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Martine, Missy - Denying His Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 6

by Denying His Wolfen Heritage

  Seeing how upset and nervous she was, Michael rose and put his arms around her. “Maddie, if it upsets you this much, you don’t have to tell me anything. Just because our grandfather wanted it doesn’t mean you have to follow his wishes now.” He bent and kissed the top of her head. “Honey, I don’t like seeing you like this.”

  “Michael, sit down and don’t interrupt me.” Maddie spoke sternly. “This is something I have to do, something I’ve promised Remus I would do, and I won’t break my promise to him for anything.”

  Michael was shocked. “All right, honey, I’ll sit down and listen.”

  Maddie bit her lip and watched as he sat back down. “First, I need to ask you a couple of questions.”

  “Okay,” he said skeptically.

  “Do you believe in shape-shifters or werewolves?”

  Michael just looked at her, not sure he’d really heard what he thought he did.

  Maddie grimaced. “Okay, I’ll take that as a no.” She sighed heavily. “Well, you’re gonna have to start believing. Grandfather wrote about his family’s history, about Grandmother to be specific. According to his journal, she was a full-blooded wolf shape-shifter.”

  Since Michael didn’t have a clue what to say, he continued to sit still and listen to her without interruption.

  “He explained that once a full-blooded shifter marries a human, there’s a fifty-fifty chance that their children will have the shifter DNA. You must have that DNA to be able to make the shift yourself. If the half-breeds continue to marry humans down the line, then the DNA is watered down, and the ability to shift disappears altogether.”

  Maddie peered at him like she was waiting for him to say something. When he remained silent, she continued. “He said that our father was told all about his heritage, and he rejected it. He never wanted to know more about the wolves, and he never wanted to attempt to shift himself. When we were born, he forbade Grandfather from telling us anything about our Wolfen heritage.”

  She took a deep breath and clasped her hands together before telling him more. “They respected his wishes and didn’t tell us anything while they were alive. But Grandfather knew that I was destined to become the mate of one of the wolves.”

  Michael couldn’t take any more. “Maddie, this is such crap. Why would you believe such nonsense?” He hated that his voice sounded so angry, but he didn’t know how he could respond any other way.

  “Michael, do you remember the summer before my accident, when we were visiting here with Grandfather? Do you remember the wild wolf that he had hanging around the cabin, the one he introduced me to?”

  Michael sighed. “Yeah, I remember. I was certain he was gonna get you killed.”

  “Well, that wolf’s name was Remus, and he was destined to be my mate.”

  Having heard enough, Michael got up and paced around the room. He was getting a terrible feeling that Maddie had become delusional again, like when she first left the hospital she’d been in for so long.

  “I’m not imagining things, Michael. And I’m not in need of a doctor.”

  Michael gasped and turned to look at her quickly. It was almost like she’d read his mind.

  “No, I didn’t read your mind, only the expressions on your face. They’re quite revealing.”

  The anger in her voice made him remember that he’d promised to hear her out. He returned to his seat at the table and took a deep breath.

  Maddie returned to her story. “What Remus and I discovered is shocking, Michael. We have the wolf DNA in us, and all it needs to activate it is a mating with a full-blooded shifter.”

  Michael smirked at her. “You’re telling me that just because you married Remus, you’ve become some kind of wolf shifter.”

  She scowled at him. “No, not by marrying him, by mating him.”

  “What’s the difference?” he asked.

  “In a true mating, the male bites the female to mark her as his, just like wild wolves do. Their saliva contains an enzyme that activates the wolf DNA, and a short time after mating, you’re able to shift into a wolf. Well, at least that’s the theory. I don’t think it has actually been proven for sure.”

  For a long moment Michael just stared at Maddie. She walked to the table and took the chair opposite him. She seemed to be waiting for him to speak.

  “Why are you telling me this, Maddie?”

  “Because you have the DNA in you just like I do, Michael. If you were to find your true mate with someone in our pack, you’d be able to activate yours as well, and you’d be able to shift into a wolf.”

