I’m doing everything in my power to protect you and instead I find you fucking her in the office. This is Niki all over again.”

  “Now wait just a—” Reed stopped mid-sentence as Olivia threw the door open.

  “That. Is. It.” Olivia shook as she pointed to Ryder. “I’ve heard about enough from you. What I choose to do with Reed is none of your damn business and neither is my criminal record.”

  Anger coursed through her as she stared at the two surprised men. Crossing her hand over her chest, she hid her shaking hands.

  “But since I can’t seem to get past it, let’s relive one of the worst days of my life.” She narrowed her eyes at Ryder. The surprise was still etched into his face.

  “You don’t have to,” Reed started.

  Olivia held up her hand to silence him.

  “It’s fine. I’m sure it would come up one way or another.” She sighed. This was not how she wanted to spend her evening.

  Looking over the rail, she could see that all eyes below were turned to them. It was no surprise really. With the shouting from the two men and then her outburst, she was just glad they weren’t trying to break up a fight. She looked between the two. With their height and size, they were fairly evenly matched. A fight between them would likely take more than a few men to put it to a stop.

  She nodded to the door. “Let’s go inside.”

  Reed followed her in with concern. This was not what he was expecting. She guarded her past so well. It was strange that she would share this with him and his brother.

  He lowered himself next to her on the couch and glanced between her and Ryder, who had pulled over the chair at the desk. His brother gave him another scowl, and Reed sighed. It had been this way since Niki, and he really didn’t have anything to say about it. Ryder had been right, and if he had listened to him, he might not have the scar on his face or the ones under that he refused to show.

  “I was young when she first started using me,” Olivia said, her quiet voice breaking his thoughts. “At first it was simple stuff. Collecting door to do, lying to the social worker.” Her glassy eyes looked into his, and he itched to hold her.

  She cleared her throat and continued. “Then as I got older, they jobs got more elaborate and serious. We had moved on to lifting wallets and breaking into houses.”

  Reed watched as she twisted the hands in her lap. It was obvious this was hard for her. “I didn’t have a choice. Mom,” Olivia sneered as she talked, “she didn’t beat us, but her boyfriends certainly didn’t have any trouble with that.”

  She turned her hard stare on Ryder. It was surprising to Reed to see his brother, hard and silent type, being pinned by such a small woman.

  “It’s amazing what a person can endure when they have no choice.” She paused and held his eyes. “But then that’s not in the report. Is it?”

  Ryder swallowed and glanced to the side.

  Olivia turned to look at Reed again.

  “I was thirteen and Ben just six. The latest boyfriend was a real piece of work. Slept all day and woke up still drunk from the day before.” She swallowed hard. Reed reached out and took her hand. “This day was no different. I used to make Ben sleep in the attic space in his closet, but Shane wanted none of that. He started tossing everything out in order to yank him down.”

  “Where was your mother?” Reed spat as rage worked through him.

  Olivia laughed bitterly. “Out buying more whisky.”

  Reed gripped his knee hard as he tried to calm himself.

  “I screamed at him to stop and tried to pull him away. Instead he lost his balance and landed hard on top of me. I was so glad to have pulled him away that I didn’t even notice the situation I was in.”

  He looked over to his brother who shared his sickened look. His stomach rolled as she spoke.

  “When I felt his hand slip under my shirt I fought with everything I had,” She cast her eyes down as if caught in a trance. “I was able to wiggle away slightly, the whole time his disgusting hands moving over my body. Just as he reached the button on my pants, my hand reached something solid.”

  Her haunted eyes found his and stared at him unblinking.

  “I hit him as hard and as many times as I could. When he stopped moving I rolled him off and stood over him shaking. I had just beaten him to death with the cordless phone.”

  Olivia drew in a shaky breath.

  “I washed off my hand and made the call to the police with the phone I had just used.”

  “Sounds pretty cut and dry.” Ryder’s low rumble startled them both. “Is there something you aren’t telling us?”

  Reed glared daggers at his brother.

