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Martine, Missy - Denying His Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Denying His Wolfen Heritage

  Using his muscular legs, Remus pushed at Maddie’s legs until he was firmly nestled between her creamy thighs, his cock, already dripping with pre-cum, poised at the opening to her body. Seeming unwilling to fight him any longer, Maddie raised her arms to cling to his broad shoulders, and brought her legs up to grip him around the waist.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you, wolf man?” she said to him with a dreamy expression on her face.

  Smiling, Remus kissed her lips. “Coincidentally, about the same amount that I love you, wolf lady.”

  Before Maddie could formulate a reply, Remus’s mouth closed over hers, cutting of further conversation. Lightly, he plucked at her lips, kissing the corners, then drawing the plump skin between his teeth. When she groaned, he plunged his tongue inside, tasting and teasing. Releasing her lips, he trailed a line of kisses down her neck to the hollow of her throat. Pushing his body back with his arms, causing her to drop her legs from around his waist, Remus continued his line of kisses over to her right breast. He traced his tongue around her dark areola, carefully avoiding the one place he knew she was desperate for him to touch. Giving her nipple one flick, he licked his way across her chest to repeat the caresses. Maddie groaned loudly and arched her back, pushing her nipple toward his face. Remus relented, took the small nub into his warm mouth, and began to suckle. When he heard a long moan come from his mate, he took her nipple carefully between his teeth and tugged. Maddie frantically dug her nails into Remus’s shoulders, causing him to groan loudly.

  After several minutes of playing with each nipple, Remus continued his downward journey, stopping only briefly to dip into the small belly button gracing her lower abdomen. Before he reached his target, he raised his body and took both of Maddie’s hands in his own. Raising them up and back, he placed them on the arm of the sofa and looked directly into her eyes. “Leave your hands here, Maddie. Don’t move them until I say you can move them. If you disobey me, I’ll have to punish you.”

  At his words, Maddie’s eyes got big as saucers, and she swallowed hard. He’d never threatened to punish her before, and he was pleased to see she looked more aroused than afraid.

  Remus released her and then gave her a wicked smile when she made no effort to move. Lowering his body, he went back to his erotic exploration. He ran his hand down the middle of her body, stopping to run his fingers through her silky feminine curls. He took a moment to place her legs over his shoulders, opening her up for his enjoyment. Locating her slit, he ran his finger from the top all the way back to her anus, collecting her honey along the way. Slowly he ran that finger around her tight, puckered opening, spreading her lubrication, before bringing it back up to the top where he’d started.

  Using his thumbs, he gently spread her outer lips, revealing her slick passage, and blew gently. Immediately, more cream poured from her center. Leaning down, Remus extended his tongue and lapped slowly, reveling in the exotic taste of his mate. Moving his attention higher, he pulled back the tiny hood protecting her pleasure center and delicately licked her clit. Maddie’s hips bucked up beneath him, causing him to lay an arm across her lower abdomen, effectively holding her hips in place. He was pleased to see that she had kept her arms where he’d placed them.

  Remus ran his tongue down the length of her slit and lightly traced around the opening of her body before returning to flick and lick at her engorged clit. Maddie was groaning now, her head thrashing back and forth, seemingly lost in the pleasure of Remus’s touch.

  Seeing her excitement rise, Remus continued to lick and suck her clit rhythmically while he inserted two fingers into her tight passage and began an in and out motion. When he felt her body tightening and her thighs beginning to tremble, Remus took her clit between his teeth and bit down, tugging on it at the same time. When the walls of her pussy began contracting around his fingers, he turned them slightly back and pressed against her sweet spot, causing her to cry out as her release washed over her. He kept up his caresses, and the motion of his lips, until her tremors began to slow down. When they did, he removed his fingers, and pulled her legs from his shoulders. He rose up and positioned his cock so he could plunge into her welcoming heat.

  “Maddie,” Remus called out as he buried himself in her warmth. Immediately, Maddie’s arms and legs came up and gripped him tightly.

