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Martine, Missy - Denying His Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Denying His Wolfen Heritage

  Michael smiled and pulled her to her feet to give her a big bear hug. “Don’t worry, everything will work out.”

  She smiled at him and then looked at him quizzically. “How are things with Maddie? Are you enjoying your visit?”

  He frowned for a minute, and then decided to get her advice. Melissa had been his friend for a long time, and he valued her opinion. “Everything’s great with Maddie. She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her.” He paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. “There has been a development, though. I met someone there, a woman.”

  “Michael,” she said with a squeal and gave him a big hug. “I’m so happy for you. It’s about time you did something to make yourself happy.” She looked at him intently before scowling. “What’s wrong?”

  “A lot, actually. She’s pretty young, innocent and sort of immature. She’s not very educated but she has a wonderful, sweet personality. She’s beautiful and already getting very serious about our relationship.” He thought for a moment. “Hell, I’m not sure I can even say relationship since we’ve only been on one lunch date. We’ve taken walks and talked. Apparently her people move pretty fast with romance, and she’s already thinking about the future.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” she asked Michael.

  “It could be. I can’t see myself living on the mountain with her people, and I can’t see her fitting into life here in Houston. She’s never lived in a big city and certainly never been around people like Peter and Veronica.”

  Melissa laughed. “Who has?” She gave him a thoughtful look. “Don’t sweat the small stuff, Michael. If you have feelings for her then go for it. Believe me, I know love doesn’t come around very often, and if it does show up, you need to take advantage of it so you don’t end up an old spinster like me.”

  He snorted. “You’re hardly old, and you could meet Mr. Right any day now.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad you’re my friend. I hope you know that.”

  She smiled. “Yeah, I know. You’re pretty special to me, too.” She wiped a hand carefully over her moist eyes. “So, are you going to straighten out the problem with Mr. Wilson today?”

  Michael smiled wickedly. “Already taken care of.” At her shocked looked, he continued. “I called and had breakfast with him this morning. When I explained that I was only away for a few weeks building my sister a house, he calmed right down. Apparently he was led to believe that I would be gone indefinitely. I tried to find out where he got his info, but he was pretty closed mouth. He said it didn’t matter since the information was wrong and that he’d be careful who he listened to in the future.”

  “Where do you think he got his information from?”

  “Oh, come on, Melissa. We both know where he got it.” Michael narrowed his eyes. “I just wish I knew why she did it. It’s not like it would benefit her. It could have lost revenue for the firm.” He was silent for a moment. “Just so you know, I told Wilson that he’s only to get information from you in the future. Since his project is mine alone, Peter has no business talking to him.”

  “Okay, boss man.” She sighed. “I need to get out to my desk. The phones will start ringing any minute.” Melissa hugged him one more time. “Thanks, Michael. I really didn’t want to have to leave you.”

  “I know you didn’t, and I’m happy you’ve decided to stay. Just be patient until I come back from Wyoming and then we can iron out all the details. Can you do that for me?”

  “Not a problem, now that I know there’s an end in sight.” She gave him a saucy grin and strolled over to the door. “See ya later.” She left his door open as she headed down the hall toward her desk. He was just about to shut it when he heard Cynthia’s harsh voice.

  “Miss Rogers, you have no business being in Mr. Barrow’s office. Your job is to be at this receptionist’s desk for the duration of your employment here. Is that perfectly clear?”

  “It’s not perfectly clear to me. Perhaps you’d like to step into my office and explain it to me.” Michael didn’t even try to hide the anger in his voice.

  “Michael!” Cynthia’s face turned a deep crimson. “I didn’t realize you were back.”

  “My office, Cynthia, now.” He turned, but not so quickly that he didn’t see the spiteful look she shot Melissa or the smirk on Melissa’s face. He had to bite his lip to keep from chuckling out loud.