  “You’re telling me that you can become a wolf whenever you want to.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you, and that’s not all I’m telling you. Remus and his whole family are full-blooded wolf shifters, along with everyone on this mountain in the Wind River Pack. While you’re here, you’re going to see humans changing into wolves and wolves changing into humans, and we wanted you to be prepared.” She lowered her eyes. “Plus, I’d hoped you might want to explore the possibilities of finding your own wolf.”

  Michael looked at her, and a feeling of sadness washed over him. “Maddie, I don’t honestly know what to say to you. I want you to see a doctor for me.” He held his hand up to silence her when she started to speak. “Just as a precaution. I know that being newly married can be stressful, and maybe you just need a little help to get through the rough patches.”

  Suddenly, he could see Maddie’s anger surge out of control. She jumped to her feet and whirled around to face him. When she was angry, she had no control over her emotions, and it usually resulted in something violent happening. Even knowing this, Michael was startled when the pots went flying off the kitchen rack. “Damn it, Maddie, you need to calm down right now. You don’t want to hurt anybody or yourself, do you?”

  Maddie wiped her hand across the moisture gathering in her eyes. “Why can’t you just believe what I’m telling you, Michael, and just give me the benefit of the doubt?”

  “Okay, what if I say I do believe you. You say you can turn into a wolf. Why don’t you prove it to me? Let me see you turn into a wolf right now.”

  Maddie grimaced and nodded. “Yeah, I figured that’s what I’d have to do to make you believe me.” Sighing heavily, she’d reached up and began unbuttoning her blouse.

  * * * *

  Remus trotted across the field and headed for the back door of his family’s home. He’d been running for the past hour, trying to forget the hurt look that had been in Maddie’s eyes when he’d run out of the house. They’d never had a serious argument before, and it angered him that he’d run off instead of staying and working things out. He didn’t know what he could have said any differently, though. Maddie had to realize that if she wanted her brother to visit, she had to be willing to tell him the truth about the wolves. He only hoped that she was wrong and that telling Michael wouldn’t drive him out of her life.

  As he neared the back porch, Remus could hear the voices coming from the kitchen. He saw his clothes sitting on the rocker and started to shift when he heard Michael telling Maddie to show him her wolf right now. Knowing that she didn’t want to have to do that, Remus hurried up the steps and went into the kitchen, still in his wolf form. He watched as Michael turned toward him and saw a terrified look come over the young man’s face.

  “Holy shit!” screamed Michael. He grabbed Maddie roughly by the arm and thrust her behind his body.

  “Ow! Michael, stop it. You’re hurting me,” Maddie yelped.

  Remus growled and walked toward Michael when he heard Maddie’s cry of pain. As he watched him closely, Michael grabbed a knife from the butcher block and held it in front of him like a weapon

  Maddie began struggling, trying to get the knife out of his hand. “Michael, please stop. That’s Remus. You don’t want to hurt him.”

  It was obvious Michael didn’t believe her, and he forcibly pushed Maddie’s hands away. Remus growled even louder and bared his teeth.

nding desperate now, Maddie called out to her mate. “Remus, please don’t hurt him. He’s my brother, and I love him. He doesn’t believe me, he doesn’t understand. Show him what you are, please, for me, love.”

  Watching Michael carefully, Remus let the wolf begin to shift. He felt himself begin to shimmer, and his limbs stretched out flat. He could see the black fur disappearing while his human limbs were being formed, and he could feel his facial features changing into the human face that his brother-in-law was familiar with. After a few moments, Remus stood before him, completely naked and feeling just as angry as the wolf had.

  Pushing Michael out of the way, Remus went to his mate and took her in his arms. “Are you hurt, baby?”

  “No, Remus, I’m not hurt. I’m so glad you came home when you did. I was fixing to show him my wolf, but I really didn’t relish getting naked in front of my brother.”

  Chuckling, Remus bent down and kissed the top of her head. Together they looked over to the now speechless Michael. He’d turned so white, Remus feared he would faint.