  Remus grinned wickedly at her. “Uh uh, little mate, now I’ll have to punish you for disobeying me.”

  “I don’t care, Remus. It’ll be worth a punishment to hold you close and touch you the way I want.”

  Unable to talk further, Remus slid from her slick center, turned her swiftly to her stomach, and then placed her on her hands and knees. He plunged his raging erection back inside her heat and reached his arms around to fondle her hanging breasts. For several moments, he pounded into her while he tugged and twisted on her nipples. As he felt his balls begin to tighten, he lowered his mouth to the base of her neck where it met her shoulder, and began to lick. Dropping his hand to search between her legs, he found her clit and pinched it between his two fingers. He felt his canines lengthen right before his body shook with a powerful orgasm. As he deposited his seed deep inside his mate, Remus bit into her shoulder, marking her as his again. When his teeth sank deeply into the muscle, he felt her pussy spasm around his cock as she found her release a second time. Across the room, a woodland scene picture on the wall came crashing down. Neither of them even spared the interruption a glance.

  Sated, Remus pulled free of his mate and lowered himself to lie beside her on the couch. As he started to cuddle her close, he sensed something in the air. Looking down at her sharply, he lowered his head to her neck and breathed in deeply, taking in her scent. For a moment his body froze, and then he raised his head and looked at her in amazement.

  She watched him, worry evident in her eyes. “What’s wrong, Remus? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Smiling at her, he lowered his head and kissed her passionately. Before he could say anything, the front door opened, and in walked his brother, Latan.

  Maddie screamed and frantically pushed herself out of Remus’s arms. She looked around quickly and cursed under her breath. “Where are my clothes?” she whispered.

  Before Remus could answer her, or hand her the clothes she so desperately sought, she took off running toward their bedroom, giving Latan quite an eyeful of her attributes. He could still hear her muttering when the bedroom door slammed shut.

  Latan turned a grinning face toward Remus. “Not bad, brother, not bad at all.”

  Remus pulled himself off the couch, unconcerned about his own nudity. “That’s enough, little bro, I’d hate to have to challenge my own brother. Couldn’t you show a little discretion, give a little warning before you come barging in?”

  Latan shrugged nonchalantly. “Need I remind you that this is my house too, and, technically, you and Maddie are just visiting right now? Maybe you should confine your carnal activities to your own bedroom and leave this a sex-free zone.”

  Looking down at the broken picture lying on the floor, Latan raised questioning eyes to his brother. “Do I even want to know what the two of you did to knock a picture off the wall?”

  Remus looked away, actually feeling embarrassed by the question. “Well, I told you that when she’s very excited she can’t always control her gift.”

  His brother held up his hand. “Never mind, bro, I already know more than I wanted to. I’m just gonna head back to my room and try to forget what I just saw.” Laughing, he headed down the hall toward his bedroom.

  Sighing, Remus looked down at the broken picture. Life with his mate definitely kept him entertained. Thinking back to what he’d just learned, he smiled, and then hurried toward the room he shared with her. He felt pretty sure she was going to need calming right about now.

  * * * *

  Later that afternoon, Maddie found herself knocking on the door of the small cabin that Ariane lived in with her uncle. She thought back on what she knew about
Ariane’s family history. She’d come from a pack in Canada, moving here to live with her uncle after her parents were killed in an accident. As far as Maddie knew, she had no other relatives.

  Maddie was startled out of her thoughts by the sudden opening of the door. She looked up into Ariane’s smiling face.

  “Alpha, you honor our home. Won’t you come in?”

  “Ariane, I’ve asked you to call me Maddie. I don’t want to have such formal relations with the members of the pack. I’m hoping we can be friends, and friends always call each other by name.”

  Ariane’s face flushed a deep red at Maddie’s words. “I’m sorry, Maddie, I guess old habits are hard to break. The pack in Canada was a lot more formal than this one. Anyway, would you like to come in?”