  Cynthia walked into his office, and he shut the door behind her. Michael stood with his hand still on the doorknob. He had no intention of this being a long conversation. He looked at her with pure fury raging through his body. Nobody was going to mistreat Melissa while he was around. “I’m only going to say this once, so listen very carefully. If I ever hear you, or hear of you, speaking to another employee the way you just talked to Miss Rogers, you will be unemployed before the day’s end. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

  “Michael, you don’t…”

  “This is not a debate.” He interrupted her explanation. “This is a yes or no. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  Cynthia gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes. “Perfectly.”

  Michael opened the door. “Good, then get back to work before I decide we don’t need an associate any longer.” She stomped past him into the hall before he called her back. “By the way, Cynthia. You should probably know that I’ve checked the schedules myself and everyone’s matches the one on Melissa’s computer. I also went to the trouble of making all the computers tamperproof. Any schedule changes in the future have to go through her desk, with a password, so that all calendars get updated at the same time with the same information.” He gave her a shrewd look. “I wouldn’t want any more problems with missed appointments.” It was necessary to grit his teeth to keep from laughing at the look on her face as she stormed off. He turned around to go back into his office and saw Melissa peeking around the corner at the end of the hall. He gave her a stern look and then winked, causing her to laugh out loud. Her laughter was cut short when Peter walked in the door.

  “Peter, just the man I want to see. I’ve checked your schedule this morning, and I know you’re free, so I thought we might need to have a little talk.” Michael smiled at his partner and swept his arm toward his office, indicating for Peter to join him.

  “What the hell are you doing back so soon? Is everything all right?” Peter walked down the hall toward Michael.

  “Everything’s fine now. There are just some things that you and I need to get straight before I can go back and finish the job for Maddie.” Michael closed the door after Peter entered, determined to have it out with his partner once and for all.

  * * * *

  Michael sighed as he parked his rental car in front of the guest cabin Remus had arranged for him. He’d only meant to be gone a few days, but it had been almost two weeks since he’d left Ariane sitting by the river. It had been one problem after another in Houston, and he hadn’t felt comfortable leaving until he’d spoken to each of his personal clients himself. It was amazing how many of them had the impression that their projects were in jeopardy because of his unexpected time off. He knew that Cynthia had something to do with it, but he couldn’t prove it. None of his business associates had been willing to discuss who had given them the wrong impression.

  Grabbing his bag, Michael locked up the car and made his way into the cabin. He smiled when he saw the cheerful fire burning in the fireplace. The cozy scene felt like a welcome home. Guess Maddie’s not as mad at me as I thought. He’d kept in touch with Maddie on a daily basis, and she’d been furious with him. She wanted him to call and talk to Ariane, and Michael had refused. He wouldn’t even let Maddie tell the young woman he was returning today. Being back in Houston had opened his eyes to a lot of things, specifically, that Ariane would never fit into his life there. She was a sweet, loving girl who would be miserable in the hustle and bustle of his life. It was better just to cut things off now, before they got t
oo serious.

  Mali had been having problems with the house plans due to an underground spring they discovered on the property. Michael had flown in early and gone straight to the site. He’d spent the day there, changing the plans to accommodate a slight change in location on the property. Maddie had been there, lecturing him off and on, until he wanted to throttle her. Now, he just wanted to relax and catch up on his sleep. The crews weren’t working tomorrow, and he’d told Remus he wouldn’t be around until sometime late tomorrow morning for brunch.

  Throwing his bag down beside the couch, Michael walked over and stared at the welcoming fire for a moment. He’d always felt somewhat alone, but until now, he’d never really felt lonely. He yearned for something but didn’t quite know what. Throwing off his melancholy, he kicked off his shoes and then pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the couch. He strode over to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. For a moment he stared at his reflection in the mirror. You gotta get over it, man. She’s too young and too innocent for you. You don’t have anything to offer her. She’d never be happy in Houston, and you’d never be happy here.

  Tired of feeling sorry for himself, Michael turned out the light and padded over to the kitchen. He was just reaching for a glass when he heard a noise outside the back door. Peering out the window, he couldn’t see anything in the darkness. Turning away, he was reaching for a glass again when he heard a definite scratching at the back door. More curious than afraid, he went and opened the door. His breath caught in his throat when he saw the small, brown wolf standing on the porch.