  Michael turned away for a few minutes, saying nothing. It was as if he were gathering his thoughts before he spoke. Finally, he faced the embracing pair. He stared hard at Maddie, and Remus just knew he was trying to picture her as a wolf. “Are you telling me that you can do this too? You can change into a wolf just like he did?”

  Maddie smiled at him with a new look of hope in her eyes. “Yes, I can. Do you want me to show you?”

  Michael looked appalled at her offer. “No, I don’t think I could stand seeing it right now.” He sounded disgusted. “If it’s true, it’s something you got from Remus and not our family. My father would never have kept something like that from me.” He took a long shaky breath and briefly closed his eyes. “I need some time to think.” Looking sad, Michael turned and walked through the house, slamming the front door as he left. Just a few moments later they heard his Jeep tearing out of the drive.

  Remus threw his arms around Maddie when she started to race after him. “No, baby, give him some time. He needs to process this right now, and he needs to do it without you.”

  Maddie threw her arms around his neck and sobbed openly. “What have I done to him?” she whispered.

  Realizing that Michael needed help coping with everything, Remus took out his cell phone and quickly dialed Ariane’s number. She could help him hold it together and be there for him as a mate.

  After a brief explanation, Ariane agreed to go to Michael at the cabin. Remus thanked her and hung up, then picked up his crying mate and carried her off to their room. He felt guilty sending Ariane to the distraught young man and wondered what she could possibly say to him that would help him heal. He predicted a long night for everyone.

  Chapter 3

  Michael arrived back at the cabin feeling more alone than he’d ever felt in his life. He slowly walked up onto the porch and opened the front door but couldn’t make himself go inside. Instead, he walked over to the hanging swing and slowly sat down. His mind tried to take in everything Maddie told him. My God, I can’t believe I’m even considering believing her. But my eyes didn’t lie to me, I saw Remus change right in front of me. Oh, Maddie, what have you gotten yourself into? He let his thoughts center on his own father.

  Why? Why couldn’t you be honest with us? Why did you have to hide what you were? Were you ashamed? If your mother was full-blooded then you must have seen her people as wolves at some point in your life. Were you afraid of being like her? Were you afraid of what your children would become?

  Maddie says she can change into a wolf now. How can I be a part of her life when it’s changing so drastically? What will I do without her? I haven’t had any life at all except for taking care of Maddie. Ever since that horrible day she fell out of the boat, I made it my purpose in life to take care of her and protect her. Now, she’ll never need me protecting her again. God, I’m so pathetic. Michael was startled out of his thoughts at the sound of a soft, feminine voice.

  “Hello, Michael. I’m sorry to bother you, but I was out for an evening walk and saw you sitting here. Are you all right?”

  It was the young woman who’d brought him the pie. Michael knew he couldn’t confide in her because he didn’t know if she knew about Remus and Maddie. Maddie had said everyone in the pack was a wolf shifter, but he didn’t know if Ariane was part of the pack. “Hello, Ariane. You aren’t bothering me. I’m just sitting here trying to work through some problems.”

  “Would it help to talk to someone about what’s bothering you? I’m a pretty good listener.”

  He smiled. “Thanks, I’m sure you’re a great listener, but this is something I can’t share with anyone right now. I hope you understand.”

  “Of course I understand. Would it be all right if I sat with you for a while?”

  Taking a deep breath, Michael looked at the young woman standing in front of the cabin. She looked so beautiful, with the wind gently blowing her long, golden hair around her shoulders. What was it about her that drew him? Just looking at her made him feel less lonely. Smiling at her, he nodded his agreement.

  Ariane climbed the steps to the porch and walked over to sit next to Michael in the swing. He could feel the heat emanating from her body at the point where their thighs touched. Gently, she reached over and took his hand into her own, twining their fingers together. Shyly, she let her gaze meet his, her expression sad. “I’ll listen if you want to talk, or I’ll just sit and keep you company so that you know you’re not alone.”