  “Actually, let’s just sit out here on the porch. It’s a beautiful day and it seems a shame to waste it.” Maddie led the way over to the porch swing, not even waiting to see if the younger woman followed her. She sighed in relief when she heard the door close and felt Ariane come up behind her. Both women sat down, and then Maddie turned so she could look Ariane directly in the eyes.

  “I wanted to let you know that Michael will be here Friday, and he’ll probably be staying here for a month while the house is being built.” Maddie felt a pang of guilt when she saw the joy and happiness spread across the young woman’s face. “Wait, Ariane, don’t get too excited yet. There’s a lot I have to tell you.”

  “What’s wrong, Maddie?” Ariane sounded alarmed.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to ask you to stay away from Michael, at least for a while, once he arrives.” Maddie grimaced as tears filled Ariane’s eyes. “Alpha, why don’t you want me to see him? I know he’s my mate. I knew it the minute I smelled his scent on you. Have I done something to offend you?”

  Maddie reached over and rubbed the escaping tears off the young woman’s cheek. “No, Ariane, you haven’t done anything wrong. Please, just sit back, calm down, and I’ll tell you everything.”

  Taking a deep breath, Ariane sat back in the swing and wiped the tears off of her face. She seemed to relax when Maddie reached over and took one of her hands into her own.

  “I’m gonna try and condense as much of this story as possible, so please be patient with me.” Maddie took a deep breath. “Michael and I never knew about our Wolfen heritage. Our grandmother was a full-blooded shifter and she married Victor, my human grandfather. They had one son, my father.”

  “Do you have any other brothers or sisters, besides Michael?” Ariane asked.

  “No, it’s just the two of us.” Maddie leaned back and took a deep breath. “My father was a cold man and totally rejected his mother’s heritage. He never wanted to be a part of it and refused to allow my grandparents to tell either of us about the wolves. Although he disagreed, my grandfather honored his wishes and never breathed a word about the people we came from, not even after my father died.” Maddie looked off toward the forest and smiled. “He did manage to introduce me to Remus, in his wolf form, when I was a little girl.” She laughed. “Even that made my father furious.”

  “Your father must have been a very sad man,” Ariane said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

  Maddie snorted and chose not to comment on Ariane’s remark. “My grandfather kept his promise but still found a way around my father. He left me his cabin on this mountain, knowing that Remus would be close by to protect me and to someday introduce me to his people.”

  Ariane sighed. “Oh, Alpha, that’s so romantic.”

  Maddie was relieved to see Ariane’s tears had stopped, and she seemed glued to the edge of her seat listening to Maddie’s story. “Once I moved into Grandfather’s cabin, I found a journal that he’d kept over the years. Inside was a letter addressed to me, explaining all about our Wolfen heritage.” Maddie laughed softly. “I can’t tell you how surprised and elated I was to read about my family. I’d already fallen in love with Remus, and this new information brought us even closer together.”

  “You said the letter was addressed to you. Why didn’t he address it to both of you?” Ariane asked.

  Maddie frowned at her. “It didn’t say, but I could guess it was probably because he thought Michael wouldn’t believe him. Michael has always been more like our father, not believing in anything he couldn’t see for himself. He’s spent most of his life protecting me, and he found it almost impossible to accept that I’d fallen in love and married Remus. I made the very difficult decision to conceal our heritage from him, at least until he was more accepting of Remus being my husband. I fully planned on letting him read Grandfather’s journal for himself, but then the cabin burned down and with it my grandfather’s written words.”

  Maddie took Ariane’s hands into her own. “Ariane, I still haven’t told him about what we are. I’m going to have to break it to him when he arrives and let him see for himself that I can shift. I’ve also got to tell him, and you as well, that there’s only a fifty-fifty chance he’ll be able to shift into a wolf like I can.”

  Ariane looked genuinely puzzled. “But if you can shift then why wouldn’t he be able to?”

  “Grandfather explained in his journal that we both have the DNA in our system, and that it might be activated if we mate with a full-blooded shifter.” Maddie shrugged. “It was a while after my mating to Remus that I was able to shift myself. But you have to understand, I wanted to believe everything my grandfather said. I wanted to be able to join my husband’s people. That may not be the case with my doubting brother. If he doesn’t embrace the belief completely, he might never feel the same magic that I do.”