  Instinct told him who the wolf was. “Ariane,” he whispered. At the sound of his voice, the wolf lay down on its stomach and gave a little whine. Michael immediately opened the screen door. “Don’t be afraid.” As he watched, the small wolf got to its feet and then trotted past him into the cabin. He closed the door and followed.

  Michael dropped to his knees on the rug in front of the fireplace and rubbed his hand over the head of the wolf. He laughed when the animal turned its head and licked his wrist. Feeling encouraged, Michael sank his hands into her furry back, amazed at how soft and silky the hair was. He ran his hands up and down, caressing the animal. “You’re so beautiful! I never could have imagined how you’d look as a wolf.”

  A long tongue came out and licked up the side of his face, and then the wolf backed away from him. As Michael watched in amazement, the wolf’s body began to shimmer. He could hear popping noises, and as he sat mesmerized, the body of the wolf began to change shape. It happened so fast he didn’t have time to be afraid. In just a few moments, a beautiful, naked Ariane stood where the wolf had been sitting. She didn’t say anything, just looked at him with heated eyes.

  Michael stood and let his gaze slide over her body. As he watched, a blush crept over her. He walked over and traced the flush of her cheek with one finger. “You’re even more beautiful this way.” When she didn’t say anything, Michael leaned over and brushed his lips softly against hers. He smiled when he heard her little gasp and sucked on her bottom lip. One of his hands cupped the back of her head, threading his fingers into her long, blond hair. Tilting her head slightly, he closed his lips over hers. He devoured her mouth, his tongue tracing her lips before licking them open. His heart rate tripled when he felt the first, tentative strokes of her tongue in his own mouth.

  Abandoning her lips, he kissed his way down her neck, nibbling as he went along. Her body shuddered when he ran his lips along the sensitive skin of her shoulder. Raising his head, he gazed into her eyes. “I want you,” he whispered.

  Ariane swallowed hard and put her hands on his shoulders. “I want you, too,” she whispered back. She seemed hesitant at first and then ran her hands over his hard, muscled chest. Michael couldn’t stop the small groan that escaped when her light touch skimmed over his sensitive nipples. The sound seemed to fascinate her because she returned her fingers to trace around the tiny nubs. Smiling, she ran her fingers down to his abdomen and then hesitated, a new flush blooming across her cheeks.

  Michael grasped her hand and pressed it against the bulge in his jeans. He held his breath when her fingers gripped him through the denim and squeezed gently. His cock felt like it was going to explode as his body shook with the desire that ran through him. A brief thought that he shouldn’t be doing this ran through his mind, and then he firmly pushed it aside. Nothing could make him back away from her now.

  Ariane gasped when Michael pulled her firmly against his body, pressing his erection into her soft skin. Her body trembled when he let his fingers glide over her breasts. Bending, he took one of her dark, pebbled nipples into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue, while his other hand lightly rubbed and tugged on her other side. When a small squeak escaped from her lips, Michael scooped her up into his arms and carried her over to the bed. After setting her on the firm mattress, Michael picked up his wallet, pulled out a foil packet, and placed it on the bedside table. He reached for the fastening of his jeans and began to pull the zipper down. He smiled at the look on Ariane’s face as she watched every move his hands made. Her eyes grew big as saucers when he pushed his jeans and underwear down his legs, allowing his cock to spring free. It stood long and thick from the juncture of his thighs.

  Ariane swallowed hard and looked up into Michael’s eyes. “Michael, I don’t think, I mean I can’t, well, it’s not going to work.” Her voice sounded fearful.

  Michael stepped close, took her hand, and placed it on his cock. “Shhh, love, it’ll be fine. I promise you I’ll never do anything to hurt you.” Slowly, he moved her hand up and down his shaft, biting his lip to keep back his groan. Her hand felt wonderful, like a piece of him that had been missing was now found.

  “It feels like silk,” Ariane said.