  “You’re right,” Olivia said. Reed turned wide eyed to her. “It should have been open and shut but that damn phone. I don’t know if the DA just wanted a notch under their belt or what, but there was lots of talk on why I didn’t just call the police.”

  “That’s horse shit!” Reed ran an angry hand through his hair.

  “My mom didn’t help in all this. She was pissed and refused to believe that Shane had nearly raped me.” Olivia took in a deep breath and seemed to calm. “It worked out in the end. I was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. The judge kept it juvenile and sentenced me to probation. With the probation officer keeping a close eye, I wasn’t much use to my mom. By the time I was fifteen, she had all but moved out. I took care of Ben and tried to keep him out of her life as much as I could.” She sighed loudly. “Apparently not well enough though.”

  Reed looked over to Ryder and raised a brow. No matter how much an ass his brother could be, there was no way he’d find fault with a story like that. Ryder nodded his head toward the door. Reed squeezed Olivia’s hand and got up to walk Ryder out.

  When he opened the door, Ryder strolled through and stopped on the other side.

  “I know it seems like I’m being an ass, but she’s still bad news to get involved with,” Ryder said. He looked anywhere but at Reed.

  “We’re not involved,” Reed said firmly.

  “Sure didn’t seem that way earlier.” Ryder’s mouth formed a hard line.

  The men froze when the tones of a phone cut through the office.

  “Ben!” Olivia practically shouted into the phone. Relief hit her so hard, tears trickled down her face. “Where are you? Are you all right?”

  The phone was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “I’m glad to hear your voice, sis. Are you alone?”

  Olivia looked over to the two men stalking her way.


  Reed scowled at her, likely guessing the question. He might be the best thing since sliced bread, but she didn’t trust him as far as Ben was concerned.

  “The big guy from the library?”

  “Yes. He’s been looking after me.” She couldn’t help the irritation that crept into her voice.

  Reed placed a gentle hand on her arm. She looked up tried to judge his position. There was something he wanted from Ben. Something all these men wanted from him, and right now, Reed was his best chance.

  “I’m sorry,” Ben said. His soft voice broke a piece of her.

  “I know,” she sighed. “What were you thinking?”

  “I want a better life.” He paused. “For both of us.”

  “Wasn’t I doing that?” Olivia turned her back to Reed. Her tears threatened to turn into a waterfall.

  “You deserve better than that,” he said with conviction. “I was just
trying to do better for us. If it weren’t for that weasel Neil.”

  “I’m with you there.” She gritted her teeth at the memory of the last time she’d seen Neil. “Oh well, it doesn’t matter. Tell me where you are so we can pick you up.”

  Olivia strained to hear her brother on the other end of the phone. The silence echoed in her head.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” he said finally.

  “What do you mean?” She nearly choked thinking about him out there on his own. “You can’t be serious. Ben, these people are serious about finding you.”

  The quick glance to Reed’s face was only proof of this. Several bruises still dotted his face, and she was certain the one on his side was even worse than yesterday.

  She jumped when Reed placed his hand in front of her. He stared expectantly at the phone in her hand.

  “Uh, Reed wants to talk to you.” She didn’t bother listening and placed the phone in his large hand. It would have been comical to see such a large man with the glittery pink phone if she wasn’t so on edge. Someone had to talk sense into him, and this was about the only option she saw.

  Reed took the phone through the door into the hall, and Olivia snorted.

  “He’ll get this sorted out,” Ryder said from his position in the chair.

  Olivia wanted to throw things. Of course he’d get it sorted it out, but she sure as hell was tired of being in the dark on everything. Something was going to have to change. If she was in this for the long haul, then someone needed to start telling her what was going on.

  Reed walked back in with phone in hand.

  “We’re meeting him tomorrow night at the pier.” Reed turned to her. “He wants to see you.”

  “What’s in those documents?” Olivia watched as Reed sealed himself off from her.

  “Something you shouldn’t know about,” he said.

  “Oh and why is that?” Olivia crossed her arms.

  “It’s too dangerous,” Ryder chimed in.

  “Oh like I’m not already in danger?” She tapped her foot in annoyance. “Mob thugs trashed my apartment, and I was left to die in a burning warehouse.”


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