  Michael smiled at the beautiful woman who only wanted to comfort him. It amazed him that she seemed to care so much when she barely knew him. Focusing his eyes on her lips, he felt a yearning inside him, a burning desire he’d never felt before. He couldn’t explain it. He had to have this woman here and now.

  Slowly, he lowered his head toward her lips, giving her ample time to push him away if she didn’t want to be kissed. Halfway expecting a rejection, he was surprised to see her lick her lips right before he covered them with his own.

  As he pressed his mouth to hers, Michael felt Ariane’s whole body tremble. Emboldened by her response, he licked across the seam of her lips, trying to coax her into opening for him. Fire shot through his body when she opened, inviting him inside for a taste of her sweetness.

  As his tongue slipped into the depths of her mouth, Michael groaned deep in his throat and slipped his arms around her small body. Gently he lifted her from the swing and cradled her across his lap. One of his hands gripped the back of her head, gently tilting it so he could further deepen the kiss, while the other hand gripped her hip tightly, holding her in place. He smiled against her lips when he felt her arms travel up his chest to link behind his neck where she idly ran her fingers through the hair at his nape. There was a floral scent to her body, and it enveloped his senses as he held her close.

  Raising his lips from hers, Michael trailed kisses down the side of her neck and, at the same time, raised his hand to cup her firm breast. Gently, he rubbed his thumb back and forth across the small nub.

  “Michael,” she gasped.

  Pulling her body tight against his chest, he could feel the points of her nipples pressing into his skin. Burying his face in her neck, he pleaded with her. “Ariane, I want you so much. I need you tonight. Please don’t say no.”

  He felt Ariane’s hands pull from around his neck to press hard at his shoulders. His heart shattered to think that she’d turn him away. As he leaned back to release her, she took his face between her two hands and looked into his eyes.

  “I’m not saying no, Michael. I want you too.”

  Michael released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and stood up with her in his arms. “You won’t be sorry, baby, I want to give you pleasure and lose myself in your beautiful body.”

  Quickly, he strode toward the door and carried his precious bundle inside the cabin. Not wanting to waste time looking for the lights, he walked straight to the bed, where he carefully sat her
on the edge of the mattress. Kneeling in front of her, he pushed her legs apart so he could move up close between them. Catching her head between his two large hands, he covered her lips with his and plunged his tongue inside. Taking his time, he learned her taste, running his tongue over all the surfaces, and even managing to entice her tongue into some erotic play.

  * * * *

  Ariane felt as if she were drowning in a sea of pleasure. Michael’s kiss was everything she’d dreamed it would be and more. She knew she shouldn’t let this continue unless she confessed to being Wolfen, but she just couldn’t take the risk that he’d be scared away. She wanted him so much, wanted to have at least this one night with him, even if it was wrong.

  She felt the warm, wet glide of his tongue as it swept past her lips and teeth. She could taste a hint of mint, probably from his toothpaste, and a masculine taste that was strictly Michael. The flavor matched the scent filling all her senses. Shyly, she gripped his arms and allowed her tongue to trace along his, back into the warm recesses of his mouth. She could feel the sharp edges of his teeth and carefully explored over the uneven surface. When she heard him groan, she traced the ridges in the roof of his mouth.

  Ariane kept her eyes closed as she felt Michael begin to pull away from their kiss. She felt him nibble at the corners of her mouth and then gasped when he bit down gently on her lower lip. Immediately, she felt the slick pressure of a warm, wet caress soothing the area.

  Releasing her lips once again, he lowered his hands down to the buttons of her blouse and began to open the fastenings. Ariane looked down, watching quietly as his hands quickly worked to uncover her body. She swallowed nervously. Should I tell him that I’ve never been with a man? Will he still want me? I’m afraid if I tell him, I’ll lose him.

  * * * *

  “I want to see you, Ariane. I wanna look at and taste every inch of your beautiful body.” As he spoke, Michael continued undoing her buttons until her shirt gaped open down the front, giving him a good look at her lace- covered bra. Gently, he cupped her breast in his warm hand and then used his thumb to rub back and forth across the nipple.


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