  At the sound of her voice, Michael looked down at her face. Her eyes were full of fascination, the fear gone from their depths. Gently he removed her hand and then pushed her toward the head of the bed, stretching his body out beside her. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently, while his hand moved slowly up her thigh. Her body jumped when he reached the protective covering of the entrance to her sex. For a moment, he merely played with the soft curls, running his fingers through them and getting her accustomed to his touch. He felt elated when she spread her legs, allowing him greater access.

  Watching her face carefully, he allowed his finger to slide into her velvety depths. She closed her eyes and pressed her head back into the pillow, her hands gripping his shoulders almost painfully. He knew from the look on her face he wasn’t hurting her. Exploring gently, he found her clit and began to massage it slowly. She immediately squeezed her thighs together, trapping his hand inside, while her eyes flew open. “Did I hurt you, Ariane?” Michael asked.

  Her voice was breathless when she answered. “No, you didn’t hurt me. “I need to, um, I should probably, oh, God, I need to tell you something.” Her face was pure crimson.

  Michael kept up the movement of his finger, knowing from her squirming that she was enjoying his efforts. “What is it? What do you need to tell me, love?” He stiffened when he realized what he’d just said. Oh, my God, I called her love! Where the hell did that come from? Did she realize what I said?

  “Michael, I’ve, um, well, I’ve never done this before.” She looked at him with wide, frightened eyes. It was like she was afraid of his response to her admission.

  For a moment Michael froze, even the movement of his invading finger stopped. On one hand he was horrified and didn’t think he had the right to take her virginity when he knew he couldn’t offer her anything more. But the part of his brain that he didn’t understand, the part that didn’t seem able to let her go, was elated. It thrilled him to think that he’d be the first and only person ever to enter her body. First and only, what the hell am I thinking? I may be the first, but there’ll be men after me. He was amazed that he felt pure rage at the thought of another man possessing her body.

  Michael only had
doubts for a moment, and then passion overruled reason. He began the caressing motion of his finger as he leaned over to whisper against her lips. “It’s okay, beautiful. I’ll be so gentle with you, and I’ll do my best to make it good for you. It might hurt for just a moment, but then all you’ll feel is pleasure. I promise I won’t hurt you any more than I have to. Do you trust me, Ariane?” Michael punctuated his question by licking her lips. He could feel her breath against his lips, and it seduced his senses.

  Ariane took a shaky breath and then moistened her lips before answering. “Yes, I trust you with my life, Michael.”

  Her words took his breath away, and he leaned closer and devoured her mouth in a hard, possessive kiss. Raising his lips, he smiled at her. “You won’t be sorry, now let me in, love.” He wanted to howl in triumph when Ariane relaxed her legs and parted them. Immediately, he pulled out his finger and covered her pussy with his hand, pushing down soundly over her clit, pleased when she pushed up toward his caress.

  Michael let his fingers massage up and down over her mound while he lowered his mouth to her breast. Taking her nipple into his mouth, he suckled for a moment and then scraped his teeth across the tip. Ignoring her startled cry, he took the tender bud between his teeth and tugged gently.

  “Oh, my God. What are you doing?”

  There was a tinge of fear in her voice that caused Michael to raise his head. “I’m loving you, learning the taste of your beautiful body. Did I hurt you?” He knew from her beaded nipples and the moisture leaking out on his fingers that he wasn’t, but he needed to hear her say it.

  “No, it didn’t hurt.”

  “Then what’s wrong, love?” He hid his smile when he felt her hips pressing closer.

  “I’m not sure, it’s like I’m losing control.” She was trembling, her voice hesitant and unsure.

  He lowered his head and licked across the engorged nipple. “That’s what you’re supposed to do. Just lie back and feel. I promise not to hurt you.” Michael transferred his lips to her other nipple and allowed his fingers to trace the opening of her body. Slick with her juices, they slid easily around before slipping inside. He explored deeply before pulling back up to search for the bundle of nerves at the top of her slit. Taking his time, he drew circles around her clit, carefully avoiding touching the center of her pleasure.


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