  Maddie sat quietly while she watched the emotions play over Ariane’s face. She wanted to give the young woman time to come to grips with what she’d told her. When she began to see resignation in her eyes, Maddie continued. “I’m asking that you give me some time, and give Michael some time, to accept what I have to tell him. I’m asking the impossible, for you to stay away from him for a while, and not tell him that he’s your mate.”

  Maddie sat back and waited for Ariane to make her decision. She watched as the emotions rolled across her face, saddened to see the tears forming in her eyes again. Maddie had never wanted to hurt her, she just didn’t see any other way. It was her hope that Michael would be more accepting of Ariane once he knew the entire story of their family.

  Ariane looked up at Maddie, her tears falling freely now. “All right, Alpha, I’ll do as you ask, and I won’t reveal to him, or anyone else, that he’s my mate. It’s not gonna be easy. I’ve dreamed of finding my mate for so long.” She lowered her eyes. “My parents weren’t real mates. They were forced to mate by my old Alpha when neither of them found their own mates in our pack. They were never happy together and it made life difficult.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll keep my word, Alpha. I won’t tell anyone else that he’s my mate. The only ones who know right now are you and Alpha Remus and my uncle.”

  Maddie reached out, pulled Ariane into her arms, and hugged her tightly. It broke her heart to be the one bringing her this much pain. “Thank you, Ariane, you don’t know how much it means to me that you’re willing to work with me on this. I promise you I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve told him everything, and I think he’s ready to listen to you. I’ll talk to him as soon as possible after he arrives.”

  Maddie stood up and then kissed her on the forehead. “Be strong, my friend, your time will come and you’ll have your mate.” With that promise, Maddie walked down the steps and off through the woods toward home.

  * * * *

  Long after Maddie had gone, Ariane still sat in the porch swing. She was glad that her uncle was working today. She wouldn’t want to have to explain her tears to him. He’d been so happy for her when she’d told him she’d found her mate. Ariane snickered. He’d even managed to hide his shock when she told him it was the Alpha Femm’s brother.

  Sighing, she wiped the remains of the tears from her face and let her thoughts wander to her mate. For
days she’d been fantasizing about his coming to claim her. In her dreams, he knew exactly what he wanted.

  She stood in the clearing behind the cabin when he came for her. He walked right up and took her in his arms, taking her mouth in a passionate kiss. They didn’t need words. They could look into each other’s eyes and see the desire there.

  Taking her by the hand, he led her back to the cabin, not stopping until they were standing, bodies touching, beside her bed. Bending his head, he covered her mouth with his and plunged his tongue deep into her silky depths, tasting every surface before releasing her.

  Slowly he unbuttoned her blouse, trapping her with his fiery gaze. Then, he pulled the sides apart, gradually revealing her soft skin inch by inch. Lowering his head, he placed a kiss along her neck as his hands reached for the front fastening of her bra. With a flick of his wrist, he opened it and quickly peeled back the cups to feast his eyes on her full breasts. Under his watchful eyes, her nipples hardened into little bullets. He kissed his way back up her neck as he pushed her blouse and bra off her shoulders and dropped them to the floor. “I love you, Ariane, and I want you to be with me forever.” She saw his canines drop down and watched as he leaned toward her neck.

  “Ariane, girl, what you doing sitting out here all by yourself?”

  Ariane was startled out of her fantasy by the voice of her uncle. Goodness, she’d been sitting here for hours thinking about mating with Michael. The fantasy always made her feel good, and she indulged in it quite frequently. But now, with what Maddie had told her, she knew it might never come true. If Michael wasn’t a shifter now, and never became one, he wouldn’t ever be able to claim her as his mate in the traditional way. He wouldn’t be able to put his mark on her, and that meant she’d never be completely safe from other wolves. It was something she’d have to think long and hard about. For now, she decided not to tell her uncle anything about what she’d learned. It would only worry him about her happiness.


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